
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


 Chapter 492 - Broken Souls Come Out of the Mountain

  "It's just that I didn't expect that Heavenly Jedi True Lord was involved in this war at the very beginning."

  "If it wasn't for him, the One Sun Sect would have had a lot of results in this battle."



  "It seems that this Cloud State land, the One Sun Sect is afraid that it won't be able to hold on to it."

  "I don't know, how should the master be able to handle himself at that time, those people in the devil's path, will not do anything out of the ordinary."

  Looking at the beautiful handwriting above the thin paper, He Song sighed in his heart.

  Sure enough.

  The situation was still going in the worst direction.

  Previously, after hearing from True Lord Luo Jing about True Lord Tianjie's deeds, He Song had the same thought as True Lord Luo Jing.

  I'm afraid that the Yi Yang Sect wouldn't be able to take any advantage of this sneak attack.

  Now, when the facts were truly in front of him, He Song had a deeper understanding of True Monarch Luo Jing's words and the speculations from her mouth.

  It turned out that True Lord Luo Jing's initial thoughts were not wrong in any way.

  This Heavenly Jedi True Monarch was worthy of being the leader amongst the cultivators of his generation, and his battle prowess was truly formidable.

  Having such a figure standing in front of a group of Devil Dao cultivators, showing them the way, the encouragement for the Devil Dao cultivators could be said to be great.

  With the support of the Heavenly Jade True Lord's formidable strength, this situation would also become even more obvious.

  Under the leadership of such a figure, even if they were momentarily attacked by a sneak attack, causing the Devil Dao cultivators to be disorganized.

  However, as long as True Monarch Tian Jie was present, the Devil Dao cultivators would be able to quickly converge on his side and fight alongside him.

  In the absence of YuanYing cultivators, the existence of the Heavenly Jie True Monarch was already the ceiling of the cultivator's battle power.

  With him alone dragging down two to three Jindan Great Perfection cultivators, the pressure on the others would naturally be quickly reduced and even launch a counterattack.

  And at that time .

  Under the change of shape between offense and defense, the cultivators of the Yi Yang Sect would inevitably not be able to take much advantage.

  Now, with the Yiyang Sect and the God Locking Sect facing each other in the place where the original battle between the righteous and the devils had taken place, it was naturally self-evident as to what would happen next.

  Unless the Yiyang Sect had hidden some kind of backhand that could deal with this crisis.

  Otherwise, I'm afraid that it's only a matter of time before Yunzhou falls.

  Thinking of this, He Song shook his head and put the thin paper in his hand into his storage bag.

  Then, he took out another piece of thin paper and sent a letter back to True Lord Luo Jing.

  In the reply letter with True Monarch Luo Jing, He Song deliberately thanked True Monarch Luo Jing for informing him about the Heavenly Jade True Monarch earlier.

  At the same time, he didn't forget to comfort her.

  Even if the God Locking Sect hit the Yunzhou state capital, as long as True Monarch Zi Shirt was not involved, she would naturally not be liquidated.

  After all, Zi Shirt True Monarch was a member of the Gathering Treasure Pavilion, not a member of the Yi Yang Sect.

  After replying to True Lord Luo Jing's letter.

  He Song repaired another letter and passed it on to the Meng Guan duo who were still in the mountain gate of the Yi Yang Sect at the moment.

  In the letter, He Song told them the news that the Yi Yang Sect's sneak attack did not take advantage of them, and reminded them not to participate in this battle unless it was necessary.

  If they encountered the Heavenly Jade Monarch, they should avoid it as soon as possible.

  In this way, to ensure that their lives are not threatened.

  In addition to that, it was to let the two of them make preparations, so that in case of last resort, they could also save themselves.

  After a few reminders, He Song then gave up and continued to immerse himself in seclusion.


  He Song in seclusion.

  Meng Guan and Wei Fan, who were far away from the mountain gate of the Yi Yang Sect, were looking at the two messages in front of them at the moment and had a hard time.

  Meng Guan had received two letters one after the other.

  One was from He Song.

  The content of the letter was naturally a kind reminder that the two of them must not participate in this battle unless it was necessary.

  One letter came from the Sect Sect Master True Lord of the Yi Yang Sect.

  The content of the letter, on the other hand, was for Meng Guan to get ready and rush to the front line on the same day to fight the demonic thieves of the Locked God Sect.

  If these two letters, had they just appeared individually, Meng Guan would naturally find them both justified.

  Whether it was what He Song had said, telling him to stay away from this battle.

  Or whether it was what the Sect Head of the Yi Yang Sect had said, asking him to participate in this battle.

  He would gladly agree to both.

  On one side was the kind reminder of his best friend, and on the other was the order of the Sect Master True Lord.

  If the contents of these two letters didn't match, he naturally wouldn't have refused.


  These two letters had arrived in his hands one after the other, and the contents of the letters were also the opposite of what they were supposed to be.

  This situation naturally caused Meng Guan to have a hard time.

  Should he go?

  Or not to go?

  If he went, would he not be abandoning He Song's reminder and going to the battlefield himself?

