
I'm the jesus kinda girl


"You're the reason why passwords exists". I freeze.


Still frozen...maybe from he's touch or from him catching me red handed, I don't really know.

"Now turn around slowly and hand me the phone" he says. I inhale and turn around with my head down (not out of cowardice though....yeah.....I'm definitely not a coward in this situation)

A million things run through my head as I stare at my feet.  I feel a long finger under my chin raising my head ever so gently , making my emerald eyes meet striking blue ones. I cant seem to take my eyes off of his and it seems like he's lost looking into mine (my delulu subconscious tells me) I don't know how long we were staring but soon enough a knock on the door brings us back to reality....well maybe it brings only me to reality because I'm sure he was waiting for my dumb self to say something but I didn't.

We both break eye contact and look at the door only to be met by two petite girls , twins infact, they have the same blue eyes as their brother but instead of taking their dad's dark chocolate hair, they have silky bright brown hair. They are stunning.

"Omigoshhhh, miles!!! Is this your girlfriend????

She's so pretty!!" Says the twin on the left who's smiling so much I think her cheeks will hurt later on.

His name is Miles.....Miles Carter.....it definitely suits his whole badboy aura.

Being the awkward and suddenly shy person I am, a blush creeps up to my cheeks causing me to shift my gaze to the ground.

" mira, She's not my girlfriend and before you ask, I don't have any feelings for her and if she isn't currently staring at the floor like a creep right now I'm sure she would love to thank you for the compliment, wouldn't she?" He says while poking me with his index finger.

I look up reluctantly with a deeper blush on my face.

"Oh..um...Thank you" I say while playing with my nails nervously.

"You're  welcome! Well, Mum and dad said we(gesturing to her and her twin) should call you guys down for dinner" mira says.

"Okay then, we are right behind you, you can leave" Miles speaks for both of us.

"Okay then" mira says as she walks out with her oddly quiet twin.

As if sensing my thoughts, Miles speaks "Mira is an extrovert while Kira is an introvert, She finds new people wierd and hardly relates".

I nod in understanding.

"Also this never happened and never ever try what you just did again if not you're not going to like the outcome" he spits out bitterly.

I just stand there stunned, it takes a pinch to get me to come back to reality. Instead of meeting his once mesmerising blue eyes, I meet Stone cold ones. He nods his head to the door as a gesture for us to leave this time I don't waste anytime leaving the room.

When I get downstairs I ignore my parents gazes and sit down next to the twins.

" would you like to tell us what you were doing upstairs for so long" my mum asks. Before I can cook up an excuse "a certain someone" replies.

"She got lost looking for the restroom so I helped her with directions, I guess she was going through child birth in there because of how long she took" he lies smoothly with a smirk while sitting on the chair opposite to mine.

I don't even know if I should thank him for saving my butt or if I should be annoyed by his little joke.

"Okay then let's eat" mrs Carter replies.

We the kids eat dinner silently while the parents discuss work stuff. I feel someone's eyes on me, I look up to see Miles staring with a mischievous glint in his eyes, then from nowhere he smiles.

I'm starting to think that this guy has an emotion-control problem or like normal people call it "bipolar". One minute he's cold and another he's showing emotion , I cant just keep up at this rate.

When we finish eating, I offer to wash the dishes since I have nothing else doing, to my surprise Miles offers to help me although I'm a bit skeptical about it.

When we get to the kitchen and I drop the dishes in the sink , i start washing(yeah I prefer using my hands to wash, sue me)

As if Miles is hearing my thoughts....

"You know....we have a perfectly working dishwasher" he says slightly amused.

"I'm aware , I just prefer using my hands at times, it just gives me a sense of satisfaction" I say with a shrug.

Before I know it, I feel his hot minty breath by my ear.

"What kind of a girl are you?" He asks

A bit shaken up by how close we are but still mustering up courage to reply, "I'm the jesus kind of girl".

He's a bit taken back by my reply, obviously not what he was expecting.

He moves away to the other side of the kitchen and I suddenly miss the heat of his presence.

"What do you mean if I may ask" he says.

"Well, I grew up in a Christian home and I've just always had this sort of love for jesus and like I have always lived my life walking in his ways, so when someone finds me odd and asks me the question you just asked because you're not the first one to ask , I always give the same reply I gave you" I finish with my chest swelling at the pride that I have for my religion.

I turn to face him and he looks like he's in thoughts...deep thoughts...

"Just keep your creepy self and beliefs away from me" he says and storms out.

I'm just staring at the door, wondering what I said wrong.

yurrrrrr!!! another updateeeeee kidssss.

Goodness_Uzoyicreators' thoughts