
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


According to He Song's thoughts.

  If Meng Guan and Wei Fan were really able to leave the battlefield to meet with him, he would have gained a lot.

  Perhaps, he would be able to get a few Cultivator Jindan, so that he could refine a few talismans for himself.

  For talisman treasure, something that can save one's life at critical moments.

  He Song naturally wouldn't have too many of them.

  Therefore, after calculating that he might be able to have a few more talismanic treasures for his own body, allowing his heritage to become even thicker.

  He Song was also even more excited about the idea of going to the Bi Yue state capital this time and meeting his two best friends.

  Counting the days.

  He Song had not seen Meng Guan and Wei Fan for another few decades.

  During these decades, He Song's cultivation had risen from the original early Jindan stage to the middle Jindan stage, and his strength and skills had also grown tremendously.

  In such a situation, how much growth would the duo of Meng Guan and Wei Fan have experienced?

  Now, several decades had passed since Meng Guan had successfully broken through to the Jindan realm.

  With such a long period of time, it was unknown how far Meng Guan's cultivation had reached.

  In his heart, he flashed through Meng Guan's message with himself after he had attained Jindan, and a smile flickered on He Song's face.

  At that time, Meng Guan had just broken through the Jindan realm, so he couldn't wait to close the door again, wanting to consolidate his Jindan realm cultivation and combat power.

  After consolidating his Jindan Realm cultivation and battle power, he set out to look for opportunities for himself and Wei Fan.

  But what he did not expect was.

  Long before Meng Guan set foot in the Jindan Realm, he himself had already successfully formed the Jindan.

  The Condensed Gold Dan that the two of them had used to try and break through the Jindan Realm had been kept by He Song.


  He Song's cultivation has already reached the middle stage of Jindan.

  But also do not know, only with He Song difference of ten years, will also step into the Jindan realm of Meng Guan, now the cultivation of geometry.

  During these years, Meng Guan did not talk to He Song about his cultivation progress.

  However, according to He Song's guess.

  With Meng Guan's decades of involvement in the battlefield and his rich harvest, Meng Guan's cultivation should most likely have touched the bottleneck of the middle Jindan stage.

  Only after touching the bottleneck of the middle Jindan stage, or after his own combat strength has reached a certain level.

  Only then could Meng Guan have enough strength to join Wei Fan in rounding up the early Jindan cultivators of the God Locking Sect.

  With Meng Guan's fighting ability, coupled with Wei Fan's help, under the premise of having such cultivation, the two of them could surround and kill an early Jindan cultivator, which was considered a relatively normal situation.

  Otherwise, if Meng Guan's strength hadn't reached the apex of the early Jindan stage, how could he talk about killing other Jindans together with Wei Fan?

  Perhaps, this was the reason why Meng Guan and Wei Fan needed the assistance of outsiders when they rounded up the Jindan cultivators, but later on, after their strength was strong, they could complete the matter without the assistance of outsiders.

  Of course.

  He Song's guesses were only guesses.

  The specifics, he didn't know today either.

  He was even thinking that if Meng Guan had really encountered a bottleneck in the process of breaking through from early Jindan to mid-Jindan.

  Then, with Meng Guan's five spirit root qualifications, how long would he waste away in this bottleneck.

  Spiritual root qualifications were somewhat related to the strength of the bottleneck a cultivator encountered.

  If he was stuck in the bottleneck for too long, wouldn't Meng Guan turn himself into a little old man again like he did in the beginning?

  The image of Meng Guan flashed in his mind when he first met him.

  He Song shook his head and cast this thought away.

  These things would naturally be known when he met Meng Guan and Wei Fan in the Bi Yue Prefecture Mansion three months later.

  Instead of speculating alone, it would be better to wait until the three of them met at that time, and then ask directly.

  With this thought, He Song quickly looked around and packed up his things.

  The place where He Song was located was still the same huge cave that he and An Lemon had previously discovered in that abandoned mine.

  However, this huge cave had already been remodeled by He Song, and the various buildings inside, as well as the medicinal garden and so on, were all from He Song's hand.

  Since he had been in seclusion here for a long time, He Song had even planted the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree here.


  With He Song's release from seclusion this time, he was going to meet Meng Guan and Wei Fan in the Bi Yue state capital.

  Originally, the cave that had already been properly arranged by He Song, along with He Song's actions, quickly became less like the Immortal's blessed land.

