
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
323 Chs


  Chapter 499 - Terrifying as hell

  Rather, it was because, when He Song had previously been refining artifacts, he hadn't developed any sense of spiritual connection to the spirit artifacts he was refining.

  When refining a spirit weapon, one had to maintain absolute concentration while refining the weapon and completely converge their attention on the weapon embryo in front of them.

  At the same time, one also needed to generate enough emotions towards the artifact embryo in front of them.

  In this way, when the embryo was fully formed.

  A spirit weapon would naturally be born.

  Previously, every time He Song refined a spirit weapon, although he was almost fully concentrated, the thoughts in his mind would also fluctuate.

  Not to mention the emotions he felt towards an embryo.

  In this way, after the embryo was formed, it naturally wouldn't produce spirituality.

  Back then, when He Song first refined a lower-grade spirit weapon, the spirit weapon he created was a blood-colored long knife.

  That was He Song's imitation of the blood-colored long knife that Meng Guan had offered up in True Lord Xingyan's cave when he was at the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment.

  At the time of refining, He Song's mind flashed over and over again when Meng Guan wielded the blood-colored long knife, and with a single stroke, he decapitated two golden-armored guards whose strength was comparable to that of a Foundation Establishment Great Perfection cultivator.

  At that time, He Song had only just consolidated his Jindan realm cultivation.

  For that blade, He Song even felt a hint of threat at first.

  And it was also because when He Song was building that blood-colored long knife, the images from that time constantly flashed in his mind.

  There was also a strong expectation for the artifact embryo that he had built.

  When this expectation continued to become deeper in the process of building the spirit weapon.

  When this anticipation lingered for a long time in the process of building the spiritual weapon.

  When this anticipation remained hot the moment the spiritual weapon came out.

  A blood-colored long knife of the lower grade spirit weapon level naturally appeared in He Song's hands.

  When the lower grade spirit weapon's blood-colored long knife entered his hand, He Song's mind even wondered.

  If the blood-colored longsword that he had created could also be like the blood-colored longsword in Meng Guan's hands back then, it would be able to threaten Jindan True Lords.

  That would be so good.

  And after he noticed that something was wrong and turned his gaze to the blood-colored longsword in his hand, he realized that the blood-colored longsword was actually a Lower Grade Spiritual Artifact.

  Conjectures about how it was possible to create an inferior spiritual weapon surfaced in He Song's mind.

  If there was one, there was two.

  He Song struck the iron while it was hot, and soon began to try according to the conjecture in his mind.

  As He Song continued to try, when a piece of inferior spiritual weapon was successfully created by him.

  He Song's heart naturally realized.

  It turned out that there was actually such a hidden secret in this building of spirit weapons.

  After realizing that he had mistakenly penetrated how to refine spirit weapons, He Song was excited, but he quickly began to search through True Lord Silvermoon's memories.

  True Lord Silvermoon's memories were many and varied.

  But previously, He Song's understanding of the Dao of Weapons basically came from True Lord Silvermoon's memories.

  Whether it was refining magic weapons, refining flying boats, or now refining spirit weapons, there was a great deal of True Lord Silvermoon's shadow.

  But He Song searched several times before and after, but never found his inadvertently penetrated in the Silver Moon True Monarch's memories, but let He Song's heart slightly puzzled.

  According to He Song's guess.

  This Silver Moon True Monarch was a powerful cultivator at the late Jindan stage.

  Moreover, not only did the Silver Moon True Monarch's cultivation reach the late Jindan stage, but he was also able to successfully refine a medium-grade spiritual weapon, so it was evident that his achievements in the weapon path must be far beyond what He Song could compare to today.

  Under such circumstances, there was no such technique in True Lord Silvermoon's memories.

  Such a situation naturally made He Song's mind quite puzzled.

  However, after thinking about it, He Song had a guess in his heart.

  When he had previously performed the Soul Search Technique on True Lord Silvermoon's Jindan, True Lord Silvermoon had already died for a short period of time.

  During this period of time, True Lord Silvermoon would naturally have lost some of his memories.

  Perhaps the memories of this matter were completely shattered at that time, and thus were not captured by He Song with the Soul Searching Technique.

  Such an explanation made sense.

  After all, the Silver Moon True Lord's memories were broken in many places, and were incomplete.

  Previously, He Song didn't care too much about it just because it didn't affect him.

  But now, it seemed that if some memories were missing at a critical time, it might also bring a lot of trouble to himself.

  For example, this time, the matter of refining spirit weapons.

  If he hadn't happened to hit a dead rat blindly, he was afraid that he would have wasted a lot of time on this matter.

  When it really came to that kind of time, the one who would lose would be himself.

