
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
323 Chs


  Chapter 488 - Heavenly Jade True Lord

  "I had previously heard of this person's deeds and knew that this person's battle prowess was extremely strong, which is why I was worried in my heart."

  "But I didn't expect to be detected by fellow Daoist, and even came here to confirm it personally."

  "This matter is my daughter's fault, I hope that you do not blame."

  "As for this person, this person's legal name is Heavenly Jade, although the name of the Heavenly Jade True Monarch is not known by lower-ranked cultivators, within the surrounding YuanYing Sect, it is somewhat famous."

  "After all, it was not easy for the Locked God Sect to produce a true disciple, so all the major forces around will naturally pay attention."

  "It is rumored that this Heavenly Jedi True Monarch has excellent qualifications, and is an Earth Spiritual Root."

  "He once relied on a YuanYing cultivator to give him a top-grade spiritual weapon to protect his body, as well as his own original magic treasure, and after paying a considerable price, he hard chopped up a cultivator of the same rank."

  "Although this matter relied on the benefits of a superior spiritual weapon, as well as an original life magic treasure, and also paid a small price."

  "But in the end, it was the decapitation of a cultivator of the same rank that naturally caused a sensation."

  "However, although news of this matter has been rumored, it has not been confirmed, and no one knows if it is true or false, or if it is an exaggeration by the people of the God-locking Sect."

  "However, even if it is an exaggeration by the people of the God Locking Sect, it is impossible to create waves without wind, there should still be some truth in it."

  "Because of this, this person's formidable battle prowess in the Jindan realm, however, is also deeply rooted in people's hearts."

  "I'm afraid that even if his true battle power is unable to decimate a cultivator of the same rank, I'm afraid that his battle power is also extremely strong, and he is at least able to use the power of one person to drag two or three Jindan Great Perfection cultivators alive."

  "But how many Jindan Great Perfection cultivators can there be in a Yuanying Sect?"

  "Once he drags down two or three, the other extra Jindan Great Perfection cultivators will naturally be able to let go of the fight."

  "In that case, one can imagine what this battle will turn into."

  True Lord Luo Jing's words were ghostly as she spoke the news she knew with He Song.

  At the end of the day, a hint of sadness was hidden on her face.

  When she first heard the news about the Heavenly Jade True Lord, she didn't think anything of it.

  She even thought that this Heavenly Jedi True Lord was strong, but what did it have to do with her?

  But she did not expect.

  When she thought of this person again, this person had already become the heart of the Yi Yang Sect, and even threatened the safety of the Purple Shirt True Lord.

  Now that she thought about it, when she first heard the name of this Heavenly Jedi True Lord, the thoughts in her heart had also long since changed immensely and incomparably from today.

  If the great war between the Yi Yang Sect and the God Locking Sect really went on as she had anticipated.

  Her worries were naturally not without reason.

  However, just as True Lord Luo Jing was talking about this matter with He Song and had a worried look on her face.

  On the side, True Monarch Yun Jing, who had been listening from the sidelines, at this moment, although her face also wore a sad face, in her gaze towards He Song, there was also a touch more light than before.

  As True Monarch Luo Jing's senior sister, True Monarch Yun Jing had known He Song a long time ago, and in her exchanges with True Monarch Luo Jing, she could hear True Monarch Luo Jing's comments about He Song from time to time.

  True Lord Luo Jing had always spoken highly of He Song.

  In True Lord Luo Jing's eyes, He Song was sentimental and righteous, and treated his close friends extremely well, and was prudent and would not risk his life easily, so he could naturally live a long life.

  In this way, befriending He Song naturally became a satisfying thing in True Lord Luo Jing's heart.

  With the fact that from time to time, one could hear True Lord Luo Jing speak highly of He Song.

  True Monarch Yun Jing had actually always had some curiosity, as well as some probing eyes, towards He Song.

  From True Monarch Luo Jing's mouth, she knew many things about He Song, but since the two sides did not have a deep friendship, she was unable to learn about deeper matters.

  However, this situation had just changed completely.

  When He Song spoke to True Lord Luo Jing about his two best friends in front of her.

  When He Song asked True Lord Luo Jing about these things with incomparable sincerity in front of her.

  When He Song asked True Lord Luo Jing for advice in front of her, just to help his two best friends.

  When He Song had traveled a long way to this place just to get news from True Lord Luo Jing's mouth.

  When .

  The scene that happened in front of him instantly caused all of True Lord Yun Jing's heart, True Lord Luo Jing's various comments about He Song, to spring forth.

  And, those evaluations of True Monarch Luo Jing also quickly converged on He Song in front of her.

  And it was precisely after seeing all of this in person that the He Song in True Monarch Yun Jing's heart, the He Song that had been constantly praised by True Monarch Luo Jing, and the He Song in front of her now, finally merged together.

  When the two became one, True Monarch Yun Jing's doubts about why True Monarch Luo Jing had such a high opinion of He Song completely dissipated at this moment.

