
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


 And high above the sky, He Song, who had followed behind An Lemon and entered within the range of the Golden Sands Immortal Workshop.

  After seeing the enthusiasm of the group of cultivators below, his heart was immediately relieved.

  He Song was also a member of the Immortal Workshop in the first place.

  Fortunately, He Song was also an Immortal Workshop cultivator at the beginning, so he naturally knew how enthusiastic these Immortal Workshop cultivators were after seeing the Foundation Establishment Real Person.

  The cultivators in the Immortal Workshop could be said to be very fanatical about Foundation Establishment Real People.

  Because in their eyes, a Foundation Establishment is already a towering existence.

  Normally, these Qi Practicing Stage cultivators would be very excited to see a Foundation Establishment.

  In that case, if He Song came here as a Jindan True Lord, I'm afraid that the news would spread around in no time.

  At that time, I'm afraid the situation would not be like today.

  Thinking of this, He Song couldn't help but be secretly happy in his heart, happy for his previous choice.

  These scenes continued until He Song and An Lemon fell into An Lemon's mansion together, before they were finally isolated.

  When the noise of the outside world gradually disappeared from their ears, when An Lime's mansion completely isolated the outside world from the inside of the mansion.

  After the two of them landed on the ground, An Lemon invited He Song to take a seat.

  In An Lemon's mansion, a banquet had already been set up.

  Many cultivators whose cultivation had already reached the late stage of Qi cultivation were respectfully waiting at the far side, waiting for An Lemon's dispatch at any time.

  Seeing this situation.

  He Song looked towards An Lemon, but saw that An Lemon's face slightly flashed with a trace of embarrassment when she saw He Song's gaze surveying these people.

  "These people are all the subordinates that the late generation has taken in among the Immortal Workshop, and during the weekdays, some things that the late generation usually hands over to them as well."

  "Such as the various trivial matters in the Immortal Workshop."

  "Such as the various decorations that were set up in the Immortal Workshop in order to welcome senior."

  "Another example is this banquet, which is all from their hands."

  "In this small Immortal Workshop, the supplies are not plentiful, so I searched everywhere to find these things, and I hope that seniors will not dislike them."

  It seemed that he felt that these underlings of his were really a bit shabby and couldn't hold their hands.

  While An Lemon was introducing them, his eyes were secretly measuring He Song's complexion.

  After seeing that He Song did not take it seriously, he was slightly relieved and waved these people away after the introduction.

  After the rest of the people left, and only He Song and An Lime were left in the entire residence, the atmosphere in the residence soon became much more relaxed.

  After some pleasantries, the unfamiliar feeling that they hadn't seen each other for many years soon drifted away with the wind.

  Since the two of them hadn't seen each other for many years, they had always kept in contact.

  Therefore, even though they hadn't seen each other for many years, after exchanging some pleasantries, they quickly became familiar with each other.

  After the strangeness between the two had completely disappeared.

  An Lemon also opened her mouth with it, sending out an invitation to He Song.

  "Senior, senior previously said in his letter that there was an abandoned Golden Spirit Sand mine in the vicinity of this Golden Sands Immortal Place, I wonder if senior still remembers that?"

  "Previously, senior had gone alone to explore, but even though the Foundation Establishment cultivator possessed divine sense, senior did not fully explore that Gold Spirit Sand Mining Cave."

  "It was just a haphazard walk in the mine cave, and then returned with it, not going too deep into it."

  "But even so, when senior went to explore alone, he also found this item."

  "Senior, please look."

  Saying that, An Lemon took out a piece of spirit ore from his storage pouch and gently placed it on the table in front of him.

  It was a piece of spirit ore with a mottled surface with hints of golden spots.

  Dense spiritual qi flowed within the spirit ore.

  With just one glance, He Song could tell that this piece of spirit ore was a full-fledged Foundation Establishment Spirit Ore, which was an excellent material for refining top-grade or extremely high-grade magic weapons.

  However, when He Song looked at its appearance, it was not the Golden Spirit Sand that An Lemon had previously mentioned, but instead looked like another kind of spirit ore.

  However, He Song could not think of where he had seen this mineral.

  Frowning, He Song casually took the spirit ore in his hand.

  As He Song took the spirit ore in his hand and exerted a little force.

  The large chunk of spirit ore in his hand also transformed into a golden grain of sand that fell onto the table.

  He Song's eyes also flashed with a trace of realization.

  This spirit ore was indeed the Golden Spirit Sand that An Lemon had mentioned.

