
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


  Chapter 441: Five Years Later

  Since the people of the Lin family were already safe, then the purpose of his trip had naturally been accomplished.


  It was also time to return to Bi Yue State, where his cave was located.

  Sweeping his eyes over the Su Qian and An Lime who were traveling together in the distance, preparing to return to the Flying Cloud Immortal Workshop, He Song's mind moved and he was about to leave.

  The pace of his feet suddenly lurched.

  In the distance.

  As Su Qian and An Lime settled the people of the Lin family and left in pairs, Su Qian's voice soon followed.

  "Lemon child, this place where the Lin family is located, in the future, you should come often."

  "Although the people of this Lin family are all mortals, they are quite close to senior, and in the future, if there is chaos in this place, I'm afraid that senior will rush here again."

  "At that time, not to mention anything else, just by letting the people of the Lin family praise you in front of senior for coming to visit often, it will be able to make senior be impressed by you."

  "Nowadays, the news of the northern war between the righteous and the devils keeps coming in, and although this place hasn't been caught up in it yet, I'm afraid that when we wait for a few decades, it will be hard to escape from this."

  "If that's the case, there are people from the Lin family who speak favorably, and if you open your mouth to beg again, perhaps at that time, senior will take you to leave together."

  "Although I don't know how the follow-up will be, but it's still better than staying here and waiting to die."

  "In addition to that."

  "This Lin family is entrusted by senior, but you have to keep a close eye on them, don't let your An family, or people from other families reach out to them."

  "You and I both know that there must be a secret within the Lin family, but with the seniors sheltering them, that secret is not something you and I can covet."

  "No matter what secrets the Lin family has, you and I can just pretend that we don't know anything about them, and if someone dares to reach out their claws towards the Lin family, then they will chop off their claws."

  "You and remember."

  "In the beginning, my master's identity was only a small maid of the Spirit Skill Pavilion, and by chance I became acquainted with senior, but when my cultivation reached the great circle of qi cultivation, I got senior's foundation building insights."

  "Although I didn't succeed in building the foundation, the foundation building insights given by senior has benefited my master a lot."

  "In addition, the spirit stones, pills, and so on that senior occasionally bestowed add up to countless amounts."

  "An Lemon, you are still young and have a long way to go in the future, having a good relationship with senior is beneficial without any harm."

  "With Master paving the way for you, your chances of obtaining the Foundation Establishment Insights, or even the Foundation Establishment Pill, from the hands of the seniors can be considered extremely great, so don't give up your great future just for the sake of a little bit of petty profit."

  "If you are able to build your foundation by chance in the future, you must also remember senior's great kindness."

  Listening to Su Qian's voice in his ears, He Song stopped his thoughts of leaving.

  What Su Qian said, in fact, made He Song's heart have a touch.

  Thinking back carefully.

  From Su Qian knowing that she was about to return to this place, to Su Qian stating that she had accepted a disciple, to the end, Su Qian proposing that she could let An Lime take over this matter and share her worries.

  All of this seemed to be driven by Su Qian.

  As for her purpose, it was naturally as she said.

  Wanting An Lemon to have a good relationship with He Song, wanting to help An Lemon obtain more chances from He Song, wanting An Lemon to step into the Foundation Establishment realm

  This was not a calculation, it was just that she had failed to succeed in building the foundation herself, so she had pinned her hopes on her own disciple.

  After all.

  Today's Su Qian, only introduced An Lian to the front of He Song, has not yet made any other moves.

  This subsequent chance to give or not to give, give how much, can make An Lime breakthrough to the Foundation Establishment realm.

  The initiative was still in He Song's hands.

  Introducing An Lemon to He Song and allowing her to build a good relationship with him was nothing more than a normal exchange.

  As for the hope in Su Qian's heart.

  He Song thought about it a little, but he also felt that it was in line with common sense.

  As An Lemon's master, Su Qian herself failed to successfully build the foundation, so she placed her hopes on An Lemon's body, which was naturally not wrong.


  Nowadays, He Song had already separated from the Thick Earth Sect, wanting to obtain a large amount of Foundation Establishment Pills in the Thick Earth Sect like before, but it was also unlikely.

  In such a situation, Su Qian was afraid that if she wanted An Lime to obtain Foundation Establishment Pills from He Song, she would have to depend on her luck.

  If in the future, He Song inadvertently beheaded a Foundation Establishment Real Person and seized a few Foundation Establishment Pills from him, the matter would be settled.

  However, if He Song had not encountered such an opportunity and could not get the Foundation Establishment Pills, Su Qian's idea would be in vain, I'm afraid.

  It was impossible for He Song to go looking for the Foundation Establishment Pill for An Lemon because of this small matter.

  Moreover, how easy was it to break through the Foundation Establishment Pill?

