
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
323 Chs


  Sweeping his eyes over the pale handwriting on the thin paper in front of him, He Song's face looked furtive.

  Not in vain, he waited here for two and a half months, Meng Guan and Wei Fan, finally arrived as promised, both came to this Biyue State House.

  However, just after entering the Biyue State Mansion, Meng Guan realized that there was something wrong.

  Can't it be that it was his physique that caused accidents wherever he went that had taken effect?

  The words that Meng Guan had said to himself when he was at the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop flashed through his mind.

  A bold idea immediately emerged in He Song's mind.

  This time.

  Meng Guan wouldn't have encountered something extraordinary as well, right?

  The name of the inn flashed in his mind.

  Violet Light Pavilion.

  Violet Light Pavilion.

  He Song thought back carefully.

  It was only in the end that he finally determined one thing.

  The name of this inn, He Song had never heard of it elsewhere.

  Nor had he ever heard of any power with the name Violet Light Pavilion.

  Then, Meng Guan's letter said that he had found something unusual in the Violet Light Pavilion.

  Just what kind of unusual place was it?

  Putting the thin paper in his hand into his storage bag, He Song took a step out and his figure instantly disappeared into his temporary residence.

  In this Biyue State Mansion.

  Although He Song does not come here to live temporarily.

  However, wanting to know the location of an inn was extremely simple.

  Whether it was asking others or directly checking the detailed map of the state capital, he would be able to quickly find this inn called the Purple Light Pavilion.

  Therefore, He Song did not worry that he would not be able to find the location of this inn.

  The reason why Meng Guan and Wei Fan stayed at the Purple Light Pavilion was because He Song did not have a fixed residence here, so they had no way to find it.

  Otherwise, I'm afraid they would have come straight to the door.

  They wouldn't be able to find a random inn to stay at.

  In the Immortal Cultivation World, although there are many large and small inns, those who stay at the inns are basically foreign cultivators.

  Cultivators who had lived in one place for a long time, as well as those who were born and raised in the soil, would all choose other residences.

  The main reason.

  The main reason is because although the spiritual qi in the inn is rich.

  But if you really want to stay for a few months, a few years, or even a few decades.

  It is really a bit too expensive.

  However, for Jindan True Lords, as long as they didn't rent the kind of cave that was extremely rich in spiritual qi and was basically used as a retreat, they could still afford it.

  This might also be the reason why Meng Guan and Wei Fan, after entering the Bi Yue Prefecture Mansion, found a random inn to stay in.

  Leaving the mansion.

  He Song quickly went to a store next to the street and got a detailed map of the Biyue Prefecture from it.

  A detailed map of the Bi Yue state capital was actually a necessity for cultivators who were new to this place.

  After all, a state capital was just too big, although cultivators basically didn't have to worry about getting lost.

  But if you want to find something, without a map, it is almost impossible to move forward.

  When He Song had previously come here, he had also purchased a detailed map of the Biyue state capital.


  It should be that the map is old.

  He Song searched through his memory for a long time, but he did not find any information about the Violet Pavilion in his memory.

  It was only after purchasing a new map that He Song found the location of the Violet Light Pavilion on top of the map.

  Think carefully.

  From the time when He Song first came to this Biyue Immortal State.

  A full few decades had already passed.

  At that time, when He Song first set foot in Biyue Immortal State, he had just broken through to the Jindan Realm and was preparing to build a Jindan cave of his own in Biyue Immortal State.

  Now, several decades had passed by quietly.

  He Song's cultivation had already reached the middle Jindan stage, and the detailed map of the Bi Yue state capital had long since become completely different.

  After slightly sighing at the passage of time, He Song shook his head and quickly memorized the location of the Violet Light Pavilion in his mind.

  After memorizing the location of the Violet Light Pavilion.

  He Song immediately went there.

  However, although Jindan True Lords were already able to fly recklessly amongst the state capitals of the Immortal State.

  However, since this outing was for the purpose of meeting with Meng Guan and Wei Fan, the matters to be talked about after the meeting were not trivial.

  Under such circumstances, He Song naturally could not fly there in such a high profile.

  On the contrary.

  He Song even put on a black robe, hiding his Jindan realm cultivation, only revealing the aura of the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection.

  And in silence, quickly came to the place where the Violet Light Pavilion is located.

  The place where the Violet Pavilion is located, is not very remote, but instead of crowded, very lively.

  When He Song came here.

  When He Song came here, he was very far away, but he had already detected the breath of two Foundation Establishment real people.