  However, He Song only sighed in his heart and did not think of changing the timing of the Soul Search Technique.

  Soul searching technique, unless it is in the case that one's own strength is enough to crush the other party, He Song will choose to start performing it when the other party is still alive.

  Once the opponent was able to pose a threat to himself, even if the threat was not fatal and could only injure himself at the most, He Song would never begin to cast the Soul Searching Technique before the opponent was dead.

  For this kind of person who can pose a threat to himself, or can make himself injured, He Song will certainly be in a hundred temptations, to confirm that it is really dead, and then cast the soul searching technique.

  In this way, he could guarantee his absolute safety.

  Although this practice will make the obtained memories slightly mutilated, such as the memory of the Silver Moon Monarch, perhaps the mutilation is the key part.

  But He Song couldn't possibly gamble with his own life.

  Even if the memories obtained were defective, He Song would not take the risk.

  Compared to his own life.

  Compared to his own life, the mutilation of other people's memories is not a big deal.

  Compared to the memories of this Silver Moon True Lord, the lack of important memories about refining spiritual weapons is actually not a big problem.

  The big deal is that in the event that one is unable to make a breakthrough, one can go to the state capitals of the various Immortal States and purchase an artifact tome to solve the problem.

  The method of refining spiritual weapons, those weapon Dao books, there will certainly be marked, and there is no need for He Song has been self-comprehending.

  But in this way, also need to spend a lot of time and spirit stones.

  But these things compared to He Song's own safety.

  What can they be compared to He Song's own safety?

  After thinking clearly about this matter, He Song did not put this matter on his mind, instead, he quickly shook his head and put this matter aside.

  Nowadays, He Song was already a refiner who could refine lower-grade spirit weapons.

  Thus, after he had successfully refined several lower grade spirit weapons, he quickly took out the lower grade spirit weapon flying boat that he had obtained from True Lord Silvermoon.

  He Song hadn't utilized this lower-grade spirit weapon flying boat for a long time.

  Mainly because this is the Silver Moon Monarch's property, He Song was unable to change its appearance, naturally, he was also worried that this flying boat was recognized.

  To know, He Song had been walking within the sphere of influence of the First Sun Sect.

  If he was really recognized by the Silver Moon True Lord's close friends or juniors, what was waiting for He Song would definitely not be a good thing.   

  Because of this, He Song would immediately take out the lower-grade spirit weapon flying boat after he had successfully made a breakthrough in his own skills and was able to remodel its appearance.

  He immediately took it out and quickly changed its appearance.

  After the lower-grade spirit weapon flying boat in his hand had completely changed from its original appearance, it seemed to have turned into another flying boat.

  Only then was He Song satisfied and took back the inferior spirit weapon flying boat.

  From now on, even if He Song maneuvered this lower-grade spirit weapon flying boat in the future, he didn't need to worry about being stopped and asked about the flying boat.

  After changing the appearance of this flying boat, this flying boat had completely become He Song's property.

  In addition to that.

  He Song also took out all the three lower-grade spiritual weapons he had on him and used his own skills to change their styles as well.

  He Song had three lower grade spiritual weapons on him.

  One was the Purple Electricity Spirit Snake Seal, which was a lower-grade offensive spiritual weapon, once it was sacrificed, a Purple Electricity Spirit Snake would appear to fight for He Song, and the body could even protect He Song's own safety.

  One is the star meteorite bead, is a lower grade defensive spiritual weapon, only need to He Song's mind, the star meteorite bead will be able to turn into a silver shield, will He Song completely wrapped within, against all attacks in all directions.

  One is the green jade leaf that He Song obtained from the hand of True Lord Xuan Yu, the green jade leaf has no offensive and defensive effects, can only be used as a flying spiritual weapon, but also able to resist the tracking secret method.

  These three lower-grade spiritual weapons contained all aspects of He Song's offense, defense, as well as flying and resisting tracking techniques.

  It could be said that these three lower grade spirit weapons were all very important to He Song.

  Naturally, after a breakthrough in his own refining skills, He Song would also change their appearance to avoid being recognized.

  He should know that the Purple Electricity Spirit Snake Seal and the Star Meteorite Bead were both obtained by He Song from the Silver Moon True Lord's storage bag.

  In case He Song was seen by a close friend or descendant of True Lord Silvermoon when he was fighting with someone in the future, he was afraid that these two lower-grade items alone would not be recognized.

  I'm afraid that with these two lower-grade spiritual weapons alone, he would attract a siege from others.

  He Song didn't want to be in the middle of a fight with someone and then suddenly have another enemy because the aura he was using was recognized.

  If such a thing really happened, I was afraid that the consequences would be hard to predict.

  As for the Green Jade Leaf, although He Song said that he had bought it from the hands of True Monarch Xuan Yu.

