
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
323 Chs


Chapter 446 - Surrounded by Four

  In such a situation.

  Seeing that He Song was about to perform the Soul Search Technique on him, how could he not panic?

  He Song's palm was rapidly enlarging in front of his eyes, and almost in an instant, it was already about to land on his forehead.

  And just in the nick of time.

  The corner of the old man's mouth moved.

  It seemed like he wanted to open his mouth to say something.


  He Song did not give him any chance to speak.

  Cultivators who were able to obtain the blood pills from the hands of demonic cultivators and wanted to use them to extend their own lifespan were already no different from evil cultivators.

  In the Immortal Cultivation World, such cultivators were punishable by everyone.

  When He Song laid down the Luo Smoke Formation outside the compound where he was and put the blood dan in his hand into his storage bag, this person's fate had already been sealed.

  This person's fate was already predetermined.

  As He Song placed one hand on the old man's forehead.

  Under the horrified gaze in the old man's eyes, He Song quietly performed the art of soul searching in the next moment.

  The next moment.

  The old man, who was already horrified and wanted to escape from He Song's clutches, quickly hunched up due to the intense pain brought about by the soul search.

  Under the intense pain brought about by the soul search, he was unable to even let out a miserable scream, and his entire person was swallowed up by the pain almost instantly.

  A moment later.

  Looking at the old man in front of him, who was currently looking dumbfounded due to the soul searching technique he had performed.

  He Song casually threw out a fireball, directly burning the old man into ashes.

  After putting his ashes into a storage bag for future use.

  Only then did He Song leisurely come to the pavilion in the courtyard and sat down.

  After some soul searching.

  He Song finally had some understanding of the old man and the hidden secrets of the Li family.

  This old man was named Li Lord.

  In the Li family, his seniority was quite high, and he was in charge of a lot of major events in the Li family.

  Nowadays, his life expectancy has reached more than 110 years old.

  Although it has not reached the life span limit of qi cultivators, it is not far away.

  In the case of his own longevity will end, and can not afford to buy life-extending pills.

  When facing the crisis of the end of his life span, Li Lingao secretly purchased a lot of blood pills from the hands of some devilish cultivators through the channels of the Li family in order to extend his life span.

  The blood pills were made by demonic path cultivators using blood and flesh.

  It has a weak effect of prolonging life.

  However, the refining method is too cruel, and is not recognized by ordinary cultivators.

  In addition, colluding with the Devil's Way is a felony within the Yiyang Sect.

  Once the evidence is conclusive, the Immortal City guardian will make a bold move to erase the Li Family from the Castle Peak Immortal City.

  With the identity and strength of the guards within the Immortal City, even if the Li Family had a Foundation Establishment Cultivator and a Late Foundation Establishment Cultivator, the Li Family would not be able to achieve their goal without the help of the other Immortal City guards.

  But in the case of combining other immortal city town guards, it would be easy to erase the Li family.

  Therefore, after He Song learned of his secret, he felt that if he spread it, the Li family would not be able to escape.

  In this regard, He Song in his soul searching techniques, but also know very well.

  Even in the memories of the Li family, He Song also knew a lot of secret things about the Li family.

  For example, the Li Family had secretly deployed their eyes in other immortal cities to listen to news from distant places and transmit them back to the Li Family.

  For example, the Li Family has several hidden branches outside of Castle Peak Immortal City, so as to avoid the destruction of the main family and the slaughter of the entire family.

  For example, the Li family's two Foundation Establishment real people had already had a meeting with the Foundation Establishment real people of the other two big families a few days ago, and immediately after that, they all left Castle Peak Immortal City, said to have a big deal on the door.

  For example, the Li Family, in secret, still had the business of selling information about faraway places in existence.

  For example

  All of these made He Song have a deeper understanding of the Li family.

  However, after conducting a soul search on Lord Li and not finding out from his memories that the Li Family, as well as those other two Foundation Establishment Families in the Castle Peak Immortal City, didn't have any great backers.

  He Song also had an idea of how to deal with the three major Foundation Building Families in Castle Peak Immortal City, as well as the four Foundation Building Real People outside the city.

  These three major Foundation Building Families and the four Foundation Building Real People outside the city were all rootless ducklings.

  Although they seemed to be quite a bit stronger than the other Immortal City's Foundation Establishment Families.

  The Li Family had even extended its hand to other Immortal Cities.

  However, facing a Jindan True Lord like He Song, it could not even make any waves.

  Even if He Song didn't notice anything strange when he entered the city and was successfully ambushed by those four Foundation Establishment cultivators, it wouldn't change anything.

  What's more, He Song had already detected something wrong when he entered the city.

