
In a Different World as a Side Character

Kanbaru Akito is living a normal life. But, due to an unexpected incident that caused him to be summoned by a Goddess, he now lives as Zero Hashura, an Adventurer in a new world... Well, as a side character, that is.

Izaya_Hasegawa_ · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

Chapter 5 - Deadly Predicament (Part 2)

In the original series, Ace battled about fifty Elite Lizardmen with Iris's help.

But based from the number of enemies left, the amount of time we spent fighting, and the rate of our slaying ability, we're against more than three hundred elite Lizardmen.

It's already a huge surprise that three of them can use bows...

And even with me here, it's still just the three of us...

What in the world is going on...?

This is so ridiculous...

[Ace, Iris, let's get closer to each other! It's gonna be really dangerous if we continue to fight separately given our conditions.] (Zero)

[Understood!] (Ace/Iris)

[There!] (Ace)

Ace pointed at a huge inclined rock that's about half a meter to three meters in high.

I teared the sleeve part of my coat and tied up my wound.

I quickly defeated the Lizardman that targeted me and ran towards Iris.

[Iris, we'll go there now.] (Zero)

I (princess) carried her as she held my clothes tightly...

She's breathing heavily...

She's running out of MP so she must be really tired.

I jumped above the rock and gently put Iris down.

She talked to us while sitting in a position similar to seiza.

(Note: Seiza is a traditional way of sitting for Japanese people.)

[Th-Thank you, Zero. Ace too, are you alright? Both of your injuries look serious.] (Iris)

[I'm fine. But we're too outnumbered. We'll die at this rate.] (Ace)

[I'm sorry... If only I... *Cough* knew some Healing Magic...] (Iris)

Tch. So much for being a Grimoire for the Top Student.

It doesn't even have a basic healing spell...

Now Iris feels guilty.

Curse you, higher ups of the Academia!

Well, healing spells are rare, but still.

[No, Iris. You've been plenty of help, maybe even more than the two of us.] (Zero)

[Yeah, it's fine without Healing Magic. We're still in this together...] (Ace)

[I see... *Cough* Thank you...] (Iris)

[I think we can still pull this off, Zero.] (Ace)

[Of course we can. Hm... about sixty of them left. Man, they would be easy enough for us if our bodies weren't all beat up like this...] (Zero)

[From what I've heard, the now-Depraved Lizardmen Tribe in the Shahalia Forest had about one hundred Warriors... But why are we fighting more than three hundred "Elite" Warriors?! And why did the caster send all of them to a small town such as Durnica? Talk about overkill. If the villagers didn't evacuate sooner, the whole town might've been massacred...] (Ace)

We gathered some information about this town before heading here and what Ace said was exactly right.

Lizardmen have a nature of scouting places in groups of five.

But, they sent twenty in their initial attempt to invade Durnica.

And that was a problem too, since how would they be able to send scouts if they're stripped of their reason?

Also, in the original Series, the Lizardmen Tribe only had forty Warriors.

And through some methods, the caster was able mobilize an additional fifty Elite Warriors.

But here...

Some strong Adventurers, who happened to have some business inside the town, managed to fend them off.

But they noticed that the Lizardmen were being "controlled".

If they were just "Depraved", then they'd go berserk on the village immediately with all of their forces attacking.

But that wasn't the case...

It can only mean one thing: The caster was present.

They ordered the citizens to evacuate, knowing that the Lizardmen were inflicted with a Depravation Spell, though some didn't comply.

They knew that the Lizardmen would attack again.

But that was it for their end of the bargain.

They knew that the village couldn't offer much of a reward so they didn't bother fighting the rest of the Lizardmen who might attack.

Well, I'm actually glad they didn't.

They'd be brutally murdered.

They have been deceived.

The caster sent twenty regular Lizardmen Warriors to make everyone think, including the Guild, that they're not up against much.

If some other party did this quest, they would've been slaughtered.

Compared to regular Lizardmen Warriors than can be taken down by Copper-Ranked Adventurers, Elite Lizardmen Warriors are much, much more dangerous.

[Iris. Since you only have a little MP left, I would like you to stop fighting.] (Zero)

[But-!] (Iris)

[He's right, Iris. You shouldn't push yourself any further. Mental Fatigue and Mana Deficiency are a lot more dangerous than our injuries. We're gonna be fine... But Zero, what are we gonna do if she gets targeted? We can't beat the enemies if we don't charge in together but we can't afford to leave Iris alone since she's extra vulnerable.] (Ace)

He's right.

Well, I did receive some lethal injuries, but my Enhanced Regeneration went overdrive and pulled me back from the depths of hell.

I'm lucky, but I don't think it'll happen again.

All of us need to be careful.

Though I'm guessing that Ace has most likely learned Enhance Regeneration as well.