  At the same time, those two Foundation Establishment auras also seemed to have sensed He Song's arrival.

  When He Song actually arrived at the entrance of the Purple Light Pavilion, he was about to raise his steps and enter.

  Meng Guan and Wei Fan had also greeted him with smiles on their faces.

  Waving away the second person who was preparing to greet He Song, Meng Guan and Wei Fan didn't exchange pleasantries with He Song, instead, they directly led He Song into the Purple Light Pavilion.

  Inside the Violet Light Pavilion, Meng Guan's guest room.

  The three of them sat facing each other, looking at the person in front of them.

  On their respective faces, a smile flashed at this moment.

  When they were outside, there were many people, so no matter if it was Meng Guan or Wei Fan or He Song, they all just nodded and greeted each other.

  Other than that, they didn't even say more than a few words.

  This was a tacit understanding between the three of them.

  They hadn't really come here to get together after not seeing each other for a long time.

  The purpose of their trip was, to say it was not big.

  But to say it was small, it was certainly not small either.

  If it was really known what it was for, I'm afraid that the immense value of those cultivator's gold pills would also cause some commotion.

  What's more, they might even be targeted and thus intercepted.

  Of course, if that was the case, then it was actually quite good.

  After all, no matter if it was He Song, or Meng Guan and Wei Fan, the strength of the three of them was obvious to all, and they weren't small characters that everyone could bully.

  If the person coming is not strong, maybe the three of them will be able to make more gains when they join hands.

  The most troublesome thing was actually the fear of being targeted by the God Locking Sect's eyes.

  Once they were targeted by the God Locking Cult's eyes.

  I was afraid that Meng Guan and Wei Fan would be in great trouble.

  With Meng Guan and Wei Fan's performance on the battlefield between the Yi Yang Sect and the God Locking Cult, once the God Locking Cult knew about them, they would be in great danger.

  Once the God Locking Sect knew about their whereabouts, they would definitely send their experts.

  At that time, it was feared that the two of them would not be able to live or die.

  This was also the reason why the three of them had previously tacitly agreed not to speak much.


  Since the three had already entered the guest room, and Meng Guan had also opened the concealment array in the guest room.

  Then next, naturally, they could speak freely and say whatever they wanted.   

  However, just as the three looked at each other and smiled, Wei Fan opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

  On the side, Meng Guan saw this but gently waved his hand.

  Seeing the eyes of the two people looking towards him, Meng Guan then unhurriedly took out a small array disk from his storage bag, as well as several array flags.

  Under the gazes of He Song and Wei Fan.

  Meng Guan casually waved his hand.

  The small formation disk in his hand, as well as the several small formation flags, immediately turned into streams of light and were firmly fixed in various places in the room.

  As Meng Guan pinched his hand and cast the spell, another formation with a concealment effect also rose up in the room.

  With the appearance of this formation, Meng Guan nodded his head in satisfaction, and his eyes also looked towards He Song and Wei Fan on the side.

  At this moment, Wei Fan was dumbfounded.

  Hadn't he already turned on a concealment array arranged by an inn?

  Why was there another formation to be arranged?

  Wasn't this a bit too cautious?

  It's hard not to be.

  As his eyes looked towards He Song on the side, a thought suddenly flashed through Wei Fan's mind.

  Could it be that Meng Guan had also become as cautious as He Song after so many years?

  Looking at Meng Guan, who was acting so cautiously, and then looking at He Song, who was sitting on the side without saying a word.

  The thought in Wei Fan's mind grew stronger.


  Just as he once again looked at He Song, he saw He Song suddenly smile faintly at himself.

  Then with that, he also took out a formation disk from his storage bag, as well as several formation flags.

  However, the array disk and flags that Meng Guan had previously taken out were different.

  The array disk and array flag that He Song had taken out this time was quite a bit larger compared to the small array disk and array flag that Meng Guan had taken out.

  However, if one were to take a closer look.

  Compared to the array disks and flags in other people's hands, the set of array disks and flags taken out by He Song was a bit smaller.

  It was larger than the one that Meng Guan had taken out earlier.

  It was even smaller than the ones in the hands of ordinary cultivators.

  This set of array disks and array flags in He Song's hands really made Wei Fan a bit puzzled.

  What he did not know was.

  This set of formation disk and formation flag in He Song's hand was actually the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation that He Song commonly used.

  However, it was also a small Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation that had been remodeled by He Song's hands.

  Previously, He Song had transformed the Foundation Establishment Formation Luo Smoke Formation into a miniature formation that could be inscribed on a tiny jade bead.