  It was just that previously, a large amount of Golden Spirit Sand had condensed together and mixed with a lot of impurities, causing He Song to mistakenly think that the Golden Spirit Sand was one and the same, and thus misrecognized it.

  Now that a large amount of Golden Spirit Sand had fallen onto the table, the appearance of the Golden Spirit Sand was naturally presented to He Song.

  "It's the right Golden Spirit Sand, and it's also the Golden Spirit Sand that's in the depths of the vein, enough to be used to refine top-grade, or even extreme-grade magic weapons."

  "These Golden Spirit Sand, although their value isn't particularly high, can be considered a not-so-small chance for you."

  With a casual wave of his hand, sweeping away the rest of the impurities, He Song looked at the quite a few Golden Spirit Sand left on the table, and a trace of approval flashed in his eyes.

  An Lemon was able to personally explore that abandoned mining cave and found these Golden Spirit Sand in it.

  This meant that An Lemon was also blessed.

  In this way, An Lemon would not have fallen somewhere silently, and he thought that it would be enough to pass on a message for himself for a long time.

  Thinking of this, He Song's gaze towards An Lemon became a lot softer.

  It seems that this An Lemon's future path to Immortal Cultivation should be slightly smoother.

  But it was just unknown.

  How far will she be able to go.

  He Song thought so in his heart.

  As for An Lemon in front of him, after hearing what He Song said, a trace of delight flashed across her face as well.

  "So this is the Golden Spirit Sand."

  "But I don't know if this Golden Spirit Sand is of any use to senior."

  "If it is useful, within that Golden Spirit Sand mine, there should still be some left behind, so as long as senior goes there, he will definitely be able to gain something."

  "These Golden Spirit Sand, senior has no use for it, if senior needs it, he can take it away as much as he can."

  "Other than that, during the years that senior has been sitting here, I have occasionally been able to hear that someone has brought back other treasures from the Golden Spirit Sand Mining Cave."

  "But there were also people who disappeared within the mine after entering it, living or dying unknown."

  "I don't know if these things are true or not, but if senior wants to go there to explore a bit, senior can guide the way for senior."

  "I think that with senior's cultivation, plus senior's support from the side, we should be able to thoroughly explore this abandoned mine."

  "The treasures therein should also be able to be returned to senior's hands."

  Without looking at the Golden Spirit Sand on the table, An Lemon thoughtlessly focused on the abandoned mine near the Golden Sands Immortal Workshop.

  Over the past many years, she had long since developed a strong interest in this mine.

  It was only because her cultivation was still shallow.

  Even if she had reached the Foundation Establishment realm, she did not dare to go too deep without the help of others.   

  Therefore, she repeatedly wanted to invite He Song to come here and explore with her.

  He Song's cultivation level is high, in her opinion, at least late Foundation Establishment, or even Foundation Establishment Great Perfection cultivator.

  This kind of strength, if coupled with her early Foundation Establishment cultivator, I think that even if they encountered any danger, they would be able to minimize the danger.

  And her safety, naturally, would also be better protected.

  Under the two of them, she will not only be able to witness the situation within the mine, perhaps also be able to obtain some chance from it.

  Other than that.

  An Lemon had indeed received Su Qian's true teachings.

  He Song had urged Su Qian to be cautious in everything.

  An Lemon, however, will Su Qian's caution completely learned over, and also vaguely have a kind of blue trend.

  Just like now, in the case of knowing that her own strength is not enough, she chose to invite He Song to come here and explore this mine with her, which is the performance of An Lemon's prudence.

  If she was not cautious, An Lemon was afraid that she would have already gone deep into the cave alone to search for the treasures in the cave, and would not have waited until now.

  In this regard, He Song secretly nodded in his heart.

  However, he did not respond to what An Lemon said.

  This kind of thing, Golden Spirit Sand, for today's He Song, already has no use.

  Cultivation has reached the realm of Jindan, in the refining of weapons has also long been able to refine the lower grade spiritual weapons He Song, for this kind of refining used to refine the upper grade, or extremely high grade magic weapon spiritual ore, has not been too much demand.

  As for taking some back to sell the spirit stone, He Song also did not have that intention.

  Nowadays, He Song didn't lack the spirit stones from selling rags.

  It could be said that the abandoned mine next to the Golden Sands Immortal Workshop no longer had any significance for He Song to enter.

  However, at An Lemon's words, He Song's heart was slightly moved.

  The Golden Sands vein has long been abandoned, although from time to time, there are still casual cultivators who go to explore, and can even find some treasures to bring back from this abandoned mine.

