
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
323 Chs


  For example, the great war between the One Sun Sect and the God Locking Sect, after another five years of war.

  There were also some changes from before.

  During this five year period, the war between the Yi Yang Sect and the God Locking Sect was still going on.

  Along with the five years quietly passing by.

  Although the Yi Yang Sect held a slight advantage, the God Locking Sect was no slouch either.

  Thus, even though five years had already passed, the place where the two sides were at war was still in the surroundings of the Yunzhou state capital.

  The God Locking Sect had not been driven elsewhere by the Yi Yang Sect, but had instead stalemated here.

  Now, the two sides have been in a stalemate outside the Yunzhou state capital for several years, has been difficult to deal with each other.

  Such news was not unexpected by He Song.

  The war between the two YuanYing Upper Sect was not something that could end so easily.

  According to He Song's guess.

  I am afraid that the war between the Yi Yang Sect and the God Locking Sect will continue.

  As for how long it could last, He Song did not know.

  But what he could be certain of was this.

  As the war continued, the gains that Meng Guan and Wei Fan had made in this war would also increase.

  During these five years, He Song once again heard that Meng Guan and Wei Fan had made gains on the battlefield.

  However, He Song did not know exactly why.

  He didn't care too much.

  If Meng Guan and Wei Fan could gain a lot in this battle, He Song might also be able to get involved in the future.

  He Song might also be able to get some light in the future.

  Earlier, after knowing that the two of them already had the battle record of killing Jindan cultivators, He Song had said to them.

  After obtaining the cultivator's Jindan, if possible, they could leave the cultivator's Jindan behind, and in the future, He Song would take out enough treasures to exchange with them.

  If He Song wanted to refine talisman treasures, the cultivator's golden dan was indispensable.

  In such a situation.

  Since Meng Guan and Wei Fan had channels to obtain it, He Song naturally would not be polite.

  Perhaps, when He Song needed it in the future.

  Meng Guan and Wei Fan would also be able to take the time to deliver the Cultivator's Jindan to He Song's hands.

  Until then, He Song only needs to silently hoard spirit stones and other precious things.

  When the two sides exchanged, what He Song took out would not make Meng Guan and Wei Fan suffer.

  At that time, exchanging a few Cultivator Jindan or something like that from Meng Guan and Wei Fan would not be a problem.

  However, in response to this, Meng Guan and Wei Fan duo were quite vocal.

  Regarding He Song's proposal.

  Both Meng Guan and Wei Fan said that there was no need to exchange, and that if they had the time, they would directly send the cultivator's gold dan to He Song.

  In their eyes.

  He Song had contributed a lot in this battle.

  Whether it was sending a lot of Jindan spirit talismans to the two of them, as well as Jindan spirit pills.

  Whether it was sending a lot of Golden Elixir talismans and Golden Elixir Spirit Pills to the two of them, or warning the two of them in advance so that they would not participate in this battle.

  All of these are the credit of He Song.

  They naturally remembered it in their hearts.

  Originally, they thought that they had no chance to repay them.

  But now, He Song had offered to exchange the cultivator's jindan in their hands with something.

  Isn't this opportunity to repay them coming?

  Therefore, when He Song opened his mouth and offered to exchange something for the Cultivator's Golden Dan in their hands.

  Both Meng Guan and Wei Fan were firmly against this behavior of He Song.

  They unanimously claimed that as long as He Song needed it, then the cultivator's golden pills that they had gained from this battle would be kept by He Song.

  As long as He Song needed it, they would naturally give it to him with both hands.

  Even if they were in the middle of the battle, they would detach themselves from the battlefield and personally deliver these cultivator gold pills to He Song's hands.

  This kind of statement.

  It really makes He Song's heart surging, and he sighed that his two good friends are really too sincere.

  But he forgot.

  He had personally run for the two of them before, and again sent Jin Dan spirit dan, and again sent Jin Dan spirit talisman behavior, seems to be the same is also so sincere.

  Under the "return the favor with a peach", Meng Guan and Wei Fan made such a choice, which was also reasonable.

  At the request of Meng Guan and Wei Fan.

  He Song also had to verbally agree to this matter.

  He Song had no choice but to verbally agree to this matter.

  In any case, it was still early for him to start refining talismanic treasures on a large scale.

  Moreover, although he verbally agreed, He Song still didn't want to let his two good friends suffer.

  The reward that should be given, still have to be given.

  After all, cultivator jindan is so precious, if you can get several of them, He Song is afraid that the favor he owes is very huge.

  In such a situation, He Song naturally needed to give a certain amount of payment in order to be able to take it with more peace of mind.

