
In a forest

Jack gets Isekaid and his goal is to make it to the other side of the forest. Simple I'm just doing this for fun and I just posted so I feel more obligated to finish. *Warning* Bad grammar Bad at English I am not a very creative, consistent, good writer, etc. Writing style might be inconsistent. Bad character development I'm guessing 2 chapters a week there are going to be a lot of time skips later on Cover is mine

Mine_Blown · Võ hiệp
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36 Chs

Goblin meat

When Jack got out of his little home. It was day, that wouldn't have been weird if that was all. The sun was barely rising, it seemed that he had fallen asleep the whole day. Jack was still very hungry but before that, he would have to fight some more goblins. He took a ripe fruit and ate it on the way.

Jack once again headed into the forest, making his way past the familiar trees and bushes until he reached the area where the goblins were. After some searching, he found a goblin of the appropriate level and engaged it in battle.

He cut off a piece of meat from the goblin and took it home.

After cutting a small piece of goblin meat and gathering some fruits, Jack prepared to cook the meat over an open flame. As he waited for it to cook, he pondered the implications of his discovery. If the goblin meat turned out to be safe to eat, it would provide him with a new source of sustenance in the wilderness. However, he also knew that it was possible that the meat might be toxic or otherwise harmful, so he needed to proceed with caution.

After eating the goblin meat and waiting for a few minutes, Jack didn't feel any immediate effects of him getting sick. With the fire still burning, he decided to experiment with his abilities and see if he could manipulate fire.

At first, Jack thought that he might be able to make a fire and then use his ability to manipulate wind to make it bigger and more destructive. However, he soon discovered that he was unable to manipulate fire or air, both of which are tangible but not solid or liquid. Jack realized that it was possible that he simply didn't have the necessary understanding or ability to manipulate fire.

Despite his disappointment, Jack knew that he needed to focus on survival. He considered going out to kill more goblins, but he didn't want to risk being caught out in the forest after dark. With this in mind, he decided to stay.

Jack spent the rest of the day training his mana and recovering his energy. He focused on honing his skill, knowing that he would need them to survive in the harsh wilderness.

Once he felt sufficiently rested and recovered, Jack spent some time practicing with his spear. He knew that he needed to be skilled in combat if he wanted to survive in this dangerous environment.

As the day drew to a close, Jack decided that it was time to sleep early. He went back to his little home and settled in for the night, taking the time to level up and improve his abilities before drifting off to sleep. He knew that he would need to be well-rested and prepared for whatever challenges the next day might bring.

After waking up and using the bathroom, Jack realized that he had gotten sick from the goblin meat he had eaten the day before. However, he also discovered that being sick had brought with it an unexpected benefit - he had gained a poison resistance skill.

Jack also started thinking about other types of resistance skills he could acquire. He considered a pain resistance skill, which would allow him to endure more physical punishment without succumbing to pain. However, he wasn't sure how to acquire this skill or if it was even possible.

He also thought about elemental resistance skills, but he wasn't sure how he could achieve them. Elemental resistance skills would be useful in protecting himself from the elements such as fire, water, or lightning, but he would need to find a way to gain these skills.

Despite his limited creativity, Jack knew he needed to keep exploring and experimenting.

Jack emerged from the forest after a successful hunt. His spear had felled 15 goblins in quick succession. Eager to hone his skills, he trained with one for hours until it grew weary and fell.

Jack then took a brief respite to eat. But he was not done. Upon returning to the forest, he managed to subdue a young goblin, level 1.

Carrying it back to his shelter, Jack bound it and set about his experiments. Though he had few ideas at first, determination fueled his imagination.

Creating a mana sphere, Jack attempted to force it into the captive goblin. The sphere failed to injure the creature.

A new thought came to Jack. Spinning the sphere, he gradually lowered it upon the goblin's body. The sphere did not penetrate but slowly produced a twisting effect that tore the skin from the muscle. The goblin screamed and writhed in agony.

Ensuring it could not escape, Jack retrieved plants and a mortar he had made. He ground the plants with water and forced the resulting mixture down the goblin's throat.

He then sat down and started to recuperate mana. Once he judged that enough time passed. He mixed up different plants and made the goblin drink them. He kept doing the same for the rest of his day.

The next day Jack saw that the goblin had also gotten sick. He thought he would find something that was to heal someone or to poison someone. What he gave the goblin was just diarrhea. Jack got another idea of what he could do with his mana tentacles.

He made a mana tendril and then made it shaped like a screw. He then put it against the goblin and started twisting it. Since it wasn't working at the beginning Jack made it sharper and forced it more and kept it spinning slowly. It then started forcing it's way inside the goblin.

The goblin was screaming in pain, the scream was slowly dying down because of the blood loss and possibly pain. Even Jack felt he was being cruel to the goblin and that he should just kill it to put it out of it's misery.

"No, no, Jack, this might be cruel, but this is to survive. This is to see if the attacks work."

[ torture skill acquired ]


Jack was initially using goblins to experiment on but stopped doing so after a certain point. Instead, he continued to hunt goblins for a period of 8 more days but found that he needed to hunt more goblins than before to maintain his speed.

According to his calculations, he discovered that the experience gained from killing a monster was 60% of the monster's stats. This meant that the stronger the monster he fought, the harder it would be to level up, as is often the case in games. Despite this, Jack continued to fight goblins that were slightly stronger than him but had to fight around 30 of them just to level up.