
In a forest

Jack gets Isekaid and his goal is to make it to the other side of the forest. Simple I'm just doing this for fun and I just posted so I feel more obligated to finish. *Warning* Bad grammar Bad at English I am not a very creative, consistent, good writer, etc. Writing style might be inconsistent. Bad character development I'm guessing 2 chapters a week there are going to be a lot of time skips later on Cover is mine

Mine_Blown · Võ hiệp
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36 Chs

Acquired Mana

Jack's eyes flickered open, and he found himself lying on the ground in the middle of a dense forest. For a moment, he was disoriented, unsure of how he had gotten there. He sat up and looked around, taking in his surroundings. As his mind cleared, he remembered the strange sensation that had washed over him before he blacked out. He opened up his system.

[ Mana : 1/1 ]

[ Achievement: Unlocked mana ]

Jack thought to himself, "At least I got mana," as he rubbed his aching head. The pain was still present, but he waited patiently for it to subside. He had not expected absorbing mana to hurt so much, but he supposed it was a small price to pay for unlocking mana. Considering he didn't have it before and if it was the same as in fiction then it would greatly help him.

He decided to take things slow and not push himself too hard. Instead of trying to increase his mana capacity, he decided to focus on something more tangible like making a spear.

After some thinking, he went to look for a branch. He could get a random broken branch to make a spear but it would easily break so he decided it was better if he would cut off a branch from a tree or a small tree itself.

He went to the stream to get more water, when Jack got there, there was a rabbit with a horn drinking water.

It was from the other side of the stream. Jack stayed quiet and stopped moving. It might be a rabbit but it was still a monster, considering what he just went through he decided it was best if he let it be.


[ Horned rabbit ]

[ Description: A rabbit with a horn ]

'No duh it has a horn, I also know that '

After getting water, Jack thought of making a knife, or at least have something the size and shape of the knife with one side sharpened. After making his spear.

After collecting enough palm trees, Jack took them all home. He proceeded to search for a suitable-sized tree to cut down. Upon finding one, he used his ax to chop it down. After a few minutes, he stopped cutting and hung from the tree, waiting for it to snap.

After returning, he took a small break to eat his food and rest. The heat was oppressive and caused him to sweat profusely, leaving him feeling dehydrated. He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand and felt the salty sweat sting his eyes. The thought of a cold drink of water was tempting, so he headed over to drink water. Feeling refreshed, he returned to the task at hand. He grabbed the tree, measured it, and cut it off where he wanted. Leaving it a bit taller than he was, he grabbed his stone knife and began sliding it against the tree, taking off the bark and shaping it to the desired form."

The tree was slightly crooked, but Jack couldn't do much about it. He began removing some wood to create a pointed end – he was making a spear. Jack didn't trust himself to make a spear with a stone that would stay, so he opted for a pointed end instead. However, it was challenging to shape the wood with his dull stone knife. Despite the difficulty, he eventually succeeded, and he had his first spear.


[ wood ]

[ Description: A sharpened piece of wood ]

According to Jack's understanding his appraisal at level 1 only gave him the bare minimum of information.

[ Status ]

[ Name: Jack Roman ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ Level 1 ]

[ Exp 0/100 ]

[ Health 100/100 ]

[ Strength: 10 ]

[ Speed: 10 ]

[ Stamina:10 ]

[ mana: 1/1 ]

[ unassigned points: 2 ]

[ skill: Appraisal lvl1 ]

It appeared that skills could be acquired without expending mana. However, Jack noticed that certain basic actions such as walking and breathing did not result in gaining skills. It's possible that he needed to focus on a particular action to acquire a skill from it, or the process might be entirely different.

Jack wasn't sure how appraisal worked in this fantasy world. It was possible that the system did all the work, or it could be the will of the world at play. He pondered whether every creature in this world had a similar system, whether animal or human or if it existed at all.

"Anyways I should level up appraisal"

[ Appraisal: stone ]

[ Description: A stone in a forest ]

[ Appraisal: tree ]

[ Description: A tree in a forest ]

[ Appraisal: grass ]

[ Description: A piece of grass in a forest]

[ Appraisal: dirt ]

[ Description: Dirt in a forest ]

[ Appraisal: tree ]

[ Description: A tree in a forest ]

[ Appraisal: tree ]

[ Description: A tree in a forest ]

He kept using appraisal and when his head started to hurt he would stop to then continue when he felt fine again.

