
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


 Chapter 462 Surprise

  Check, definitely still need to check.

  However, with Zhao Lin's testimony, Meng Guan's identity had already been mostly confirmed.

  As a result, when he had just joined the Yi Yang Sect, Meng Guan had already received the treatment that a Jindan Elder should enjoy.

  Although he was restricted from temporarily leaving the location of the Yi Yang Sect's mountain gate, there were no restrictions in other areas.

  Some of the things that the Jindan Elders of the Yi Yang Sect were able to access, Meng Guan was naturally able to access as well.

  For example, Meng Guan was able to go to the sect treasury, the sect's internal affairs, the sect's library, the Dan Hall, the Weapon Hall, the Elixir Mountain, and so on.

  Moreover, this only restriction would be lifted only after Meng Guan was found out to be a member of the Thick Earth Sect in the future.

  Judging by the strength of the Yiyang faction's control over the Thick Earth Sect, this time would definitely not be too long.

  But there was just no telling.

  When the Thick Earth Sect's True Monarch Fa Xuan, as well as True Monarch Yan Shan heard that the Thick Earth Sect had produced another Jindan True Monarch, and that this Jindan True Monarch had also joined the Yi Yang Sect, what kind of expression would they have.

  At the same time, Meng Guan also explained in his letter that although he had not found the Gold Condensation Pill in the sect treasury of the Yi Yang Sect.

  However, after the restrictions were lifted, he would go out and look for the Gold Condensation Pill to help He Song step into the Jindan realm as soon as possible.

  After learning about this, He Song's mind was filled with thoughts.

  He truly did not think that Meng Guan would even seek farther away from the Golden Snake Sect's sphere of influence to rush back to the One Sun Sect's sphere of influence, and also become the One Sun Sect's Jindan Elder.

  But after thinking about it, He Song's heart was relieved.

  From a long, long time ago, He Song had suspected that Meng Guan carried some sort of chance and luck.

  That was why Meng Guan was able to successfully break through the Foundation Establishment Realm without relying on the Foundation Establishment Pill.

  Then again, when he had just left the Thick Earth Sect, he had obtained a secret Jindan method.

  And Meng Guan's very abnormal cultivation speed at the late stage of Qi cultivation, as well as the early stage of Foundation Establishment.

  He Song also guessed that Meng Guan must have some kind of treasure that would allow him to grow up quickly in the midst of killing.

  Perhaps, it was by relying on this treasure that Meng Guan was able to rapidly increase his cultivation in the late stage of qi cultivation, while fighting with evil cultivators.

  And at the early stage of Foundation Establishment, when he participated in the war against the Seven Star Sect, his cultivation speed was also much faster than He Song and Wei Fan.

  Thinking about it in this way.

  After realizing that his previous persuasion was actually based on what he thought in his own mind and using his own behavioral standards as a starting point, He Song naturally figured it out in his mind.

  In his own shoes, although he would not necessarily have chosen to join the Golden Snake Sect, opening up a Jindan force within the Golden Snake Sect's sphere of influence or becoming a Jindan dispersed cultivator would have been the nail in the coffin.

  However, the self at that time had forgotten.

  Meng Guan was also a living, breathing human being who also had his own thoughts and stance.

  His own persuasion at the time, although it seemed like persuasion, was actually more like pointing out a path to Meng Guan.

  With Meng Guan's life experience, as well as the chance he possessed, it was naturally more in line with his own interests for him to choose to join the One Sun Sect, which would soon be at war with the God Locking Sect.

  After all, every time Meng Guan was involved in such a war, he was able to see his cultivation skyrocket and his fighting ability expand rapidly.

  Seizing this opportunity might allow Meng Guan to reduce his time in closed-door cultivation by several decades.

  Such a good deal.

  Meng Guan would naturally choose the sect that was most favorable to him and join it.

  As for the advice given by He Song.

  It could only be advice.

  The final choice was still in Meng Guan's hands.

  After knowing that Meng Guan had already joined the Yi Yang Sect and had become a Jindan Elder of the Yi Yang Sect, He Song sighed in his heart and didn't say anything more.

  Since Meng Guan had made such a choice, he naturally had his own considerations.

  Although He Song had some speculations about Meng Guan's chances, but this kind of thing, He Song naturally would not say anything more.

  He only acquiesced to this fact and told Meng Guan to be careful.

  After replying to the letter, He Song started practicing again.

  Until a few years later, the second big event came.

  The second big event, for He Song, was actually not a big deal.

  But for Wei Fan, it was a top priority.

  A few years after joining the One Sun Sect, Meng Guan, who had already had his identity verified and all restrictions lifted, had also long since begun to look for opportunities outside.

  A few years later, on a certain day.

  On a whim, Meng Guan found a great opportunity in a place within the sphere of influence of the First Sun Sect.

