
Immortal Spirit Sword

"One who wields a sword is no longer alone. For those who have absolutely trust in ones blade becomes the sword while the sword possesses the wielder." This is the journey of Jian Zheng and his trusty companion Scarlett. A sword cultivator and a sword spirit on the journey to become Immortals and to discover the mysteries of the world. If you find this interesting check out my other novel, Eternal Melody : Road to God of Music

Zue_Wang · Huyền huyễn
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19 Chs

Chapter 3 : The Journey Begins

Jian Zheng became silent as he look at Scarlett whose entire body was making him feel a certain desire that filled his mind.

"And what can you do for me?" Jian Zheng asked with uncertainty. He didn't believe anything that came out from Scarlett mouth.

"I can do this." Scarlett picked up the sword that was gifted by Gu Lingran then its entire blade turned blood red as if resonating with her.

"I can possess swords." She swing the sword slowly at Jian Zheng and a slight breeze pass by him. When it did a small cut appear on his cheek, shocked him.

"I can also strengthen your sword making it times stronger." She threw the sword at Jian Zheng in which he caught it.

Examining the sword he felt like he could slice through anything even harden stone. A second later though, the sword was incinerated by strange flames that were black and white.

Shocked by this Jian Zheng didn't know what to do. The sword was gifted by his senior yet it actually was burn away by him.

"You have the Asura Phoenix Flame physique? How interesting." Scarlett appeared right next to Jian Zheng as she examining every detail about him.

When she did this he could smell a pleasant aroma coming off her that made his nose start bleeding, 'She's too perfect.' He thought.

When Scarlett was done examining him Jian Zheng could see the shock in her eyes, "What did you see?" He couldn't help but ask when he saw her behavior.

"Master your talent is really scary." She smiled mysteriously at Jian Zheng as she said in a respectful tone. When she choose Jian Zheng as her master she had no plans to serve him but now not only did she want to serve him but she also wanted to... "From today onward you are my husband and in the future I will bear all your children, you don't mind do you?" When Jian Zheng heard this he almost coughed up blood.

"You're not serious are you?" Jian Zheng asked.

"Honey do I look like someone who jokes around." Grabbing his hand she walked him to the bed then laid him on it. Then she sat on his crotch and whispered in his ears, "In fact we can do it now."

Jian Zheng could hardly hold on, at any moment he was about to lose control of his desires. As his body start heating up Scarlett bit his ears which made him instinctively grope her bosom.

"Mmmmph! How rough~" Scarlett kissed his lips then backed away, confusing Jian Zheng. "I'm not about to do it with a fifteen year old." She winked at him them said in a seductive voice, "Lets wait until your eighteen."

Jian Zheng felt disappointed but he didn't idle on it for long, "What did you see in my body?" He asked again as he wondered what could make this witch so enticed with him.

"Its a secret." She raised her finger to her lips then giggled with no intentions of telling him.

Rolling his eyes Jian Zheng ignored her taunts then went back to cultivating. He almost forgot the thing the old man put in his mind so now he wanted to comprehend it.

What the old man placed in his mind is called Asura Phoenix Swords Art, something that can only be cultivated by swordsmen.

This technique has sixteen stages which thirteen out of the sixteen seems to be locked.

The first stage of this art is called Brimming Phoenix which can allow Jian Zheng to bring out the aura of a phoenix.

The Second Stage is Phoenix Incineration that allows him to control some kind of unique flames.

While the Third stage is called Noble Phoenix Eyes that seems to be able to detect the weakness of any weapon and see the life force of all living things.

Of these three Jian Zheng was most interested in the second stage. Sadly the only way to cultivate this art was either by absorbing different types of flames or using spiritual stones.

Although the requirements were almost impossible for Jian Zheng right now, he felt like he was almost at the first stage.

Realizing this Jian Zheng started circulating this technique and an immense amount of heat envelop the room as spiritual energy surge like crazy inside the room.

