
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
323 Chs


  Chapter 481 - Danger Opportunity

  However, if one was lucky, no matter if one killed a demonic beast that was covered in treasures, or found some kind of precious spirit medicine, heavenly material, it could make one instantly rich.

  Such a place where danger and opportunity coexisted made He Song instantly realize that a large number of cultivators were bound to gather here.

  Where there were people, there were rivers and lakes.

  These cultivators, probably with a just-in-case mentality, wanted to enter the Ten Thousand Demons Realm in search of a chance.

  It was also possible that they were with the idea of hijacking and killing people, wanting to surround and kill cultivators leaving the Ten Thousand Demons Realm.

  There were even more cultivators and even clans that made a living by acquiring various treasures produced in the Ten Thousand Demons Realm.

  This kind of place where many cultivators, as well as treasures converge, is bound to be a mixed bag of fish and dragons, and all kinds of cultivators will exist.

  Some of the cultivators who were lucky to break through the Foundation Establishment, or even Jindan in this environment, are naturally also rare.

  There are these Foundation Establishment and even Jindan cultivators who have been crawling around in this place.

  I'm afraid that the dangers in this Ten Thousand Demons Realm should not be underestimated.

  Even if it was a Jindan True Lord, after entering it, I'm afraid it would be difficult to guarantee that they would be able to come out alive.

  After all, a Jindan True Lord who traveled alone to the Ten Thousand Demons Realm would most likely be ambushed by a group of Jindan True Lords outside the Ten Thousand Demons Realm.

  In that case, the ambushed Jindan True Lord would definitely have to shed a layer of skin even if he didn't die.

  And He Song.

  After realizing that although this place could quickly obtain a large number of spirit stones if he was lucky, it was also full of crises and killing opportunities.

  In his heart, he had naturally rejected this place as Meng Guan and Wei Fan had thought.

  As a long-lived person.

  He Song has never been distant from places where one needs to fight for one's life.

  This had been established from the first time he opened his eyes in the tiny room of the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop.

  Now, according to what Meng Guan and Wei Fan had said, this place where the Ten Thousand Demons Realm was located, although he was able to get spirit stones, he also needed to fight with his life.

  This made He Song, who had originally thought that if there were other channels to earn spirit stones, he might be able to try them out as well, immediately reject this idea from his heart.

  This idea was too dangerous.

  Other cultivators needed to fight with their lives, and that was because their lives were short.

  If they didn't fight, they wouldn't be able to get as many resources.

  If they couldn't get that many resources, they wouldn't be able to break through the cultivation realm.

  If they can't break through the cultivation realm, they will die when their lifespan runs out.

  What about He Song?

  As an Eternal Life, He Song will really die if he goes to fight.

  If he doesn't fight, the most he can do is to slow down his cultivation speed a little bit, and it has almost no effect on his life.

  In this way, He Song naturally could not take his life to fight for resources like other cultivators.

  The idea of going to the Ten Thousand Demons Realm to hunt demonic beasts in exchange for spirit stones was completely extinguished in his mind.

  Only then did the thoughtful look on He Song's face dissipate.

  However, before he could open his mouth.

  Meng Guan and Wei Fan, who were on the side, seemed to have guessed what was in He Song's mind.

  When Meng Guan saw the thoughtful look on He Song's face quickly dissipate, he even directly waved his hand towards him and said.

  "This Ten Thousand Demon Realm, is really too dangerous, if you are not particularly short of spirit stones or have a special need for certain materials in it, it would be best to go less often."

  "However, apart from the Ten Thousand Demon Realm, the Jindan Elders of the Yi Yang Sect actually have quite a few other sources of spirit stones."

  "For example, like those Jindan power lords who were previously beaten to the door by True Lord Xuan Yu, they were able to bring in elders from the Yi Yang Sect to back them up."

  "This backing up, naturally, also requires benefits."

  "Basically, behind every Jindan power, there are several Jindan elders from the One Sun School."

  "And these Jindan elders are able to receive offerings from these Jindan forces every year."

  "At the same time, if these Jindan forces encounter trouble, such as being hit on the door by the Xuan Yu True Lord, they are naturally able to invite these Jindan Elders to go and mediate."

  "If the mediation is successful, there will naturally be a favor delivered as well."

  "However, like Brother Wei and I, nowadays, we have yet to have a Jindan power come to our door, so I'm afraid that we also need to have a certain amount of strength in order to be able to take on this big task."

  "In addition to that, some Foundation Establishment clans will also seek the shelter of Jindan True Lords, which is almost the same as when we were sitting in the middle of Heavenly Power Immortal City before."

  "There are also some cultivators who have skills of their own and can rely on alchemy and weaponry, or making talismans and formations to earn spirit stones."