  Since Meng Guan had already reached the Jindan realm, when he realized that there was a chance there, even the Jindan Grand Formation was unable to stop a Jindan True Lord from striking.

  The Jindan array, manipulated by a Jindan True Monarch, and when there is an abundance of spirit stones, it is naturally very strong and extremely difficult to be broken by external forces.

  But if there is no Jindan True Monarch manipulation, its internal spirit stone is also limited, facing a Jindan True Monarch's onslaught, but also can only regret to break.

  When the internal spirit stone was consumed, naturally, that is when the formation was broken.

  After some maneuvering, the spirit stones in the Jindan Formation were all depleted, and after entering the Jindan Cave, he entered the Jindan Cave.

  After some searching.

  The treasures obtained were quite abundant.

  Meng Guan soon sent a message to He Song, saying that he had found a Jindan cave, and that he had found three Gold Condensation Pills.

  Three Gold Condensation Pills.

  Such a quantity made Meng Guan feel both shocked and happy.

  Surprised is that the number of Gold Condensation Pills in this Golden Pill Cave is truly amazing, there are as many as three.

  Joyfully, with these three Gold Condensation Dans in hand, the probability of He Song and Wei Fan stepping into the realm of the Golden Dan would instantly skyrocket.

  Perhaps, after a few years, he would be able to see his two best friends step into the Jindan realm, and from then on, the three of them would continue to be free in the Immortal Cultivation World.

  While sending a message with He Song, Meng Guan bluntly told He Song to quickly rush back to the Yi Yang Sect.

  He could personally protect He Song and Wei Fan, and inform He Song of the Jindan secret method he had previously obtained, and help the two of them impact the Jindan realm.

  At the same time, he also informed He Song that he had already spoken to Wei Fan about this matter, and Wei Fan was quickly rushing back to the One Sun Sect, hoping that He Song would also speed up.

  In response.

  He Song's mind flashed with thoughts.

  He was also more convinced about the speculation of the qi fortune on Meng Guan's body.

  In He Song's opinion, these three Gold Condensation Dans that Meng Guan had obtained were a must-have for him.

  Even without the fact that He Song had previously gone to deliver the Gold Condensation Dan for Meng Guan and Wei Fan to allow Meng Guan to step into the Jindan realm, Meng Guan would have also sought out these three Gold Condensation Dan.

  According to Meng Guan's lifespan.

  Today's Meng Guan was nearly two hundred years old.

  Even without the Gold Condensation Pills that He Song had previously sent, Meng Guan would definitely be able to break through to the Jindan realm before the end of his days as long as he obtained these three Gold Condensation Pills.

  All of this seemed to have been predestined long ago.

  When Meng Guan had just left the Thick Earth Sect, he had obtained the Golden Pill secret method.

  Then, when his lifespan was about to expire, he obtained three Golden Pills.   

  All of this seemed to be too coincidental.


  He had originally thought that if he had entered this Golden Pill Concealment Formation in front of him after realizing it.

  He didn't know if he would be able to find any treasures such as the Gold Condensation Dan inside.

  But he didn't expect that he was still on this side of the Golden Dan Concealment Formation, and he didn't even get in, but Meng Guan's side had already found three Gold Condensation Dans.


  This situation made He Song quite a bit caught off guard.

  One must know that in the eyes of Meng Guan and Wei Fan, at this moment, He Song was still just a Foundation Establishment Cultivator.

  Now, Meng Guan suddenly found three Gold Condensation Pills and asked himself to quickly return to the Yi Yang Sect and try to break through the Foundation Establishment with these Gold Condensation Pills.

  If it were anyone else, I'm afraid that after learning about this matter, they would be too eager to bow their heads and call out to their rightful father.

  This kind of opportunity, casually in the Immortal Cultivation world to find a Foundation Establishment round cultivator, I am afraid that the other side would hate to Meng Guan as a father to provide up.

  This was a Jindan Condensation.

  This was a chance to step into the realm of the Jindan.

  It was absolutely impossible for anyone to give up such an opportunity.

  But He Song had already broken through to the Jindan realm.

  Now, these three Gold Condensation Pills that Meng Guan had suddenly found were not very tempting to He Song.

  Go back to Yi Yang Sect to break through to Jindan?

  It was impossible for He Song to give up the Jindan Concealment Formation in front of him, which he was on the verge of fully comprehending, and rush back to the Yi Yang Sect to put on a show, right?

  Therefore, when he learned of this news, He Song began to find a reason in his heart for not returning to the Yi Yang Sect.

  This time, in this Yi Yang Sect, it was absolutely impossible to go back.

  Moreover, both not being able to go back, he needed to give a perfect reason.

  Only then would he be able to make his behavior less abnormal.

  In the end, He Song still chose to send a message to Meng Guan, stating that he had recently opened the great opportunity that he had been searching for previously, and that he was afraid that he would be able to enter it within the next few days.