  And used his own divine sense to know the existence of those four Foundation Establishment real people.

  In such a situation.

  He Song had personally mapped out the details of the four Foundation Establishment Real People within the Immortal City.

  If there was still something that could surprise He Song, I am afraid that it could only be that those four people died too quickly.

  With this thought in his mind, He Song had already found out the information clearly, and knew that even if he had taken action at will, there would not be any accident.

  Naturally, he quickly began his actions.

  First of all.

  In his heart, he had already made up his mind about the four major Foundation Establishment real people outside the city who wanted to intercept and kill him.

  He Song had directly emptied the treasure vaults of the Li Family, as well as the other two Foundation Establishment Families, in a quiet manner.

  After the years of treasures of these three major Foundation-Building Families were all put into He Song's storage bag.

  He Song also didn't forget to throw the blood dan that came from the hands of the Li Lord, as well as the storage bag left behind after the death of the Li Lord directly into the residence of one of the town guards in the Castle Peak Immortal City.

  At the same time, also managed to startle the other side, attracted the town guard real person to come to explore.

  Until sure that the town guards of the real person found his own thrown into his residence in the jade bottle, as well as the Li Lord's storage bag, and saw the jade bottle within the blood dan, and perceived that the storage bag is the Li family of people after all.

  Only then did He Song leisurely leave from the Castle Peak Immortal City.

  It could be imagined.

  It could be imagined how many shocking waves would be created in the heart of that Zhen Guan realizing that the Li Family of Castle Peak Immortal City had secretly colluded with people from the Devil's Path.

  Next, what kind of liquidation would happen to the Li Family of Castle Peak Immortal City.

  Within the sphere of influence of the Yiyang Sect, especially on the eve of the war that the Yiyang Sect was preparing to wage with the Devil Dao sect, the God Locking Sect, at this time.

  Such a thing had happened.

  This Zhenguo real person must not dare to be negligent.

  As for the three great clans of Castle Peak Immortal City, each of them had their own friendships and looked up to the Li Family.

  In such a situation, once something happened to the Li Family, the other two families would not be able to escape being liquidated.

  Especially, after their Foundation Establishment Family Head also suddenly died at this stormy time, they were afraid that their situation would also become extremely dire.

  After leaving Castle Peak Immortal City.

  He Song transformed into a recluse and sped towards the distance.   

  This time, He Song knew that there were four Foundation Establishment Realm real people waiting outside the city, wanting to intercept and kill themselves, but he did not flee far away.

  Instead, the moment he left Castle Peak Immortal City, his divine sense directly locked onto the location of the four Foundation Establishment realities that were now tens of miles away outside of the city, quietly lying in ambush.

  And the body transformed into recluse light, quickly rushed towards this place.

  He would like to see, this four Foundation Establishment real people who were ambushed outside the city, what kind of bear heart and leopard guts did they eat, that they dared to take action against a Jindan True Lord.

  Even trying to intercept and kill a Jindan True Lord.

  Is it ignorance.

  Or was it fearlessness?


  When He Song dragged his long golden recluse straight to the place where the four Foundation Establishment True Lords were.

  The four people who were originally prepared to ambush He Song and wait until He Song passed by before making their move to ambush him, at this moment, they also began to get excited.

  At this moment, they were already in the north of Castle Peak Immortal City.

  The ambush was tens of miles north of Castle Peak Immortal City.

  According to their thoughts, after He Song left Castle Peak Immortal City, he would continue all the way north towards the northern Yunzhou.

  Because He Song had traveled all the way, his trajectory had always been towards the northern Cloud State.

  Although there wasn't much of a pattern to the immortal cities that they set foot in, this Castle Peak Immortal City was a place that He Song must pass through, and thus they were able to grasp the pattern.

  This was also the reason why they wanted to ambush He Song here.

  However, they didn't expect that after He Song left Castle Peak Immortal City, his flight path was exactly in their direction.

  If He Song continued to go all the way forward as he was doing now, towards the front, then he was afraid that he would soon pass the four of them.

  I was afraid that he would soon pass over the place where the four of them were ambushed.

  At that time.

  That would be the best opportunity for the four of them to strike.

  Thinking of this, the leading Li family head, that is, Yun Hua real person, immediately reached out and pressed down, signaling the three Foundation Establishment real people behind him to be at ease and watch his gestures.

  At the same time, he also did not forget to secretly use his divine sense to transmit his voice and said.

  "Observing this person's flight trajectory, I'm afraid that he will fly over us later."

  "At that time, this seat will make the first move to stop him, and you and the three of you will quickly block his path and besiege him here."

  "This person has quite a lot of spirit stones on him, I'm afraid there are a million, or even more, so we must not let him get away."