  "These cultivators with their own skills can earn spirit stones even faster."

  "Cultivators who are able to refine Jindan spirit pills, or lower-grade magic artifacts, Jindan spirit talismans, or even Jindan grand formations are among the best among Jindan True Lords."

  "Not only are such Jindan True Monarchs with skills on their side powerful, but most of them possess quite a few undercards that are extremely difficult to deal with."

  "All of these are sources of income for Jindan True Monarchs."

  "Calculating like this, an ordinary Jindan True Monarch would still not have too much of a problem with more than a thousand medium-grade spirit stones a year, not to mention more, if he wanted to earn spirit stones."

  "Like the tens of thousands of middle-grade spirit stones in the hands of fellow Daoist, it would only take twenty to thirty years."

  "Perhaps, in the process of earning spirit stones, one would also be able to find quite a few treasures to use to strengthen oneself."

  "In the case of a Jindan True Lord with a skill on his side, the speed of earning Spirit Stones is naturally faster, and the chances of exchanging with others for treasures suitable for oneself, will also be greater, and thus the strength is generally stronger."

  "However, it is truly too difficult to master a Jindan skill."

  "Brother Wei and I have tried to study various Cultivation Hundred Arts, but most of them yielded little results and we had no choice but to give up."

  "Nowadays, Brother Wei and I both specialize in only one art, but it's still a bit far from Jindan, so we won't talk about it to make a fool of ourselves."

  In the end, Meng Guan shook his head, seemingly not wanting to continue on the topic of the Hundred Arts of Cultivation.

  And when He Song saw this, he naturally didn't pursue anything.

  It was just that with Meng Guan's words, He Song's heart finally had a lot of understanding about the source of Jindan True Lord's spirit stones.

  However, what Meng Guan said was basically what he had learned within the Yi Yang Sect, and for He Song, other than some reference, the other uses were not really great.

  After all, places like the Ten Thousand Demons Realm were places that He Song would not likely go to.

  And things such as becoming an envoy of a Jindan power and sheltering a Jindan power, it was unlikely that people would come to a Jindan casual cultivator like He Song.

  Those foundation-building families, even if they could come to seek He Song's shelter, they couldn't afford to pay too much, so they could only say that it was better than nothing.

  He Song also did not join the Yi Yang Sect, so the external affairs of the Yi Yang Sect, he also did not receive channels.

  As for relying on his own skills to earn a large amount of spirit stones, or even exchanging them for treasures that suited him.

  This was something that He Song was already doing.

  With He Song's alchemy skills nowadays, it was already able to allow him to achieve no shortage of his own spirit stones, and he could even use his Jindan Spirit Pills to exchange them to other treasures.

  In such a situation, Meng Guan's words about the channels for Jindan cultivators to earn spirit stones, He Song could hardly use any of them.   

  This made He Song, who originally thought that he could learn from it, feel a great disappointment in his heart.

  "Alas, it seems that after becoming a Jindan True Lord, there is also a need to worry about all kinds of treasures and even spirit stones."

  "Compared to the previous times of practicing qi, or foundation building, there are actually only some changes in one's strength and longevity."

  "But the only thing that remains the same is still the laws of the Immortal Cultivation World."

  "Danger and opportunity coexist."

  "If you want to gain huge rewards, you still need to go on a journey to a dangerous place to do so."

  "Unfortunately, I'm used to peace and quiet, so it seems that the Ten Thousand Demons Realm has no chance with me."

  Without continuing to pursue anything, He Song quickly pulled away from the topic and began to lament about the path of cultivation after the Jindan Realm.

  He Song's lamentation caused Meng Guan and Wei Fan, who were beside him, to be moved in their hearts.

  However, the thoughts in their hearts were different.

  Meng Guan sighed in his heart and was not surprised by what He Song said.

  He Song's caution was something he was very familiar with.

  From what he heard, he was also able to ascertain that the He Song in front of him had not already been taken over by someone else, which slightly put his mind at ease.

  However, for the decision that He Song had made, although he understood it, deep down, he always felt that he might have to go on a journey to that Ten Thousand Demon Realm someday.

  Meng Guan was extremely confident in his own strength.

  Although Meng Guan was very wary of the dangers of the Ten Thousand Demons Realm, he had no intention of retreating.

  Having killed his way from the Qi Practicing Stage to the Jindan Realm, Meng Guan's mentality was very different from He Song's. He was sometimes quite cautious, but he had no intention of retreating.

  Although he was quite cautious at times, he did not flinch when faced with danger.

  And beside him.

  Wei Fan was similarly unsurprised by He Song's statement after hearing what he said.

  Although he did not have the kind of strength and vigor that Meng Guan had to forcefully kill from the bottom, he was a qualified cultivator.

