
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


  Chapter 480 Ten Thousand Demons Realm

  It doesn't seem to be the kind of Foundation Spirit Tea that He Song often drank before, but more like the Jindan Spirit Tea that they all thought was quite precious.

  This kind of Jindan spirit tea is very expensive.

  Although they are in the Yi Yang Sect, they are still a little bit reluctant to drink this kind of Golden Elixir Spiritual Tea.

  It's not that they can't afford it.

  It's because they don't think it's worth it.

  After realizing this, Meng Guan and Wei Fan exchanged glances.

  Both of them saw a hint of relief in each other's eyes.

  Previously, they had probed He Song, wanting He Song to join the Yi Yang Sect and become an Elder of the Sect, just like them.

  From then on, if he relies on the First-Year Sect, no matter if he is traveling or sitting in the sect, at least he can be considered to have a backer and have a constant income.

  However, although He Song did not explicitly refuse, but also gave them a preventive shot.

  According to their understanding of He Song, He Song will not join this Yang School.

  And because they realized He Song's thoughts, Meng Guan and Wei Fan were still a bit confused and at a loss.

  They didn't understand why He Song didn't want to join Yi Yang Sect.

  Could it be that he had been hurt by the Thick Earth Sect's previous actions and had no good feelings towards other sects?

  Otherwise, how could he not join a sect that could be joined with just a word?

  However, after realizing that the tea is extraordinary, the two of them have some understanding of He Song's recent situation.

  Nowadays, He Song seems to be doing well.

  From the cup of Jindan tea in front of them, it can be seen.

  He Song has always loved tea since he was in the Qi Practicing stage.

  During the Qi training stage, He Song drank the precious Bixian Spirit Tea from the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop.

  At the Foundation Establishment stage, He Song drank the same valuable Foundation Establishment Spirit Tea.

  Now that He Song had entered the Jindan realm, the Jindan spirit tea he drank also seemed to be of extraordinary quality.

  This situation made Meng Guan and Wei Fan have a deeper understanding of He Song's situation.

  It seems that his good friend, even if he doesn't join any sect, he can still lead a very prosperous life.

  Without relying on any sect, he still has extra spirit stones to buy Jin Dan tea, so it is obvious that He Song is definitely not short of spirit stones.

  He even had extra spirit stones to buy Golden Elixir Spirit Tea.

  Thinking of this, the look of relief in the eyes of Meng Guan and Wei Fan gradually converged, and was replaced by a piece of joy.

  In the case that He Song didn't seem to be willing to join Yi Yang Sect, the two of them were happy to see that He Song was able to live a free life even if he didn't rely on the sect.

  Therefore, they were not polite, and when He Song placed two cups of golden elixir tea in front of them, they drank it all.

  When the aroma of the tea began to drift around, the three people in the room also asked about their own encounters over the years.

  The first to speak was Meng Guan.

  When a cup of Jindan spiritual tea into the stomach, Meng Guan nodded slightly.

  "This tea is good, not only the flavor is excellent, but also the aroma of the tea, but also drinking it can increase a lot of mana, it must be in the Jindan spirit tea, also considered the best."

  "It is thanks to the blessing of the Taoist friends, I have never had such a spiritual tea before."

  "However, although this tea is good, it must be worth a lot of money."

  "You have been traveling for so many years, it seems that you have gained a lot."

  In the middle of the conversation, Meng Guan seemed to remember something, took out a jade slip from his storage bag, and placed it on the table in front of He Song.

  Under He Song's puzzled gaze, he opened his mouth again and said.

  "This is the secret method of Jindan that I promised you before."

  "Although now you have already stepped into the Jindan realm, but previously promised to give you a copy, I will not go back on my word."

  "In this jade slip, recorded in my obtained from the eight veins immortal city Li family treasury in the secret method of the Golden Dan, I hope that you accept."

  "For us, a Golden Dan secret method is nothing."

  Toward He Song spread his hands, Meng Guan face color with some indifference said.

  This jade slip was prepared long ago, ready to be handed over to He Song when he met him.

  However, the plan could not catch up with the change.

  Now the two of them are indeed together.

  However, He Song's cultivation has also reached the Jindan Realm from the Foundation Stage.

  As a Jindan realm cultivator, this Jindan secret method, in his opinion, no longer has any value to He Song.

  After all, if He Song was able to step into the Jindan realm, he must have obtained a Jindan secret method.

  In this case, what is the point of having one more Jindan secret method?

  It would only add another jade slip to He Song's collection.

  To him, this jade slip has no value at all.