  After the divine sense transmission, Realist Yun Hua carefully concealed his own figure, and also quickly prepared to strike at any time.

  As for the three people behind him, after glancing at each other, they also transmitted their voices in response.

  At the same time, they also each took out their own magic weapons, ready to surround He Song when the time came.

  Far away.

  He Song traveled all the way as a recluse, but his divine sense was always locked on the place where Yun Hua Zenith and the other four were.

  Now that He Song's cultivation was at the Jindan realm, he was also able to detect the divine sense transmissions of Foundation Establishment realm cultivators.

  Although he didn't know what Yun Hua said to the other three, he knew that the four had definitely discovered him and had already discussed countermeasures.

  In this regard, He Song face pretends not to know, the recluse is still in no hurry towards the front.

  However, just as He Song's recluse was getting closer and closer to the place where Yun Hua and the other four people were.

  Originally just flying all the way towards the front of the He Song, but in the Yun Hua real people can not hold back, want to go out to intercept the He Song time, with their hands to hit the road flow of light.

  When the streams of light spilled out from He Song's hands into the surroundings and quickly fell into the ground, forming a formation.

  Originally, Realist Yun Hua, who had already wanted to make a move, also changed his expression at this moment.

  "This person actually detected our presence?"

  The thought in his mind had yet to fall.

  Yun Hua saw that He Song had stopped his transportation and was quietly floating in mid-air, distantly looking towards his place.

  At that moment, Real Person Yun Hua's heart was suddenly startled.

  The thoughts in his heart also violently turned into certainty at this moment.

  However, although he already knew in his heart that He Song must have discovered the existence of himself and the others long ago.

  Yun Hua Zhenran, who had yet to notice any other differences, did not have much intention of retreating at this moment.

  He was just a Foundation Establishment Cultivator.

  The four of them had been ambushing this place for a long time, so how could they return empty-handed?

  Thinking of this, the evil thoughts in the heart of Realist Yun Hua flickered away, and the divine sense transmission also instantly landed in the ears of the other three.

  "This person has already discovered us, strike!"

  The voice transmission had not yet fallen.

  Realist Yun Hua had already taken the lead and swiftly pounced towards the place where He Song was.

  At the same time, as Realist Yun Hua's figure swooped towards He Song's location.

  The Cloudflower Master threw the flying sword in his hand, and then pointed it towards He Song.

  The flying sword in the mid-air immediately rose against the wind, and in an instant, it rose to a height of more than ten meters, and fiercely stabbed towards He Song.

  However, as early as when he was poking around earlier, He Song knew that this Yun Hua real person used an extremely high-grade magic weapon flying sword as a weapon, and when the flying sword came out, it was invincible.

  Therefore, when the Cloudflower Realist sacrificed his flying sword and pointed it towards himself remotely.

  When a huge flying sword stabbed towards him at great speed, He Song was not surprised.

  And as Realist Yun Hua struck.

  Behind him.

  After hearing Realist Yun Hua's voice transmission, the other three late Foundation Establishment cultivators also rose up almost simultaneously, each sacrificing their magic weapons and attacking towards He Song.

  Even while attacking He Song, the other three late Foundation Establishment cultivators also chose their own positions, intending to encircle He Song within the circle of four.

  Seeing this, He Song, who had already made preparations, also raised his hand slightly at this moment.

  "Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation! Start!"

  As He Song let out a soft shout, the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation disk and flag, which had already fallen into place in the blink of an eye under He Song's maneuvering, changed almost instantly.

  A formation map quickly began to spread underground.

  In the blink of an eye, it had already enveloped this place, and quickly wrapped He Song, as well as the four Foundation Establishment real people led by Realist Yun Hua.

  At this very moment, the full force of the four Foundation Establishment Realities' strikes also arrived in front of He Song's body at this moment.

  When Yun Hua's huge flying sword, as well as the full force strikes of the next three late Foundation Establishment cultivators came towards He Song.

  A light screen as thin as a cicada's wing also appeared in front of He Song at this moment.

  This was the light curtain that He Song manipulated to protect himself after the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation was successfully laid.

  The Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation was a Jindan Grand Formation.

  Manipulated by He Song's early Jindan cultivation, the power it exerted was very powerful.

  The defense ability naturally did not need to be mentioned.

  Even if it was the Yun Hua Realist whose cultivation had reached the Foundation Establishment Great Circle, his full force strike would only be a piece of cake for the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation.

  Not to mention the full force strikes of the three late Foundation Establishment cultivators that followed, for the Heavenly Dipper Divine Thunder Formation, it was even more stress-free.

  (End of chapter)