
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


  Chapter 439: Goodbye Old Friend

  However, that turmoil did not bring any destruction to the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop, and only caused the cultivators within the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop to panic for a while.


  When He Song returned from afar and once again saw this small Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop in front of her, the scene in front of her was no different from the scene when she left at that time.

  Sweeping his eyes over the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop below, which was vaguely surrounded by clouds and mist, He Song's heart moved, and the white jade boat under his feet was immediately put away into his storage bag.

  As the white jade boat disappeared, He Song's body also quickly fell towards the bottom.

  As the whistling sound of the wind kept coming from his ears.

  While in mid-air, He Song also quickly swept his gaze across the surrounding area of the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop and quickly determined his location.

  After recognizing the location and quickly recalling in his mind the place he had been to back then.

  He Song's gaze suddenly looked in one direction.


  It was the direction where Lin Cong's descendants lived.

  After determining the direction, He Song's body instantly turned into an aquamarine blue recluse in mid-air and silently flew towards the direction he remembered.

  Dragging a long aquamarine light.

  He Song's body swept over a large area of mountains and rivers.

  It flew over a huge mortal city.

  It also crossed a high mountain.

  And when He Song's eyes saw familiar peaks, graves, and small towns, a stone in He Song's heart fell to the ground.

  This place was the small town where Lin Cong's descendants lived, which he had come to decades ago.

  Decades ago, here, He Song sent Lin Cong off on his last journey.

  Now decades had passed.

  He Song's figure, however, had once again come here.

  As his eyes swept over the scene in front of him, a trace of emotion grew between He Song's expressions.

  Lin Cong's grave had gotten bigger.

  There were also more newly constructed graves behind it.

  This place seemed to have been taken by Lin Cong's descendants as the place where their ancestral graves were located, and it seemed that the people of the Lin Family who had died after Lin Cong were all buried here.

  Nowadays, this place was no longer as lonely as it was when Lin Cong had just been buried.

  "Old friend, I haven't seen you for many years, I'm afraid that I will rarely come here to see you again in the future."

  "Don't worry, all is well with your descendants today."

  "It's just that the current situation is turbulent, for the sake of their safety, but they have to be taken away from here."

  From the storage bag, he took out some of his favorite spirit tea that he had once enjoyed when he was in the Qi Practicing Stage.

  After brewing it on the spot.

  He Song sighed quietly towards the grave in front of him.

  Immediately afterward, he poured the spirit tea in his hand onto the grave.

  After doing all of this and explaining to Lin Cong the purpose of his trip, He Song's body moved slightly.

  Immediately, he quickly turned into a golden recluse and headed towards the Lin Family in a small town not far away.

  Lin family.

  When He Song dragged the long golden transportation light from the place where the Lin Family's ancestral tomb was located and entered the Lin Family, he was soon greeted by the people of the Lin Family with respect.

  Although they originally did not know of He Song's existence.

  Nor did they know how Lin Cong was related to He Song during his lifetime.

  And how He Song had sought out this place and found them.

  However, since Lin Cong was a cultivator, some of the older ones among them had also lived with Lin Cong in the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop.

  Regarding cultivators, they still had some understanding.

  Therefore, after realizing that He Song's cultivation was unfathomable, and that he might be the legendary Foundation Establishment Realist, their attitude towards He Song was also very respectful.

  However, in the midst of respect, some apprehension was inevitable.

  These apprehensions were naturally worried that He Song was Lin Cong's enemy.

  Although He Song didn't kill anyone as soon as he arrived here, there were still more cultivators with eccentric personalities.

  No one knew if this strange Foundation Establishment cultivator would make a move against them next.

  After all, to a Foundation Establishment Realist, these mortals were no different from ants.

  In this way, the Lin family members had been careful, and had even secretly already had people in their clan, arranging for people to flee for their lives.

  Until He Song explained his intention, and took out Lin Cong's message with himself before he died, the people of the Lin family then completely put down their hearts.

  After knowing that He Song was a good friend of their own ancestor, and that he had come here specifically to help the Lin family leave this place, the people of the Lin family were very happy for He Song.