"Hm? Asura Phoenix Swords art?" Scarlett was once more surprised, "No one has ever managed to cultivate this technique. Its said that the person who made this technique died when he finished it." Scarlett mumbled as she never would have thought that Jian Zheng would be crazy enough to practice this art.

Sweat began covering Jian Zheng body. Right now asura flames covered his entire being. At any moment he felt like he would be incinerated left with nothing, not even his bones.

'I will not succumb to you!' Jian Zheng grit his teeth. He could tell that these flames were alive and that they wanted to eat him up.

Where does my path belong? With the swords of course!

Where do I belong? Wherever my sword takes me!

How far can I go? With my sword even the darkest places will have to welcome my arrival!

When he said these words a black and white phoenix mark lit up on his forehead as a flaming sword appeared behind his back along with a black and white phoenix that let out a battle cry.

'A Sword Diagram?!' Scarlet exclaimed in shock as only a few people could ever dream of awakening one even among geniuses.

When the Sword Diagram appeared Jian Zheng expression became better as he was now able to cultivate the Asura Phoenix Sword art easier.

When he finished circulating the art five orange crystal tears appeared in his dantain as one out of the five lit up and the diagram vanished without a trace.

Noticing this, he stopped circulating the art and opened his eyes, when he did so an majestic and elegant aura envelop his body. Although this aura didn't strengthen his power or defense he could feel that anything harmful to his body would be immediately destroy by this aura. This is Brimming Phoenix.

Not only that he could feel his strength multiply meaning he have entered the second stage of the Huotian realm. But what he found strange is that although his strength has clearly multiply he couldn't feel or unleash it at all.

Startled, Jian Zheng got up and used his full strength to hit the wall but instead of cracking it his entire fist was in pain, "How is this possible?" He exclaimed in surprise.

"You walk the path of a true swordsman meaning that all your strength goes to your sword. So unless you find a sword that your willing to give your heart, blood, mind and soul to you will never be able to unleash your strength." Recovering from her shock Scarlett said. When she saw Jian Zheng Diagram at that moment she wanted to eat him up but knew the time wasn't ripe.

She didn't even tell him about his Diagram as she knew he would find out about it sooner or later.

"But where can I find a sword that suits me?" At this moment Jian Zheng felt depressed. The sword gifted by his big sister was incinerated by him so he knew ordinary weapons wouldn't do.

"Don't you have me?" Scarlett chuckled as a blood-red sword appear in her hands, "Tell me, are you willing to give me your heart, blood, mind and soul?" She positioned the sword at Jian Zheng heart which surprised him for a second before he recovered.

He became silent when he heard this question but then he looked into Scarlet genuine eyes. Then he was reminded of his mother who seems to still be locked up somewhere.

"I am willing." Nodding his head the sword stabbed into his heart going right through his back. At first he felt immense pain but then the pain vanished as he felt Scarlett body pressing on him with her lips pressed once more on his.

Scarlett then turned into red particles as she disappeared into the sword. Then the sword came alive as blood-red runes lit up on it.

Jian Zheng then removed the sword from his heart that was pierced and lay on the bed with the sword beside him. He could feel some sort of closeness towards Scarlett as he felt like their mind and body were intact together.

Exhaustion then took over Jian Zheng as he fell asleep right then and there. His Journey to become the strongest swordsman has started right then and there.


The sun went down and the moon came out. All this time Jian Zheng was sleeping in his room while hugging his sword. No one came to bother him so he slept all that time.

Hours later the moon went to sleep and the sun shined brightly as the yawns of multiply Demonic Beast could be heard that woke everyone up.

Jian Zheng eyes quivered slightly. He has been sleeping for many hours that his body felt extremely weak after-all, he's a delicate person to begin with.

When he finally woke up he saw a bunch of red hair enveloping him and a sweet aroma enter his nose.

Raising his head he saw Scarlett laying on his body bare naked. This shocked Jian Zheng as everything was revealed right in front of him.

Inappropriate thoughts entered his mind but he suppressed them as he placed newly blankets on Scarlett to cover her bare figure.