[Hm... Iris, conceal yourself.] (Zero)

[Come again?] (Iris)

[Your {Stone Grip} can transmute Earth and produce stone shackles, right?] (Zero)

[Yes... what am I going to do with it?] (Iris)

[Cast {Stone Grip} until you create a small dome- leave a few small holes though. Then, you can use {Gust} or {Breeze Blow} lightly but simultaneously to prevent yourself from collapsing caused by heat. The Lizardmen may still be strong, but they're not as smart as they used to be. They're just a bunch of evil Depraved Beasts wreaking havoc on behalf of the Caster. The probability of them raising aggression towards you is close to zero. You can still do it safely with the amount of MP you have left, right?] (Zero)

Just like in the original series, spells in this world don't have fixed MP Cost.

I've confirmed it by using {Furtive Dash} at different distances and saw that I spend less mana the lesser distance I cover.

[Using {Stone Grip} as shelter, then Wind Magic to reduce heat... You're right, Zero! It is possible! You're really super smart, aren't you?!] (Iris)

[Of course! Zero doesn't have 150 INT Value for nothing!] (Ace)

[150-...~?! Amazing...] (Iris)

Looking back at the battlefield, the remaining Lizardmen are getting ready to pounce on us once more.

I did one deep breathe, as if it were my last.

[Let's do this...] (Zero)

Ace gripped his sword tightly.

[Let's finish this up.] (Ace)

[Th-Then... Please be careful... you two...] (Iris)

[Yeah! Leave it to us! Yoshaaa! Leeet's gooo!] (Zero/Ace)

We charged right back into the battlefield.

Ace jumped higher than me and prepared a smashing attack.

Me, being a meter lower than him readied my sword for a horizontal slash.

The Lizardmen who were waiting for us to go down, primed themselves back to fight.

I'm surprised they didn't even try to climb the rock though.

Well, it was impossible to climb based on it's shape.

[Ethereal Slash!!] (Ace)

I landed on top a Lizardman and stabbed its head.

Ace swung his sword onto the ground and annihilated three Lizardmen in an instant.

That must be a Skill that he learned... What power.

There were about five enemies onto me...

From what I recall, using {Slice and Dice} increases your SPD, AGI and stealth ability as you eliminate your enemies faster.

I lowered my body and pointed my sword to the side.

From their perspective, I disappeared.

But in reality, I was just so fast that their eyes weren't able to follow.

Two Lizardmen suddenly evaporated into miasma.

I cut their heads in an instant which caused the other three to step back as they saw it.

Perfect, it's time to use {Slice and Dice} because, it's a lot more effective when the enemy is distracted.

If I used {Furtive Dash} along with this, it's going to be ridiculously convenient.

Since I'm an Assassin, I'm not fit for front-line battles.

But with {Slice and Dice}, it's different.

[Slice... and Dice...] (Zero)

{Slice and Dice} is a Physical Skill that's limited for Assassins, Hunters, Battle Artisans, Anti-Warriors and Anti-Mages.

It doesn't need any Ritual or Chant to activate.

You just need to say its name.

I muttered its name softly for Chuuni purposes...

(Note: 'Chuuni' or 'Chuunibyou' is also known as the 'Eight Grade Syndrome'.)

One Lizardman got his side suddenly severed.

Before the other ones could react, their bodies immediately cut.

The Lizardman on the left side lost its head.

The last one flailed its sword but I went around it and used a flank attack.

I stabbed its body from the back.

[K-Kooraaaa!!] (Zero)

Slowly, the sword slice up to its torso.

Then, with all my strength, I cut the Lizardman in half from its chest to its head instantly...

Given the luxury to breath with a little amount of time, I observed Ace's fight.

He dashed with speed onto his enemies.

Two Lizardmen attacked him from both sides, one targeted his head while the other was his torso.

He bent his body backwards and dodge their strikes.

As he re-positioned himself, he held his sword with both hands and stabbed the one from the left.

He continued to slice his opponent's body to the right until his sword came out to the side.

He didn't stop his swing as Ace's intention was to hit the other one.

He swung his sword in a full rotation and sliced the neck of the Lizardman on the right.

[My, my... Can I even win against him...?] (Zero)

The both of us got surrounded in no time.

As I thought, we're still too outnumbered.

But, we can handle them...

[Zero! Let's stick together.] (Ace)

[Yeah! As I thought, it's the only way to beat these remaining guys.] (Zero)

We were fatigued, but it was fine.

We can slowly chip their numbers away especially because their sanity is gone.

But to be honest, if these Elite Lizardmen were in their right minds, we would've been killed already.

[Alright, let's do this!] (Ace)

[Oooraaa!!!] (Zero/Ace)

We charged onto them once again.

Ace swung his sword from below and flung two Lizardmen to the air.

