
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


 Even the golden light that was interspersed among the blood-colored lines was much more prevalent than before.

  It made the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman look even more ostentatious.

  Seeing this, He Song scrutinized it carefully.

  Thoughts flashed through his mind as well.

  "This, is a talisman treasure?"

  "Jindan talisman treasure, White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman."

  "Once it is activated, a white rainbow sword qi will coalesce to help me kill the enemy."

  "However, this thing is indeed too ostentatious."

  "Rather, it really needs to be made a bit plainer."

  From time to time, He Song had heard the saying that treasures obscure themselves, and that powerful treasures would basically be flat and unimpressive.

  But now it seems.

  I'm afraid that this statement is a bit wrong.

  After this White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman was refined, it didn't become flat and unexceptional like those treasures in the legends, but instead, it was incomparably ostentatious.

  Now the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman, regardless of whether it is placed in the mundane world or in the Immortal Cultivation World, it can be detected at a glance.

  It was too conspicuous, and once it appeared, I was afraid that it would be able to attract almost everyone's attention.

  However, after thinking about it, He Song's heart also had a hint of doubt as to whether the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman was considered a treasure or not, and whether it could be called a treasure.

  The saying that treasures were self-evident, although he had heard of it slightly.

  However, the treasure mentioned in this sentence, exactly what kind of treasure, He Song did not have that concept.

  Perhaps, the level of the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman was not as high as that.

  Hence, the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman was only so ostentatious after being refined.

  The White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman, after all, was only a Jindan True Lord, utilizing a cultivator's Jindan and some precious materials from the outside world to refine it.

  This kind of treasure that could be refined by a Jindan cultivator should not be at a particularly high level.

  At the very least, in the eyes of a YuanYing Ancestor, such treasures would not have much value.

  This point flashed through his mind, and He Song's heart gradually became relieved.

  Casually placing the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman in front of him into his storage bag, He Song soon began to think about the previous scenario.

  Jade stone.

  He Song has a lot of it on him.

  All of them were left over from the previous production of jade bottles that contained spirit pills, as well as jade boxes that contained spirit medicines.

  This kind of good quality jade stone, although the interior does not contain spiritual qi, but can be used to contain all kinds of things, and can also ensure that the spiritual qi will not be lost.

  In the Immortal Cultivation World, this kind of good quality jade is also very common.

  At the same time, if He Song wanted to follow his previous idea of wrapping the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman in jade and carving the Luo Smoke Formation on top of it, the amount of jade that could be used as a test would naturally be nothing to worry about.

  For He Song, who had already mastered several types of Jindan formations, it would not be difficult for him to carve formation patterns in the smallest details and try to lay down a miniature formation.

  Therefore, when He Song began to think about how he would be able to accomplish what he had previously thought.

  Along with the passing of time bit by bit.

  In He Song's hands, there were also two pieces of jade that had been broken open with a circular groove inside.

  This was a round jade ball that He Song had created according to his own ideas.

  The interior of the ball was hollow, used to hold the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman.

  The outer jade shell, on the other hand, was carved with a formation pattern by He Song, laying down a miniature Luo Smoke Formation.

  The White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman was taken out of the storage bag.

  And placed it inside the jade blob.

  As the two halves of the jade ball gradually came together and were thoroughly reinforced by He Song, it would not be easily damaged.

  The original eye-catching white rainbow mountain-opening talisman also turned into an ordinary jade ball at this moment.

  At the same time, He Song also did not forget to open the miniature Luo Smoke Formation on top of the jade ball's shell.

  With the opening of the Luo Smoke Formation, He Song, who was still able to feel the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman's breath, completely lost his sense of the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman at this moment.

  Although He Song still clearly knew that under this jade ball in his hand, there was actually a talismanic treasure hidden in his hand.

  But at this moment, with the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman's breath completely gone, it was impossible to sense it.

  If this white rainbow mountain opening talisman is not He Song personally refined, I'm afraid He Song will suspect that his hands of ordinary jade ball, is really just an ordinary jade ball.

  If someone else came here, I am afraid that he would not have thought that there was a talisman treasure hidden inside this ordinary jade ball.

  After carefully sensing some.

  After carefully sensing it, he determined that the method he came up with was able to completely isolate the appearance and breath of the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman, enough to ensure that others would not be able to detect something wrong in advance.