He then spent a few hours admiring her beautiful face before getting up, whispering, "I wonder if I might have fallen in love with Scarlet?" Jian Zheng mumbled to himself.

But who could blame him? Such a beauty that could topple worlds was doing seductive things to him so how could he not fall for her?

Shaking his head he realized that he have fallen right into Scarlett's palms. But he didn't hate it, at least from now on he will always have a companion along his journey.

Getting up he planned to wash his face but then he saw Scarlett also getting up, "Did I wake you up?" He asked as he never planned to do so.

She didn't respond instead she rubbed her eyes in a cute manner then stared at Jian Zheng with sleepy eyes. This made him feel awkward as he never would have thought the seductive witch would have such a side to her.

As if having enough of Jian Zheng face she turned into red particles then entered the sword, "Please buy me a proper sheath when you have the money and time, this one makes me feel uncomfortable." Before leaving she said a few words that made Jian Zheng smile bitterly.

Sighing Jian Zheng sheath the sword then went to wash his face. When he was finished he tidy his clothes then grabbed the sword and left his hut.

At first he was planning to leave the sword in the hut but couldn't bear to separate from Scarlet for even a second so he carried it along with him.

Also since all of his strength goes into his sword that means without it he would be considered a regular human being even with his cultivation at the second stage of the Huotian Realm.

He hugged the sword tightly around his heart as he felt more connected to Scarlet that way. Walking around Jian Zheng saw a sign that said 'outer sect disciple trail.'

The sign also said one week from now meaning Jian Zheng still had a week to prepare for the trail. But he wondered if he could even pass it after all his strength was only equivalent to an ordinary second stage Huotian cultivator and even Lu Jiang who is at the third stage was unable to enter over the past years.

Speaking of Lu Jiang he appeared out of no where with his gang, "Trash Zheng what you think your looking at? Huh?" Seeing him staring at the sign he started laughing.

"You want to enter the outer sect region? Hah! I guess trash will always be trash." He said while he continue laughing, the two behind him also started laughing at Jian Zheng.

"Does this trash not know he would be squished like a bug if he tries to go to the trail?"

"Don't you see that he's an idiot? Only idiots would think this way."

The two behind him started laughing as well which draw the attention of the crowd.

"What? Someone who haven't even entered the first stage wants to enter the outer sect? He must be dreaming"

"Let him be after-all, he's just trash."

"He can't even enter our eyes yet he wants to enter the elders eyes? Hah! What a loser."

The crowd became toxic as they couldn't believe what they were hearing. Trash wants to enter the outer sect? Unbelievable!

Lu Jiang was pleased by what he caused then his eyes were placed on the sword that Jian Zheng hugged tightly.

"Senior Gu must have been mistaken to gift you such a good sword so let me take it!" Lu Jiang reached out his hand to grab the sword but missed as Jian Zheng have already moved ten steps back.

"Lu Jiang don't take things too far." Jian Zheng eyes flashed coldly. He could bear with the labor workers humiliating him but for Lu Jiang to want to snatch his sword is far more humiliating for a swordsman like him.

"Hmph! Trash the sword does not belong to you!" Lu Jiang was filled with jealousy. He couldn't understand what Jian Zheng did to get into Gu Lingran good book.

"I see! Gu Lingran has probably turned you into a sex tool!" Looking at Jian Zheng delicate features and his handsome face with his eyes that were filled with vitality and brightness he exclaimed.

"Your just a disposable sex tool!" He laughed as he gathered his hand into a fist, "Die! Asura Palm : First Move!" His hand was then covered in black light that flashed at Jian Zheng.

"Did that brat just say you were being used as a sex tool?!" Right at that moment the sword in his arms came alive as blood-red runes tore apart the sheath and bringing about a murderous aura.

Lu Jiang has brought forth the fury of a lustful devil that only wants to eat up Jian Zheng. Hearing that his virginity was already taken one could never imagine how furious she was right now.