
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


 Chapter 473 - The Dream of Foundation Building

  "I have no choice but to resort to this, leaving a letter to say my final goodbye to senior here."

  "Qian'er and senior have known each other for nearly a hundred years, but the scene when we first met in the Spiritual Skill Pavilion is still vivid in my mind."

  "For nearly a hundred years, senior has not thinned Qian'er, and Qian'er has not failed senior's love."

  "But to the time when the oil is exhausted, Qian'er has a matter, want senior to promise."

  "If senior comes to Flying Cloud Immortal Workshop when An Lemon is still under sixty years old, I still hope that senior can grant her a chance to step into the Foundation Establishment Realm."

  "An Lemon has a good talent, being a four spirit root, and even more so, with me teaching her, she will not fail senior, so I hope senior can give her a chance."

  "Seniors many years ago has already built the foundation, although I do not know seniors nowadays cultivation level geometry, but I think a foundation building Dan should be difficult to defeat seniors."

  "This matter is what Qian'er is most concerned about in her heart now."

  "I hope that senior will forgive me."

  "Qian'er is afraid that in the future, she will not be able to collect the surrounding information for senior."

  With the letter paper in front of him reflected in his eyes, He Song sighed in his heart.

  Sure enough.

  The guesses in his own heart were not wrong.

  After all, Su Qian had not obtained any great fortune, thus extending her own lifespan.

  Rather, as He Song had guessed, she had already died of longevity depletion more than ten years ago.

  However, before dying, Su Qian also left a letter, handed over to the hands of An Lemon in front of him.

  The words in the letter, He Song see in the eyes, but in his heart also understand why An Lemon did not tell himself the news of Su Qian's death.

  This matter, I'm afraid is also Su Qian single-handedly planning.

  Its purpose.

  Naturally, I want to make myself feel ashamed, and then easier to agree to her request in the letter.

  He Song and Su Qian have known each other for nearly a hundred years.

  However, at the time of her death, He Song had forgotten her in the back of his mind.

  Until the follow-up remembered her longevity problem, only rushed to check.

  If he were another person, after encountering such things, he would definitely be ashamed of himself and would be more likely to agree to what he had asked for during his lifetime.

  This point, He Song saw very clearly.

  I think Su Qian also had such thoughts before she died.

  This was also the reason why she instructed An Lemon not to inform He Song about this matter.

  When He Song sensed something wrong and came here in person, the effect she wanted to achieve would naturally be achieved.

  And when He Song really came here to check and read the letter, the probability of agreeing to this matter would also increase a lot.

  Even, because this matter was Su Qian's dying wish, he would treat An Lemon a little better.

  This matter.

  He Song, who came all the way from the bottom to this position, naturally saw it very clearly.

  For Su Qian's approach, there is also a scale in the heart.

  Although Su Qian's move seems to be in the use of He Song, but He Song's heart can not give birth to any bad feelings.

  Because Su Qian did things for He Song, indeed quite a lot.

  In the course of delivering news for nearly a hundred years, Su Qian has never made a mistake.

  Even more so, she did not ask for any favors from He Song.

  Even if she failed to build the foundation, she never complained.

  For so many years, there were merits and hardships.

  Now, on her deathbed, she entrusted An Lime to herself and hoped that she could give An Lime a chance to step into the Foundation Establishment Realm.

  In He Song's opinion, but it was just a small person who gave his Foundation Establishment dream to his descendant before dying.

  Today's An Lemon, in the hearts of He Song and Su Qian, was actually more like a continuation of Su Qian herself.

  If An Lime can successfully step into the foundation building realm with the help of He Song, Su Qian is naturally considered to have fulfilled her dream, and she can rest in peace in the nine springs.

  Of course, it is also because Su Qian has been serving He Song for nearly a hundred years, so He Song does not care about this matter.

  If it were anyone else, let He Song realize that he was being used.

  I am afraid that what awaits this person will be the wrath of the Golden Dan.

  The person who is sincere in doing something for He Song, under the premise of what he can do, He Song naturally will not let down.

  The letter in the hand into the storage bag.

  Together with the Su Qian once passed to himself in a pile of letters.

  He Song's eyes also looked towards An Lemon in front of him at this moment.

  Today's An Lemon.

  After handing over the letter Su Qian had written before her death to He Song, she had been standing in place apprehensively, not even daring to move much.

  She didn't know what Su Qian had said to He Song in the letter.

  She also didn't know what He Song would do after reading the letter.

  What's more, she didn't know if He Song would look at Su Qian's face and take her away from here.

  To know.

  As early as thirty years ago, when she and He Song first met and settled the people of the Lin family, Su Qian had informed her.