  Even if the Foundation Establishment Pill was in his hand, it was still unknown whether An Lime could successfully break through the Foundation Establishment.

  At this point, He Song's heart for Su Qian's thoughts, is also considered to have an understanding.

  However, Su Qian after all, rain and shine for their own message for decades, now have a disciple, want to seek a way out for her disciple, but also human nature, He Song did not care too much.

  He Song didn't care too much about it. He was just vaguely touched in his heart.

  There is Su Qian such a master, An Lime in the future, even if there is no chance to build a foundation, I am afraid that it can also live an incomparably nourishing life.

  It seemed that if he really obtained a Foundation Establishment Pill in the future, he could leave one in his hand.

  Of course, if he didn't have the chance to get the Foundation Establishment Pill, He Song could only pretend that he didn't know about it.

  With such thoughts flashing through his mind, He Song's body moved and soon turned into a recluse light that shot up into the sky and flew towards the far side at a very high speed.

  A Jindan cultivator's divine sense covered an extremely long range.

  Therefore, while He Song was leaving as a recluse, he was still able to sense the conversation between Su Qian and An Lime.

  After listening to Su Qian's words, An Lemon nodded her head repeatedly, promising to do so in a precious manner.

  At the same time, he also did not forget to salute towards Su Qian, opening his mouth to thank him.

  In response, Su Qian nodded her head in satisfaction before leading An Lemon and continuing towards the place where the Flying Cloud Immortal Workshop was located.

  After tens of miles away from where the people of the Lin family were, He Song, who had been flying with a recluse all the way, also took out his lower-grade spirit weapon flying boat at the right time, and began to move forward at breakneck speeds to leave this place.

  But this time.

  On the way back, He Song did not focus on rushing, but instead spread his own divine sense, constantly scanning the large area he passed through.

  In the past.

  He Song did not have much interest in going out to look for opportunities.

  After all, the previous He Song's cultivation was still shallow, and he didn't have enough strength to cope with external crises.

  Naturally, he was also very resistant to the matter of going out to look for chances elsewhere.

  As an Everlasting, when one's cultivation is weak, the first thing to ensure is one's own safety and security.

  Only by living peacefully and steadily could one's strength become stronger and stronger, so that one's life would no longer be under great threat.

  However, it was different now.

  Now, He Song's cultivation had reached the Jindan realm, and he already possessed a certain degree of self-preservation.

  However, unlike before, He Song also did not join any sects nowadays, and was unable to obtain any Jindan secret techniques from the sects to make himself stronger.

  In such a situation, He Song naturally needed to start looking for opportunities and rely on them to gradually increase his own strength.   

  What's more, nowadays, He Song already had a certain power of self-protection, so he didn't need to be as careful as he was in the past when he was searching for chances outside.

  Even when facing the Jindan Cave, He Song's strength nowadays is enough to deal with the dangers in it.

  Moreover, He Song was proficient in the Dao of Formation and knew a lot about formations.

  Some of the Jindan caves or Foundation Caves that had formations outside the cave, He Song was able to find them very quickly.

  At least, it would be easier to find than other cultivators.

  In this way, He Song naturally had more motivation to seek out opportunities.

  This was also the reason why He Song would let go of his Divine Sense on the way back, constantly scanning the large area he passed through.

  If possible.

  He Song wanted to find a few places on the way back.


  When a few days later.

  The Jindan Cave that he had opened up was in sight, but when he had never detected any chance of descending along the way, He Song was also dumbfounded in his heart.

  "It seems that this chance also needs to be searched for slowly, the idea of using divine sense to scan a large area in a vain attempt to find out where the chance is is indeed too much of a given."

  "Although there are a large number of cultivators in the Immortal Cultivation Realm who die every year when their lifespan expires, and a large number of cultivator's remains have been left behind by them in the major mountains and rivers."

  "But, the word chance is not idle?"

  "I'm afraid it's very difficult to find a great chance that's enough to make my strength grow rapidly."

  "That's just it, it seems that in the future, in addition to cultivating, I will have to go to the surrounding Immortal Workshops and Immortal Cities, or even the mundane cities and ponds to take a stroll."

  "Perhaps, there will be a chance like the original Silver Moon True Lord's cave, which was inadvertently learned by a Qi Practicing Stage cultivator."

  "Only, this move is too random, I'm afraid it's a needle in a haystack."

  "Other than that, there is another method."

  "The hinterland of this Yiyang Sect cannot be penetrated deeply, and one's own Jindan strength cannot be exposed in the eyes of the people of the Yiyang Sect, but the Purple Cloud Sect is right next to it, so if one wants to explore the news of the opportunity, one can use the identity of a casual Jindan cultivator to travel to the Immortal State of the Purple Cloud Sect to find out about it."