  But if he didn't go, how could he explain the reason to the Sect Leader?

  It was impossible to say that he was afraid of death and didn't dare to go, right?

  When he first joined the Yi Yang Sect, he did not have such thoughts.

  After all, hadn't he come to the One Sun Sect just to participate in this battle, to sharpen himself in the midst of this battle, to make himself stronger?

  Before he had joined the One Sun Sect, he had heard from He Song that the One Sun Sect was afraid that they would have to fight a great war with the God Locking Sect.

  And because of that, he had rushed from the Golden Snake Sect's sphere of influence to the One Sun Sect's sphere of influence and eventually joined the One Sun Sect.

  Even, he had brought Wei Fan over as well, joining the One Sun Sect with him.

  Under such circumstances, even if he personally went and said that he was worried and scared and didn't dare to go to the battlefield, I'm afraid that the Sect Leader True Lord wouldn't believe him.

  Perhaps, he would even treat him as a mole and behead him and sacrifice him to the flag.

  Faced with such a situation, Meng Guan's heart naturally hesitated.


  Just after Meng Guan and Wei Fan looked at the two letters in front of them for a long time, they were in a dilemma.

  In the end, Meng Guan let out a light sigh and made a decision.

  "Brother Wei, when I first joined this Yang Sect, I did so in order to participate in this battle, in order to sharpen myself in the midst of this battle and make myself stronger."

  "But I didn't realize that now that the battle has collapsed, with True Disciples like True Lord Tianjie participating in it, the danger has greatly increased."

  "As such, it naturally made the already very dangerous battlefield even more crisis-ridden."

  "Luckily, it was only because you, Fellow Daoist, passed on a message that I was made aware of this matter."

  "Otherwise, according to my original anticipation, I would definitely meet that Heavenly Jade True Lord head-on in the future."

  "The Heavenly Jedi True Monarch's cultivation has already reached the Jindan Grand Completion, and he even has a top-grade spiritual weapon to protect his body, and his own magic treasure to protect his path, so I'm afraid that I'm not his opponent since my cultivation is only at the early Jindan stage."

  "If we really meet, I'm afraid that life and death are hard to predict."

  "Moreover, even if we learn about this matter, this Heavenly Jedi True Lord is not a puppet on a string, where he will appear, we simply have no way of knowing."

  "In that case, I'm afraid it would be extremely difficult to not encounter this person."

  "I'm afraid there's no room for negotiation with this order from the Sect Leader, ordering me to go out to the mountain to help in the battle."

  "Letting Brother Wei come to this Yi Yang Sect's mountain gate to break through the Jindan, but it is my fault, so that Brother Wei will also have to be involved in such a storm in the future."

  "But brother Wei don't worry, your cultivation has just broken through the Jindan realm for more than ten years now, and you are still in a state where you can rapidly improve your strength."   

  "I'm afraid that the Sect Leader has not let you join me in the battle, because he wants you to consolidate your strength in the mountain gate."

  "I'm afraid there's still quite a bit of time before Brother Wei leaves the mountain to help in the battle."

  "During this next period of time, I still hope that Brother Wei will be able to quickly improve his strength and not slack off on his cultivation."

  "As for the following. Since the Sect Leader True Lord has already passed down the order, even if you, Taoist Friend, dissuade me, I am forced to leave."

  "This time, I went out to the mountains to help in the battle."

  "I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse."

  "If I am lucky enough to make a breakthrough, when Brother Wei arrives at the battlefield, I will definitely protect Fellow Daoist."

  Arching his hand towards Wei Fan, Meng Guan casually put away the two letters in front of him.

  This time, he had let He Song's good intentions fall flat.

  However, soon, Meng Guan's heart was again burning with fighting spirit.

  As a cultivator, how could he retreat once he encountered danger?

  As a cultivator, how can you avoid fighting?

  As a cultivator, how can you look forward and backward?

  As a cultivator, how can you not fight for your own cultivation?

  As a cultivator

  In his mind, he flashed through his own cultivation was only in the middle stage of qi cultivation, he had made a breakthrough and rushed to the Red Gold Spirit Mine with determination.

  When he was only in the late stage of Qi cultivation, he joined the Immortal City Law Enforcement Team and killed the evil cultivators with his own hands.

  Then he flashed back to when his cultivation level was only at the early stage of Foundation Establishment, when he participated in the war with the Seven Star Sect and harvested a huge amount of resources, he was ecstatic.

  Finally, when he had just broken through to the early Jindan stage, he heard He Song's surprise when he heard that a war was about to break out between the One Sun Sect and the God Locking Sect.

  Thinking about all this, Meng Guan's heart surged.

  Although his own cultivation had now reached Jindan, his previous experiences had been telling him.


  Meng Guan.

  True Soul Severing Monarch.

  All this time, he had relied on his own hands, killing his way out of the bottom of the hierarchy.

  Nowadays, although his cultivation had reached Jindan, he was many times more powerful than when he was practicing qi.

  But the subsequent road, but also still need to rely on their own, to be able to continue to move forward.

