
Immortal Spirit Sword

"One who wields a sword is no longer alone. For those who have absolutely trust in ones blade becomes the sword while the sword possesses the wielder." This is the journey of Jian Zheng and his trusty companion Scarlett. A sword cultivator and a sword spirit on the journey to become Immortals and to discover the mysteries of the world. If you find this interesting check out my other novel, Eternal Melody : Road to God of Music

Zue_Wang · Huyền huyễn
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19 Chs

Chapter 2 : Scarlett

Jian Zheng woke up with sweat dripping all over his body. His entire bed has already become wet from the sweat coming off him.

"It happened again." He held his face and sighed. Ever since he was ten years old he have always been having these sort of dreams. At first he saw it as nothing but a nightmare but later on it kept happening at a normal rate.

The dreams first started with the introduction of a man and woman then stopped when an explosion occurred.

But this time the dream was far longer than his previous ones. Getting up he put on his white robes that seem to be tattered and dirty from labor work.

Tying his hair together he left his small hut with the sheets he wet up. Closing the door he could smell the fresh air filled with strong spiritual energy but he didn't dare to absorb this energy as he kept his promise to never start cultivating till he's fifteen.

Looking around he saw people moving about doing their own business. These people are known as labor workers of the Asura Cloud Sect that he has been staying here with him for the past five years.

He couldn't remember anything before he was ten. Anytime he tried a split headache would cause him to lay down on the ground in pain.

The Asura Cloud Sect is one of the four major sects of the Cloud Empire, a small empire that is at the borders of the vast lands.

The Asura Cloud Sect consist of Labor Workers, Outer Disciples and Inner Disciples. Each section having elders that looks over each group.

Jian Zheng was about to walk away when three labor workers came blocking his way, "Trash Zheng where you think your going?" The one at the front snored as he looked down on Jian Zheng, the two behind him laughed, not putting Jian Zheng into their eyes.

"Senior Lu, I was about to head to the river." Jian Zheng exclaimed as he looked at the boy in front of him with calm eyes.

Those eyes infuriate Lu Jiang. He released his aura at the third stage of the Huotian Realm with a sneer that made Jian Zheng expression change into anxiety.

He stepped a few steps back but came to a stop as he was locked down by an invisible aura, "Trash you've been in this sect for five years yet you still haven't even reached the first stage? You don't belong here!" Lu Jiang raised his hand into a slap, his hand then curved as he sent it towards Jian Zheng.

Jian Zheng eyes flash with immense fear, he wanted to dodge but still couldn't move. If that slap were to hit him he would be sent flying with all his organs in a mess possibly killing him in the process.

Just when the slap was about to hit his face a slender hand caught the hand. When Lu Jiang and his gang saw this their faces turned pale as they kneel down on their two feet, "Senior Gu!" They shouted as fear took them over, they trembled like a bunch of dogs being caught doing something bad.

"Do you three want to die?" The girl looked down on the three of them as she let out her aura at the ninth stage of the Huotian Realm.

"We are sorry if we have offended Senior Gu!" The three responded at the same time. They were truly afraid of this girl who came out of no where.

"Isn't that the outer court disciple Gu Lingran? What is she doing here." Someone in the crowd exclaimed when he saw the white robes with a badge representing an outer sect disciple on the girl.

"It truly is Senior Gu! I can now die in peace as I finally saw one of our empires top beauties!" Another exclaimed in surprise and appreciation.

"Leave this place." Seeing that all the attention was gathered on herself, Gu Lingran let go of the three labor workers lightly.

"Yes Senior!" Getting up they quickly ran away with their tails between their legs but before leaving Lu Jiang flashed a cold light out of his eyes at Jian Zheng letting him know this wasn't over.

"Thank you Senior." Jian Zheng got up from the ground and brushed his clothes that were filled with dust then looked at Gu Lingran with his delicate features.

"Sigh! Why do you keep letting this happen." Slapping her head she said with worry in her eyes as this wasn't the first time she saved Jian Zheng from a disaster.

"If you started cultivating from you were ten years old by now you would already be a peerless genius in the inner sect yet you.." Not continuing anymore she sighed once more before taking out a long box from a pouch on her waist.

"Forget about what I just said, today's your fifteenth birthday right? I know how fond you are of swordsmen so I bought you a sword!" Handing over the box to Jian Zheng she said.

"This sword isn't that great at most its just a low-middle grade sword but with it you have an 30% chance of defeating Lu Jiang." When Jian Zheng opened the box he saw a sword that was shealth inside it.

Taking it out of its shealth he could see his face reflecting from the sword, "Thank you again Senior Gu." Jian Zheng sheathed the sword and smiled at Gu Lingran, showing his teeth.

"Didnt I tell you to call me Big Sister?" Chuckled she knocked her finger on his forehead that caused a slight pain. Touching his forehead with both hands he laughed, "Alright Big Sister."

"Good! I can't stay long here so I will take my leave first." Pleased she pat Jian Zheng head then walked away.

Jian Zheng watched as Gu Lingran figure slowly went away. When she finally wasn't in his sight his smile dropped as his eyes turned cold, "Has it already been five years?" He wondered before he then started laughing.

"Then that means I can finally start cultivating." Going back into his small hut he placed the blanket on a line he created then went back inside. Putting the sword he got in a corner.

Sitting down on his bed he went into a mediating stand and a surge of spiritual qi entered his body.

Where do I belong?

Where does my path belong?

How far can I go?

He asked himself these questions in his mediation but just when he didn't know how to answer then a sudden enlightenment capture his attention.

He was suddenly reminded of what the black robe man said in his dreams and an black and white mark appear on his head.

Where does my path belong? With the swords of course!

Where do I belong? Wherever my sword takes me!