  At this moment, she felt that the He Song in front of her was indeed worthy of True Lord Luo Jing's evaluation.

  After such a thought flashed through her mind, a change occurred in True Monarch Yun Jing's gaze towards He Song.

  At this moment, the same thought was born in True Monarch Yun Jing's heart as True Monarch Luo Jing had previously.

  If one could become close friends with He Song.

  Then when he was in trouble, would He Song also run for himself as he was doing now?


  The thoughts in True Monarch Yun Jing's mind gradually extended.

  Until finally, what she thought in her heart became firm with it.

  He Song was now a Jindan True Monarch with a lifespan of 500 years.

  Befriending him, one would definitely not lose out.

  Moreover, with True Lord Luo Jing in front of her, as her senior sister, she would naturally be able to get closer to He Song more easily.

  In this way, when he becomes a good friend with him in the future, I'm afraid that .

  Thoughts flashed through her mind, True Monarch Yun Jing's attitude towards He Song also underwent a drastic change at this moment.

  However, all of this was not known by He Song beside her, as well as Luo Jing True Monarch.

  Today's He Song was pondering over the information within True Lord Luo Jing's words and attempting to pull them out of the cocoon and present them perfectly to himself.

  The Jindan True Lord of the Locked God Sect, the Heavenly Jade True Lord.

  This was the first time He Song had heard of this person's name.

  Before this, He Song had never heard of this person.

  However, He Song was also clear that he usually didn't pay attention to this, and had never even interacted too much with other Jindan True Lords.

  Naturally, it was normal not to know this person's name.

  However, judging from this person's battle records, this person was indeed powerful and unrivaled.

  Cultivation level Jindan Great Perfection.

  Earth Spirit Root.

  Top quality spiritual weapon.

  Essence magic treasure.

  A true legend of the Locked God Sect.

  Which of these things, singled out, signaled that this was a powerful cultivator.

  Now that all of these things had come together, all of them converging on one person, it could be imagined how strong this person would be.

  In the case of an ordinary Jindan Great Perfection cultivator, I'm afraid that in the event that he encountered this person, he would quickly be defeated.

  Although they wouldn't necessarily die, they certainly wouldn't have much power to fight back.

  Adding to this, people in the Devil's Path had bizarre methods, with all sorts of strange and weird spells coming out all the time, it was not uncommon for an ordinary cultivator to fall over in the gutter.

  Heavenly Jade Monarch as a lock god religion true legend, its means is afraid to be even more bizarre, combat strength is also non-trivial.

  With such a strong enemy, it was no wonder that True Lord Luo Jing was worried and felt that the Yi Yang Sect's operation was bound to be hindered this time.

  If he were He Song, when he learned of this matter, he would also be anxious about the sneak attack of the One Sun Sect.

  After all, if the Heavenly Jade Monarch really dragged down a few Jindan Great Perfection cultivators, so that other extra Jindan Great Perfection cultivators freed their hands, I'm afraid that in a few moments it would be the attack and defense changed, and the scene of a great defeat of the School of One Sun.   

  However, He Song also had doubts in his mind.

  Locked God Sect has true disciples, strong as this.

  Doesn't the Yi Yang Sect have any true disciples who can fight against them?

  The Heavenly Jade Monarch had the Earth Spiritual Root, so he was a true disciple.

  Among the YuanYing upper sects like the YiYang Sect, could it be that they still couldn't find an Earth Spirit Root disciple?

  With doubts, He Song looked towards True Lord Luo Jing and quickly opened his mouth to ask about the doubts in his heart.

  "This Heavenly Jade True Lord seems really powerful."

  "Not only has his cultivation reached the Jindan Great Perfection realm, but he is also strong in battle and is well versed in the ability to fight, so he cannot be reasoned with."

  "However, I have a little doubt."

  "This Heavenly Jedi True Monarch is a true disciple of the God Locking Sect, would the God Locking Sect really send him to the battlefield without worrying about him being surrounded and killed to death?"

  "Other than that, does the Yi Yang Sect not have any true disciples that can fight against it?"

  "If there are true disciples from the Yi Yang Sect, being the best of their generation, they should be able to control them, right?"

  "Or is it that this Earth Spirit Root cultivator is so rare that even the Yuanying Sect is hard to find?"

  As He Song's voice slowly sounded.

  On the side, hearing this, True Lord Luo Jing's face looked puzzled, and immediately afterward, he shook his head.

  However, before He Song could wonder.

  True Lord Luo Jing had already let out a sigh.

  Then he continued to speak under He Song's puzzled gaze.

  "As a clan True Lord, once you go to war with another clan, you will definitely be the first to fight, and this is true even for the clan elites in a Jindan clan."

  "Fellow Daoist had previously spent some time in the Thick Earth Sect, so I'm sure you know quite a bit about this as well."

  "With a YuanYing cultivator in attendance, even if one encounters a siege, I'm afraid that with the strong strength of the Heavenly Jedi True Lord, one wouldn't have to worry about one's life."

