
Immortals Rising - The Gold Deity

Stumbling upon a mysterious artifact, Tim Lee's life changed forever. With the miraculous change in his cultivation, Tim is able to not only make a name for himself, but also for his clan, which has been long under the thumb of many. Most importantly, he seeks to change a world where the strong oppress the weak and less fortunate. Along the way, he found a chance to help his wife ascend as well.

Wizzird · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

I Wander - 1

Over the span of 11 days, Tim has witnessed many talented individuals fight in the square. However, only two stood out to him. It was the performance of twin brothers Lan and Wu Fan. Coming from a family that grew herbs and worked with other plants to make pills and elixirs, Tim was very fascinated by the twins' powers of botany. Them fighting four opponents at once was another reason of course. The brothers stepped into the square and Lan broadcasted, "as we are a pair, two should step forward but we shall challenge four. So please, come at once!" Of course, four peak level Soul Refining cultivators jumped at the chance and gave it their all. However, even in the face of practitioners at the peak of their own realm, the brothers showed no fear. 

They themselves were only at the mid stage of Soul Refining but it was not a hindrance for them. Though they were two, they acted as one. There was not an opening for their o pponents to exploit, nor was a moment of doubt in the brothers' moves. A fellow cultivator in the crowd even commented, "we may have two more Green Sages emerging on continent soon. I can feel it." As a last-ditch effort, the four opponents decided to pool their powers and setup an array. With each of them standing in the four corners of the square, they declared, "Feeble Sun Formation!" As a fire style power, this formation summons the power of a dying star. Naturally, the intensity will depend on the power of the formation master. 

As peak Soul Refining masters, they can only utilize 20% of the formations true power. Ordinarily, that would be enough, but they are not dealing with ordinary cultivators. In response to the power before them, the brothers revealed their own powerful technique. Left Deputy Jun Dun K, surrounded the square with an energy barrier to contain the blasts. As the amber flames of the Feeble Sun Formation descended, it is met by a power of a technique that no one but the Left Deputy recognized. A giant leaf appeared, sheltering the brothers from the falling amber flames, emitting a green light that overpowered the amber hue. From the bottom of the leaf came brown vines with gold pulsating veins to ensnare their opponents.

The brothers flew from under the leaf and straight up to the eye of the formation, shattering it. The formation fell and the remaining flames were absorbed by the leaf, which disappeared shortly after. As the formation shattered, a lot of its power backfired and caused the four opponents to pass out, giving the twins the victory. Left Deputy announced the winners and waited for the divisions to make their bids. For the first time during the whole recruitment period, many masters appeared in the flesh and stated their interest. Normally, the senior disciple of each division chooses on their behalf, but the twins were just too gifted to not meet themselves. Everyone was amazed to see 7 masters arguing for either one or both brothers, but they ultimately won't too surprise considering their performance. 

However, all arguing would stop as the voice of a woman filled the air saying, "what can you seven do for these boys? The Emerald Valley is clearly where they belong." Several feet above their heads, a green cloud appeared, with what looked like palm leaves falling to form a stairway from the green cloud to the square. Emerging from the clouds, is a girl looking not very far from Tim's own age. As she walked down the palm leaf stairs, all in attendance proclaimed loudly, "greetings Green Sage Ar!" It is Lady Peh Ar. One of the two Green Sages of the Emerald Valley and of the 8 sages of the June Continent. Immediately, Lan and Wu fell to their knees and kowtowed before their master. Lan even handed a letter to her from their father, Red Sage Ju Fan. 

Left Deputy came forward and acknowledged with a slight bow, "welcome Lady Ar. It seems Sir Fan intended for you to take in his children from the start indeed. Good, good. The decisions of one sage cannot be easily argued, much less for two sages. It is decided. Lan and Wu Fan are now direct disciples of the Emerald Valley." The voice of the benefactor sounded again saying, "today. You will compete today. The right eyes are watching." With the twin's situation settled, the tournament continues, allowing Tim to display his skills. Following the advice of his mysterious guide, he issues a challenge for two at once. Naturally, following the previous ambitious challenge, everyone is very intrigued by this challenge as well. Someone even commented, "this year has many geniuses entering the Sect of Wanderers. This generation is not going to be simple."

