
Immortal Witch

In a world where some humans can select a power, they will have had since childhood. This power is trained in several phases until it reaches immortality. This year is the new school year of a well-known academy and only selects special students to study there. Neuvrost Academy is the academy that is also the center of various secrets of Aternum World's history. Clare is doing the most reckless thing in her life in the academy. Instead of being expelled, she gets on a mission to fix her fatal mistake that could change the world. In conjunction with her friends, she went through many things of life and death up to reveal a secret. The secret about her identity made her have to sacrifice her life.

Chintyaboo · Kỳ huyễn
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62 Chs

Immortal Blood

Summer is over, the train to Neuvrost Academy is running again, dropping off students by year. Less than an hour, the train was full of students arriving and no one was late. The trains leave on time, lined up with the carriages of each annual class.

Nothing happened, everything went smoothly for the past few days and Clare could feel calm after the attack that time. Clare herself still doesn't understand what happened to her lately. Jules is still moaning, she never calms down and keeps begging every day for Luke to be released.

Clare didn't know what the conflict was between them, she only knew that Luke did something to Jules until Jules desperately begged and grumbled. Don't forget Jules cursed silently behind Luke. Even Blaire and Zoya don't understand what happened to her either. Maybe there will be someone who understands, but don't know who, that's still Jules' hope.

It didn't take too long for the train to arrive at its destination. The carriage came to a stop, right after that the students rushed down from the carriage, dragging their suitcases and carrying their black robes. Clare, Jules, Blaire, and Zoya simultaneously entered the academy without waiting for the seniors behind and immediately ran towards the dormitory. Even though they were used to being in the same dormitory, the conflict never ended, especially between Jules and Louis, they were like dogs and cats.


Someone called out to Clare from behind. The four of them turned around at the same time and saw Gavin waving his hand. Poor Gavin, he's been upset all this time because of his baseless hypothesis. Now that he's back to being happy at school, he misses not only Clare but the teachers he's familiar with. Gavin ran up to them, Clare to be more precise and just overtook next to Clare until Zoya was pushed.

"Gavin, you...." Zoya growled while Gavin just glared at her.

"How is your holiday?" Gavin started the conversation.

Before Clare could answer, Jules hastily interrupted and babbled incoherently in anger. She's going to tell Gavin about Luke! "Holiday? I thought it wasn't a vacation but going to hell. Every day every hour every hour, I have to beg your damn brother to unseal it. I'm tormented, okay. Can you talk to your fucking brother?"

"Hey, what's wrong? Aren't you the one always causing trouble?"

"If you succeed, I will compensate you. A secret!"

Then Gavin understood Jules' point and laughed amusedly. "No wonder it wasn't Luke who kept you quiet so you wouldn't reveal a secret? You say that, causing more trouble for him."

Jules ran towards Gavin and again pushed Zoya next to Gavin. Zoya felt bad luck, twice she was pushed by two damn humans by Clare's side. She glanced at Blaire and Clare who wanted to laugh while Jules looked eager to let go of the problem.

"Look, there's a secret Luke can't reveal and I know it. You'll be the first to know if you help me, agree?"

Gavin grinned before saying, "No."

Jules' face darkened. She punched Gavin in the elbow then pulled him far away from her three friends. Clare was just dumbfounded, Zoya and Blaire were equally stunned at Jules' aggressiveness. They hoped Jules hadn't done anything stupid on the first day after the holidays.

Not wanting to make Jules' emotions unstable, the three of them hurriedly entered the academy building and headed for the dormitory before the seniors arrived.

"Hey! Why did you pull me instead?" Gavin was annoyed with Jules' level. He didn't want to help this aggressive girl at all or he would be finished.

"Please, this also concerns Clare." Jules said Clare's name to get Gavin to react. Of course she should have known from the start that Gavin had feelings for Clare and it was so obvious, only a fool wouldn't see it like Clare herself..

"Why Clare?" Gavin's reaction matched Jules' expectations.