  Naturally, when handing this jade slip to He Song, Meng Guan's face looked somewhat indifferent.

  At this, Wei Fan on the side did not have any surprise.

  He had already gotten this Jindan secret method from Meng Guan.

  Now Meng Guan had given a copy of this Golden Dan secret method to He Song, so naturally it did not surprise him.

  After all, when he and He Song had not yet reached the Jindan realm, Meng Guan had said that he would tell them about the Jindan secret method.


  When he heard Meng Guan's question and saw a jade slip in front of him.

  He Song's face showed a trace of surprise.

  The matter of the Jindan secret method.

  In fact, he really just said it casually at first.

  After all, when he knew that Meng Guan had gotten a copy of the Golden Dan secret method from the treasury of the Li family in the Eight Veins Immortal City, He Song was already on the verge of stepping into the Golden Dan realm.

  At that time, He Song only needed to refine the Gold Condensation Pill to be able to break through the Jindan realm.

  The Jindan secret method that he got from the cave of Silver Moon Monarch was naturally in the storage bag of He Song.

  For the Jindan secret method in Meng Guan's hand, He Song never put it on his mind.

  However, he did not expect that what he had never put on his mind, was remembered by Meng Guan today, and was placed in front of him.

  Seeing this situation, He Song did not hesitate, and casually picked up the jade brief in front of him, and put it into the storage bag.

  After all this, He Song raised his head to look at Meng Guan beside him.

  "I'm not hiding it from you, in so many years although I have not found a few big chance, but small chance is countless."     "After so many years of accumulation, I also have quite a family capital, but usually have not revealed the slightest."

  "Now, the cultivation into the realm of Jindan, these things will not need to hide."

  "It's only a few tens of thousands of medium grade spirit stones, with my strength, I can still protect it."

  "However, it is always bad to sit on the mountain empty, but I do not know you and Wei brother in that a sun school, what exactly to make a living, this Yuanying Shangzong's Jindan elders, where does the income actually come from?"

  "Can you tell me one or two, in the future, if possible, I can also go to fetch some spirit stones back."

  He Song has always been very curious about the source of spirit stones of the Jindan elders of the YuanYing Sect or the Jindan power's Sect Leader, but he didn't ask them about it before.

  But previously did not ask the two.

  There are many reasons, but the most important one is because after He Song opened his cave in Biyue Immortal State and created many medicinal gardens, he never lacked of spirit stones.

  Although there is still no shortage, but since the two are already in front of them, He Song thought about it, and finally decided to ask a good.

  After all, although the message between the notes is hidden, but it is also quite troublesome, not as simple as asking in person.

  Moreover, after learning about other Jindan True Lords' methods of obtaining Spirit Stones, he might also be able to learn from them, so that he could make a higher level of income.

  With this thought in mind, He Song asked the question that had been hidden in his heart for a long time.

  As He Song put away the jade slip and asked.

  On the side.

  Meng Guan nodded his head in satisfaction, and after a moment's thought, he spoke again.

  "Tens of thousands of medium grade spirit stones, or millions of lower grade spirit stones."

  "Such a quantity, I'm afraid I need a long time to be able to save up."

  "Fellow Daoist, you've been traveling all these years, and it seems that you've really harvested a lot, and you've been quite lucky."

  "However, since you asked about the methods of earning Spirit Stones in the Jindan Realm, I have also had some understanding before."

  "In the Yi Yang Sect, although Jindan elders such as Brother Wei and I can get some annual salary, it's not much."

  "Nowadays, Brother Wei and I can get three hundred medium-grade spirit stones each year from the First Sun Sect."

  "This annual salary, compared to your tens of thousands of medium-grade spirit stones, is indeed too little, I'm afraid that you need not eat or drink to save up for a hundred years, in order to be able to reach the level of tens of thousands of medium-grade spirit stones."

  "However, this Jindan realm cultivators earn spirit stone method, but not like the foundation realm that, rely on the annual salary."

  "In the Yi Yang Sect, there are quite a few external affairs, some need to hunt down and kill the sect's enemies, some need to kill demonic cultivators, some alchemize pills and weapons, and some sit on one side of the town."

  "After a Jindan True Lord takes on these chores, all he needs to do is complete them on time, and he will be rewarded with a large amount of spirit stones as well as contributions."

  "The spirit stones and contributions of this Yuanying Sect are quite similar to those of the Thick Earth Sect, so I won't go into details."

  "In addition to that, west of the Yiyang Sect, there is an upper YuanYing Sect called the Stygian Sword Sect."