  But about this person, He Song didn't want to have anything to do with him.

  This person's cultivation is quite high, when the cultivation is enough to have a late Jindan, now may have reached the Jindan cultivation.

  This kind of cultivator, today's cultivation is only the early Jindan He Song, temporarily still can not afford to mess with.

  Since this was the case, the Green Jade Leaf that was purchased from him naturally needed some changes.

  Otherwise, in case He Song met him in the future and was recognized by him.

  It was possible that something would happen again.

  To know, although He Song had not directly offended him at first, nor had he had too many encounters with him.

  He had even stayed in the state capital of Yunzhou for several years as a way to avoid possible pursuit.

  But in secret, He Song had directly emptied his cave.

  Those precious materials used to refine the Intrinsic Magic Treasure were still lying quietly in He Song's storage bag today.

  Although True Monarch Xuan Yu did not know that this matter was done by He Song, but not afraid of ten thousand, afraid of the unexpected.

  For his own safety, He Song finally decided to change the appearance of the green jade leaf.

  At the very least, he had to make sure that when True Lord Xuan Yu saw the Green Jade Leaf again, he would not be able to recognize it as the Green Jade Leaf at all.

  After all, when He Song went out, he would often change his appearance, unless he met someone he knew, then he would reveal his face and breath to recognize the other party.

  In such a case, even if True Lord Xuan Yu saw He Song outside, in the case of He Song hiding his own breath, I am afraid that he could not recognize He Song.

  And the only crack, Qing Yu Ye's appearance, had also been completely changed by He Song.

  Up to this point.

  Even if True Lord Xuan Yu really met He Song outside, I'm afraid he wouldn't recognize He Song as the Foundation Establishment Cultivator who bought the green jade leaf from him.

  In addition to these, He Song had also learned a lot about the war between the Yi Yang Sect and the God Locking Sect from Meng Guan and Luo Jing Zhen Jun during these eight years.

  During these eight years of his seclusion, the great war between the God Locking Sect and the One-Yang Sect was still going on.


  The God-locking Sect and the One-Yang Sect were facing each other outside the state capital of Yunzhou.

  However, compared to eight years ago, this time, the offense and defense had changed shape.

  At the time when He Song had just closed his eyes eight years ago, the Yunzhou state capital was still in the hands of the Yiyang faction, and at that time, the God-locking Sect was about to launch an attack on the Yunzhou state capital.

  At that time, the God Locking Sect and the One-Yang Sect were facing off against each other, and underneath the Yunzhou state capital, the God Locking Sect cultivators were killing each other.

  And within the Yunzhou state capital, the cultivators of the Yiyang Sect were similarly resolute, wanting to defend the Yunzhou state capital.

  But now, the roles of both sides had quietly changed.

  The cultivators of the Yiyang Sect are now underneath the Yunzhou State Capital, and the sound of killing shakes the sky.

  And within the Yunzhou state capital, the cultivators of the God-locking Sect were occupying the Yunzhou state capital and did not dare to slow down at all.


  It was already eight years later.

  Eight years, many things could already happen.

  For example.

  Eight years ago, the God Locking Sect cultivators, led by True Lord Heavenly Jade, had forcibly occupied the Cloud Prefecture state capital, and in turn, had taken the entire Cloud Prefecture into their pockets.

  Immediately afterward, the Heavenly Jade True Monarch led the cultivators of the God Locking Sect all the way south towards the hinterland of the One-Yang Sect.

  Although the cultivators of the Yiyang Sect fought hard to resist, they suffered from the fact that there were no true disciples to fight against the Heavenly Jade True Lord, so they could only retreat step by step.

  In the Immortal Cultivation World, individual strength could influence the direction of the entire battle.

  The prerequisite was that it was strong enough.

  Strong enough that the other party could do nothing about it.

  Strong enough that the other party is terrified.

  Strong enough.

  The Heavenly Jade Monarch, in the eyes of the monks of the Yi Yang Sect at that time, was such a character.

  A true disciple, as terrifying as this.

  Under YuanYing, the Heavenly Jade True Monarch's combat power is nearly unmatched.

  Even though the cultivators of the Yiyang Sect had tried their best, they had always retreated under the Heavenly Jade Monarch's demonic palm.

  On the other hand, a group of God Locking Sect's demonic disciples, led by True Monarch Tian Jie, pressed towards the hinterland of the Yiyang Sect step by step.

  Such a situation continued for a long, long time.

  Until one day.

  When the Heavenly Jedi True Monarch captured the second state capital, located in the south of Yunzhou, in the hinterland of the Yi Yang Sect's Yan Yang State.

  An accident occurred.

  (End of chapter)