
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


 Chapter 514 - Golden Dan Zhao Family

  With such thoughts, He Song was not burdened with the matter of hiding his identity.

  Under the premise of clearly noticing that there seemed to be a pit in front of him.

  He Song would naturally hide his own identity, so as not to affect his own reputation when something did go wrong.

  This Zhao family person welcomed himself with such specifications, in He Song's opinion, there must be something fishy present in it.

  Otherwise, they were both Jindan.

  Why would this True Lord Fei Hu in front of him, as well as the Jindan family under his command, be like this?

  Such an attitude, facing an unfamiliar Jindan True Lord.

  It was not common.

  With such thoughts in his mind, He Song also made a secret decision in his heart after he spoke.

  If this Fei Hu Zhen Jun as he thought, is ready to use this to beg, let himself do something then.

  I'm afraid that I will need to weigh it up.

  Regardless of whether what Fei Hu Zhen Jun said is simple or difficult, or very troublesome, but not dangerous, they need to be extremely cautious to deal with it.

  It would be best if he simply refused.

  In this way, even if there was some kind of pit here, he himself would be able to avoid it.

  With such thoughts flashing through his mind, He Song's face remained unchanged and he continued to be polite with the Fei Hu True Lord in front of him.

  After hearing He Song's words, True Lord Fei Hu's eyes suddenly lit up.

  "Oh? That's a coincidence, in the following Dharma number and you Dharma number have the same word Fei, it seems that you and I are quite destined for each other."

  As True Lord Fei Hu opened his mouth in this manner, the dozen or so Zhao Clan Foundation Builders on the side also praised him at this moment.

  They said that He Song and their Zhao family were destined to be together and should be celebrated.

  When the atmosphere was almost set.

  Only then did True Lord Fei Hu continue.

  "Fellow Daoist has traveled a long way, I'm afraid I'm a bit tired."

  "This is not the place to talk, fellow Daoist please also enter my Zhao Family, I have already prepared a banquet to receive you."

  After saying that, True Lord Fei Hu looked towards He Song.

  Within his gaze, the color of delight was very thick, as if he was very happy to see He Song come.

  However, in the depths of his gaze, there was also some hidden inquisitiveness.

  Whether or not He Song had come from afar, he and the other Jindan True Lords in the Zichuan Prefecture did not know.

  Although these words were a kind of invitation for He Song to enter the Zhao Family, they were actually a kind of test.

  If He Song agreed, it would naturally mean that He Song had indeed traveled a long way and was just passing by by chance.

  Next, his temptation would naturally be on top of that.

  However, if He Song had other responses, then the situation would naturally be a different one.

  He Song's next response would determine the basis on which he would conduct his next temptation towards He Song.

  However, just as True Lord Fei Hu's eyes looked towards He Song, he was ready to see exactly how He Song would respond.

  Instead, He Song waved his hand, seemingly unconcerned.

  "Fellow Daoist is wrong, as a Jindan True Lord, although my cultivation is not particularly profound, it is not low either, and with such strength, why would I say that I am sleepy."

  "Although I have traveled a long distance to come to your place, but the scenery of your place is infinitely good, and that Zichuan River is even more so that I can linger."

  "This kind of place with outstanding people and spirit, I still like it too much, how could I be sleepy?"

  "But what you said is also very true, this is not the place to talk."

  "Then I will thank you for your hospitality here, please lead the way, fellow Daoist."

  He Song pretended not to understand Fei Hu Zhen Jun's probing, and pretended to be inexperienced in the world, praising the scenery of the Zi Chuan River for a bit, before seemingly unintentionally informing Fei Hu Zhen Jun of the fact that he had traveled a long way to come here.

  And, in the middle of the conversation, He Song also deliberately said, Jindan True Lord cultivation is not particularly deep, but also not low.

  As for this statement, He Song did it on purpose.

  In what kind of power to grow up Jindan True Monarch, will feel that the cultivation of Jindan True Monarch is not particularly profound, but also not lowly?

  At least, for casual cultivators, as well as cultivators of small Jindan sects, Jindan True Monarchs are the existence of the sky.

  A Jindan True Lord who grew up in such a power would never say such words.

  Only a Jindan True Lord who grew up in a YuanYing Superior Sect, or a power comparable to a YuanYing Superior Sect, would realize this and engrave this matter in their hearts.

  Because, within the YuanYing Superior Sect, there were quite a few Jindan True Monarchs, and there were also YuanYing Ancestors sitting in the middle of them.

  In such a force, the cultivation of a Jindan True Lord was naturally not considered particularly profound.

