
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
323 Chs


  Chapter 506 - True Lord Yoyun

  Hulu Prefecture State Capital.

  Gathering Treasure Pavilion Main Pavilion.

  When He Song's figure suddenly arrived here, his Jindan realm cultivation aura instantly drew the attention of the owner of the Treasure Pavilion here.

  After realizing that He Song's destination was the Gathering Treasure Pavilion, the flying boat quickly stopped outside the Gathering Treasure Pavilion.

  Not waiting for He Song to come down from the flying boat, this place's pavilion master had already drifted here and waited quietly not far from the flying boat.

  When He Song stepped down from the flying boat and put it away, he was greeted by the owner of the pavilion.

  The Pavilion Master of this place also greeted him.

  "This fellow Daoist, please."

  With a clear voice ringing in his ears, He Song's gaze then turned, and he soon saw the wonderful young girl in a white robe beside him.

  The young girl's skin was like snow, her face was delicate, her figure was petite, and she didn't look very old.

  But after detecting the Jindan breath coming from the other party's body, He Song's heart also quickly flashed a trace of clarity.

  People who cultivate Immortals are a group of people who cannot be judged by their appearance.

  Don't look at the person in front of you is like a young girl, but in fact, according to the cultivation of the other party to guess words.

  The girl in front of her was at least a hundred or even two hundred years old.

  The Jindan realm was not something that could be broken through so easily.

  The time spent at the Qi Practicing Stage and Foundation Establishment Stage was not short.

  In other words, this young girl in front of him, who did not look very old, was most likely close to two hundred years old, or even higher.

  However, after realizing this, He Song didn't show any unusual colors on his face.

  The young girl in front of him was not young.

  How could he, He Song, not be the same?

  As the same Jindan, he was afraid that He Song's age would not be lower than the girl in front of him.

  But even so, He Song still has the appearance of a young man.

  Most of the Immortal cultivators are like He Song, they all look very young.

  "Thank you, fellow Daoist."

  With a normal face, He Song slightly arched his hand towards the young girl in front of him, He Song soon followed the young girl's steps and entered the Treasure Pavilion together.

  Inside the Treasure Pavilion.

  In the parlor.

  He Song and the young girl were seated separately.

  As the young girl skillfully made tea, a wisp of tea aroma also drifted in the parlor.

  When a cup of spirit tea with a strong fragrance was placed in front of He Song by the young girl.

  It was only at this point that the young girl opened her mouth to introduce herself.

  "My young lady, Yo Yun, I wonder how to address you?"

  As True Lord You Yun's words fell, He Song's mind, which was still somewhat skeptical, relaxed at this moment.

  Before setting out to come here, True Lord Luo Jing had already greeted He Song, stating that the person who had come here to receive He Song was known by the name You Yun.

  He Song was still thinking, Luo Jing Zhen Jun's cultivator with the name Yu Yun, will not have a low cultivation level, only Foundation Establishment.

  At that time, how should he explain this matter to this strange Jindan in front of him.

  However, unexpectedly, after hearing True Lord You Yun's introduction, He Song instantly reacted.

  It turned out that the Jindan girl in front of him was True Lord Luo Jing's sister Yoyun.

  But what made He Song surprised was.

  In front of him, although the cultivation level of this You Yun True Monarch is at the same early Jindan stage as himself, he is also a real early Jindan cultivator.

  With this cultivation, why would he be called a senior sister by True Lord Luo Jing?

  One must know that True Monarch Luo Jing had just broken through the Jindan not long ago.

  To be called a senior sister by her.

  Could it be that this True Lord You Yun's breakthrough to the Jindan realm was even shorter than True Lord Luo Jing's?

  But then how could a cultivator who had just broken through to the early Jindan stage sit in the main pavilion of a Treasure Pavilion?

  One must know that the two True Monarchs Luo Jing and Yun Jing have not yet been dispatched out to town a party.

  This True Lord You Yun in front of him, could it be that his identity is not ordinary?


  Thoughts flashed through his mind, but after pondering, he did not open his mouth to ask anything.

  Even the color of his face, did not change a bit, as if this matter was completely unknown to him.

  After all, nowadays, He Song and this Yu Yun True Monarch in front of him did not have any friendship, the relationship between the two of them, until now is just a stranger.

  His own understanding of True Lord You Yun was also obtained from True Lord Luo Jing.

  So, if you ask more, I'm afraid it will also annoy people.

  It would be better to pretend not to know, and directly reveal his identity and take away what he needs.

  Thinking of this, He Song then got up and slightly arched his hand towards True Lord You Yun in front of him.