How far can I go? With my sword even the darkest places will have to welcome my arrival!

When the questions were answered the sword flew towards him then stabbed him in the back.

Blood splattered out on the bed, enveloping the blade of the sword. Jian Zheng eyes bulged as he never would have thought the sword he just got would stab him in the back.

"I cannot fall like this!" Gritting his teeth he tried pulling out the sword but failed as his consciousness went into darkness and he fell on the bed.

When he woke up he saw himself in a temple with an old man sitting in mediation on the floor, "Senior..." Jian Zheng called out to the old man but when he did so the old man eyes burst out releasing a aura that caused a sudden surge of heat that blazes around him.

Jian Zheng seeing this was shocked as the heat seemed to slowly be melting his bones. When things were getting too far the old man retracted his aura and smiled at Jian Zheng, "Your finally here young man." Getting up the man walked towards Jian Zheng.

The man wore red clothes and his long red hair was tied in a way so that it reached his waist and not cover his face.

He placed his hands behind his back and stared at Jian Zheng. At that moment Jian Zheng felt like he was being stared inside and outside, it was as if all his secrets were being revealed at that moment.

"I see so you are my great grand daughter descendant. Then that means your my great great grandson HAHAHAH!" The man patted Jian Zheng back forcefully that almost made him cough up blood, "Your related to me?" But he didn't pay any attention to that pat as he always thought he was an orphan.

The man looked at Jian Zheng in surprise then tapped his head. When he saw a certain scene his expression changed as sorrow overwhelmed him, "This is all my fault if only I wasn't locked up in this prison." The man sighed as sorrow took over him but he soon recovered.

"Your talent is outstanding young one but I don't want you to let that make you go on the wrong path." He tapped Jian Zheng head again and something appeared in his head.

"This is an sword cultivating art left by our ancestors. I was unable to cultivate it and so was your mother but with your talent you shouldn't find it difficult to cultivate it." Jian Zheng didn't hear a word from the old man instead he only looked at him with blank eyes.

"I have a mother?" He uttered as he awaited the answer.

"Yes, she is the woman that constantly appears in your dreams." The old man said.

"Where is she!" Jian Zheng shouted in happiness as he always thought he never had a family. Hearing this he had a strong urge to rush to find them.

"Young lad you cannot save her." The man sighed which caused Jian Zheng expression to become ugly, "Is she in danger?" Frightened he didn't know what to do.

"Yes and no. She's currently locked up in a prison just like me."

"But that doesn't mean you truly cannot save her. When your strong enough you can go find her and save her. Cultivate the technique that I imprint in your mind. With your talent it shouldn't take long for you to reach my heights." A portal opened behind Jian Zheng which the old man pushed Jian Zheng inside.

"Wait...! OLD MAN!!!" Jian Zheng screamed at the old man as he entered the portal, "Remember, the path of swords is where you belong." The old man disappear and only his voice remained.

When the voice vanished Jian Zheng appeared back inside his room.


'To think that I have a family.' A bitter smile appear on Jian Zheng face. From the looks of what happened in his last dreams his parents were probably being chased down because of him.

This made him depressed as he was the cause of his parents demise but he didn't continue thinking that way as his eyes glowed with determination to become stronger.

Getting up Jian Zheng felt rather light. He felt like he could run around the entire labor court and come back without breaking a sweat. This shocked him as he then inspect his body, "Have I entered the First stage?" He exclaimed in surprise as he would never expect to reach the first stage in just mere minutes.

One must know that even inner sect disciples took at most ten days to reach the first stage yet he only took a few minutes.

Excited he got up and was prepared to head out to test his current capabilities but stopped when he saw a red hair girl staring at him deeply, "You are..." But before he could finish saying a word his lips were pressed onto the girls lips as he fell to the floor.

"Mmph!" The girl forcefully pressed on putting her body onto Jian Zheng. At that moment he felt like he was about to suffocate but the girl removed her lips from his at that exact moment.

"Do you know how long I've been waiting for this day?" The red hair girl licked her lips then placed her fingers on them as if fascinated with the taste of Jian Zheng mouth.

"Who are you!" Jian Zheng got up with his entire face flustered. His first kiss was taken without him being able to resist. He felt ashamed but also enticed to continue.

He shouted but froze when he saw the girls voluptuous body. She appears to be just a year older than him yet her body was already so developed.

Her face was shaped to perfection and her eyes that were scarlet in color made Jian Zheng think he was being stared at by a bewitching witch.

Not only that, but her ample bosom resembled two large peaks as they jump up and down under her red dress which made Jian Zheng gulp. Speaking of her dress it was extremely seductive that it caused Jian Zheng entire body to heat up.

It was a short burgundy lace dress that showcase her slender legs, barely covering her thighs. Around this dress were black threads around her chest area that expands all the way to her legs that were covered in black visibly stockings. Her fingers to her elbows were covered in red cloth showing off her pale shoulders.

Along with her red long hair she gave off a very elegant yet seductive feeling. Jian Zheng couldn't believe that his first kiss was taken by such a perfect being.

"Do you want some more?" She giggled softly, staring at Jian Zheng with her scarlet eyes filled with lust.

"Such an perfect person can never exist in this world, who are you?" Calming his mind and heart Jian Zheng stared back at the girl with caution in his eyes.

"Your no fun. But I like people who plays it hard to get." Giggling the girl sat on Jian Zheng bed then crossed her legs. Her every actions were so seductive that crazy scenes began entering Jian Zheng mind.

"I am your Sword Spirit." Smiling at the blank Jian Zheng she said, "Five years ago you caused quite a spectacular. Hundreds of female spirits wanted to serve you but they never would have expected that I also took an interest in you." The girl exclaimed, "I am the Scarlet Sword Demon from the nine spirit realms, you can just call me Scarlett."