
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


Chapter 495 - Yuan Ying Upper Sect

  Perhaps, by the time he returned from the disaster, Yu'er's cultivation would not have fallen in the slightest, and the spirit medicines in the cave's medicinal garden would have matured.

  With such thoughts flashing through his mind, He Song instantly pondered over the pros and cons.

  Letting Jade continue to stay in the cave, and planting new herbs in the medicine garden in the cave.

  Then, he handed over the Hundred Beasts Pill that Yu'er needed to take every day, as well as the task of taking care of the medicinal herbs in the medicinal garden to the puppet in his hand.

  In this way, this cave residence would not need He Song to continue worrying about it.

  Whether it is Yu'er taking the Hundred Beasts Pill daily to enhance her cultivation.

  Whether it was the daily consumption of the Hundred Beasts Pill by Yu'er to enhance her cultivation, or the tending of the medicinal herbs in the medicinal garden, it would all be done by the puppet he had left behind.

  If there are no accidents in the middle of the journey.

  When He Song returned, I'm afraid that the situation would indeed be as he expected, not only would Yu'er's cultivation not fall, but the spiritual medicines in the cave would also mature.

  At the same time, when he returned, the spirit medicine in the cave might also be able to cover the spirit stones consumed by the Heavenly Dipper Divine Thunder Formation over the years.

  The Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation was a Jindan Grand Formation, which required the consumption of hundreds of medium-grade spirit stones every year.

  If He Song left for a few decades, he was afraid that the amount of spirit stones consumed would not be a small amount.

  Of course, according to He Song's estimation, I'm afraid that it won't take so long for him to avoid trouble.

  But as the saying goes, fear not ten thousand, fear not one thing.

  After pondering for a moment, He Song finally decided to replenish the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation with spirit stones that could support its operation for decades.

  In this way, even if He Song was delayed for a lot of time outside, his cave built here would not be discovered by others due to the depletion of spirit stones.


  If an accident occurred in the middle of the journey.

  If his cave was discovered by the devil cultivators, or other cultivators.

  He Song's loss was certainly quite a lot, but in actual math, it wasn't really that much.

  Even if the cave was discovered by others, the extremely valuable things in He Song's cave were all carried by him.

  The big deal was that he had lost some of his newly planted spirit medicine seeds, as well as a puppet, and Jade, a spirit beast.

  In terms of damage to He Song himself, it was actually almost nothing.

  With all this flashing through his mind, He Song finally decided to follow what he wanted.

  Leave Jade Child in the cave and sprinkle new spirit medicine seeds in the cave, and then leave a puppet to take care of it in the cave.

  In this way, as long as there were no accidents, when he returned, the large amount of spirit stones consumed by the Heavenly Dipper Divine Thunder Formation would naturally be able to be borne by the newly grown spirit medicines in the cave.

  In other words, He Song only needed to do this, and there was a high probability that he would not lose anything.

  Even the consumption of the Heavenly Dipper Divine Thunder Formation would be offset by the spirit stones sold after the spirit medicine matured.

  Even if there was a loss, it wouldn't affect him too much.

  At the same time, with Jade Child in the cave and the Heavenly Dipper Divine Thunder Formation outside, the safety of the cave was actually still relatively high.

  At the very least, Foundation Establishment realm cultivators were completely unable to pose any threat to He Song's cave.

  Thinking of this.

  He Song quickly began his actions.


  It was to include the huge Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree in the cave mansion in his storage bag.

  He Song had already done this once long ago, so naturally, he was familiar with it, and quickly put the entire Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree into the storage bag.

  It was worth mentioning that the only Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit on the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree also looked a lot bigger than before.

  According to He Song's estimation, I'm afraid that after a few more decades, it would be able to mature completely.

  In addition to that, He Song quickly put the giant cauldron from True Lord Xuan Yu's cave, as well as the materials in the cauldron that were used to refine the original magic treasure into his storage bag.

  He Song had also done this once before, and was equally familiar with it.

  Next, it was the harvesting of the herbs in the cave, as well as the transportation of the outer buildings of the cave, such as the weapon refining room, alchemy room, talisman making room, etc. In this regard, He Song was also a lightweight.

  In this regard, He Song was also familiar with it.

  Previously, when carrying True Lord Xuan Yu's refining room, He Song had already had experience.

  He Song had already had experience when he moved the Xuan Yu True Monarch's artifact room. He directly uprooted it and put it into his storage bag.

  When it is needed in the future, then take it out of the storage bag.


  Under He Song's continuous action, the original well-organized cave was soon dismantled by He Song.

  Apart from the original style of the cave house remaining unchanged, almost everything else in He Song's cave house had changed.

