
Immortal Spirit Sword

"One who wields a sword is no longer alone. For those who have absolutely trust in ones blade becomes the sword while the sword possesses the wielder." This is the journey of Jian Zheng and his trusty companion Scarlett. A sword cultivator and a sword spirit on the journey to become Immortals and to discover the mysteries of the world. If you find this interesting check out my other novel, Eternal Melody : Road to God of Music

Zue_Wang · Huyền huyễn
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19 Chs

Chapter 6 : Outer Sect Trail

The days flew by and it was now time for the outer sect trail. Every labor worker came out of their huts with excitement written on their faces. Along with the labor workers, new faces that didn't belong to the sect appear at the gates of the sect as their eyes burn with the intentions of entering the outer sect.

As this was going on Jian Zheng lay on his bed in a mediating position. His sword was current lying on his lap. The sword lit up red then dim slightly as scarlet light envelop his entire body. This scarlet light was being absorbed into the phoenix mark on his forehead then into his sword.

He was currently cultivating the Asura Phoenix Sword Art that turned into the Scarlet Phoenix Sword Art after he fully merged with Scarlett.

Not only did his cultivation technique change but his physique also changed into a scarlet like color and the previous orange tear in his dantain turned red.

Swoosh! Jian Zheng eyes quivered as the red light enveloping him vanished into his phoenix mark and his sword, "Are you done?" Sensing that Jian Zheng stopped cultivating Scarlett yawned as she came out the sword and sat next to Jian Zheng, admiring his face.

"Mhm." Nodding his head he fully opened his eyes then waved his hand as the spiritual energy around him were pulled away.

"Good, while you were cultivating I was inspecting the outside and it seems like today is the start of the outer sect trail." Scarlett smiled warmly as she placed her fingers on Jian Zheng heart, feeling his heart beat that pulse at the same rate as hers.

"With the two of us together we will be able to easily get first place." Scarlett then placed her head onto Jian Zheng shoulder, feeling his warmth.

They stayed like that for a few minutes until Jian Zheng reminded her that the trail was about to begin. Unwilling, Scarlett reluctantly got up from his embrace.

Jian Zheng smiled when he saw her reaction. He didnt know when and why Scarlet fell all over heels for him. But he didn't bother with that as he tidy his clothes and left his small hut while sheathing his sword.

Scarlett then entered the sword as they began speaking spiritually. Their mind and heart were already connected so it wasn't hard to do so, not only that but no one would be able to hear that he was speaking to Scarlett.

"Scarlett do you know why my sword aura degraded?" After some love talk, Jian Zheng asked. He could tell that his sword aura should have been at the spirit realm yet for some reason it was at the initial stage of the Huotian realm.

"Someone at the King level destroyed your sword aura." Scarlett spoke honestly which startled him, "King level? Is that someone whose cultivation is impossible to grasp?" Jian Zheng questioned as this information was new to him.

"You could say that." Scarlet nodded her head with no intentions of going any further into the topic.

"How strong are they?" But Jian Zheng curiousity was already pinged so he couldn't help but ask.

"Lets just say that they can destroy this world with a wave of their hand." When Jian Zheng heard this he froze as shock and sweat covers his face.

"Young man are you alright?" An elder passing by saw Jian Zheng sweating with fright lingering on his entire body as he tremble silently.

"Im.. fine." Jian Zheng shook his head as he recovered quickly. He still couldn't believe there was people out there with the strength to destroy an entire world.

When the elder heard this he went on his way as he had duties to do. Watching the elder leaving Jian Zheng sighed, "What about you? Did you also have that kind of strength?" He then asked about Scarlet as he believed there's no way she was weak.