  After making this decision.

  Meng Guan's gaze quickly became firm.

  On the side, hearing Meng Guan's words, and seeing Meng Guan's current expression, Wei Fan opened his mouth, seemingly wanting to say something.

  But after hesitating for a moment, in the end, he only nodded heavily.


  As Wei Fan nodded heavily and said another good, a smile snapped up on Meng Guan's face.

  Picking up the teacup on the table, a cup of spirit tea was immediately poured into his stomach.

  A cup of spirit tea was poured into his stomach.

  Meng Guan didn't say anything more, just nodded towards Wei Fan, then quickly got up and returned to his cave.

  Just like in the Thick Earth Sect, Meng Guan and Wei Fan's two cave mansions were right next to each other.

  It was thought that if He Song had also joined the Yi Yang Sect, He Song's cave would definitely be in this place as well.

  But unfortunately, He Song did not join the Yi Yang Sect, and there was no He Song's cave here.

  A few moments later.

  Meng Guan turned into a recluse and shot up into the sky, quickly leaving the mountain gate of the Yi Yang Sect and heading towards the place where the two sects confronted each other.

  After Meng Guan left.

  Wei Fan, who had been sitting quietly in place, then sighed and, like Meng Guan, picked up a cup of spirit tea and drank it.

  When the spiritual tea entered his stomach, a rich spiritual qi spread out in his body, and with that, Wei Fan shook his head and got up to go to the quiet room.

  This time, he had not been transferred by the Sect Sect Leader True Lord of the Yi Yang Sect to participate in this battle.

  However, according to Meng Guan, as well as his own speculation, I am afraid that in a few years, at most a dozen years, it would be the time when he would need to fight for the Yiyang Sect.

  The first twenty years of a Jindan True Lord's breakthrough generally belonged to the stage of rapid growth in one's combat power.

  During these twenty years, the strength of a newly broken through Jindan True Lord would definitely have a huge increase.

  This kind of increase, especially within the sect, seemed even more exaggerated.

  An ordinary casual JinDan cultivator did not have a decent secret technique, nor a decent spirit weapon, nor a decent gong method, so boosting his strength would naturally be slow.

  However, Wei Fan, who was now a Jindan Elder of the Yiyang Sect, was not in this category.

  Being in the sect, Wei Fan was able to access the secret methods, all of which were the superior secret methods of the Yiyang Sect.

  The spiritual weapons that he could get his hands on were also the best spiritual weapons made by the Yi Yang Sect's Weapon Refining Peak.

  The technique that was changed was naturally also the powerful technique in the Yi Yang Sect, and it was also the most suitable for him.

  Each of these things, when placed in the outside world, were unattainable.

  However, within the Yi Yang Sect, in front of Wei Fan nowadays, all of them were readily available.

  In this way, Wei Fan's strength can be in this twenty years of time, refined to what kind of pattern, even Wei Fan himself, are not very clear.

  But at least, it should be more than one step stronger than ordinary loose cultivators.


  There are still a few years left for Wei Fan to continue to improve his strength here.

  Naturally, Wei Fan would not let go of this opportunity.

  Therefore, after Meng Guan left, Wei Fan also quickly entered the quiet room in his cave and began to improve his strength.

  Perhaps, by the time the Sect Leader True Lord sent him down the mountain, his strength would also increase again.

  However, just as Meng Guan went down the mountain to participate in this battle, Wei Fan also stepped into the quiet room and began to improve his strength.

  At this moment, He Song, who was still in his cave, was blissfully unaware of what was happening in the mountain gate of the Yi Yang Sect.

  Nowadays, He Song is still in his cave.

  He Song is still in his own cave, sleeping and eating to realize the Spirit Gathering Formation.

  If you want to set up a complete Spirit Gathering Formation, He Song needs to complete the enlightenment of Spirit Gathering Formation and refine the array disk and array flag needed to set up the Spirit Gathering Formation.

  Only then could he begin to set up the Spirit Gathering Formation.

  Once the Spirit Gathering Formation was successfully set up, the concentration of Spirit Qi in He Song's cave would naturally be increased again.

  At that time, the Big Dipper divine Thunder Formation that He Song had been proud of previously would completely exit the stage of history.

  However, when the Big Dipper Thunder Formation exits the stage of history, He Song will also find an attacking formation that specializes in attacking from the Cultivation Edge Formation Collection, so that he can use it in case of emergency.

  Nowadays, He Song.

  As long as he fully realized the Spirit Gathering Formation and set it up, and then penetrated another Offensive Grand Formation, he would be able to make his cave become as solid as gold.

  In terms of concealment, He Song had the Phantom Misty Trail Formation.

  In terms of defense, He Song had the Earth Hidden Divine Light Formation.

  In terms of spirit gathering, He Song had the complete Spirit Gathering Formation that he had yet to fully comprehend.

  In terms of offense, after He Song had comprehended the Spirit Gathering Formation, it wouldn't be a problem for him to comprehend another offense formation.

  In this way, He Song's cave would become capable of both offense and defense, as well as concealment.

  (End of chapter)