
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


Chapter 478 - Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop

  After more than a hundred years of cultivation, if it was a Qi Practicing Stage cultivator, I'm afraid that he would have died long ago.

  Even if it was a Foundation Establishment Realist, after more than a hundred years of cultivation, I'm afraid that his lifespan was already running out.

  He Song, however, had cultivated the Divine Xuan Body Refining Decision for more than a hundred years before finally making some progress in this Foundation Establishment Realm's Body Refining Technique under the accumulation of time.

  At such a speed, if He Song was really an ordinary cultivator, I'm afraid the yellow flowers and vegetables would have gotten cold.

  After all, the main reason why ordinary cultivators practiced such body refining techniques was because practicing body refining techniques could give them an advantage in the Qi Practicing Stage.

  A Qi Practicing Stage cultivator who practiced both Spiritual Power Feats and Body Refining Feats would naturally have a greater advantage compared to a Qi Practicing Stage cultivator who only practiced Spiritual Power Feats.

  However, if one were to stretch the time of practicing body refining feats to more than a hundred years.

  I'm afraid that an ordinary cultivator would have already exhausted his lifespan and died of old age.

  How can they continue to practice these techniques?

  The progress of ordinary cultivators practicing these body refining techniques is much faster than that of He Song.

  There are many reasons for this.

  For example, ordinary cultivators are more dedicated to this kind of body refining method and practice more diligently.

  For example, the ordinary cultivator to this kind of body refining method daily study, natural progress very fast.

  For example, the unusual cultivator often fights, the understanding of the art of body refining will naturally rise in the fights.

  For example, ordinary cultivators refining body, basically have its purpose, not like He Song this, remember to practice some, can not think of it will be left behind.

  And because of this, it was only today, after more than a hundred years of cultivation, that He Song finally relied on the Divine Xuan Body Refining Decision to temper his physical body to a level that was sufficient to deal with early stage Foundation Establishment cultivators.

  If an early Foundation Establishment cultivator appeared in front of He Song now.

  He Song was afraid that with his physical strength alone, he would be able to fight with him head-on without losing the slightest bit of ground.

  Over the past hundred years, He Song hadn't put much effort into the Divine Xuan Body Refining Decision.


  Slow was indeed slow, but He Song had expectations in his heart and did not care too much.

  The Divine Xuan Body Refining Decision was nothing more than a Foundation Establishment realm body refining technique.

  The upper limit of the merit law was placed there.

  After practicing for more than a hundred years, he was able to reach a strength that could deal with early Foundation Establishment cultivators.

  It was also due to the fact that He Song himself was already a Jindan True Monarch, and his body had become incomparably strong under the nourishment of the magic power.

  However, if the person who practiced the Divine Xuan Body Refining Decision was not He Song, but any other Qi Practicing, or Foundation Establishment cultivator, if they wanted to reach this level, I'm afraid that it would also be difficult.

  To put it bluntly, He Song's physical body base was already at the level of a Jindan True Lord, and it would be normal for it to feed back to allow the Divine Xuan Body Refining Decision to have a breakthrough.

  But now He Song's fleshly body had already reached such a level.

  Then next, it was time for him to go find a new body refining technique for himself.

  The Divine Xuan Body Refining Decision was no longer able to fulfill He Song's needs nowadays.

  If he wanted his body to become even stronger, He Song would also need to go searching for an even more powerful body refining technique.

  However, just as this thought flashed through He Song's mind, and he pondered where he had to go in order to find a more powerful Body Refining Method.

  The Transmission Note that was placed on his waist suddenly had a strange movement.

  As the note lit up, He Song casually opened it and took out a thin piece of paper from it.

  Spreading out the thin paper, He Song's gaze swept, and a smirk immediately flashed across his eyes.

  "Fellow Daoist, after fifteen years of continuous seclusion, can you come out now?"

  "Brother Wei has already emerged yesterday, I remembered that Fellow Daoist was in seclusion with him almost at the same time, so I came to ask."

  "If you also came out of seclusion, the three of us can find a quiet place to meet and talk, wouldn't it be nice."

  "Counting the days, we three have not seen each other for decades, although from time to time letters are exchanged, but the opportunity to get together is not much."

  "Now that all three of us have stepped into the Jindan realm, we should get together to celebrate."

  "In this way, not only can we see each other again after decades of separation, but we can also get together to celebrate the growth of our respective cultivation, it's simply perfect."

  "But I don't know where you are now, and where the three of us will meet."

  "Brother Wei and I are both within the mountain gates of the Yi Yang Sect, and now that we are free, we can naturally travel around."

  "If you, Taoist friend, have already left the gate, please remember to write back and inform us."