  The Lin family's attitude towards He Song was even more respectful.

  However, due to the fact that the Lin family also had family capital in this town, and even in the distant city, there were still sons and daughters in the business.

  Therefore, I'm afraid that it would take some time before all the people of the Lin family could return to this place and leave under the leadership of He Song.

  It would take at least half a month before all the people of the Lin family could be gathered within the Lin family's ancestral mansion, and furthermore, most of the Lin family's possessions would be gathered.

  If they wanted to take away all the people of the Lin family, their property naturally had to be taken away with them.

  This was the root of their survival, and also what they relied on in their hearts when they went to a new place.

  Seeing this situation.

  After a little thought, He Song quickly decided to stay in the Lin family for half a month.

  In this way, not only would the people of the Lin family be able to converge within the Lin family's ancestral home.

  He Song would also be able to have a rare period of leisure time in the mundane world.

  For He Song.

  Since he had just crossed over, he had been established within the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop, and then he had been busy shuttling around the various Immortal Cities, as well as within the mountain gates of the Thick Earth Sect.

  Nowadays, He Song's cultivation had grown all the way.

  From the very beginning of the first level of qi cultivation, he has reached the early stage of Jindan.

  Such a huge increase in cultivation was the result of He Song practicing day and night.

  During these times, although He Song had had his moments of leisure, most of them had been spent in the Immortal Place Immortal City.

  Spending half a month of leisure time in the middle of the mundane world was something He Song had never experienced before.

  Therefore, after deciding to stay at the Lin family for half a month, He Song began his daily leisure time in the mundane world.

  As time continued to pass.

  One after another, the Lin family members who had been away returned.

  The Lin family's ancestral home also became lively from then on.

  By the time half a month had passed by, the people of the Lin family had all returned.

  The people of the Lin Family had also converged within their ancestral home.

  Half a month later.

  The Lin family's ancestral home.

  Everyone had packed up their things and were standing quietly in front of He Song under the leadership of the Lin Family's oldest elder.

  "Get on the flying boat and set off."

  Sweeping his eyes over the large family in front of him with more than a hundred people, there was no change in He Song's eyes, he just waved his hand, and the white jade boat flew out from his sleeve and floated silently in mid-air.

  With He Song's command, the Lin Family's clansmen also quickly arrived on the white jade boat.

  By the time He Song maneuvered the white jade boat into the air and headed off into the distance.

  The people of the Lin Family on the white jade boat also looked back at the place where the ancestral home was located, and the color of uncertainty flashed in each of their eyes.

  This ancestral home.   

  In the future, they were afraid that they would never be able to return.

  He Song had previously told them.

  He Song had previously told them that this place would soon be used as a battlefield for cultivators, and that the people would be devastated.

  That was why he had specially rushed here to bring them to the sphere of influence of another powerful clan tens of thousands of miles away.

  Only if they were far enough away from each other would this cultivator war not affect them, the mortals living in the mundane world.

  In his heart, he realized that once he went there, he was afraid that it would be after he said goodbye forever.

  For a time, a strong sadness welled up in the hearts of everyone in the Lin Family.

  But soon.

  When the speed of the white jade boat quickly increased and the original town quickly disappeared from their view, they quickly came back to their senses as well.

  He Song was not good with words.

  He also didn't have much affection for the people of the Lin family.

  It was only out of gratitude to Lin Cong that he had come here and taken away the people.

  Thus, although he lived in the Lin family these days, he had very little interaction with the people of the Lin family.

  The people of the Lin family also always had a deep sense of reverence for He Song.

  Above the flying boat, it was quickly quiet.


  A few days later.

  He Song maneuvered the white jade boat and brought more than a hundred Lin family members on board through the sphere of influence of the Thick Earth Sect, and passed through the sphere of influence of the Qionghua Sect and entered the sphere of influence of the Yiyang Sect.

  Only then did He Song's originally tense mind stabilize a little.

  The war between the devil and the orthodox was in full swing, and the Thick Earth Sect and the several Jindan sects around it were on the verge of war.

  He Song was naturally cautious on this trip.