I jumped at a high speed and finished them off by slicing their heads off.

[Crimson Sword Lance!!] (Ace)

I landed on top of a Lizardman's head and toppled it with my feet which made it lose balance and bump against others.

Ace, who was behind me eliminated them.

After landing on the ground, I immediately swing my sword towards my back.

A large "Crriiing" can be heard after the metals collided.

It was a Lizardman that tried to strike me from behind.

[Hmph. I won't be hit by that again.] (Zero)

Ace responded to the situation and finished the Lizardmen off.

We continued our combo attacks until the very last drop of our sweat.

We looked at our Guild Cards to see our HP... I have 41 left... Ace has 43...

I gained a new Skill called {Execute} though...

Despite our unyielding determination, we're at our limit.

But... we can't give up...

Strike here! Strike there! One more... one more...



A big and jagged cleaver parried one of our attacks.

Out of breathe, out of strength, out of everything...

This is like entering a dungeon quest blindly, depleting your health fighting against mobs, then challenging the boss right after reaching the final stage.

Seems like a gameplay for idiots.

But it wasn't really the case for us right now...

We can't run, so we have no choice but to fight.

[So this is the last boss, huh...?] (Zero)

[Finally...] (Ace)

[Let's finish this... Zero...] (Ace)

[Yeah, the sun is setting. We can't drag this on any longer... Ace-san.] (Zero)

[Guraaahh!] (Lizardmen General)

What a loud battle cry.

It's probably their General...

There was no such thing in the original series...

Damn, this sucks...

We've suffered too much injury... while this guy was chilling from behind...

Makes me wonder if he's still conscious of himself.

This fight is clearly disadvantageous.

But we can't back out now.

He's the last one standing.

Live or Die.

We'll decide right here!

[Yoooshaaa!!!] (Zero/Ace)

The two of us dashed towards it at the same time.

Ace charged towards the front while I decided to flank from the back.

We attacked the Lizardmen General from left to right.

It tried to swing his big sword but we dodged it with ease.

We first thought that it was easy, but it seemed like we were being watched, analyzed...

Shit... He's Depraved, alright.

But to think he's actually fucking sane...

Depraved but sane... it's the most dangerous state that a monster could be.


We should finish this as soon as possible.

Slash, Slice, repeat.

[Gruaahhhhhh!!] (Lizardmen General)

He tries to swing at us occasionally, but we dodge and countered instead.

He was full of wounds.

Although they weren't deep, we'll eventually cut through his thick and hard scales.

The Lizardmen General stabbed its weapon into the ground.

We grinned because two of us thought that we were close to winning.

But it suddenly emitted a red aura from its body.

[It must be a Skill.] (Ace)

[You're right. Let's finish this before it becomes more troublesome.] (Zero)

As I have no information about this Lizardmen General, we need to be extra careful.

I used {Furtive Dash} to get near the Lizardmen General as fast and as safe as possible and touch its scales.

[Appraise!] (Zero)

I immediately looked at its Status.

His eyes moved towards me with a cold glare.

He held his sword up with speed.

In a blink of an eye, it was swung towards me.

I parried it with my sword, similar on how I parried the Lizardman earlier.

But, the power was too strong and I got blown away.

So he got faster and stronger, huh?

What a cliché development for a boss...

What the...

This is bad...

M-My wound started bleeding again...

Blood started to drip from my stomach.

Shit. This is bad...

U-Ughh... I'm losing my consciousness...

I-I need to tell Ace!

[Ace! 804/8000 HP left!] (Zero)

While recomposing myself, I told Ace what I saw.

He nodded with serious eyes and proceeded to attack.

The Lizardmen General slashed Ace vertically but he managed to dodge it and took the chance to land an attack.

[Ethereal Slash!!!] (Ace)


Alright, he hit it!

But clearly, it's not enough.

The Lizardmen General immediately regained its stance and slashed Ace.

He tried to block it with his sword but it was too fast and his shoulder got sliced.

I gathered my energy ran behind it stealthily with the help of {Muffled Steps} and manage to slash its scales several times.

My strikes teared through its hard exterior and cut its flesh.

[Appraise...! Ace 416 HP left! It seems like our attacks are doing great amounts of damage!] (Zero)

[Guurraaaaaahhh!!] (Lizardmen General)

Ace and I moved away from it.

[With my condition, I can only do one more attack. I guess I'll use my newly learned final move...] (Ace)

[Yeah, me too... This guy is too tough... We can surely finish it with both of our last attacks...] (Zero)

It's a good thing that we still have enough Mana.

With our eyes closed, Ace and I made one heavy breath...

Then, we slowly opened our eyes with absolute killing intent...

The ground suddenly cracked when the both of us took our first step as dash towards the Lizardmen General.