  However, due to Meng Guan and Wei Fan's stance, He Song had no more worries about obtaining the cultivator's golden pills from the two of them.

  Now, just waiting for He Song to prepare for the large-scale refining of talisman treasures, the Cultivator's Golden Pill would come to him.

  He Song no longer needed to worry about the Cultivator's Golden Dan that he would need to consume when refining talismans in the future.

  With the strength of Meng Guan and Wei Fan.

  When that time comes, I am afraid that He Song will be able to obtain at least a few cultivator golden pills.

  Plus the two Cultivator Golden Dan that He Song had on him now, plus a piece of the Treasure Tree's heart.

  With so many main materials that could be used to refine talismanic treasures in his possession, He Song was afraid that the number of talismanic treasures he could refine would be quite large.

  He Song could even imagine.

  After he successfully refined several talismans.

  When he was fighting with someone, he would suddenly take out all the talismans on his body and activate them at the same time, killing the other party with the power of the talismans.

  The White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman that He Song was able to refine was very powerful.

  If one was hit by several, or even a dozen White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talismans, even a Jindan True Lord would have to suffer.

  Furthermore, once he started refining a talisman like the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman, it would mean that He Song's cultivation level had increased.

  That meant that He Song's cultivation level must already be in the middle Jindan stage.

  With this cultivation level, when refining the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman, the power of the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman would naturally be greater.

  When the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman was more powerful, the power of several talismans, or even a dozen talismans striking together, would naturally be even greater.

  Even, it was not unlikely that a quantitative change would produce a qualitative change.

  At that time.

  He Song can be considered to really have a bottom that can be used to protect themselves.

  With this thought flashing through his mind, He Song slightly closed his eyes and immersed himself in the process of impacting the bottleneck once again.

  Impacting the bottleneck.

  There was no other technique.

  All that was needed was to activate the entire body's mana and launch a steady stream of impacts on the bottleneck.

  Of course.

  When mobilizing the entire body's mana to launch an impact on the bottleneck, it was actually quite mind-consuming.   

  In this way, He Song was also destined to not be able to distract himself from practicing various techniques while continuously impacting the bottleneck.

  Thus, during the process of impacting the bottleneck, He Song's various techniques did not improve.

  During the five years before he reached the bottleneck, He Song did study his skills.

  However, the five-year period was too short.

  Therefore, during those five years, He Song's skills didn't have any great improvement, but only extended those skills in a routine manner.

  Other than that, there wasn't much progress.

  And now.

  He Song was caught in the process of continuously striking a bottleneck, so naturally, he was unable to study his own skills.

  As a result, He Song's various techniques also became stagnant during this period of time.


  As time passed.

  When He Song continuously manipulated his entire body's mana to impact the bottleneck, the bottleneck that was originally incredibly strong and difficult to shake.

  However, under He Song's continuous efforts, it gradually became more and more fragile.


  Time passes.

  The years passed like a shuttle.

  In the blink of an eye, He Song spent another five years in his cave.

  Five years passed quietly, and He Song, who had been manipulating his entire body's mana and constantly impacting the bottleneck, finally achieved results on a certain day after five years.

  One day.

  Purple Cloud Sect.

  Hulu State.

  Within the abandoned mine.

  He Song's cave retreat.

  He Song sat cross-legged on top of the futon in the quiet room, his face frowned tightly, and beads of sweat emerged from He Song's forehead.

  However, it quickly evaporated and turned into a mist that floated into the air.

  Afterwards, there is another silk bead of sweat from He Song's forehead emerges, and then evaporates.

  So on and so forth.

  At this moment, He Song's head was unexpectedly filled with the slightest of visions in the sky above his head.

  A long mist stretched all the way from He Song's forehead, just like a gnarled dragon standing in the mid-air of the quiet room, where the mist lingered, constantly changing its appearance.

  However, He Song is not aware of it at the moment, and he still manipulates the whole body's mana with a tightly locked brow, trying hard to break through the bottleneck in front of him.

  In He Song's senses, the bottleneck in front of him was already shaky, as if the next impact would be able to break it completely.

  However, this kind of thing was not something that could be achieved just by thinking about it.

  Under the impact of He Song manipulating his entire body's mana again and again, the bottleneck that had already been shaky was still firmly blocking He Song's path to break through the middle Jindan stage.

  However, He Song was not discouraged.

  He still manipulated his entire body's mana, trying hard to break through the bottleneck.

  During these five years, He Song didn't dare to slacken off every moment, continuously impacting the bottleneck in front of him.