  "Perhaps, if one wants to kill a few more, True Monarch Tian Jie has the heart to do so."

  "But if he wants to escape, I'm afraid that even if he is surrounded and killed, he can't be helped."

  "On top of that, although true disciples aren't the only ones that the God Locking Sect has, as it happens, the One Sun Sect really doesn't have any."

  "Over the years, the Yi Yang Sect has never sought out an Earth Spirit Root disciple to cultivate as a true disciple."

  "Moreover, even if the Yi Yang Sect had recently found an Earth Spirit Root disciple, it would take a great deal of time if they wanted to start cultivating them from a young age."

  "I'm afraid that it's also too much to ask for this Earth Spirit Root true disciple to participate in this great battle."

  "To cultivate a Jindan True Successor, even if it's an Earth Spirit Root cultivator, and then to cultivate it dutifully with a YuanYing Sect's heritage, I'm afraid that it would take at least a few decades, or even nearly a hundred years."

  "And that's just the Jindan, I'm afraid it would take even longer if I wanted it to have a strength similar to that of a Heavenly Jade True Lord."

  "In that case, the disadvantage of the Yi Yang Sect in this battle will naturally be more obvious."

  Shaking his head, True Lord Luo Jing said this.

  The Yiyang Sect was unlucky.

  For so many years, it had never found even one Earth Spirit Root cultivator.

  If the Yi Yang Sect was able to find an Earth Spirit Root, or even a Heaven Spirit Root cultivator, and cultivate him into a Jindan True Lord, he might also be able to counterbalance the Heavenly Jade True Lord.

  Unfortunately, there were no ifs in this world.

  Bad luck was bad luck.

  No True Transmission was no True Transmission.

  Even if she sighed in her heart at the moment, there was nothing she could do to change the situation.

  And hearing True Lord Luo Jing's words, He Song was also silent at this moment.

  True Lord Luo Jing's words caused the doubts in He Song's heart to dissipate almost completely.

  The God Locking Sect didn't need to worry about the Heavenly Jade True Lord being surrounded and killed.

  The Yi Yang Sect had been unlucky and had not been able to find an Earth Spirit Root disciple and in turn cultivate him into a Jindan True Lord.

  All of these doubts were answered.

  But there was still one thing that He Song couldn't figure out.

  The Heavenly Jade True Lord of the God Locking Sect, it was impossible for the Yi Yang Sect not to know of this person's existence.

  But why, despite knowing of this person's existence, would the Yi Yang Sect still brazenly launch a sneak attack and start a war against the God Locking Sect?

  Moreover, the preparations for this war had already begun a long, long time ago.

  The war between the righteous and the devils had been fought for decades.

  All these years of trial and error showed that the One Sun Sect definitely didn't have the idea of a war with the God Locking Sect just recently.

  This idea had most likely existed in the minds of the higher-ups of the Yi Yang Sect for a very long time.

  And this, too, was exactly what He Song was puzzled about today.

  Why would the Yi Yang Sect, knowing that their side was at a disadvantage, still choose to go to war against the God Locking Sect?

  He Song who couldn't figure it out.

  He quickly opened his mouth to ask the doubt in his heart once again.

  "Fellow Daoist, do you know what the cause of the great war between this Yang Sect and the God Locking Sect is?"

  "Why did these two YuanYing Upper Sects suddenly start testing each other decades ago, and now they are even formally moving to fight?"

  "Could it be that there are still some hidden secrets that we are not allowed to know?"

  "Or perhaps, there is some reason for this battle to occur?"

  Facing He Song's doubts.

  True Lord Luo Jing opened his mouth to say something.

  But in the end, nothing came out.

  He only shook his head towards He Song, signaling that he didn't know the inside story either.

  Seeing this, He Song looked to the side at True Lord Yun Jing.

  When True Monarch Yun Jing saw He Song looking towards him, he quickly waved his hand, signaling that he didn't know either.

  Seeing the two of them like this, He Song sighed in his heart and didn't ask any further questions.

  Although he didn't know what kind of madness the Yiyang Sect had gone through, the two sides were already at war, and the Yiyang Sect had already taken the lead in launching a sneak attack, so what happened next was naturally not something that He Song could stop.

  Since this was the case, it no longer mattered why the two sides were fighting.

  After thinking clearly about this point, He Song sighed slightly in his heart before getting up and arching his hand deeply towards True Lord Luo Jing in front of him.

  Only then did he open his mouth to thank him.

  "Many thanks to fellow Daoist for this explanation."

  "Since the source of Fellow Daoist's concern is already known, may I inform those two close friends of mine of this matter?"

  "Don't worry, fellow Daoist, I will definitely tell them to keep it a secret, and at the most, at the most, I will just tell them to hurry up and run for their lives when they meet the Heavenly Jedi True Lord."

  "That Heavenly Jedi True Lord's news is widely circulated amongst the surrounding YuanYing Upper Sect, I learned about this person from elsewhere, and urged my best friends to be careful, so naturally, I wouldn't draw the attention of others."

  (End of chapter)