  In this great opportunity, there might be treasures such as the Gold Condensation Pill.

  Wei Fan should still need some more time to return to Yi Yang Sect.

  It would be better to wait until He Song entered it and finished scavenging everything in it.

  Meng Guan didn't ask for anything, but only asked He Song to be careful, he also knew that He Song had been looking for a great opportunity.

  Now, since he was just a few days away from entering it, he was not in a hurry.

  Before that, He Song had already met with Meng Guan and Wei Wei.

  He Song had told Meng Guan and Wei Fan that he had been searching for a great opportunity.

  However, every time he communicated with the two, He Song only said that he would soon be able to find it.

  But it turned out that he had not been able to find it.

  He Song had also been in the process of searching for this great opportunity, acting quite busy.

  This great chance had actually been mentioned to them by He Song a long, long time ago, at least for more than twenty years.

  During these twenty years, He Song had naturally worked hard all the way, which could be imagined.

  Such a long period of time, only to search for a great opportunity, can be imagined how much time and energy He Song had invested in this great opportunity.

  Now that he was just one step away from the door, it was normal for He Song to decide to wait for a few more days.

  However, he didn't know.

  However, he didn't know that this great opportunity was actually a false statement that He Song had made up a long time ago and had been waiting for this time to use.

  According to He Song's original idea, when Meng Guan found the Gold Condensation Dan again, Meng Guan would definitely hand over the Gold Condensation Dan to himself as he is doing now, so that he can take it to break through to the realm of Gold Dan.

  But the problem was that He Song had already broken through the Jindan realm, so why would he need to do so?

  Therefore, He Song had released this falsehood early on.

  He was prepared to wait for Meng Guan to find the next Gold Condensation Dan, and was prepared to hand over the Gold Condensation Dan to himself, claiming that he had already found the opportunity, and found the Gold Condensation Dan in the opportunity.

  Now, although things had gone beyond He Song's expectations, Meng Guan had found not one or two Condensed Gold Pills, but three.

  But He Song's previous false words could still come in handy at this moment.

  Even after Meng Guan claimed that he had found three Condensed Gold Pills, the number of Condensed Gold Pills that He Song had "found" could also be increased, and he was even able to "obtain" the Secret Method of the Gold Pill.

  After using this as a reason to fool Meng Guan, He Song took a few days off.

  He Song took a few days.

  Only then did he send a message to Meng Guan.

  He said that he had found two Gold Condensation Pills in this place of great opportunity, and had also obtained a copy of the Golden Pill secret method.

  In addition, this place is hidden, rich in spiritual qi, he is ready to try to break through the Jindan realm in this place directly closed.

  He also asked Meng Guan to hand over all three Jindan Condensation Dans to Wei Fan if he could.

  In this way, when Wei Fan tried to break through the Jindan realm, he would not be undone because of the lack of Gold Condensation Dan.

  Even if Wei Fan used all three Gold Condensation Pills, he would have no complaints.

  Although he only had two Gold Condensation Pills here, if Meng Guan was able to tell him what he had learned when he broke through the Jindan Realm, the success rate would not be low.

  In that case, not only would he himself have a greater success rate of being able to break through to the Jindan Realm.

  Even Wei Fan would have doubled his confidence because he had three Gold Condensation Dan in his possession, and the probability of breaking through to the Golden Dan would greatly increase.

  After passing on the message in such a manner.

  He Song soon received a reply from Meng Guan.

  In the letter.

  Meng Guan told He Song all about his experience of stepping into the Jindan realm.

  He also said that Wei Fan would try his best to leave behind a Gold Condensation Pill to ensure that He Song could still have another chance to step into the Golden Pill.

  After learning that He Song had also obtained two Gold Condensation Dan.

  Wei Fan did not make any pretense and said that he would be able to set foot on the Golden Dan with only one Gold Condensation Dan.

  Instead, he listened to He Song's advice, and with three Gold Condensation Pills in hand, he entered the quiet room and began to prepare for a closed-door breakthrough to the Jindan realm.

  With the three Gold Condensation Pills in his possession, Wei Fan's chances of breaking through to the Jindan Realm this time were extremely high.

  He Song, in the impression of Meng Guan and Wei Fan, had always been very cautious.

  Adding to the fact that he also had two Gold Condensation Pills in his body, the two of them felt that He Song's chances of breaking through to the Jindan Realm were also very high.

  In this regard, after seeing Meng Guan's reply, He Song exchanged pleasantries with the two of them.

  Only then did he inform the two of them, saying that he was about to go into seclusion, preparing to try to break through the Jindan realm.

  Since then.

  He Song's transmission note also went quiet.

  However, Wei Fan was now in the process of breaking through the Jindan realm in seclusion, and Meng Guan was also within the time of escorting him.

  He Song, in the eyes of Meng Guan and Wei Fan, was even more in the process of trying to break through the Jindan realm.

  (End of chapter)