"I also possessed that kind of power but while facing someone with equal strength as I my cultivation degraded as I used a suicidal method to end his life." When Scarlett spoke about this clear hatred could be heard from her voice. "When my cultivation degraded all the spirits of the sword spirit world had greed in their eyes as they wanted to take my life but just before they could kill me you caused a phenomenon that caused all the female spirits to instinctively chase after you as for the male spirits they were curious as to what could cause all the female spirits to go crazy so they followed along." When Jian Zheng heard Scarlett story he became silent. Although his birth caused trouble for his parents his birth some how managed to save Scarlett life.

"Right now my strength is only equivalent to a low-middle grade weapon." Scarlett sighed, "But don't worry I'm a special spirit, as long as I absorb the blood of others my power can reach back to its previous state also if you manage to break through the Body Transformation Realm my strength will recover to an Earth grade weapon." Scarlet said.

"Body Transformation realm?" Jian Zheng said with questioning eyes.

"Its the realm above the Huotian realm. This realm is all about strengthening the body. Which is the head, hands and feet. These three are separated into three stages : Peng, Jiao and Shou.

"But since your path is that of a true swordsman this strength won't go into your body but your sword, me." Listening to this Jian Zheng felted sorrowful, "Is there no way I can increase my strength without it impacting my will as a true swordsman?" He asked.

"Yes and no." Scarlet answered while pondering on the question, "The will of a true swordsman is actually known as the Dao of True Swords. Its similar to the Dao of Swords but the difference is that a person who cultivated the Dao of swords can practice in different techniques no matter if its to temper their body or increase their strength."

"As for the Dao of True Swords you cannot learn any other technique other than sword techniques and movement techniques turning you into a vulnerable assassin. Vulnerable because your body is weak, assassin because your sword is meant to kill with one strike."

"In summary the Dao of True Swords is meant to kill everything in one strike. If you fail to do so then you have no right to be called a true swordsman for if your unable to kill with one sword then it will weaken your resolve as a true swordsman."

Jian Zheng listened intently and nodded from time to time, "This is why you should never draw your sword unless you are confident in killing your opponent with one hit." Scarlett ended it there and looked at Jian Zheng through the sword.

"Actually you could say that its a pity that your path is like this because a true swordsman never makes it far." Scarlett sighed feeling that Jian Zheng path will only be filled with misfortune, "But don't worry I'll always be by your side. If your to die then we will die together!"

Jian Zheng smiled when he heard this as he could tell that Scarlett genuinely meant what she said.

"Wait but if your strength was degraded how did you beat the other spirits and get into my body?" Jian Zheng said as he thought it was time to change the subject. Since the other spirits had the power to kill her then they definitely had the power to reach before her yet she managed to overtake them.

"Would you believe me if I said I had a mark on you when you were born?' Scarlet smiled mysteriously that made Jian Zheng shocked.

"Before you were born you were like an precious egg in the spirit world. This made all the spirits of the sword spirit world startled." Scarlet stopped there and didn't continue any longer.

Although Jian Zheng wanted to hear more of this story, Scarlett became a mute as she stopped speaking.

Soon he reached an section that was covered with people. These people wore excited faces as if they couldn't wait for something to begin.

After talking to Scarlett for so long he finally reached the trail to the outer sect. Ontop of a stage were three elders with one standing in the front.

"Usually the Sect Master would be the one to host the outer sect trail but he is currently busy." The elder at the front saw an incense burn out and began speaking.

"The Sect Master put me, Elder Lu in charge of the outer sect trail and I will now go through with what will happen."

"There are three parts of this trail. A test of speed, will and endurance. If you manage to pass these three trails then you ultimately pass the test."

"Not only that but the winner of this trail will be rewarded with ten low grade spiritual stones." When the crowd heard this they exclaim in surprise.

"Ten low grade spiritual stones are equivalent to a thousand gold coins!" A young lad shouted that gain the attention of others.

"No way! Those could serve for a lifetime!"

The crowd became even more excited when they heard the value of the spiritual stones. But hidden in the crowd a young man in neat white clothing was sneering while looking down on everyone around him.

"Ignorant fools! They don't know the true value of the spiritual stones!" The young man smirked at the crowd. His name is Lei Yun, a wandering cultuvator who choose to enter a sect.