  "As long as you ask, no matter where it is, I will rush with Brother Wei to meet you."

  "At that time, I will definitely have a drink with fellow Daoist."

  "Meng Guan."

  This was a message from Meng Guan.

  He Song swept his eyes over the contents of the letter, and his heart was slightly moved by what Meng Guan said.

  As early as fifteen years ago, He Song had already made an appointment with Meng Guan and Wei Fan, and the three of them would definitely meet each other after their respective release.

  Unfortunately, Wei Fan had just broken through the Jindan realm at that time, and He Song was not good at exposing the fact that he had already broken through to the Jindan realm.

  In this way, He Song also had to make up a delaying method that he needed to shut down, and postponed the matter to a later date.

  Now, fifteen years had passed quietly.

  He Song's original delaying method was naturally no longer of any use.

  Fortunately, after these fifteen years, He Song did not need to open his mouth to delay again.

  On the contrary.

  Nowadays, He Song also has a hint of anticipation for the meeting with Meng Guan and Wei Fan.

  After all, the three of them had all entered the Jindan realm.

  Compared to before, when they were in the Qi Practicing Stage, or the Foundation Establishment Stage.

  Now as Jindan True Lords, the status of the three of them was very different from before.

  However, due to the three people have been supporting each other, the relationship between the three people did not fade away, but instead became more and more pure.

  Regardless of whether they were in the Qi Practicing Stage, or in the Foundation Establishment Realm, or now in the Jindan Realm, the relationship between the three of them has always remained the same.

  This, from before, when Meng Guan and Wei Fan had not yet stepped into the Jindan realm, they were faced with the practice of condensing Jindan.

  As well as the fact that He Song had traveled a long way to deliver the Gold Condensation Dan for his two best friends, it could be seen.


  When Meng Guan's letter arrived again, and there was nothing else in the entire letter but the matter of the three of them getting together.

  From this, it could be seen that no matter if it was Meng Guan or Wei Fan, all of them attached great importance to this matter.

  Even He Song was the same when he saw the content of the letter.

  After thinking about it.

  He Song also had a little bit of an idea in his mind about where to meet this time.

  Therefore, he quickly took out a thin piece of paper from his storage pouch and used his mana to inscribe a line of writing on top of the thin paper.

  "Many thanks for your thoughts, I have just come out of the gate, I was originally about to send a message to you, but I didn't expect to be brought forward by you."

  "Since Brother Wei has already emerged from the gate, then as was said in the beginning, the three of us will find a precious place to meet and celebrate."   

  "But for this gathering place, I have an idea in my mind."

  "I and the three of us all the way from the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop, and now all of us have stepped into the Jindan realm, is it also possible to return to the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop, hiding their identities to get together?"

  "Although the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop is in the territory of the Thick Earth Sect, it is far away from the battlefield of the Great War between the Righteous and the Devil, so if the three of us go there with our cultivation hidden, we don't have to worry about any trouble."

  "Even if something happens by chance, we three Jindan, two of us are elders of the Yiyang Sect, so we don't need to worry about the safety of our lives."

  "In this way, not only is the three of us meeting at the place of our origins, but also won't cause too much commotion, it can be considered perfect."

  "Of course, if Fellow Daoist and Brother Wei have a good place to go, you can also inform me of it, and we can discuss it at that time."

  "Now that I have emerged from the customs, I am naturally already ready to depart at any time."

  "Fellow Daoist can discuss with Brother Wei before making a decision."

  After inscribing a line of pale handwriting, He Song placed the thin paper in his hand into the Transmission Note, and then with a push of his mana, the thin paper was instantly transmitted to Meng Guan's Transmission Note.

  After doing all this, He Song left the quiet room, and with that, his gaze swept over the cave where he was.

  Within the cave.

  The Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree was still standing tall, and under the illumination of the Blazing Sun Bead, it appeared to be lush and growing extremely well.

  Other than that, Jade's figure was still lying under the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree, and a burst of slight snoring sounds came from where she was.

  However, her cultivation level seemed to be much stronger than before.

  He Song took a closer look and realized that Yu'er's cultivation had already broken through from the early Foundation Establishment stage to the middle Foundation Establishment stage.

  Counting with his fingers, He Song's heart suddenly realized.

  Now, decades had passed since Yu'er's cultivation entered the Foundation Establishment realm.

  After such a long period of time, it was not unusual for Yu'er's cultivation to have grown.

  Perhaps it could be said like this.

  For Yu'er to spend decades to break through from the early Foundation Establishment stage to the mid Foundation Establishment stage was already considered to be extremely slow cultivation.

  One must know.

  When He Song first broke through from the early Foundation Establishment stage to the middle Foundation Establishment stage, he had only spent more than twenty years.