  Originally, there were Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Trees lushly growing in this cave, and the topmost part of the cave was inlaid with Blazing Sun Beads.

  On the periphery of the cave, there was a palace standing, and inside, there was a large area of medicinal gardens dotting the landscape.


  The Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree had been uprooted by He Song again.

  The Fiery Sun Bead was also put away by him.

  The palace on the outside also entered He Song's storage bag.

  In the entire cave, there was just a patch of medicinal garden left, which had not been taken away by He Song.

  However, even so.

  The medicinal herbs that had matured in this piece of medicinal garden had also been harvested by He Song, and those that remained were all medicinal herbs that had not yet matured, or had just been planted.

  Sweeping his eyes over the cave that was left with only a patch of medicinal garden in front of him, He Song shook his head and then turned around to leave.

  Ever since He Song had ended True Lord Xuan Yu's lair in one fell swoop.

  He then developed a strong sense of insecurity about leaving treasures in his cave mansion.

  In case.

  What if someone had done what he had done and took advantage of the time he left his cave to silently feel their way into his cave and take away the large amount of treasures he had placed in his cave.

  What should one do?

  Before there was a way to solve this problem, the simplest method that He Song could think of was to take all the treasures with him.

  As for the trouble of doing so, and the fact that his cave would be damaged because of it, He Song didn't care too much.

  He Song was not too concerned.

  After all, it was better to be in trouble than to have one's things stolen.

  It is better to have one's cave destroyed than to have it destroyed by someone else.

  Thinking like this, He Song naturally developed the habit of bringing all the treasures with him every time he left.

  In addition to that, if it wasn't for the fact that he thought he might return here in the future to continue his seclusion, then He Song might even be able to see the treasures in front of him.

  Then, it is possible that He Song would not even leave these elixirs in front of him.

  Much less would he have left behind the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation that enveloped this place outside the cave, as well as the Jindan Spirit Gathering Formation.

  To know.

  At first, before leaving Zi Chuan State, He Song completely destroyed his temporary cave on the banks of the Zi Chuan River, and went to another place to open up another hidden cave for his future use.

  This time, he left this place formation, also left a large number of spiritual medicine.

  On behalf of He Song did not completely give up this cave, instead, he also thought that he would return here again in the future.

  Otherwise, He Song definitely would not leave these things here, but would pack them all away and fill up this place to erase all traces of himself.

  Leaving the temporary cave residence located near the Golden Sands Immortal Place.

  He Song traveled all the way west, quickly heading towards the Biyue Immortal State of the Yi Yang Sect.   

  He didn't choose to head directly to the Biyue State Capital.

  Instead, he went to some other place.

  Although He Song and Meng Guan Wei Fan had agreed to meet at the Biyue State Capital in three months, it looked like there was plenty of time to depart now.

  However, for He Song, he still had some important things to do in advance.

  After doing this, it would be the best time to rush to the Bi Yue state capital to meet Meng Guan and Wei Fan.

  At first.

  When He Song left the Bi Yue Immortal State, he only took away the precious things in his cave mansion.

  That cave mansion was built by He Song's own hands.

  Regardless of whether it is a blade of grass or a tree in the cave, or all kinds of furnishings in the cave, as well as all other things, all of them were completed by He Song's own hands.

  This Jindan cave built by He Song's own hands still has some special significance in He Song's heart.

  Moreover, when he left Biyue Immortal State, he didn't take Yu'er away from his cave, but instead left her behind.

  Now, nearly thirty years had passed quietly.

  I don't know how Jade Child is doing in that cave.

  The amount of spirit stones that He Song had left behind for his cave was quite large, enough to last for decades.

  And nearly thirty years had passed since He Song left.

  If another ten years or decades passed, the spirit stones that He Song had left behind at the beginning, I'm afraid that they would gradually bottom out with the passage of time.

  At that time, I'm afraid that when the formation dissipated, Yu'er's existence would also be known by the surrounding cultivators.

  The main purpose of He Song's early departure was to return to the Jindan Cave that he had built with his own hands.

  Moreover, he also needed to take away Yu'er, who had stayed in the cave for nearly thirty years.

  As for the Jindan Cave Mansion built by He Song's own hands.

  He Song went back this time, but he also had a little idea about it.

  However, this matter still needs to be finalized after returning to the cave.

  In addition to that, He Song was also looking at Yu'er's dedication for these nearly thirty years.

  Previously, He Song had asked Yu'er to guard the cave for himself.

