
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


  Chapter 497 - Temporary Cave Mansion

  As long as one was within the sphere of influence of the Golden Snake Sect, one's safety could be guaranteed.

  With the presence of two YuanYing cultivators, even if the Locked God Sect was a devilish sect, I'm afraid that they wouldn't dare to have any petty thoughts about the Golden Snake Sect.

  As for the other forces surrounding the Golden Snake Sect.

  Although He Song doesn't know much about them, he thinks that they should not be too different from the First Sun Sect and the Purple Cloud Sect, which are the top YuanYing sects.

  In other words, the Golden Snake Sect's dual YuanYing strength is actually considered powerful among the surrounding YuanYing Superior Sects, so there is no need to worry about being invaded by other sects.

  Under such circumstances, He Song's first choice to go out to avoid trouble was naturally the Golden Snake Sect.

  Moreover, He Song was quite familiar with the Golden Snake Sect.

  As early as when he had just broken through the Jindan realm and stabilized his own strength, he had strolled around the Golden Snake Sect nearly all over.

  Although he had gone to some hidden places, he had his own understanding of the Golden Snake Sect.

  A place that was both safe and familiar, for He Song, who was now going out to avoid trouble, was also considered valuable.

  And it was precisely because of the safety and familiarity of the Golden Snake Sect that He Song would make this place his place of refuge in his mind.

  In this way.

  Half a month later.

  He Song finally arrived within the Golden Snake Sect's sphere of influence.

  The place where the Golden Snake Sect borders with the Yiyang Sect is called Purple River State.

  This Purple River State, He Song had come here once before.

  Back then, in order to purchase a detailed map of the Golden Snake Sect, he had entered the Purple River State and obtained what he wanted within the Purple River State.

  Then, he had embarked on the path to find the duo of Meng Guan and Wei Fan.

  Now, when He Song once again came to the Purple River State and watched the Purple River River in the Purple River State continue to run eastward, He Song's complexion naturally brought with it a trace of emotion.

  He did not expect that when he set foot on the land of Zi Chuan State again, his situation had been very different from before.

  When He Song first came here, he had just broken through the Jindan realm and was full of vigor.

  The purpose of coming here was to deliver the Gold Condensation Dan to his two best friends to help them break through the Jindan realm.

  It can be said that he was so happy with the spring breeze that he was able to see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day.

  Today's He Song, cultivation is still at the early stage of Jindan, only the magic power in the Jindan has grown considerably, but still failed to break through the middle stage of Jindan.

  This time, but also because of the disaster to avoid, all the way dusty.

  There is a complete contrast with the previous vigor.

  Comparing the two, today's He Song is naturally not as free as he was at the beginning.

  However, He Song didn't care too much about it.

  There are some things that cannot be resisted by manpower.

  Even with He Song's current Jindan realm cultivation, he was still unable to stop the war between the two YuanYing Sect.

  Therefore, he could only temporarily leave the Yi Yang Sect and come to the Golden Snake Sect, a relatively safe place to avoid trouble.

  After setting foot in the Golden Snake Sect's sphere of influence, He Song quickly avoided the crowded places, and from various remote places, he began to head towards the place he had long ago chosen, which could be used to open a hidden cave.

  Purple River State was named after the Purple River within its borders.

  The Purple River stretched for an unknown number of thousands of miles, running from Purple River State all the way to the east, with no idea where it would eventually merge into.

  Naturally, along the banks of the Zi Chuan River, there were also large swathes of hidden places.

  These places, some of the terrain is precipitous, mortals are discouraged, the cultivators in the air.

  Some of them are rarely visited by people, and only birds wander around and wild beasts appear on weekdays.

  The place that He Song had chosen early on was the Purple River, a treacherous terrain, in the mountains and forests where people rarely go.

  This is a very remote place where few people, even cultivators, rarely pass by.

  However, for He Song, this kind of place, but early has entered his eyes.

  At first.

  When he was looking for Meng Guan and Wei Fan, He Song had passed by this place, and he remembered the scenery and the scarcity of people here very well.

  At that time, He Song had the idea of opening a cave in this place in his heart.

  But unfortunately, He Song was in the critical moment of searching for Meng Guan and Wei Fan, and did not have any intention to stop and open a cave.

  Therefore, this matter was also delayed.

  Until now.

  When He Song came to this place again and saw the scenery of this place in Zi Chuan State, he wanted to open a cave here.