  "So it's True Monarch Yo Yun in person, under Cang Song, this time I came here because True Monarch Luo Jing told me that there is a Jindan Rune Dao jade slip appearing here, so I came here to seek True Monarch Yo Yun to trade."

  "Previously, according to True Lord Luo Jing, True Lord You Yun had already left this item behind, I wonder if this is the case?"

  As He Song's words fell, True Lord You Yun, who had originally wanted to exchange terms of address with He Song, and then asked He Song what he had come here for.

  At this moment, there was also a slight change in her expression.

  Originally, she really just wanted to exchange pleasantries with He Song and then follow the process of trading.

  Generally speaking, for foreign Jindan cultivators like He Song, the Treasure Pavilion would deal with them in the same way.

  First, they exchanged pleasantries, then asked about their needs, then inspected the goods and traded, and finally sent the other party off.

  This set of processes was something that almost all of the Poly Treasure Pavilion cultivators were already familiar with.

  But unexpectedly, she had only just begun the process when He Song had already gone out of his way and stated his purpose for coming here.

  It also revealed his identity.

  Moreover, what He Song had said was indeed not false.

  Prior to this, she had indeed contacted True Lord Luo Jing and promised the other party to leave behind a Jindan Rune Dao jade slip, waiting for a cultivator with the legal name of Cang Song to come and trade.

  This kind of internal transaction is actually very normal.

  Luo Jing Zhen Jun was able to find a buyer, and her side could leave the goods behind.

  After all, things that only Jindan True Monarchs need are actually quite difficult to sell.

  The number of Jindan true monarchs, compared to qi cultivators, foundation cultivators, but it is too much less.

  Since Luo Jing had already found a buyer, it was only natural for her to leave this item behind and wait for a buyer to come to her door to complete the transaction.

  However, what He Song said caused True Lord You Yun, who was originally only thinking of going through the process, to be slightly stunned.

  Now, less than half a month had passed since she had promised True Monarch Luo Jing that she would leave that Jindan Rune Dao jade slip behind.

  In less than half a month's time, He Song had already arrived here from afar.

  This caused her, who had originally thought that she would still need to wait for a short time, to have a trace of unexpected joy in her heart.

  He Song had come too quickly.

  So fast that True Lord You Yun did not even think that she would be able to wait for He Song in about ten days.

  Hadn't it been agreed that He Song was far away from Huanzhou and would need a longer period of time, allowing himself to stay for a period of time?   

  With a hint of unexpected joy and a slight doubt, True Lord You Yun similarly stood up like He Song and slightly saluted towards He Song.

  Only then did he say.

  "Greetings to True Lord Cang Song, the name of True Lord can be said to be like a thunderclap, and I am fortunate enough to have heard quite a bit about True Lord's deeds from Senior Sister Luo Jing."

  "I originally thought that it would take some time before I could actually meet True Lord, but I didn't expect True Lord to come so quickly."

  "So fast that before my little daughter could make any preparations, True Lord had already arrived."

  "This place is humble, so I hope that True Lord will not be offended."

  "As for the things that True Lord needs, I am sure that I have also left them here for True Lord early, True Lord, please look."

  After both parties saluted, they each fell down.

  As True Lord You Yun's words fell, a jade slip was also taken out of the storage bag by True Lord You Yun and placed in front of He Song.

  Only after all this was done did True Monarch You Yun let out a slight sigh of relief, her gaze fixedly looking towards He Song in front of her.

  She had indeed heard something about He Song from True Lord Luo Jing's mouth.

  It was that He Song had gone to the Treasure Pavilion to search for the Life Extension Pill in order to renew the life of his Qi Practicing Stage friend.

  However, what she had said, that He Song's name was like a thunderbolt, was only an exaggeration.

  Her understanding of He Song was limited to what True Lord Luo Jing had previously told her.

  Other than that, it was the first time she had even seen He Song.

  How could she talk about a reputation?

  It was nothing more than a casual boast.

  But even so, when she saw He Song for the first time, True Lord You Yun couldn't help but look at He Song.

  She wanted to see what was so wonderful about someone who could be valued by True Lord Luo Jing.

  The relationship between True Monarch Luo Jing and her was actually not particularly close.

  The Hulu State where True Monarch You Yun was located was within the Purple Cloud Sect's sphere of influence.

  Although it was not far from the One Sun Sect, it was no longer the same branch.

  The name of Master and Sister between True Monarch You Yun and True Monarch Luo Jing is actually just that both sides are in the same Treasure Pavilion.

  If the two were not in the same Treasure Pavilion, I'm afraid that the chances of even recognizing each other would be quite slim.

  In such a situation, You Yun True Monarch was able to promise Luo Jing True Monarch this matter, in fact, has also been considered to give a favor.