  In his spare time later, He Song was inspired by this.

  At the same time, he was also worried that he would lose the formation as a means of fighting the enemy in the future when he encountered terrain limitations that prevented him from successfully placing the formation.

  Therefore, in the end, he also chose to remodel the Heavenly Dipper Divine Thunder Formation.

  The power of the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation that had been transformed by He Song would be reduced to a certain extent.

  However, it was also able to be laid down in narrow places.

  For example, in this room where the three of them were now.

  In this way, even if they were restricted by the terrain, the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation could still be set up at any time to form a battle force.

  A Jindan Grand Formation, even after He Song's remodeling, had become much less powerful, but it was still a Jindan Grand Formation.

  Once this small Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation was deployed.

  It was able to increase He Song's battle power by a lot.

  If it was set up in the middle of this room right now.

  With the concealment effect of the Big Dipper divine Thunder Formation, even if a Jindan True Lord came, I'm afraid that he wouldn't be able to hear any movement within the formation.

  In this way, the conversation between He Song and the three of them would naturally become extremely hidden, and there was no need to worry about being heard by others.

  Under the gaze of Wei Fan, who was stunned, and Meng Guan, who was slightly surprised.

  He Song casually pointed, the hands of the array plate and the array flag, immediately turned into a stream of light, quickly fell in all parts of the room, and Meng Guan previously laid down that array echoed each other.

  As He Song choked and cast the spell, a Jindan Formation that had its power cut down by a lot, but still belonged to the Jindan category, was also laid down.

  When the room was completely enveloped by the three formations.

  Only then did Wei Fan's dumbfounded expression dissipate.

  His eyes swept over He Song and Meng Guan who had already placed their eyes on him.

  Wei Fan shook his head breathlessly.

  "Originally, I thought that only fellow Daoist would be so cautious."

  "I didn't expect that Old Meng would have learned the essence."

  "Should I say no, with these three arrays laid down, I'm afraid that even the Jindan Great Circle will find it difficult to overhear the conversation between us."

  "Perhaps, even that YuanYing Old Ancestor, if he wants to probe into the conversation between us, he would need to make quite an effort, right?"

  "Moreover, you two don't look at me like that, I didn't prepare this kind of small formation."

  Spreading his hands, Wei Fan did not hesitate to say what he had in mind.

  It was as Wei Fan had said.

  He truly did not expect that Meng Guan would be so cautious as well.

  He would even think of laying down small formations in the middle of the room as a way to block others from eavesdropping, so as not to have ears on the other side of the wall.

  He had originally thought that this time when he met up with He Song again, maybe he would be able to see He Song's cautious appearance again.

  But who would have thought.

  But who would have thought that he would be able to see He Song's cautious look again?

  But He Song and Meng Guan were both very cautious.

  Among the three, it seemed that he was the only one who had not been too cautious.

  In this way, he seemed to be the exception among the three.

  This could not help but make him a little helpless while at the same time, a thought flashed through his mind.


  He should indeed be more cautious in the future.

  However, as Wei Fan flashed this thought in his heart and was preparing to put it into practice in the future.

  On the side, Meng Guan waved his hand, then said thoughtfully.

  "It's not that I am too cautious."

  "It's just that there is indeed something fishy in this Violet Light Pavilion."

  "When you and I just entered this Violet Light Pavilion, I had a footstep at that time, do you know why?"

  "In this Violet Light Pavilion, there is a deeply hidden aura, only when I stepped into it did I vaguely notice it."

  "However, when I wanted to take a closer look, that aura had already disappeared."

  "For some reason, I always felt that the aura was somewhat familiar, as if I had met someone I knew."

  "But in the last few decades, you and I have been on the battlefield, and the people we meet every day are either fellow disciples or enemies."

  "From this, if it's really as I expected."

  "If we have come here this time, we might actually have something to do."

  "And it is precisely for this reason."

  "As a precautionary measure, I went out previously to purchase this formation, so as not to have ears on the other side of the wall."

  Saying everything he knew, Meng Guan also raised his eyes to survey the surroundings as he spoke, the slightest hint of vigilance flashing through his eyes.

  It seemed that he felt that having set up three formations was still not secure enough.

  He didn't know that the formations laid down by He Song weren't just for concealment.

  The Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation had the effects of spirit gathering, offense, defense, concealment, and so on.

  Although the effects of all the major functions were not as good as they should be due to the large number of functions, it still belonged to the Golden Dan Formation.

  However, it still belongs to the Jindan Formation, and its power is still justifiable. (End of chapter)