  The idea that He Song wanted to open a cave in this place also became deeply rooted.

  "This place, can be used as a spare cave."

  "In addition to that, there is also a need to go to another place and open up a hidden cave as a back road."

  "In this way, whether it's in the Purple Cloud Sect or the Golden Snake Sect, I'll have two hidden cave mansions as back roads."

  "The two hidden cave mansions in the Purple Cloud Sect can be left alone for now."

  "As for the hidden cave in this Golden Snake Sect, in addition to the one that I personally reside in when avoiding trouble, the other hidden cave also needs to take on the responsibility of a back road."

  "Once something unexpected happens, no matter if it's leaving the Golden Snake Sect, or leaving this cave mansion today, there needs to be a sufficiently thorough plan."

  "Don't ever think that by then, once the Golden Snake Sect is also in turmoil, there will be no other back roads to take."

  When he came to the bank of the Purple River, the place he had chosen to open a hidden cave, He Song looked downwards, and the ideas in his heart also emerged.

  He Song had always been used to leaving a way out for himself.

  Even now, he is here to avoid trouble.

  However, He Song still did not forget this point.

  According to He Song's idea, in case the Golden Snake Sect is in chaos, or if his temporary cave is discovered here, he can naturally move to another cave immediately in case he has a back road.

  With the existence of a back road, it was naturally impossible to be in a state of disarray, running around like a headless fly.

  In the Immortal Cultivation Realm, if one really did so, they were afraid that they would be in deep trouble.

  This was also the reason why He Song left himself a back way every time.

  Only by having a plan in advance would he not scurry around like a headless fly when faced with an unexpected situation.

  In case he scurried to some dangerous place, I'm afraid that even if he didn't deserve to die, he would have to die in it.

  After determining what he had in mind, He Song quickly put away his extremely high-grade magic weapon flying boat and quickly fell into the mountain forest below.

  On the banks of the Purple River, in the middle of the mountain forest, He Song's figure stopped slightly before a towering wall.

  Since he chose to open his cave on the banks of the Purple River, He Song naturally would not choose to hide his cave thousands of meters deep underground again.

  If that's the case, why would He Song need to open a cave on the banks of the Purple River?

  He Song can directly find a rocky mountain.

  This time, He Song chose to open the cave, is the Purple River River around the mountain peaks above the wall.

  Close to the Purple River, but can be in front of a large area of the scenery, as well as the Purple River river through the place as far as the eye can see.   

  In addition, on top of the wall, there is also a large amount of rock and soil as a cover, compared to He Song's previous cave that was opened thousands of meters underground, the concealment is not too much worse.

  The only thing was that the soil above the cave was only thousands of meters high from the original thousands of meters.

  However, thousands of meters of soil, but also be able to why Song's cave to bring very strong concealment.

  Moreover, with the Jindan Formation, the cave that He Song opened up here, I'm afraid it's not much worse than the previous cave that he carefully opened up.

  Because of this, He Song felt that there was no harm in opening a cave in this place.

  This was also the reason why He Song came here and prepared to open his temporary cave here.

  Being on top of the wall of the mountain, He Song's mind moved and soon maneuvered a superb magic weapon flying sword to cut off a piece of the rock on top of the wall.

  Including the cut rock in his storage bag, He Song continued to maneuver the flying sword towards the interior of the wall.

  When the rocks in front of him were put into the storage bag one by one, He Song's figure gradually disappeared.

  When He Song's figure gradually disappeared within the wall.

  The hole on the wall that was cut out by He Song's flying sword with the best magic weapon also quietly restored to its original state at this moment.

  He Song had already laid down the Big Dipper divine Thunder Formation in the pit when he was going deeper and deeper, and restored all the traces that he had created after coming here to its original appearance.

  With the Big Dipper Thunder Formation and other Jindan formations covering the four directions, He Song's next method of opening up a hidden cave will naturally be more open and closed.

  On top of the cliff, He Song dug out a huge pit deep into the mountain.

  The pit was bowl-shaped.

  Moreover, at the very top of the pit, He Song set the Fiery Sun Bead that he had previously purchased at the Huluju state capital in it.

  When the bright light of the Fiery Sun Bead quickly covered the entire cave.

  When a large amount of soil was brought here from other places by He Song and spread on the bottom of the cave.

  When a building was taken out by He Song and placed within the cave.