  Now, since he was on the verge of success, why would he give up?

  At this moment, the look of determination in He Song's eyes was also getting more and more intense.

  At this time of imminent victory, He Song naturally would not give up.

  With He Song's persistence, the bottleneck that was already on the verge of collapse became even more unstable under He Song's continuous onslaught.

  In this way, until a certain moment.

  When the obstacles in front of him were gone, and the bottleneck disappeared, the huge mana that He Song had manipulated also quickly rushed up in He Song's body.

  At this moment, the bottleneck disappeared and the obstacles were gone.

  The middle stage of Jindan was reached!

  He Song also violently opened his eyes at this moment.

  "Mid Jindan, it's done!"

  Accompanied by an exclamation with a strong color of joy, while He Song was elated, he didn't forget about the main event.

  As He Song once again closed his eyes and operated the Violet Mansion Forging Yuan Technique.

  Originally, He Song was still unable to absorb even half a bit of spiritual qi from the outside world for the purpose of raising his cultivation level.

  It also rapidly underwent a huge change.

  As a large amount of spiritual qi began to pour into He Song's body, and under the continuous operation of the Purple Mansion Forging Elemental Technique, it was continuously refined into He Song's own mana.

  The spiritual pressure emanating from He Song's body also began to grow little by little at this moment.

  As the surging spiritual qi continued to pour in, the mana in He Song's body naturally became even more massive as the spiritual qi continued to pour in.

  As the mana in his body became even thicker, He Song's own spiritual pressure would naturally become even more powerful.

  But at the same time.

  There was another problem that presented itself to He Song's eyes.

  Along with He Song's successful breakthrough, a large amount of spiritual qi came from all directions and was continuously incorporated into He Song's body.

  Under such circumstances, the concentration of spiritual qi in the cave was rapidly decreasing at this moment.

  Fortunately, He Song had already placed a Jindan Realm Spirit Gathering Formation in his cave before.

  When the concentration of spiritual qi in the cave had decreased to a certain level.

  Under the gathering effect of the Spirit Gathering Array, the outside world's spiritual qi was gradually gathered by the Spirit Gathering Array to fill the spiritual qi vacancy in the cave.

  The Spirit Gathering Formation laid down by He Song here is a complete Jindan Spirit Gathering Formation.

  Therefore, even if He Song succeeded in breaking through the middle stage of Jindan here.

  When absorbing spiritual qi, he did not need to worry about causing any disturbance in the outside world.

  A complete Spirit Gathering Formation is much more powerful than a small Spirit Gathering Formation in the Foundation Establishment Realm.

  Just like how Song when he broke through the early stage of Jindan, due to the use of only the Foundation Establishment realm of small Spirit Gathering Formation, but the situation will be around a large area of the region of the spiritual energy to empty the general situation.

  That was the effect of the Spirit Gathering Formation, which was unable to catch up with the speed of He Song's cultivation increase.


  The Spirit Gathering Formation in He Song's cave is a complete Jindan Spirit Gathering Formation.

  He broke through the middle Jindan stage in this formation, so naturally, it would not create any waves in the outside world.

  Even, He Song was confident.

  Even if he succeeded in breaking through to the late Jindan stage, or even the Jindan Grand Circle, there would definitely not be any other disturbances caused by the breakthrough.

  Perhaps, it was only when he himself subsequently broke through the Yuanying realm that this complete Spirit Gathering Formation of the Jindan realm that He Song had at his disposal would not be powerful enough, right?

  But by that time.

  I'm afraid that He Song would have already mastered a more profound Spirit Gathering Formation that would be able to cover up the great commotion at that time.

  As He Song continuously operated the Violet Mansion Forging Elemental Technique, a large amount of spiritual qi was also converted into his own mana, and the amount of mana in his body ushered in a huge increase.

  At this moment, the amount of mana within He Song's Jindan was also rapidly increasing.

  The thicker the mana in the Jindan, the more powerful He Song's own strength became.

  After accumulating mana to a certain extent, he would naturally be able to show the difference between small realms.

  Although He Song has not completed the breakthrough at this moment, his own strength is still growing rapidly.

  However, He Song also knew.

  When this growth is over, his own strength will also come to the level of the middle Jindan stage.

  Middle Jindan cultivators are much stronger than early Jindan cultivators.

  At that time.

  One might be able to start trying to refine talismans such as the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman.

  Once he had a few talismans on him, then his personal safety in the future would be considered to have some protection.

  At the very least, with such a few talismanic treasures protecting him, He Song would still have a bit of backbone even if he were to fight someone. (End of chapter)