  There are also people who died inexplicably within the mine.

  But compared to other places, the concealment here is not bad.

  According to He Song's idea, if he were to lay a formation in this abandoned mine, and then directly shut down in the formation.

  I am afraid that this abandoned mine will become the retreat of He Song.

  Moreover, in this kind of mine, the tunnels are definitely connected in all directions, just like a labyrinth.

  If He Song were to retreat in it, I am afraid that with a little bit of familiarity, this labyrinth-like mine will probably give He Song a higher chance of success when he escapes in the future.

  After all, He Song has been living in the cave for a long time, so he must be very familiar with the cave.

  When fleeing for his life, he would naturally be able to rely on the complex terrain of the mine to block the enemy's pursuit.

  If then in a variety of key places laid formations, I am afraid that even if a number of Jindan true monarchs to come to the siege, He Song can also easily escape.

  Thinking about this, He Song's heart had a slight interest in this abandoned mine.

  However, it was not what An Lemon thought, that he was interested in the treasures in it.

  Instead, he was interested in the complex terrain of the mine.

  Although a Jindan cultivator's divine sense had an extremely wide range of coverage, as long as He Song arranged a few more formations at key places in the mine.

  Even if it was only a foundation formation, it would be able to block the Jindan cultivator's divine sense from probing.

  Under the barrier of the rocky land, I'm afraid that the Jindan cultivator's divine sense won't be able to play much of a role.

  Under the premise of divine sense being blocked.

  The complex terrain in the mine was naturally able to provide better cover for Hosong.

  In addition, the mine might be extremely deep, which naturally made He Song's existence more difficult to be detected by others.

  Thinking of this, He Song looked towards An Lemon in front of him, and then he directly nodded.

  "Since you are so obsessed with this mine, then this seat will go with you to investigate."

  "But let's say it in advance, if the opportunity gained is useful to you, this seat will naturally not be stingy."

  "But if there is something that this seat sees, this seat will naturally take it as well."

  "Do you understand?"

  With the sound of He Song's voice, An Lemon, who hadn't had much of a longing for chance, instantly nodded her head repeatedly.

  The original her was ready to give up everything she had gained in the mine.

  After all, the fact that He Song was able to go with her had already made it so that her trip wouldn't be too dangerous.

  With such an opportunity in front of her that would allow her to understand the matter of chance and not have to worry about danger, she naturally couldn't possibly think of wanting anything else.

  But she didn't expect that, although He Song said that he had spoken ugly words in front of her, but the meaning of his words was that he didn't want to monopolize everything within the mine.

  Even, as long as she needed something, He Song would not be stingy.

  Only what He Song needed, he would take it himself.

  In this way.

  Doesn't it mean that the things that He Song can't look at will fall into her hands as long as she can use them?

  This kind of good thing had never occurred to her before.

  She had always thought that as long as He Song was able to bring her along to the mine, it would be enough.

  As for what treasures could be harvested in the mine, she didn't care much.

  What she valued was the process of exploring the mine.

  This process would allow her to have more experience and the probability of surviving when she faced other opportunities.

  This, was what she really wanted.

  And also with An Lemon's repeated nods.

  He Song then nodded and spoke.

  "You can keep these Golden Spirit Sand, this seat is not really interested in this item."

  "As for the matter of exploring the mines, let's wait for a few days."

  "This seat has traveled a long distance to come here, so it's just as well that I can take advantage of these few days to take a stroll through this Immortal Place."

  "Over the years, this seat has mingled in various Immortal State capitals and Immortal Cities, so it's been a long time since I've set foot in this tiny Immortal Workshop."

  He Song was not impatient about the matter of exploring the mines.

  Ever since the last time he went to the Flying Cloud Immortal Workshop and received An Lemon and the people of the An Clan and Lin Clan to the vicinity of the Blue Moon Immortal City, He Song had indeed not entered any of the Immortal Workshops for a long time.

  Now that many years had passed, He Song suddenly remembered that he wanted to take a good stroll in this Golden Sands Immortal Workshop.

  Perhaps, in this Immortal Workshop, there were also characters like Meng Guan or Wei Fan who could rise to the top.

  Perhaps, this fairy workshop, there is also as Su Qian, or An Lime this can be used by the cultivators of Why Song exist.

  He Song, who has not set foot in the Immortal Workshop for a long time, for the Immortal Workshop that has nurtured an unknown number of cultivators, there is always some nostalgia in his heart.

  After all, today's him is also step by step out of the Immortal Workshop. (End of chapter