  At this moment, within He Song's cave, except for the topmost Blazing Sun Bead which was still emitting a strong light, the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree on the ground, as well as a large area of spiritual medicines, and numerous buildings, were all included in He Song's storage bag.

  When all these things disappeared, the scene in He Song's cave naturally changed dramatically.

  At this moment, scattered buildings were distributed in the outermost part of the cave, and in the center of the cave, a huge deep pit signaled the existence of a huge spiritual plant.

  The raging earth fire formation was also dismantled by He Song, and the originally raging earth fire quickly cooled down with it.

  Beyond the huge deep pit at the center, a large number of medicinal gardens had become bare, in which the spirit medicines had long been swept away by He Song.

  Yu'er, who had been lying under the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree, looked towards He Song with a strong suspicion in her gaze when she saw this scene.

  She didn't know what He Song was going to do.

  But she knew.

  When she slept again in the future, the shade above her head was bound to be gone.

  Raising her head to look up at the Blazing Sun Bead at the very top of the cave that was still emitting a dazzling light, Yu'er's gaze followed suit as she looked towards He Song.

  However, just as her gaze was placed on He Song.

  However, she saw that He Song had already casually waved his hand, sowing a large number of spirit medicine seeds that landed in various parts of the medicinal garden in the cave.

  At the same time, a puppet was also released by He Song with it.

  After setting the daily tasks to be done, He Song handed over another storage bag to the puppet's hands.

  After all this, He Song thought a little, and soon there was a formation disk in his hand, as well as several formation flags that turned into streams of light, heading to a corner of the cave.

  As a Luo Smoke Formation appeared in the corner.

  He Song's gaze also looked towards where Yu'er was.

  For a moment, the four eyes met.

  "This seat will be leaving for a period of time, during this time, you will stay in the cave."

  "Every day, it will hand you a Hundred Beast Pill to ensure your cultivation progress."

  "In addition to this, this seat has already laid down a Luo Smoke Formation, if someone breaks the formation and enters the cave, you will hide inside the Luo Smoke Formation."

  "This Luo Smoke Formation is quite hidden, and it is also a place for you to save your life."

  "However, before entering it, remember to clear away the traces of your own existence in the cave."

  "If someone discovers the traces and finds the Luo Smoke Formation, I'm afraid that when this seat returns, I will only be able to avenge you."

  After leaving a place for Yu'er to save her life and informing her that she would be leaving for a while.

  He Song said goodbye to Yu'er and quickly left his cave.   

  It was unknown how long he would be gone for.

  Although the Heavenly Dipper Divine Thunder Formation outside the cave was a Jindan formation, the various effects were very amazing.

  However, it was unknown if one could remain safe and sound.

  In order for Yu'er to have more chances of staying alive, He Song would naturally prepare some back roads for her.

  Inside the Luo Smoke Formation that He Song subsequently set up, He Song left behind enough spirit stones for the Luo Smoke Formation to last for hundreds of years.

  It was thought that with these spirit stones.

  Even if he had delayed for a long time before finally arriving back here, he would still be able to make sure that Yu'er's safety was guaranteed.

  On top of that, even if someone entered He Song's cave and removed the spirit medicine from it.

  With the cover of the Luo Smoke Formation, the probability of Yu'er being detected would also be reduced.

  Perhaps, when he returned, Yu'er would still be alive in the Luo Smoke Formation.

  After leaving his cave hundreds of miles away, He Song's silhouette emerged from the ground and arrived in the sky.

  Calling out his own extremely high-grade magic artifact flying boat, He Song took a step in.

  Finally, with one more glance at the direction where his cave was located, He Song quickly maneuvered his Extremely Superior Magical Artifact Flying Boat and headed towards the east.

  This going.

  He Song's first stop was naturally the Purple Cloud Sect.

  Before leaving his cave, He Song had spoken to True Lord Luo Jing, as well as Meng Guan about where he was going.

  Of course, this destination was actually nothing more than He Song's casual remarks.

  This time, he left to avoid trouble, naturally, he could not just walk around the Purple Cloud Sect.

  Golden Snake Sect, He Song was likewise going.

  The Purple Cloud Sect and the Golden Snake Sect were places that He Song had decided on in his mind long ago.

  After all, it was impossible to open up just one hidden cave.

  In case the Purple Cloud Sect was also caught up in this war after he opened a hidden cave in the Purple Cloud Sect, how would he be able to handle himself?

  In the event that he opened a hidden cave in the Golden Snake Sect and then suffered the same fate as the One Sun Sect and the Purple Cloud Sect, what was he going to do?

  Therefore, the idea of opening a hidden cave in the Purple Cloud Sect and the Golden Snake Sect had taken root in He Song's mind long ago.