"I'll make sure that these fools don't manage to enter the Asura Cloud Sect!" The young man had disdain in his eyes then walked up to the crowd to get into the front as his eyes burn with determination to take first place.

"You have one hour to complete the trail begin!" Elder Lu shouted, causing spiritual energy to spread all around that made his voice enter everyones ears. Startled, the crowd held their heads in pain as a few individuals ran past these weak people.

Among those few individuals was Jian Zheng who was utilizing his movement technique to keep up with these individuals, "These people aren't using any movement technique yet their still this fast." Jian Zheng became shocked as he could hardly keep up with these people.

"Maybe it's the difference in cultivation?" Jian Zheng wondered as this was most likely the answer.

Soon he and these individuals arrived at an empty area where an elder was already waiting for them.

When the elder saw them he simply closed his eyes as he lay lazily on a tree. This confused these individuals as they thought the elder had a few words for them.

"Whatever I'll go first!" Among these young men a person had his hands stretched behind his head. He began walking forward but the moment he did his expression changed as he then held his head in pain screaming, "Get out of my head!"

The boy fell to his knees as blood started leaking out of his eyes, his entire body was trembling intensely. When he couldn't handle it anymore the elder opened his eyes and waved his hand as some pressure that was targeting the boy disappear.

The boy got up with blood leaking out of his eyes when he realized that the pressure on him vanished. He turned to the elder and was about to thank him when the elder looked at him coldly, "Your arrogance resulted in your failure, get out." The elder said as he pointed to the entrance.

The people who heard this shook their heads and sighed thinking that its not easy to get into the spotlight. The boy who just failed wanted to show off thinking the trail would be a breeze but that resulted in him losing his chance to enter the sect.

The boy expression fell as he was overcome by depression. He told his mother that he would be able to enter the Asura Cloud Sect and with this connection no one would dare bully their family again yet because of his immaturity he failed.

He walked out of the trial slowly as he had no idea on how he was going to explain this to his mother. Before leaving Jian Zheng saw that tears were dripping down the boys face which made him sigh, "The world can be cruel sometimes."

After the boy left the crowd caught up with them and was surprised to see that people were actually there before them.

Jian Zheng also realized that the crowd was fewer in number. Only a hundred remained from the thousands who came for the competition, "So that's what they meant when the elder said he wanted to test our speed."

The first trail wasn't just about speed but a person's durability and stamina to continue forward.

Jian Zheng saw that no one else was continuing forward which made him impatient. With nothing else to do he stepped forward and began walking.

"Watch someone finally start walking!"

"He ran out of patience."

"Ignorant fool."

The crowd started discussing among themselves as they sneer with disdain. They saw Jian Zheng delicate features and could tell that he was about to end up in a worse state than the boy who went first.

They didn't warn him to stop at all as they were delighted that someone would still step up after what happened.

As for the crowd that arrived a few minutes ago they didn't know what was going on. They felt confused when they saw that the people who were infront of them not moving.

When they heard the ridicules coming from their mouth they became even more confused as they really didn't know what was going on.

When Jian Zheng reached where the previous boy was they sneered as they await his demise but a minute later they saw nothing happening which shocked them.

Jian Zheng raised his eyebrow as he felt some pressure entering his mind. Soon images of his parents dying infront of him multiply times rang in his mind.

"Pitiful tricks." Jian Zheng sneered as a scarlet aura envelop his body that made the pressure immediately incinerate which no one saw.

Jian Zheng smiled at this as he continue walking. The pressure came on him quicker as it tried to possess his mind but they were all incinerated.

The crowd seeing this was shocked as they rub their eyes in disbelief. They couldn't believe what is happening no- they did notwant to believe it.

"I don't believe it's that hard!" When Jian Zheng left their sight a labor worker roared as he ran forward but a second later he held his head in great pain before going unconscious.


The crowd was now speechless as they thought, "What. The. Fuck?"