  If it was possible, when He Song came here the next time, he must let He Song take her away from this place.

  This place was the northern border of the Yi Yang Sect, and perhaps there would soon be a war.

  In the following thirty years, all the news coming from the surroundings also verified Su Qian's statement at the beginning.

  Now, the war between the Yi Yang Sect and the God Locking Sect was already ready to start, and if they didn't leave, I was afraid that it would really be too late.

  If He Song did not take her away this time, her danger here would also rapidly increase.

  At that time, perhaps leaving on her own at an early date would be the path she would have to choose next.

  "How old are you this year?"

  Just as An Lemon's mind was racing and she was quietly waiting for He Song's action, He Song's voice also sounded in her ears.

  The moment she heard He Song's voice, An Lemon's heart tightened and she subconsciously blurted out.

  "Senior, An Lemon is already fifty-seven this year."

  Listening to the crisp voice coming from his ears, He Song nodded his head thoughtfully.

  This An Lemon, like Su Qian, is a cultivator, even though she is already fifty-seven, her figure and appearance is still like a young girl of twenty-eight, delicate and lovely.

  However, thinking about this, He Song's heart for Su Qian's request before dying, but there is a hint of sigh.

  According to his opinion.

  Su Qian left this letter before her death, in fact, there are still some gambling ingredients.

  She bet that He Song would notice that she had passed away before An Lemon turned sixty and personally rushed to check it out.

  If the bet was won, as it is now.

  Naturally, she would be able to trigger He Song's shame and make He Song agree to her request, allowing An Lemon a chance to set foot in Foundation Establishment.

  But if the bet was lost, and He Song did not come here before An Lemon turned sixty.

  This matter would naturally be called off as well.

  Although at that time, He Song might also make other compensations to An Lime, the chances of An Lime stepping into the Foundation Establishment Realm would naturally be very slim.

  Even after Su Qian's death, the contact between An Lemon and He Song would also be broken, and there would be no one else to fulfill her last wish.

  After all, An Lemon is not Su Qian, and the encounter with He Song is also a match made by Su Qian, and there is no such coincidence as when the two of them met in the Spiritual Skills Pavilion of the Flying Cloud Immortal Place.   

  If An Lemon is going to die, and with this method want to let He Song give a foundation building dan to his offspring, He Song will agree to the odds will be very small.

  And this, too, was where He Song sighed.

  For someone with such a low cultivation level as Su Qian, even betting is so cautious.

  After sighing, He Song's gaze looked towards An Lemon in front of him, and the color in his eyes softened a bit.

  "Fifty-seven, it's not too late."

  "You pack up and then take me to the place where the people of the Lin family are."

  "You can't stay here for much longer, if you want to take away your An Family people, you can also send a message earlier so that they can converge with the Li Family people."

  "At that time, this seat will take you and others away from this place together."

  "In this way, it will also be able to allow the people of your An family to escape this calamity."

  After giving an order, He Song did not say any more, and only signaled for An Lemon to pack up his belongings and prepare to leave this place together with himself.

  After hearing He Song's words, An Lemon's face was instantly delighted.

  After the joy, he hurriedly bowed respectfully to He Song and retreated to pack up his house.

  After An Lemon left.

  He Song's heart thought for a while, but in his mind began to ponder, how he should go to find a Foundation Establishment Dan.

  For Su Qian's last wish before she died, He Song, after pondering over it, still decided that he could maneuver a bit.

  Now, He Song's cultivation had already reached the Jindan realm.

  He Song's cultivation has now reached the Jindan realm, so he doesn't feel as scarce as those who are in the Qi Practicing Stage or the Foundation Establishment Realm.

  Even when He Song was in the Qi Practicing Stage, he did not feel that there was any scarcity of Foundation Establishment Dan.

  To know.

  Even in the Thick Earth Sect, any Qi Practicing Stage disciple or Foundation Establishment Realm Elder would be able to exchange Foundation Establishment Pills from the Sect's treasury.

  Although the amount of spirit stones needed to be spent was quite a bit, it was basically affordable for the sect disciples.

  Under such circumstances, with He Song's current cultivation at the early Jindan stage, it would naturally not be difficult for him to obtain a Foundation Establishment Pill.

  However, due to the fact that He Song had long since separated from the Thick Earth Sect and had yet to join another sect.

  Therefore, wanting to exchange for a Foundation Establishment Dan from the sect's treasury had naturally become an extravagant hope.

  In the case of not being able to obtain the Foundation Establishment Pill from the sect treasury, He Song had no idea about the Foundation Establishment Pill.

  He Song was slightly worried about the source of Foundation Building Pills.