Tim stands in the center of the square, awaiting anyone willing to accept his challenge. On his right, a familiar figure appears. Standing tall and proud before him, is Joon Chen of the Chen Clan. Without needing to look to the other side, he says, "I must say, it is quite wonderful to see familiar faces today. I was feeling quite homesick." Tim wore a wide mocking smile, facing away from the Joon, closing his eyes and raising his head to the sky. Jon Chen looked at his brother and gave a nod to attack. Unfortunately, they are completely unaware of Tim's cultivation increase and his techniques. Jon and Joon has been considered very talented for their age as they had reached the peak of Soul Refining at the age of 13. This gained them many advantages in the cultivation world as the most gifted has easier access to resources to help their progress. 

However, it is not in this battle that they will face each other's might. Descending from the sky, are Right Deputy Tye Tarn and Sect Leader Min Yoon. Behind them, is a tall young man dressed in gold and silver robes, barefoot and with long white hair that touched his waist. Without needing an introduction, everyone fell to their knees and proclaimed, "Greetings to Lord Dier, Crown Prince!" No matter who you are and where you are from, everyone knows how to recognize the members of the Imperial Clan. Especially the royal family, as only they wore gold and silver clothing. The Crown stands out even more with his signature white hair that he has had from birth. However, it being white is not it's only property that sets him apart from the others. 

Within a five-mile radius, his hair expels power stimulating vibrations. This is even after the power restrictions placed on this 'lower realm', for those traveling from the 'upper realms'. HIs Highness spoke softly, but words are enough to disturb the air and energy around him as he explains, "I have spent the last 12 days traveling around the lower realm's many domains, trying to find the right people to enlighten and give the Imperial Edict. The Sect of Wanders has met such requirements, as well as Dere City in the south." Before he continued, Sect Leader Min Yoon, waved his hand, conjuring a Sound and Thought Sealing Array. Although, that was not all. With another wave of his hand, he ignites the Soul-Searching Array, testing everyone within the boundaries of the village. 

His Highness then commented cheekily, "Sect Leader does indeed run a tight ship. Your land is completely uncorrupted." In an instant, he became serious once again and continued, "Upon reaching the Bodiless Realm, all disciples of this clan or sect are permitted to enter the Lower Ancient Domain and take the test of the Origin Palace. Failing the test is no big deal as it is still a great cultivating opportunity. Those who pass, will receive a token that will grant them access to the domain's inheritance. If successful in gaining the inheritance, you will be able to ascend to the next level of the lower realm. Do your best, this is the start of the Imperial Trials. Do not disappoint His Majesty." Looking at the Chen brothers and Tim, His Highness instructed, "I will leave it to you three to pass on this information to your City Lord and various clans. I have stayed in this realm for too long. Till next time." 

"Safe travels Your Highness!", everyone shouted. Sect Leader then declared, everyone who has paid and signed up for the recruitment tournament, shall be accepted into the sect, including those who have lost. Later, you will receive a token for the division that matches your soul type. For now, go rest." Jon turned to Tim and said, "you are heading to the Giib Academy, aren't you? Go take your test, we will inform the City Lord." Naturally, Tim does not trust the Chen brothers, but that is not too important right now. He knows that they will tell their father long before the City Lord, so he will let it be for now and let things unfold. He truly needs to join the inner ranks of the academy as soon as possible. So, he replies, "very, well. Looks like I misjudged you brothers." He turns his back and returns to the inn, laughing in his mind, "stupid". 

Back at the inn, Tim asks his benefactor, "how long will it take me to reach the Bodiless Realm?" The benefactor sighs and responds, "you are now at the peak of Soul Refining. You still need to pass, Core Forming and Earth Resonant. Even for a genius, it will take 10 years. Fortunately, your foundation is remarkable, and your soul is strong. (Maybe...) I will teach you a method that you must not share with anyone. If you can master it, you can reach the Bodiless Realm in 3 years. However, this will make you a Divine Child. Are you willing to walk that road?" Without hesitation, Tim confidently answers, "yes." "Very well. We will begin after you pass the test at the academy. For now, just rest while I nourish your body."