  Moreover, even amongst the YuanYing Sect, the cultivation level of a Jindan True Monarch was not low.

  He Song had only said this because he wanted to create a persona for himself, so that the Fei Hu Zhen Jun in front of him would think that he was a person from a great power.

  In this way, even if He Song followed up with a mistake, I'm afraid that he would still be able to give himself some leeway.

  In addition to that, for his own resident place.

  Whether it is a cultivator or a mortal, there will be a few feelings in their hearts.

  He Song opened his mouth to praise the scenery of the Zichuan River, although not so much to let Fei Hu Zhen Jun to their own good feelings greatly increased, but at least also be able to let it understand, He Song is all the way to play in the mountains and water.

  With the usual rush of Jindan True Lord, but is not the same.

  It was more in line with He Song's persona of coming from a great power.

  At the same time, these words also inadvertently allowed True Lord Fei Hu's temptation to be answered.

  True Lord Fei Hu instantly realized that He Song had come from afar, and was not a resident who had built a cave in Zi Chuan State or the surrounding immortal states.

  Moreover, He Song's identity seemed to be extraordinary, or at least a Jindan Elder of a YuanYing Sect who was traveling.

  Otherwise, it was unlikely that He Song would have said these words.

  With He Song's act of traveling all the way to the mountains, He Song didn't seem to have traveled far, and I'm afraid that he had been practicing hard in his sect previously.

  That is to say, He Song in his clan, at least belongs to the clan elite that type of existence.

  This kind of existence, strength must be quite powerful, behind the background must not shallow.

  Usually nothing is okay.

  Once something happens, I'm afraid that I will be able to invite several Jindan to help in a moment.

  In the YuanYing ShangZong, such as the existence of the division and so on, but exceptionally united.

  If something really happens, there will definitely be someone to avenge him.

  Thinking of this, Fei Hu Zhen Jun's heart was in a state of awe, and some thoughts that did not exist were quietly thrown out of his mind.

  In this way, after receiving the answer, Fei Hu True Monarch's gaze towards He Song suddenly had a few more points of enthusiasm in it.

  He repeatedly greeted He Song, and surrounded by more than a dozen Zhao Family Foundation Builders, the group of people quickly transformed into a road of recluse light and landed within the Li Family's compound below.

  Within the Li Family's compound.

  Inside a huge palace.

  He Song, True Lord Fei Hu, and a dozen of the Li Family's Foundation builders quickly took their seats.

  True Lord Fei Hu sat in the main seat, this was his home turf, and also his Zhao family's residence, he sat in the main seat, naturally, there were no half surprises.   

  He Song sat in the first seat on Fei Hu Zhen Jun's left, this is the most honorable place in the banquet, besides the master.

  As for the dozen or so Zhao Family Foundation Establishment real people, they each pulled away from He Song and True Lord Fei Hu and sat at the edge of the banquet.

  No one had any objections to this.

  To be able to attend a banquet with a Jindan True Lord was already the fortune of these dozen Zhao Family Foundation Establishment.

  If not for the fact that this was the Zhao Family's residence and True Lord Fei Hu's authorization, I'm afraid that these dozen or so Zhao Family Foundation builders wouldn't even have the qualifications to enter the palace.

  Between Jindan and Foundation Establishment, the gap in status and position was actually still very large.

  Although it wasn't as exaggerated as that between Qi Practicing and Foundation Establishment, it wasn't exactly small either.

  Within the palace.

  As each of them took their seats, there was soon a beautiful maid who came and brought delicious food for the people seated in the palace.

  While chatting, True Lord Fei Hu, who already had some guesses about He Song's identity in his heart, didn't try too much.

  Everything, as if he wanted to make friends with He Song, seemed extremely smooth.

  On the premise that both sides had no intention to cause trouble, the atmosphere of the banquet was naturally quite harmonious.

  He Song and Fei Hu Zhen Jun had a good conversation, and from time to time, from his mouth, there were some small secrets about Yuan Ying Shang Zong, which could also make Fei Hu Zhen Jun gasp in amazement.

  However, these secrets were basically what He Song had heard from True Monarch Luo Jing, or Meng Guan Wei Fan.

  Within True Lord Silvermoon's memories, there were also quite a few such secrets.

  Therefore, what He Song said was basically true, and there was no need to worry about True Lord Fei Hu telling these secrets to others afterwards and being seen through by others.

  If True Lord Fei Hu really did so.

  After verifying that what He Song said was true.

  He Song's identity, naturally, would also be realized.

  Perhaps at that time, He Song would receive a steady stream of invitations during his stay in the Purple River State Capital.

  A cultivator whose cultivation had reached Jindan and whose status was honorable would be very popular wherever he went.