  "The Purple Cloud Sect isn't at war with other forces nowadays, so I don't think it would cause too much of a reaction even if a loose Jindan cultivator were to pass by."

  "In the middle of the Immortal State of the Purple Cloud Sect, if we communicate with the Jindan cultivators of the Purple Cloud Sect, we might be able to get some news."

  "Moreover, the Jindan cultivators in the Purple Cloud Sect should be a bit more puritanical in comparison, and their safety should be a bit higher than going elsewhere."

  "But before that, one still has to have a certain amount of self-preservation before doing so."

  "Why don't we wait until five years from now, after harvesting the spirit medicines, refining them into pills, and selling them to obtain a large amount of spirit stones, then it won't be too late to set off again."

  "At that time, with a large amount of spirit stones in hand, no matter if it's the Heavenly Dipper Divine Thunder Formation or the Earth Hidden Divine Light Formation, they will be able to utilize their strongest power, and then security will be able to be taken to the next level."

  Thoughts flashed through his mind as He Song looked away from the Jindan Cave that was getting closer and closer in the distance, and the thoughts in his heart gradually calmed down.

  Since he had already decided to wait until five years before leaving the cave, then next, he would cultivate diligently.

  Although today's He Song no longer had any secret methods that needed to be studied as soon as possible.

  There were also no more formations that needed to be comprehended as soon as possible.

  Even more so, there was nothing that he was in a hurry to do.

  However, the matter of closed-door cultivation was still imperative.

  However, today's seclusion, but also with the previous seclusion has many differences.

  During the time of closed-door cultivation, He Song would occasionally take the time to go to the Immortal Square Immortal City around the cave to take a stroll.

  From within the surrounding Immortal Workshop Immortal City, or even in the mundane cities or towns, he would inquire about the surrounding news.

  This was what He Song had thought about before he closed his cave, to inquire about the surrounding opportunities within the surrounding Immortal Workshop Immortal Cities and even the mundane cities.


  Time flew by.

  Years passed like a shuttle.

  In the blink of an eye.

  Five years had passed quietly.

  During these five years, He Song casually sold some of the chances that he had obtained when he was in the Foundation Establishment Realm, and had obtained quite a few spirit stones.

  The existence of these spirit stones allowed the number of spirit stones in He Song's body to quickly grow from thousands of medium grade spirit stones to tens of thousands of medium grade spirit stones.

  With these spirit stones, He Song did not worry about spirit stones during these five years.

  And it wasn't until five years later.

  After five years of closed-door cultivation, He Song's own magic power had also advanced even further in these five years, and his own strength had also become much stronger under the growth of his magic power.

  Compared to five years ago, today's He Song's strength had risen by another point.

  At the same time, the Mountain Destroying Technique and even the Earth Spirit Body Protecting Technique, which he had been practicing, had also increased in power amidst He Song's continued cultivation.

  Although these two Jindan spells had long been practiced by He Song to the point of proficiency, the continuous cultivation of them was something else.

  According to He Song's speculation, if he continued practicing, I'm afraid that the power of these two spells would also grow.

  Perhaps, by the time many years had passed, the power of these two spells would also receive a significant increase.

  In addition to the growth in mana as well as on top of the spells.

  He Song's cultivation of the art of body refining had not stopped all along.

  However, the Divine Xuan Body Refining Decision that He Song had cultivated was actually not a profound technique, but merely a Foundation Establishment Realm body refining technique that had been obtained from the Thick Earth Sect.

  Thus, even though the time since He Song had obtained this Divine Xuan Body Refining Decision had been several decades, nearly a hundred years long.

  However, He Song's physical body cultivation had never kept up with the growth of his own cultivation.

  Until now.

  He Song had gone through decades, nearly a hundred years of constant cultivation.

  It was only after decades, almost a hundred years of continuous cultivation, that He Song was able to utilize the Divine Metaphysical Body Refining Decision to cultivate his physical body to a level that was sufficient to use his physical body to fight against Qi Practicing Cultivators with a Great Perfection.

  Nowadays, although He Song's posture remained the same, his physical strength was already quite terrifying.

  Even if he was facing a cultivator who had attained the Great Perfection of Qi Practicing, He Song nowadays would be able to fight with his physical body alone.

  It had to be said that the method of refining the body was indeed extremely slow.

  However, He Song didn't care too much about it.

  The reason why he had practiced this Divine Metaphysical Body Refining Decision was only to keep a base card for himself.

  He was not a cultivator who specialized in body refining.

  Regarding the progress of the Divine Xuan Body Refining Decision, although He Song was satisfied in his heart, he did not show the slightest bit on his face.

  He only began to silently ponder in his heart that in the future, he might still need a Jindan realm body refining method to rapidly raise his physical body cultivation.

  In that case, his own physical body's cards would be even better than today.

  (End of chapter)