  If he encountered danger, he would hide in another formation in the cave.

  In such a long period of time, only one spirit beast, Jade, was left to cultivate in the cave, if it wasn't for the fact that Jade's body was a spirit turtle, which didn't like noise and instead liked to sleep and cultivate quietly.

  If it were any other type of spirit beast, I'm afraid that during these nearly thirty years, it would have had other ideas, or even caused something to happen to help it leave the cave.

  However, during these nearly thirty years, He Song had not heard of any Foundation Establishment Spirit Turtles coming out anywhere, or any abnormalities occurring around Blue Moon Immortal City.

  In such a situation.

  Even if Yu'er's body was a Spirit Turtle, which was most fond of silence, I'm afraid that she had given a lot.

  For He Song.

  Leaving Jade Child in the Jindan Cave for nearly thirty years had already made him a little overjoyed.

  Now that he had some free time, he should naturally take her away from there and find a better place for her to stay.

  According to He Song's thoughts.

  This time, when he rushed to the vicinity of Blue Moon Immortal City, in his own cave, it was necessary to take Jade Child away.

  As for where to send her, He Song also already had an idea.

  Below the huge cave where he had previously secluded himself, was an underground dark current.

  In the underground dark current, there were many Foundation Establishment demonic beasts, and even more Qi Practicing demonic beasts.

  In such a situation, if one were to place Jade Er into it, Jade Er might also be able to live a somewhat more nourishing life.

  With Jade's strength, coupled with her own shelter, it was thought that there wouldn't be any danger in that underground dark current.

  After all, the demonic beasts in that underground dark current will be purged by the people of the Wind and Snow Palace at regular intervals, and even if they are Foundation Establishment demonic beasts, most of them are hovering at the early Foundation Establishment stage, as well as the mid-Foundation Establishment stage.

  Even if it was a Foundation Establishment demonic beast, most of them hovered around the level of early Foundation Establishment, as well as mid Foundation Establishment. Demonic beasts with such a cultivation level couldn't help Yu'er, whose cultivation had already reached mid Foundation Establishment.

  What's more, now that we haven't seen each other for nearly thirty years, Jade's cultivation might have also increased, so there's even less to worry about.

  Turtle-type spirit beasts, defense is already extremely strong.

  Plus, their cultivation is not weak.

  Even if Yu'er was put into that underground dark current, she would not be in danger.

  Even if she was put into the underground dark current, she might even become happier and her cultivation might improve greatly.

  With such thoughts flashing through his mind, He Song sped all the way, and soon arrived at the cave he had built with his own hands near Blue Moon Immortal City.

  As his figure sank into the ground, He Song soon sensed the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation that covered the cave.

  After carefully checking to make sure that there was no Jindan aura lurking around, and that the Big Dipper Thunder Formation that he had previously laid down was not broken in the slightest.

  Only then did He Song silently enter the cave.

  The cave.

  It was still the same as when He Song left.

  Within the conical cave, it was now bright.

  In the medicinal garden below, a large number of spirit medicines grew lushly.

  At the very center of the cave, a large pit was presented in front of He Song.

  This was the deep pit that He Song had left behind after pulling out the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree in the first place.

  Other than that, on the periphery of the cave, there were also quite a few smaller pits.

  These, all of them, were where the various types of buildings were located in the beginning.

  In addition to these.

  What attracts attention in the cave is the Yu'er who is still lying on the ground and sleeping.

  At this time, although the jade child, has been nearly thirty years have not seen, but the jade child's appearance and thirty years ago did not change much.

  However, a slight induction.

  He Song then frowned.

  Yu'er's cultivation level was still in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, and she had yet to break through to the late stage of Foundation Establishment.

  Such cultivation progress made He Song slightly dissatisfied.

  After all, previously, he had thought that after not seeing her for thirty years, Yu'er's cultivation had probably already managed to break through to the late Foundation Establishment stage.

  In that case, even if he let Yu'er go to the Canglan Secret Realm to cultivate, he didn't need to worry about her safety.

  However, he did not expect that after thirty years of not seeing her, Yu'er's cultivation level was still hovering around the middle stage of Foundation Establishment.

  The figure quietly came in front of Yu'er, He Song stretched out his hand and patted on top of Yu'er's white jade-like turtle armor.

  When Yu'er opened her eyes, she saw He Song standing in front of her.

  Jade's original slightly confused eyes, suddenly there was a strong color of joy. (End of chapter)