It immediately reacted to our moves and attacked us with speed.

His cleaver struck Ace but he managed to block it with his small sword.

While {Muffled Step} was in effect, I jumped on top of the Lizard General.

I made another spinning slash like the one I did earlier, but this time, it's faster...

I mustered up all of my remaining strength and prepared for my finishing move...

[EEEEExecuuuuute)!!!] (Zero)

The blades of my sword cut through and burst his nape wide open.

Alright, I got him!

The Lizardmen General fell on its knees because of the damage I've dealt upon him.

But...it wasn't long until he got up again... before I could land on my feet, I suddenly got smash onto the ground.

Wh-What just ha-happened...?

I-I can't move my body...


[Zero...!] (Ace)

[Ace!!! Don't mind me!!! Finish him, NOW!!!] (Zero)

I shout with all of my remaining strength.

With that, I'm incapacitated and out of the battle.

It's up to the protagonist to finish this up.

Haha. Can I say that it was all according to plan?

Well, whatever.

I just wanna get out of here and sleep on a bed already.

Ace who was stuck beneath the Lizardmen General's cleaver for blocking it, forcefully repelled the weapon.

Ace jumped to get on level with its head.

He, then smashed the face of his sword to the Lizardmen General's head which made it somewhat dizzy.

Ace landed on the ground about 3 meters away from his enemy.

Suddenly, he charged up his sword and it started to glow...

Alright, finish him off, you protagonist you sexy beast you!

[I'll finish you now!!!] (Ace)

He charged one last time towards the Lizardmen General that look at him with eyes of absolute craving for murder.

[Gurraaaahhh!!] (Lizardmen General)

The Lizardmen General held its cleaver to the sky and immediately smashed it onto Ace as the red glow from its body shone at its brightest.

Ace was able to block the attack once again... but, his head suddenly start bleeding.

The strike was too strong.

Despite his condition, he parried the attack with his empowered sword and managed to cut the wrist of the Lizardmen General.

Finally, Ace-san shifted into his stance...

The light from his sword burst out as he shouted these words;

[Eat this! Belgarius... GOD SLASH!!!] (Ace)

Ace's swords pierce through his body as the heavenly glow of light scattered behind the Lizardmen General.

Its scales were tattered, its skin was shredded, its limbs were incomplete, its nape was sliced and its trunk was blown off.

He finished him off...


What a very fitting sight of the Main Protagonist...

Just as I thought, witnessing him personally is a thousand times more awesome.

The Lizardmen General's body fell onto the ground, and Ace slowly walked towards me as I was unable to move my body...

We grinned at each other.

Suddenly, he fell onto the ground...

We both get our Guild Cards and burst out our laughter...

[Geez...] (Zero)

[What the heck is this...? Hahaha!] (Ace)

[Why are we...] (Zero)

[Both 1 HP?! Hahahaha!] (Zero/Ace)

What the heck... I just realized something scary.

I was lying down for a while now but I was still at 1 HP when we both checked out Guild Cards...

That means my HP was constantly decreasing because of my wound!


[Oh, 14... 31... Ah, I guess it regenerated...] (Ace)

[Ahh... Mine too... You know-...] (Zero)


[Urghh...Gruuhhhh...] (Lizardmen General)

What... what is this... what in the world...?

It started... moving again... with all those injuries... the Lizardmen General stood up once more...

What'll we do?!

We can't fight anymore...

Is this the end?

Am I going to die after all?

Before Ace-san and I's faces became dyed in despair...


Its head got sliced and fell on the ground...

The lower part of the body fell onto its knees...

Not long after, the corpse of the Lizardmen General started to evaporate...

I-It's for real now...

A big jolt of relief surged through my body...

I guess this is what it means by surviving by the skin of my teeth...

Ace and I looked at the direction that the attack came from...

[*Pant*... *Pant*... I made it... Th-Thank goodness...] (Iris)

We showed nothing but faces of amazement.

She just saved our lives...

Her eyes looked hazy with bags under it, and her body was trembling from weakness.

Iris endured and saved up enough Mana to create an {Aqua Cutter} strong enough to sure-kill that monster...

The three of us made eye contact... then suddenly, we submitted ourselves to the ground.

We laughed... and laughed... and laughed... not because we're crazy... but because we're happy and overjoyed.

What in the heck is this world...?

Was my first mission supposed to be my last...?


[Oooi!!! You three!!! Are you still alive?!] (Garret)

[Ace-saaan! Zero-saaan! Iris-saaan!] (Karmen)

Garret-san... and Karmen-san...?

What the-?

An army of Royal Knights are also coming...

I looked at Ace.

He fell asleep... Iris was the same...

Oh man...

Me too...

I'm slowly losing consciousness...

Ahh, ahh...

This was one hell of a day...

But at least...

We were all alive...