  "The sword in the cultivator, always ruthless, the sword out, the wind gusts, looks and evil sects are no different."

  "If you come across the future of the knife school cultivators, you have to be more careful."

  "This medieval sword school cultivators, very good at fighting, especially to deal with all kinds of spiritual beasts, medieval sword school cultivators are amazing combat strength."

  "The reason for this is due to the vast land west of the Underworld Sword Sect, there are a large number of demonic beasts coexisting, known as the ten thousand demon realm, the ten thousand demon realm in the demonic beasts are numerous, strong and powerful."

  "There are a large number of demonic beasts at the perimeter of the Ten Thousand Demons Realm, even at the Foundation Establishment Realm."

  "Further into the depths, there are even Jindan demonic beasts, and even the YuanYing Demon King, but because the Ten Thousand Demons Realm is too large, the Underworld Blade Sect only occupies a little bit of area in its periphery."

  "So I don't know what the highest level of demonic beasts in it has reached."

  "However, due to the large amount of Yin Qi in the Ten Thousand Demons territory, the demonic beasts that have grown up in it since they were young have had their sanity eroded by the Yin Qi all year round, and only have their instincts present, and all of them have no sanity at all."

  "Therefore, there is no need to worry about demonic beasts."

  "What's more, these beasts are killing each other and raising parasites, their cultivation breakthrough speed is also quite fast."

  "The surrounding major YuanYing upper sects, also because of the greed of the demonic beast material, gradually will be this place as the disciples, as well as the Jindan elders of the training place."

  "Due to the proximity to the water, the disciples of Underworld Sword Sect often go to the periphery of the demonic beast field to kill the demonic beasts, in order to obtain all kinds of precious materials, which can be used for talisman making, weapon smithing and even alchemy and so on."

  "Therefore, the disciples of the Underworld Sword Sect are not only strong in battle, but also good at dealing with all kinds of spirit beasts."

  "And this Ten Thousand Demons Realm is where the Golden Dan Realm Elders of the several YuanYing sects around the Underworld Sword Sect often hang out."

  "The Jindan demonic beasts are full of treasures, if you can kill one, you will naturally reap a lot of rewards."

  "So, if there is a lack of spirit stones, this Ten Thousand Demons Realm will also become a good place to go."

  "However, the Ten Thousand Demons Realm is extremely wide, the northern devil cultivators, and even the cultivators of many other sects can also enter it, so naturally, it is full of crisis."

  "Killing and seizing treasures and such things, is more common, if not on their own strength is very confident, or less to go for the best."

  Said here, Meng Guan subconsciously looked at He Song.

  However, he soon realized that he had spoken nonsense.

  With He Song's caution, after knowing the existence of the Ten Thousand Demons Realm, he would not be able to go to the Ten Thousand Demons Realm.

  There are not only all kinds of demonic beasts that have lost their minds, but also many cultivators who are trying to kill and seize the treasures in the Realm of Ten Thousand Demons.

  With He Song's caution, it is absolutely impossible for him to know that there is a tiger in the mountain, but he will not go towards the tiger mountain.

  After all, He Song's caution has been shown since the Qi training stage, and he has long been accustomed to it.


  Seeing Meng Guan keep his mouth shut.

  Wei Fan thought for a while, but finally added a sentence.

  "The ten thousand demon realm is incredibly dangerous, demonic beasts, evil cultivators rampant, there are even devil cultivators walking in it, with the ten thousand demon realm covers a wide range, I'm afraid that there are still many clans bordering it."

  "The disciples and elders of these sects will all go to the ten thousand demon realm to hunt demonic beasts, which can be seen in the mixed fish and dragons."

  "If not have to go to the reason, this place or easily do not get involved in the good."

  "For example, due to the rich Yin Qi in the Ten Thousand Demons territory, there are also a lot of heavenly treasures and precious medicines, which have various effects."

  "It is rumored that there are many pills that are extremely valuable in the outside world, which need to be refined with the precious elixirs or heavenly treasures picked in the Ten Thousand Demons Realm."

  "This is also the reason why many cultivators venture into it."

  After saying that, Wei Fan looked at He Song.

  However, He Song gradually showed a thoughtful look on his face.

  After listening to Meng Guan and Wei Fan's description, He Song had only one word left in his mind.

  Ten Thousand Demons Realm.

  According to Meng Guan and Wei Fan, there are both dangers and opportunities in the Realm of Ten Thousand Demons.

  If you are unlucky, you will probably be killed by the cultivators hiding in the realm or be torn apart by the demonic beasts before you enter it.

  But if you are lucky

  (End of chapter)