  Thinking of this, He Song shook his head and his gaze moved away from Yu'er's body.

  With light footsteps, He Song quietly came under the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree, and casually brewed a pot of Golden Elixir Spirit Tea for himself.

  As the silky aroma of the tea began to permeate the cave, a thought flashed through He Song's mind.

  This time, the matter of getting together and going to the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop was actually something He Song said on a whim.

  But it was also true as he said.

  The three of them were originally from the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop to support all the way to the present.

  Now all three of them have stepped into the realm of Jindan, and once again return to their homeland, naturally can have a deeper feeling.

  For a Jindan True Lord, it is rare to have such a feeling, and it is also good for one's heart.

  In this way, when He Song thought of the meeting place, the name of Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop naturally flashed in his mind.

  Afterwards, he told Meng Guan and Wei Fan about the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop as an alternative place.

  If the two of them felt that it would be fine, the place where the three of them would meet would be finalized.

  According to He Song's rough idea.

  The three of them should not encounter any dangers during this trip.

  The Bamboo Mountain Immortal Square is the former place of the Thick Earth Sect, and the battlefield of the war between the righteous and the devil is in the Seven Star Sect, and then the area occupied by the Thick Earth Sect is further to the north.

  Battle line from Bamboo Mountain Immortal Square, I'm afraid there are tens of thousands of miles away.

  Such a long distance, if the three of them can really encounter any danger in Bamboo Mountain Immortal Square, I'm afraid it can only be said that the time is also fate.

  But then again.

  The three of them are all Jindan True Monarchs now.

  Although the cultivation is all at the early stage of Jindan, but it is not just broken through to the Jindan realm, no combat power of the kind of bottom of the existence.

  Nowadays, after a period of seclusion, the three of them were at least as powerful as ordinary early Jindan cultivators.

  Meng Guan had been breaking through the Jindan realm for a bit longer than Wei Fan.

  Coupled with his name of Soul Breaker True Lord, He Song felt that his strength, amongst the entire early Jindan cultivators, was not considered weak, or even belonged to the ranks of the strong.

  As for He Song himself, He Song's own strength is not weak, but also has a variety of cards, formation frequently, in the early Jindan cultivators, must also be among the strong.

  Under such a three-person gathering, even if the middle Jindan cultivator comes, under the three-person team, at least can maintain undefeated.

  Since this was the case, what was there to be afraid of?

  Late Jindan, as well as Jindan Great Perfection cultivators, didn't appear that easily.

  What's more, even if the three of them were extremely unlucky and really encountered a late Jindan, or even a Jindan Great Perfection.

  He Song only needed to set up the Earth Hidden Divine Light Formation and then dragged his two best friends to hide inside.

  He would be able to rely on the powerful defenses of the Earth Hidden Divine Light Formation, as well as the large amount of Spirit Stones on He Song's body to last for quite some time.

  This time should already be enough for Meng Guan and Wei Fan to send a message to the cultivators of the Yi Yang Sect to come and support them.

  Although in doing so, He Song would expose such a card as the Earth Hidden Divine Light Formation.

  However, he could also say that he had previously gained by chance, and had only obtained a set of array disks and flags for the Earth Hidden Divine Light Array, removing himself cleanly.

  Thinking like this, He Song could not even think of any danger that the three of them could encounter in the middle of the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop.

  After all, He Song had said in advance that Meng Guan and Wei Fan should hide their cultivation and identity and enter the place to meet.

  In the case that He Song had also hidden his cultivation and identity to enter the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop, I'm afraid that the appearance of the three of them wouldn't attract the attention of any cultivators at all.

  Many thoughts flashed through his mind.

  He carefully thought about the situation that he and the others might encounter after going to the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop.

  After pondering for a long time and realizing that there was no other danger, He Song was relieved and began to quietly sip tea, waiting for Meng Guan's reply.

  He Song was not made to wait for too long.

  After discussing with Wei Fan, Meng Guan sent a letter to He Song.

  In the letter, Meng Guan said that he had already discussed with Wei Fan, and both of them felt that what He Song said was very true.

  Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop is indeed the starting place where the three of them met, and at the same time, it is also the first stop for the three of them after embarking on the Immortal Journey.

  It was also the starting point for the three of them to support each other.

  Under such circumstances, upon hearing He Song's proposal, Meng Guan and Wei Fan naturally would not refuse.

  After all, that place was closely related to the three of them.

  Now that the three of them have become Jindan, and then go back to the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop to take a look, with the eyes of a Jindan True Lord to look at this small Immortal Workshop, I'm afraid that it will indeed have a different flavor in the heart.

  (End of chapter)