
In a forest

Jack gets Isekaid and his goal is to make it to the other side of the forest. Simple I'm just doing this for fun and I just posted so I feel more obligated to finish. *Warning* Bad grammar Bad at English I am not a very creative, consistent, good writer, etc. Writing style might be inconsistent. Bad character development I'm guessing 2 chapters a week there are going to be a lot of time skips later on Cover is mine

Mine_Blown · Võ hiệp
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36 Chs

Entering the city

"Thank you for everything," Jack said, standing up from his chair.

"The pleasure is all mine," Saul replied, his eyes twinkling with warmth.

"Well then, I'll be heading out now," Jack said, feeling a sense of urgency.

"I hope you can catch up to them," Saul said.

"Okay, goodbye," Jack said, shaking the chief's hand before leaving the village. The conversation had given him a rough idea of the place, but he had been careful not to ask any questions that might make him appear suspicious.

From what Jack had learned, this world was home to monsters that attacked cities and roamed the wilderness. Humans were unable to defeat them on their own, but they had found a way to fight back.

The humans in this world formed contracts with the monsters that were willing and became their masters. Together, they fought against other monsters that threatened human settlements and other wild beasts. Once a contract was formed, the monster became known as a "beast" or a "pet."

To help their beasts grow stronger, humans provided them with the best food and shelter. Another way for a beast to grow was to consume the cores of other beasts it defeated.

Jack had learned that the reason there were so few people his age in the village was that most of them were heading to a nearby city to try to join the academy. The academies were institutions that trained people and their beasts to develop a stronger bond and become more powerful together.

To ensure that talented individuals who couldn't afford to buy a pet weren't left behind, the academies allowed them to acquire a pet at the start of the academic year. The beast would choose its owner, creating a more natural bond. The students still had to pay two silver to acquire a pet, but some cost less than that while others could cost 50 silver or more.

Tuition fees were provided, and resources were made available to students. After graduating from the academy, students could pay back any money they owed that they couldn't afford before.

People between the ages of 16 and 18 were the ones who typically sought admission to the academies. This was when people began to mature and were deemed capable of handling the responsibility of having a pet.

With this knowledge, Jack decided to head to the nearest city and try to form a contract with a beast. He didn't know if he would be able to bring it back, but he felt that the emotional support it would provide him would be worth the effort.

With the academy starting in just one week and a journey of two and a half weeks ahead of him, Jack knew that he had to move quickly. He decided to jog the entire way, using his ability to reinforce his body to minimize the strain on his tendons.

On the third day of his journey, he passed the people from his village who were also headed toward the academy. Jack continued to push himself, determined to arrive in time and find a way to earn money before the academy started.

Finally, on the morning of the fifth day, Jack arrived at the city.

"Good morning, sir," Jack greeted one of the soldiers guarding the entrance to the city.

"Good morning to you. Do you have an ID with you, or would you like to pay for a one-time entrance?" the soldier asked, extending his hand.

"How much is the cost for the entrance?" Jack asked, not realizing that he would have to pay just to enter the city.

"The cost for a one-time pass is fifteen copper coins," the soldier replied, waiting for Jack to hand over the money.

"I'm sorry, I don't have that. Is there a way to trade some of my belongings for money?" Jack asked, hoping that he wouldn't have to find another way into the city or come up with more money.

"If you head in that direction," the soldier said, pointing toward a nearby street, "you'll find an old lady who trades things for money."

Jack thanked the soldier and made his way towards the old lady. He hoped that he would be able to trade something of value for enough money to enter the city.

Jack approached the old lady and opened his pouch, revealing a few mana cores he had collected during his time outside the poison smoke.

"Give them here. Let's see what you got," the old lady said, snatching the bag from his hand before he could even greet her. She sifted through the rocks with a magnifying glass hanging around her neck before making an offer.

"I can give you seventy copper coins," she said.

"Ma'am, I appreciate the offer, but I was hoping to get a bit more for them. These mana cores are of high quality and are rare to come by," Jack replied, trying to negotiate a better price.

The old lady raised an eyebrow. "I've been in this business for a long time, young man. I know the value of these things, and I'm offering you a fair price."

"Respectfully, ma'am, I think you may be underestimating the value of these mana cores. I've done some research, and I know that they can be sold for much more than what you're offering," Jack said, hoping to convince her to raise her offer.

The old lady looked at him skeptically. "If you know so much, why don't you go sell them somewhere else then?"

"Because I need the money now, and I was hoping to do business with you," Jack said, trying to keep the negotiation civil.

After a bit more haggling, Jack managed to get the old lady to agree on a price of 80 copper coins. He handed over the mana cores and thanked her for her business before heading back to the entrance to pay for his one-time pass into the city. Thinking he had gotten a fair deal.

After Jack had left, Melina, the old lady who had traded with him, started cackling and laughing. She was thrilled with the deal she had just made, knowing that she had gotten the better end of it.

One of the soldiers guarding the entrance to the city noticed her laughter and approached her. "You got another big gain to be laughing like that," he said, curious about her sudden outburst.

"You bet I did, youngling," Melina replied, still chuckling to herself. She had made a profit of one silver and 60 copper coins from her trade with Jack.

Around this time of year, some people didn't have much money, so they often traded goods for the things they needed. Melina had a reputation for being one of the few people in the city who would trade things for money. She knew that there were always some people who didn't know the true value of the things they brought to her, and she wasn't above taking advantage of them.

"Looks like you're the queen of the traders this month," the soldier said, impressed by her profits.

Melina grinned. "I always come out on top. It's just a matter of knowing how to make the best deal."