  This was something He Song had long predicted.

  However, now that the banquet was still going on, He Song didn't think too much about it and just casually chatted with the Fei Hu True Lord in front of him.

  But even if it was just a casual chat, the two of them quickly became much more familiar with each other.

  Between the words, there was no longer the same rawness as before.

  In this way, until a certain moment.

  True Lord Fei Hu suddenly opened his mouth.

  "I don't know if you're here, but do you want to stay here? Or, is it just a temporary stop?"

  After getting acquainted, True Lord Fei Hu's intention of inviting He Song to the banquet should naturally be raised.

  The main reason why True Lord Fei Hu invited He Song to this banquet was to inquire about this matter.

  As for the previous temptation, and the subsequent familiarization, most of it was also just a pre-preparation for the sake of these words.

  Previously asking He Song if he had traveled a long way.

  It was to lay the foundation for the inquiry at this time.

  After realizing that He Song's origin was not from one of the surrounding immortal states, True Lord Fei Hu's questioning now was also natural.

  Next, no matter how He Song responded, his purpose had been achieved.

  In this regard, He Song's heart was also well aware of this.

  An unfamiliar Jindan True Lord suddenly arrived here and stayed, naturally attracting the attention of other Jindan True Lords within the state capital.

  Fei Hu Zhen Jun's suspicion could only be described as human nature.

  However, He Song had only come here by chance, and his purpose was only to wait for what he had purchased.

  In this Zichuan state capital, He Song will only stay for a few months at most.

  Even if He Song wanted to do something here, I'm afraid it would be very difficult.

  Under such circumstances, He Song naturally did not have the idea of staying here permanently, and even more so, he did not have the intention of competing for resources with the other Jindan families in the Purple River State Capital.

  Now, facing the inquiry of True Lord Fei Hu, He Song definitely could not believe what he said.

  Therefore, after hearing True Lord Fei Hu's inquiry, He Song quickly pretended to have a sudden realization and then spoke.

  "It turns out that you, Fellow Daoist, were invited for this reason, and this matter is my fault."

  "I traveled all the way here, but I had the temporary intention of wanting to purchase something amongst this Zi Chuan Prefecture."

  "Unfortunately, although this thing is not of high value, it is quite rare, and even within the Treasure Pavilion, there is no supply for the time being."

  "I have no choice but to wait here for some time until the Treasure Pavilion delivers what I need before I leave."

  "This stay is not intentional, and I will not stay here for long, but you are being overly concerned."

  He Song did not hide his purpose for coming here.

  As soon as he entered the state capital, he rushed directly to the Treasure Pavilion, and this matter could not be concealed.

  Although the exchange between him and the owner of the Treasure Gathering Pavilion here was hidden, it could be leaked.

  Instead of talking about it, it would be better to directly make it clear and directly inform the Fei Hu True Lord in front of him of his purpose.

  In this way, as long as He Song said, as if unintentionally, that what he needed was not of high value but was quite rare, Fei Hu Zhen Jun was afraid that he would also believe a few points.

  In case the price of what he wanted was leaked out in the future.

  With his own words in the first place, he might even be able to make other Jindan True Monarchs a little more wary of He Song.

  After all, there were quite a few precious things that were worth a lot of money in what He Song wanted.

  For this to be called of little value in He Song's mouth, I'm afraid that He Song's persona of coming from a great power will be completely realized.

  At that time, even if the Jindan Monarchs in Zichuan Prefecture really have any thoughts about He Song, I'm afraid that they will have to weigh more.

  As for the Fei Hu Zhen Jun in front of He Song now will not completely believe in his own words, He Song did not want to let him believe in all.

  He Song didn't want him to believe all of it, but he believed a few points and didn't have bad thoughts about himself because of this matter.

  At least, in these few months, not to let Fei Hu Zhen Jun because of their own needs, and have any bad thoughts about themselves on the line.

  After a few months, He Song had already left, naturally, there was no need to worry about whether Fei Hu Zhen Jun believed or not.

  At the same time, He Song directly stated that he was living here temporarily for a period of time.

  He would not have any conflict of interest with the Jindan True Monarchs in Zichuan Prefecture.

  Under such circumstances, Soaring Tiger True Lord and the other Jindan True Monarchs would naturally not be too wary of He Song.

  In the Immortal Cultivation Realm, although it was incredibly dangerous.

  But that danger, almost most of the time, was triggered because of resources.

  The likelihood of a passerby like He Song, especially one whose cultivation had reached the Jindan realm, suddenly encountering inexplicable dangers was very low.

  (End of chapter)