[ Appraisal has leveled up ]

[ Appraisal lvl 2 ]

When using appraisal Jack saw no change from what it was during level 1, maybe later he will discover what it was.

After placing the palms on his small shelter, Jack went to find some fruit to eat. However, he was unsure how many more days he could eat the same fruit before it became unhealthy. He worried that he might suffer from malnutrition if he continued to eat only one type of fruit. Jack considered finding an alternative food source and, failing that, he would have to hunt an animal.

Jack determined that he could continue eating fruit for a few more days, so he turned his attention to making rope. He sat down, took hold of the tree fiber, and began twisting and turning it until it reached the desired length. He intended to use the rope for tying things together, so he wanted it to be large and sturdy.

Although the sun had not yet fully set, Jack was feeling exhausted, so he decided to go to sleep. Despite not doing much that day, he was still fatigued from previous days.

The next morning, Jack spent some time searching for food and managed to find four different things by the end of the morning.

Jack discovered several types of food, including potatoes and an unexpected discovery of peppers. He also stumbled upon something that resembled radishes, as well as some red pears that squirrels were nibbling on. He assumed they were safe to eat and decided to gather them.

Afterward, Jack spent the rest of the day cutting thin trees and bundling them together to use as firewood for the next few days. Since he didn't want the wood to produce too much smoke due to its moisture content."

Jack woke up feeling tired and sore all over his body. He stretched his stiff muscles and yawned, his eyes heavy with exhaustion. Despite his weariness, he knew he had to go fishing for food.

At the stream, Jack searched for a spot where fish were passing through. He found a narrow passage and used a few rocks to block the way, making it easier to catch the fish. With everything set up, he waited patiently.

Holding his spear in hand, Jack stood still and watched for any fish that might pass by. When he was placing a rock, he almost lost his balance, causing some fish to scatter. It wasn't until the fish started passing by again that Jack threw his spear at a big fish, but unfortunately missed, causing the rest of the fish to swim away.

"Fuck me and my aim"

Jack made numerous attempts to catch fish but missed each time until he finally succeeded after many tries. Once he caught two fish, he felt satisfied and left the stream. He began scraping the scales off the fish and removing their organs. As he worked, he glanced at a blue panel that appeared in front of his face.

[Accuracy acquired]

'I guess trying to pierce the fish plus trying to cut trees helped,' Jack thought to himself.

After letting his feet dry, Jack headed back home where he had everything prepared to start a fire.

Despite having made fires many times before, Jack always struggled with it. He spent around five minutes attempting to keep the ember from going out, but he always had trouble transferring it without extinguishing it. Jack wanted to blame his shaky hands, but he knew the truth was he just wasn't very good at it. After many more attempts, Jack was able to transfer the ember safely without it going out. From that point on, it was just a matter of patience and the process became easier.

Jack carefully transferred the ember to a small pile of dried bush and grass. He blew on it gently, then placed it on top of a dried leaf and added a few more leaves and twigs. Slowly increasing the size of the fire, Jack achieved a moderate flame. He maintained its size and used a stick to skewer the fish, roasting it above the fire. He continually turned the fish to ensure it cooked evenly. With some time to spare, Jack decided to check his stats.


[ Status ]

[ Name: Jack Roman ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ Level 1 ]

[ Exp 0/100 ]

[ Health 100/100 ]

[ Strength: 10 ]

[ Speed: 10 ]

[ Stamina: 10 ]

[ mana: 1/1 ]

[ unassigned points: 2 ]

[ skill: Appraisal lvl 2, accuracy lvl 1, Crafting lvl 3 ]

Jack tried to use appraisal on his skill to see if it would work.

[ Appraisal ]

[ Description: accuracy improves accuracy by a small margin ]

' So it does work'

[ Appraisal ]

[ Description: Crafting improves the quality of work and a shorter making time by a small margin ]

When the fish was done cooking, Jack got ready to start eating them.

While the fish was still cooking, Jack had checked what the stats meant and had leveled up appraisal one more time.