  Although Meng Guan and Wei Fan were both in the Yi Yang Sect, if He Song opened his mouth, they would naturally be able to fetch the Foundation Building Pill for him.

  However, for this small matter, specially go to trouble their two good friends, really let He Song some reluctance.

  Nowadays, all three of them are at the Jindan realm.

  He sought their help, but only for a Foundation Establishment Pill.

  I am afraid that this kind of thing would make Meng Guan and Wei Fan suspicious of He Song's current situation.

  Perhaps, they would even keep persuading He Song to join the Yi Yang Sect in their next exchanges.

  In this way, at least the Foundation Establishment Pill was something that would definitely not be in short supply anymore.

  In order to avoid such a situation, He Song was heartily unwilling to do so.

  As for finding other people?

  He Song outside, really do not have a few low cultivation friends.

  Moreover, if his cultivation level is too low, he can't find the Foundation Establishment Pill.

  Naturally, it is even more impossible to go looking for them.

  In addition to Meng Guan and Wei Fan.

  Luo Jing is also in the Jindan realm.

  If she was looking for her just for a Foundation Establishment Pill, it might make her think less of He Song and think that He Song couldn't accomplish great things.

  After all, a Foundation Establishment Pill is not a difficult task for He Song, whose cultivation has already reached the Foundation Establishment level in her eyes.

  To bother a Jindan True Lord like her with such a small matter was really a big deal.

  Therefore, after some pondering, He Song's heart ended up with a ghostly sigh.

  "That's just it, since it's extremely difficult to encounter Foundation Establishment Pills in the Immortal City, then we'll go to the various Immortal State capitals to take a look."

  "This time, I'll go directly to the Biyue Prefecture State Capital to take a look."

  "I didn't pay attention to it before, I just don't know if there are any Foundation Establishment Pills for sale in the state capitals of these Immortal States."

  "Come to think of it, there should be."

  "The Immortal State Prefecture, compared to the Immortal City, is after all much larger."

  "Something like the Foundation Building Pill should not be in short supply amongst the Immortal Prefecture State Capital."

  Sighing in his heart, He Song quickly collected his thoughts and waited for An Lemon to pack her things.

  The matter of the Foundation Establishment Pill.

  It's better to talk about it later.

  An Lemon is now only fifty-seven years old, and there are still two and a half years to go before she turns sixty.

  With these two and a half years, He Song wanted to get a Foundation Building Pill, in fact, it is not that difficult.

  With this thought, He Song also relaxed his heart and stopped thinking about the Foundation Building Dan.


  An Lemon packed up her things and left the compound with He Song.

  Since He Song explained that he would not return to this place in the future, An Lemon looked extra serious when she packed her things.

  As long as she found them useful, she put them all into her storage bag.

  In this regard, He Song didn't care and didn't urge her, he just silently waited for her to finish packing before leaving with her.

  However, when the two of them arrived outside the Flying Cloud Immortal Workshop.

  He Song and An Lemon, however, each turned back and took one last look at the huge Flying Cloud Immortal Workshop in front of the two of them.

  They both knew.

  This time they went.

  The two of them were afraid that they would never return to this place again.

  Therefore, this stop before leaving became their only memory of this place.

  After engraving all the details of the Flying Cloud Immortal Workshop in front of them into their minds, He Song's mind moved, and an extremely high-grade magic weapon flying boat appeared in front of the two of them.

  This extremely high-grade magic weapon flying boat was cast by He Song's own hands.

  Nowadays, He Song was already a refiner who was able to create an extremely high-grade magic weapon.

  Moreover, since the lower-grade spirit artifact flying boat that was obtained from within True Lord Silvermoon's storage bag was the property of True Lord Silvermoon.

  And True Monarch Silvermoon, in turn, was the Jindan Elder of the Yi Yang Sect.

  After pondering over it, He Song finally decided that when he reached the point where he could create a lower-grade spirit weapon with his refining skills in the future, he would remodel the shape of that lower-grade spirit weapon flying boat.

  In this way, even if He Song maneuvered the lower-grade Spiritual Weapon Flying Boat outside, he would not be recognized by the Jindan cultivators of the Yi Yang Sect as the origin of the flying boat.

  Before this, He Song was still worried about being recognized every time he operated the lower-grade spirit weapon flying boat.

  That was why he had purposely built a brand new, extremely high-grade magic weapon flying boat that he himself had hand-built as a temporary replacement.

  That way, he wouldn't need to worry about being recognized by the Jindan True Lords of the Yiyang Sect for the ship's origins when he maneuvered that lower-grade spirit artifact flying boat out and about.

  (End of chapter)