  Under the premise of being self-conscious that the danger was controllable, he felt that he could still make a foray into the Ten Thousand Demons Realm.

  However, if he sensed danger, then naturally he would also move away from there as soon as possible to ensure his own safety.

  In addition to that, although Wei Fan did not feel that he would have a reason to have to go to the Ten Thousand Demons Realm in the future, a hint of vigilance rose in his heart regarding the Ten Thousand Demons Realm.

  The danger of the Ten Thousand Demons Realm, although he still only had a half-understanding of it nowadays.

  But with what He Song had said, even if he wanted to enter the Ten Thousand Demons Realm in the future, he would be able to be a little more vigilant.

  Of course.

  Although the two of them were not surprised by He Song's statement, the words had to be picked up after all.

  Therefore, when He Song opened his mouth to lament, the two of them also immediately opened their mouths to concur, and each quickly changed the topic.

  When the topic began to shift to the things that each of them had experienced during these decades, He Song also learned about the things that each of them had experienced during these decades.

  He Song also learned quite a few details that he hadn't known before.

  For example, when Meng Guan talked about what he had just left the Thick Earth Sect and what had happened to the Li Family in the Eight Veins Immortal City, the doubts in He Song's heart were also answered.

  In Meng Guan's description, the Li Family in Eight Veins Immortal City had indeed encountered a life and death crisis back then.

  In the case of someone deliberately arching a fire, the Eight Veins Immortal City Li Family was almost certain to perish if there was no external assistance.

  And it was under such circumstances that Meng Guan was caught in the vortex by mistake, forcing the Li Family to be preserved under the means of those in the shadows.


  The Li Family's old man was short-sighted, and when faced with such a life-saving benefactor as Meng Guan, he was still thinking of scheming.

  But who knew that Meng Guan had learned about the convenience and speed of the Soul Search Technique from He Song before he left the Thick Earth Sect.

  By chance, Meng Guan had used the Soul Search Technique to learn of the Li Clan's Old Ancestor's schemes against himself.

  Then the Li Clan's old ancestor just played it off.

  In a fit of rage, Meng Guan chose to directly slaughter the Li Clan and then leave Eight Veins Immortal City with all of the Li Clan's treasures.

  However, even now, Meng Guan still hadn't said a word about what exactly the Li Family's old ancestor had planned for himself.

  Although He Song was puzzled, he didn't ask after thinking about it.

  In the Immortal Cultivation world, there are many strange and bizarre spells, who knows what the Li Family Ancestor wants to do to Meng Guan?

  However, according to He Song's idea, what that Li family ancestor wanted to do to Meng Guan, I am afraid that he had touched Meng Guan's scales.

  Otherwise, with Meng Guan's heart when he had just left the Thick Earth Sect, it was impossible for him to raise a butcher's knife against a Foundation Establishment family.

  And as Meng Guan continued his story.

  He Song also quickly learned about how Meng Guan had continuously traveled to various places and then encountered one thing or another, big or small, in various places during these decades.

  According to Meng Guan's description, almost every place he visited, things would suddenly come to him.

  Moreover, these things really did specialize in finding only him.

  If it wasn't for the fact that his cultivation wasn't low and his strength was extremely strong, I'm afraid that every place he went to would be in danger of life and death.

  In this way, when Meng Guan was talking about these things, He Song felt like he was listening to a story.

  Because many of the things that Meng Guan had experienced were indeed quite bizarre.

  At least in He Song's opinion.

  They belonged to situations that ordinary cultivators would be unlikely to encounter for decades.

  But in Meng Guan's case, he was able to encounter quite a few bizarre things in almost every place he visited.

  With Meng Guan's continuous description, followed by Wei Fan also waited for a long way to join him, the two of them traveled together, encountered things that are slightly less.

  However, even if it is a little less, but when these things happen, they will suddenly come to the door, and only looking for Meng Guan.

  Wei Fan, who was following him, was as if he was being ignored.

  If it wasn't for the fact that Meng Guan would bring him along, I'm afraid that he would be like a transparent person who was excluded.

  When these things happened over and over again.

  When Wei Fan also began to talk about his feelings when Meng Guan talked about these things.

  He Song also had a complete vein in his mind about all the things that the two of them had experienced after traveling together.

  In short.

  Ever since Meng Guan had left the Thick Earth Sect, all sorts of big and small things had happened along the way, and even though the two of them had traveled together, these things had never been broken.

  It wasn't until the two of them finally had a stroke of luck and found a Jindan cave within the Golden Snake Sect's sphere of influence that these things finally came to a halt.

  Moreover, the duo had also found the two Gold Condensation Pills that He Song had left behind for the two of them in that Golden Pill Cave Mansion.

  (End of chapter)