
77 Special Spirit Bird Eggs_4


"Three thousand five hundred spirit stones is not a small amount; I also need to purchase materials. How about this? I'll buy an elixir formula first for one thousand five hundred spirit stones."

Shen Long bargained. He could afford the four thousand spirit stones but didn't want to appear extravagant.

"All right, as Taoist Friend Shen wishes."

Yu Susu agreed.

Shen Long paid one thousand five hundred spirit stones and bought the Heyuan Pill formula.

"Fairy Yu, Taoist Friend Liu has contacted me, ready to go hunting monster beasts. He asked us to meet at his residence."

Lin Guang said.

"All right, I'll pack up and come over immediately."

Yu Susu agreed.

"Taoist Friend Lin, if you happen to eliminate second-order poison insects or beasts, please consider me first."

Shen Long transmitted his voice.

Lin Guang nodded and agreed.