  In He Song's heart, a trace of joy flashed.

  Once the existence of the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman could not be sensed by others.

  In a situation where only he knew that within this ordinary jade ball, there was actually a talismanic treasure hidden.

  The places where He Song could maneuver would naturally be able to become more numerous.

  He could secretly inspire the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman to deliver a fatal blow to his enemy when they could not even react.

  He could also secretly input mana into the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman when he was laughing with someone, and once he sensed that something was wrong, the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman could be instantly activated.

  He could also activate several White Rainbow Mountain-opening Talismans at once when he was fighting with someone, instantly damaging the opponent with his powerful attacking ability.

  In the Immortal Cultivation Realm, all sorts of sneak attacks were endless.

  Today's He Song was considered to have truly mastered one.

  In the future, in any situation, He Song's life would be more secure than before.

  After all, the previous He Song didn't have a treasure like the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman in his possession.

  After completely hiding the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman in an inconspicuous jade ball, He Song next made multiple identical jade balls.

  However, there was no White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman in these extra jade spheres.

  These extra jade spheres were all hollow, with nothing inside.

  However, after making them, He Song also seemingly strung them together with the jade ball containing the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman.

  After being strung together by He Song, multiple ordinary-looking jade balls were soon worn on He Song's wrist.

  With the sleeves gathered together, there was suddenly no longer any trace of the jade spheres on He Song's hands.

  When this was done, a trace of satisfaction flashed across He Song's face with it.

  In this way, even if someone discovered the jade string on He Song's wrist in the future.

  In the case that this jade string didn't have any breath flowing out, I'm afraid that they wouldn't be able to guess anything.

  Moreover, the reason why He Song had made the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman into a string and wore it on his own body was also something He Song had considered.

  In fact.

  Even if the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman was placed in a storage pouch, it could be taken out and used at any time.

  However, in that case, it was unavoidable for someone to discover the abnormality.   

  Under normal circumstances, cultivators would basically only take things out of their storage bag when they needed them.

  Normally, no cultivator would suddenly go and take something out of the storage bag while chatting with someone.

  Such behavior, in the eyes of others, was very strange behavior.

  After all.

  No one knew what exactly was in the other person's storage bag.

  In case one pulled out a handful of attack spirit talismans.

  Or pull out a Spiritual Weapon and come straight up to start fighting.


  Without knowing exactly what the other party would pull out of the storage bag.

  If two people were chatting one second, and then one of them suddenly took something out of their storage bag the next second.

  The other person would definitely be a bit wary in his or her mind.

  "The words are fine, what are you doing pulling out your storage bag?"

  "Is it hard to think that you're trying to disadvantage me?"

  In such a situation, this act of pulling something out of the storage bag might trigger a misunderstanding.

  And this, in turn, was precisely why He Song chose to disguise the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman as a string and wear it on his body.

  In this way, even if He Song needed to utilize the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman, there was no need to take it out of his storage bag.

  Instead, he could directly input magic power into the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman on his wrist.

  It was even possible to completely activate the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman without others realizing it.

  Regardless of the situation, this ability was excellent for He Song.

  It would allow He Song to be able to have an additional means no matter what kind of situation he was facing.

  The previous He Song, when he felt that he was in danger, would purposely place all types of spirit talismans in a position where he could access them at his fingertips, and it was the same reason.

  The reason for this was still because when walking in the Immortal Cultivation World, there were simply too many uncertainties of all kinds.

  Even though his cultivation had already reached the middle Jindan stage, He Song still couldn't guarantee that he would be able to roam freely in the Immortal Cultivation World.

  After hiding the string perfectly in his sleeve, He Song checked himself again.

  He Song once again checked himself, and only after not finding any flaws did he slightly nod his head and set his gaze elsewhere.

  Within the quiet room.

  He Song, who had already successfully refined the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman and completely concealed it, also looked towards the direction of the Yi Yang Sect at this moment.


  Nearly thirty years had passed since He Song had left the Yi Yang Sect to avoid trouble.

  During this nearly thirty years, He Song's cultivation level had also risen from the early Jindan stage to the middle Jindan stage.

  His strength and means had also gained a considerable amount of elevation in these nearly thirty years.