  The reason why he only talked to Meng Guan and Luo Jing Zhenjun about going to the Purple Cloud Sect was because of the caution in He Song's heart.

  Informing the two of them of his whereabouts was not accurate.

  If someone wanted to search for himself through the two of them, he would certainly only be a basket case.

  In this way, for He Song's own life safety, it was an additional layer of protection.

  However, if True Lord Luo Jing and Meng Guan really wanted to look for themselves, He Song would naturally inform them of his whereabouts and would not let them pounce.

  After leaving his cave mansion near Blue Moon Immortal City.

  He Song maneuvered his extremely high-grade magic weapon flying boat and soon left the Bi Yue Immortal State and entered the sphere of influence of the Purple Cloud Sect.

  Since He Song didn't have a deep understanding of the Purple Cloud Sect before this.

  Therefore, after entering the Purple Cloud Sect's sphere of influence, He Song immediately hid his cultivation at the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection Realm.

  With a cultivation level of Foundation Establishment Great Perfection, maneuvering an extremely high-grade magic weapon flying boat was not out of the ordinary.

  Moreover, having a top-grade artifact flying boat at such a cultivation level would also make others speculate about He Song's identity and background.

  You have to know.

  When He Song's cultivation was still in the Foundation Establishment realm, the flying boat he used was a lower-grade magic weapon flying boat.

  Even if his cultivation reached the late stage of Foundation Establishment, the flying boat he used was still the same lower-grade magic weapon flying boat.

  The reason for this, in addition to the fact that He Song has not thought about replacing it, also has to do with the fact that he doesn't travel much.

  But in the eyes of other Foundation Establishment realm cultivators, the normal Foundation Establishment realm using the flying boat, basically is in the middle grade, or the upper grade magic weapon flying boat hovering.

  Only Jindan disciples such as Luo Jing Zhen Jun.

  Or a richly endowed Foundation Establishment real person.

  Only at the late Foundation Establishment stage, or the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection realm, would they have an extremely high-grade magic weapon flying boat in their possession.

  Once there was a situation where a Foundation Establishment realm cultivator maneuvered an extremely high-grade magic weapon flying boat, it naturally represented that his background was extraordinary, or his family was quite rich.

  In this way, some unsuspecting cultivators would naturally weigh the situation.

  Of course.

  Such a practice has both advantages and disadvantages.

  After revealing their own identity background, as well as rich family.

  It will also make it easier for those evil cultivators who are ruthless and like to kill and seize treasures to use their brains.

  However, although He Song's apparent cultivation level was the Foundation Establishment Grand Circle, his actual cultivation level was at the Jindan realm.

  As for the evil cultivators of the Foundation Establishment realm, He Song still would not put it in his eyes.

  Under the premise of having enough strength as his own backbone, such an approach is also considered a way to reduce the trouble.

  What's more, even walking around as an ordinary Foundation Establishment cultivator would attract a lot of malicious gazes, so He Song's doing this is also considered the lesser of two evils.

  On the surface will tell others that he is not to be messed with, naturally can also let He Song less trouble.

  It was only after half a month of flying that He Song finally arrived at an immortal state capital within the Purple Cloud Sect's sphere of influence, which was adjacent to the Yi Yang Sect.

  Hundreds of miles away from this immortal state capital, He Song casually laid down a Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation in a hidden valley.

  Only then did he continue forward towards this Xianzhou state capital in front of him.

  He Song had been to this Immortal State before.

  It was when he sent An Lemon to the Wind and Snow Palace.

  However, at that time, He Song did not go deep into this Immortal State, nor did he enter the state capital of this Immortal State.

  Therefore, He Song only knew that this Immortal State was called Hulu State.

  The origin of the name is that the area under the jurisdiction of Hulu State looks like a gourd on the map.

  Thus, it got the name of Huluju.

  The state capital of Hulu State is located in the center of the gourd, the narrowest place.

  When He Song came to Hulu State Capital and entered it with the cultivation of Foundation Establishment Great Perfection, the various sceneries in Hulu State naturally came into his eyes very quickly.

  The state capital of Hulizhou was basically the same as the immortal states that He Song had visited in the past.

  There were high mountain lakes with Jindan True Monarchs, and large and small pavilions towered over them.

  The immense state capital was so huge that one could not even see the edge of it.

  The cultivators within the state capital were even more numerous than the surrounding Immortal Cities and Immortal Places.

  However, this scene did not attract much attention from He Song.

  After entering the state capital of Hulu State, He Song's figure moved and soon headed towards the main pavilion of the Treasure Pavilion in the state capital.

  It was strange to say the least.

  This Gathering Treasure Pavilion, whether it was in the Yi Yang Sect, the Golden Snake Sect, or the current Purple Cloud Sect, all of them existed.

  (End of chapter)