She smiled widely in relief and began to speak loudly. "GAVIN PISING IN THE PANTS!"

Skak mat

Jules immediately hit her mouth and didn't dare to look at Gavin. Her screams were heard by the students around her, of course he was laughed at and all eyes were on Gavin. If so, who is not ashamed?

"You speak to say such ridiculous things?" Gavin felt annoyed and embarrassed. The surrounding students silently laughed and pretended not to hear, but did not dare to laugh directly in front of them.

"Gavin, don't get me wrong. Luke did it, not me! Hear! Clare catches a bird in the air! …Noooo." Jules was feeling so frustrated. It's like this again, Clare has also been tired of hearing Jules' bullshit like that.

"I don't have much time." Gavin was getting bored.

"Gavin, listen to me. I'll find another way. My sentence was sealed by Luke and couldn't be immediately revealed."

"Then say it in the form of a riddle."

Jules raised her eyebrows high. Why didn't you think of it from the start? But unfortunately Jules is not good at making puzzles, so she uses another way. "Clare, the swan... no no, do you know what a red rose means? That's what happened."

Gavin stared at him blankly for a moment digesting Jules' words. A few seconds later, he finally understood. "That's right?"

"Why not? There's one more, but it's hard to say. It's better that you don't know, it has nothing to do with you."

"What do you say it has to do with me?"

"Didn't I tell you? Now help me!"

Gavin looked at Jules intensely. His face had darkened a long time since Jules pulled him away, and he didn't care about what Jules said anymore. What Jules said, he should have known long enough, but still didn't know the truth.

Tonight, Luke, Louis, and Blaire came to the headmaster's office. They had already conferred to ask the academy head about their original Mission. They didn't bring the two dilapidated girls and two lazy guys, it was just the three of them while the others watched Clare.

They were together in the headmaster's office, telling Professor Armstrong what they knew and asking for an explanation. Even Luke himself still couldn't understand Professor Armstrong's thoughts. They need answers now.

"Originally I wanted to tell you after summer vacation. Apparently you already knew." Professor Armstrong mumbled but the three of them heard him anyway.

"Professor, what really happened? Why didn't you tell us earlier?" Blaire spoke up.

"Since Clare has Immortal Blood, it is very dangerous for many to know about it. This is also the reason why her parents let Clare always do refining in order to cover her aura. Clare can be considered dangerous if not taught properly, many will hunt her in the future. But, because of the refining, the smell is getting stronger."

"You knew from the start?" Louis frowned.

"I was hesitant at first, but after testing it through the magic pool, I could see it. At first the color of the pool showed white which means pure, but soon the pool turned red. The refining process made his soul pure, the nature of Immortal Blood was completely covered. Vrochis was able to find it because of the smell of udumbara when Clare approached the forbidden room." The Professor's gaze turned to Louis for the last sentence. True, it was Louis who pushed Clare into trouble by taking Clare into the forbidden room, but he did it just as a prank, not knowing what was behind the mystery.

"There is no other way but to kill him. I've spoken to Clare's parents, they let Clare stay and entrusted you. From an expert's point of view, I should have killed her and turned her into research. But I'm too old to do that."

"Haven't you already passed the stage of immortality? Why kill her?" Luke asked.

"Imagine how dangerous it would be if Clare never went through the refining process. Her strength has become even more terrifying, she is immortal without a gap. Actually, my immortality has a flaw and is only limited in lifespan, in contrast to Clare who won't age even after years. You will feel it for yourself if you meet the requirements of immortality."

The Professor's explanation left the three of them stunned. Luckily Clare was so naive and innocent as a blank sheet of refining, or else she would have been seen as dangerous for greed to rule the world. After all, she was still human, but a special human. Humans will not be separated from greed which is one of the seven deadly sins.

After hearing the Professor's explanation, they went back to the dormitory. While opening the door to the head of the academy, they were surprised by Clare who was standing right in front of the door. Indeed, the four children can't be relied on to watch over Clare, now Clare is in front of them as well as the head of the academy. What will they say?