  The temporary cave that He Song had opened up in this place also finally had the appearance of an immortal's cave.

  However, after doing all this.

  He Song did not take out the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree and the giant cauldron that was used to refine his own magic treasure and put them in the cave.

  This place was merely He Song's temporary cave.

  Next, if the battle between the Yi Yang Sect and the God Locking Sect changed, it could be demolished by He Song at any time.

  Since this was the case, He Song would not be able to take out these two things and place them in this cave in a short period of time.

  At the very least, he would have to wait until the soil in this temporary cave was transformed by a large amount of spiritual qi into a spiritual field and medicinal garden before He Song would choose to take out the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree.

  Because by that time, he was afraid that the time he had stayed in this temporary cave would not be short.

  I'm afraid that the great war between the Yi Yang Sect and the God Locking Sect is still going on.

  In a short time, I am afraid that I will not be able to return to Biyue Immortal State, in my own cave, He Song will still plant the Mixed Gold Fruit Tree, so that it will continue to grow in this cave.

  By that time, He Song was afraid that he had already opened up his second hidden cave in the Golden Snake Sect, leaving another back road for himself.

  In this way, He Song was afraid that he would need to stay here for a longer period of time.

  During this time, the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree would naturally be able to grow a bit along with it.

  After completely setting up his temporary cave.

  Feeling that the spiritual qi in the cave was becoming more and more dense under the effect of the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation, He Song's body moved and soon arrived at the entrance of the cave.

  At the entrance of the cave, He Song came here and looked at him from afar.

  Because the entrance of He Song's cave is on top of a cliff, so when he came to the entrance of the cave, the scene in front of him was very different.

  Underneath his feet, was the Purple River that came all the way from the distance and continuously surged towards the east.

  With the rumbling sound of water, the Zi Chuan River went all the way to the east, eastward to the sea.

  In the distance, there was a lofty mountain range, and between the lofty mountains and ranges, there were birds and beasts looming in the midst.

  The sounds made by various exotic beasts were also continuously transmitted into He Song's ears along with the sound of the water in his ears.

  Seeing this scene, a trace of satisfaction flashed across He Song's face.

  It was worthy of being the place that he felt could be used to open a cave when he first passed by this place.

  This scenery was really pleasant.

  However, although the scenery in front of him was pleasant, He Song did not stay here for long.

  Instead, he quickly maneuvered his extremely high-grade magic artifact flying boat and headed towards the distance.

  The temporary cave had already been opened up.

  Next, it was time to open another hidden cave.

  With such thoughts, He Song's figure quickly disappeared between heaven and earth.

  The second hidden cave that had been opened within the Golden Snake Sect, He Song had long had an idea of its location in his heart.

  This second hidden cave, He Song chose to open up in the Golden Snake Sect's hinterland.

  However, although it was located in the Golden Snake Sect's hinterland, the place where it was located was off the beaten track and remote.

  For He Song, this kind of place was more than suitable for opening a hidden cave.

  Thus, He Song only needed to rush there now and open up a hidden cave there.

  Very quickly.

  Several days passed.

  With He Song's figure once again appearing on the banks of the Purple River.

  The hidden cave that he needed to open up to avoid trouble this time around had already been opened up by him.

  After a few days, once again entering his temporary cave on the banks of the Purple River, He Song slightly reorganized his cave and quickly fell into seclusion.

  This retreat.

  The realization of the Spirit Gathering Formation is the most important thing.

  Other than that, it was to practice the two Jindan secret methods obtained from Meng Guan.

  These two things, there was no difference in priority, and they could be synchronized.

  However, as time passed, while He Song was in seclusion in his cave, news from the outside world continued to reach him.

  True Lord Luo Jing, as well as Meng Guan and the two of them, would send letters to He Song every once in a while, informing him of the battle between the Yi Yang Sect and the God Locking Sect.

  Therefore, although He Song was in the Golden Snake Sect, he knew a great deal about the war between the One Sun Sect and the God Locking Sect.

  From the time He Song arrived at the Golden Snake Sect, the Yi Yang Sect had begun to continuously lose ground, giving up an immortal city and surrendering it to the God Locking Sect.

  With the step by step encroachment of the God Locking Sect, the number of Immortal Cities that the Yi Yang Sect was able to occupy in the territory of Yunzhou was also becoming less and less.

  (End of chapter)