  However, True Monarch Luo Jing used such a favor to make friends with an early Jindan cultivator like He Song.

  Such behavior of True Lord Luo Jing would naturally cause curiosity in True Lord You Yun's heart.

  This Cang Song True Monarch in front of him, what exactly was so exceptional that he was able to induce Luo Jing True Monarch to open his mouth to help even at the expense of owing a favor.

  Although the matter was not big, it was enough to see that True Lord Luo Jing had attached importance to He Song.

  And just as True Lord You Yun was sizing up He Song.

  He Song had already picked up the jade slip in front of him, and probed out his divine sense to roughly scan through the information in the slip.

  After confirming that the Jindan Rune Dao method recorded in this jade slip was indeed what he needed.

  A trace of joy immediately flashed across He Song's face.

  The Jindan Rune Dao jade slip.

  I've got it!

  Now that the Jindan Rune Dao Jade Slip was in his hands, all he needed to do next was to return to his cave and fully comprehend it.

  After he successfully understood the Golden Dan Spirit Symbol drawing method, his identity would be able to change and become a newly promoted Golden Dan Symbol Master.

  Although the identity of Golden Dan Rune Master was only the most inconspicuous one among He Song's many identities.

  However, He Song had declared himself to be a Rune Master since the Qi Practicing Stage.

  Nowadays, He Song's cultivation has reached the Jindan realm, so even if he reveals his identity as a Jindan talisman master, it is considered very normal.

  In this way, He Song's identity appeared to outsiders as a Jindan cultivator who had never given up studying the Way of the Talisman.

  Even if he occasionally revealed his talisman cultivation, it would not surprise anyone.

  Even when he was fighting, others would be afraid of He Song's identity as a Jindan talisman master, fearing that he would take advantage of people's defenses to directly take out a hundred or ten Jindan talismans and directly bombard them indiscriminately.

  If such a situation really occurs, I'm afraid that even a Jindan True Lord can't withstand it.

  Under such deterrence, He Song's own safety was naturally guaranteed.

  The identity of a talisman master also became an identity that He Song could proclaim outside.

  However, after determining that the Jindan Talisman Dao Jade Simplex in his hand was what he needed, He Song did not directly leave.

  Instead, he looked towards True Lord You Yun in front of him.

  At this moment.

  True Monarch You Yun was still looking at He Song without blinking, and in his heart, he was still pondering why True Monarch Luo Jing had such a high regard for He Song.

  When He Song's eyes looked at him, True Monarch You Yun realized that he had lost his temper and hurriedly withdrew his gaze and smiled awkwardly towards He Song.

  Seeing this, He Song was suspicious in his heart, but he didn't say anything.

  Cultivators in the Immortal Cultivation World all had good skin.

  Regardless of whether they were Qi Practitioners, Foundation Builders, or Jindan Yuanying, almost all of them had good looks.

  He wouldn't be naive enough to think that this True Lord You Yun was looking at his own skin.

  Therefore, he lost his temper.

  That was not normal.

  Therefore, He Song only nodded slightly in her direction, and then opened his mouth to inquire about the price of this item.

  "Thank you, Fellow Daoist You Yun, this item is indeed what I need."

  "However, I don't know what the value of this item is, but can I use spirit stones to pay for it?"

  "If it's a barter, in my hands there are also some spirit pills and spirit talismans that I have exchanged from other fellow Daoists, I wonder if you would be willing to exchange them?"

  There were actually already quite a few things in the Jindan Realm that could only be bartered.

  Cultivators who were able to step into the Jindan realm were basically not too short of things like spirit stones.

  Under such circumstances, bartering wasn't something particularly difficult to accept.

  Especially after He Song was able to refine his own Jindan pills and lower-grade spirit weapons, bartering was no longer difficult for He Song.

  Lower-grade spiritual weapons and Jindan spiritual pills are all things that can be circulated in the Jindan realm, and their value is quite high.

  However, all Jindan cultivators almost always have this need.

  With these things in his hand, He Song could exchange them for almost anything he wanted.

  He just didn't know if he should buy this Jindan Rune Dao jade slip in his hand with spirit stones or if he needed to barter for it.

  "Since fellow Daoist has already confirmed it, I will not say anything more."

  "Although this item is quite precious, it falls into the category of being able to be purchased with spirit stones."

  "For the sake of Senior Sister Luo Jing, it would be sufficient for you to give eighteen thousand mid-grade spirit stones, and it would also be considered that my daughter has made a friend with you."

  As True Lord You Yun's words came through, He Song looked as normal, but in his heart, he sighed slightly.

  Sure enough, buying something from an acquaintance was still a bit more cost-effective than buying something from a stranger.

  (End of chapter)