  The various techniques had even steadily improved.

  Under such circumstances, it could be considered a great advancement in cultivation and a great increase in strength.

  With He Song's current cultivation strength.

  Although it could not be said that there was no need to care at all about the great war between the God Locking Sect and the One Sun Sect, if one only wanted to protect oneself, one would still be able to do so.

  After all, the only ones capable of killing a mid-Jindan cultivator in the Jindan realm were Jindan Great Perfection cultivators.

  Even a late Jindan cultivator was unable to help He Song nowadays.

  In this way, as long as He Song wasn't unlucky enough to be targeted by a Jindan Great Perfection cultivator, his safety wouldn't be too much of a problem.

  Of course, anything could happen in the Immortal Cultivation World.

  He Song naturally needed to be more cautious as well.

  Therefore, as his eyes looked furtively in the direction where the Yiyang Sect was located, He Song also began to ponder his next move in his mind.

  Previously, He Song had spoken with Meng Guan and Wei Fan about his need for a cultivator's Jindan.

  At that time, Meng Guan and Wei Fan said that as long as He Song needed it, they would be able to send it to him at any time and without any payment.

  In the face of such a situation, He Song at first excused himself, coupled with the attitude of the two resolute, but ultimately had to agree.

  After this incident, a short period of time has passed.

  A short period of time had passed.

  In his spare time for refining talismans and subsequently hiding the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman, He Song had also gotten in touch with the two of them.

  According to what Meng Guan had said in his letter.

  Nowadays, the great war between the Yi Yang Sect and the God Locking Sect was still continuing.

  However, compared to before, the intensity of the war between these two YuanYing Upper Sects had decreased quite a bit.

  Under such circumstances, if Meng Guan and Wei Fan wanted to leave from the battlefield and come to meet He Song, it was not impossible.

  However, they would need to plan well so that their movements would not be detected by the God Locking Sect, which would send out experts to hunt them down and kill them.

  In this regard, He Song thought a little bit and then made an appointment with the two of them to meet at the Biyue State Mansion in three months' time.

  In the Biyue State Capital, there were two guardian True Monarchs from the Yiyang Sect, as well as the Golden Dan True Monarchs of the three major Golden Dan families in the state capital, plus Luo Jing, Yun Jing, and their uncle, the Green Shirt True Monarch.

  If Meng Guan and Wei Fan, as well as He Song all came and met here.

  In the Bi Yue Prefecture alone, there would be more than ten Jindan True Monarchs.

  With so many Jindan True Monarchs gathered here, whether it was Meng Guan and Wei Fan, or He Song's personal safety, it would be able to be guaranteed to the greatest extent possible.

  Naturally, choosing to meet here would also ensure their respective safety.

  Nowadays, He Song's cultivation had already reached the middle Jindan stage, and he had even successfully refined a talisman treasure.

  If he obtained more Jindan from Meng Guan and Wei Fan, the number of talismans on He Song's body would naturally see a jump soon.

  This quantity needed to depend on how many Cultivator's Golden Dan were in the hands of Meng Guan and Wei Fan.

  In He Song's opinion.

  The number of Cultivator Jindan in the hands of Meng Guan and Wei Fan duo should be quite a few, but not too many.

  After all, Jindan True Lords were not big cabbages, and there were a number of Locked God Sect Jindan cultivators who could be ambushed by the duo's design.

  Even now, Meng Guan and Wei Fan already had the ability to surround and kill an early Jindan cultivator with just two of them.

  However, with the deaths of one early Jindan cultivator after another, the Locked God Sect's side would definitely be aware of it.

  It was even very likely that the God Locking Sect had already set their eyes on Meng Guan and Wei Fan.

  In such a situation, after the two of them had achieved some results, they were afraid that it would be difficult for them to kill the Jindan cultivator of the God Locking Sect by repeating the same trick.

  This was also the reason why the two of them said to He Song that they needed to make some plans if they wanted to leave the battlefield.

  If they were to leave with great fanfare, they were afraid that they would soon attract the pursuit of the God Locking Sect's cultivators.

  And because of this, according to He Song's estimation, the number of Cultivator Jindan in the hands of Meng Guan and Wei Fan should not be too many.

  But it shouldn't be too few either. (End of chapter)