  Only after entering the sphere of influence of the Yiyang Sect, far away from the battlefield of the war between the devil and the orthodox, did He Song feel a little relieved and put his attention on the people of the Lin Family on the white jade boat.

  The people of the Lin family all had no spiritual roots.

  This matter.

  He Song had speculated in his heart ever since he came to the Lin Family and did not see any cultivators there.

  When Lin Cong was still alive, He Song had given him two jade slips.

  One of them recorded a technique that could be accomplished by drawing qi into the body as long as one had a spiritual root.

  The other one recorded some shallow Spirit Puppet Arts for self-defense.

  Under such circumstances, if a member of the Lin family had a spiritual root, he or she would be able to successfully channel qi into the body and become a true cultivator after touching the jade slip with the technique.

  But now, when He Song came to the Lin family, he did not see any cultivators, nor did he see any traces of puppets.

  All the signs indicate that although the Lin family has been spreading out for many years, and the number of people in the family is more than a hundred.

  However, no one with a spiritual root had ever appeared.

  Sweeping his eyes over the people of the Lin family sitting or standing on the white jade boat, He Song sighed in his heart.

  The gap between mortals and cultivators.

  It was indeed huge.

  Just the word spiritual root alone could make countless mortals sigh in dismay, unable to do anything about it.

  This was the case with the hundred or so Lin family members in front of him.


  Just as He Song felt in his heart that there was no one with a spiritual root among the hundred or so people in front of him, he continued to maneuver the white jade boat forward.

  A sound transmission paper crane came from afar and landed directly in front of He Song.

  Seeing this situation, He Song casually spread his hand, released one of his own breath, and took the sound transmission paper crane in front of him in his hand.

  As soon as the sound transmission paper crane met He Song's breath, it transformed into a thin paper with densely written words.

  As He Song's gaze was attracted by the handwriting above the paper in his hand, a suppressed cry of alarm resounded on the white jade boat.

  It seemed that they were startled by the arrival of the voice transmission paper crane, as well as the scene of He Song holding it in his hands in a cloudy manner.

  The people of the Lin Clan who were originally sitting or standing stood up from the white jade boat one after another.

  It was only after the insightful clan elders within the clan opened their mouths to gently reprimand them that they sat down, but their gazes were always directed towards the place where He Song was.

  It seems that for what He Song is doing now, there is a great curiosity in general.

  In this regard, He Song did not care about these gazes.

  On the contrary, the information above the thin paper in his hand made He Song ponder.

  The message was sent by Su Qian.

  The words in the letter made He Song slightly moved.

  "Qian'er pays her respects to senior."

  "Long live senior."

  "Previously, I heard that senior returned from afar and wanted to bring the descendants of his former friends into the territory of the Yiyang Sect, and Qian'er has a good place to go for this matter."

  "Qian'er a few years ago, had taken in an apprentice named An Lemon, her An family, in the mundane is also considered to be a great family in the world, and is not far from the Flying Cloud Immortal Workshop."

  "If senior doesn't mind, you can leave this matter to An Lemon, who will definitely be able to handle this matter properly, and there will never be any hidden dangers."

  "An Lemon is Qian'er's disciple, now her cultivation has reached the fourth level of qi cultivation, and she is a man of her word in the An family, with her speaking, this matter will certainly be no problem."

  "Moreover, An Lemon has always heard of senior's name, but never had the chance to see him."

  "If I can meet senior this time, it would be considered An Lemon's blessing."


  Sweeping his eyes over the beautiful handwriting in the letter in front of him, He Song's gaze glanced furtively at the Lin family members on the white jade boat.

  An Lemon.

  This person He Song had never seen, or even heard of before Su Qian opened her mouth.

  However, it was thought that as Su Qian's disciple, he was also aware of his identity.

  To be able to let Su Qian open her mouth and talk to herself about this matter, it is impossible to think that she is swindling herself.

  Moreover, that An Lemon cultivation is only the fourth level of qi cultivation, will be able to in its An family, I'm afraid that its An family, but also in the mundane is considered a great family.

  With the real Immortal Cultivation family, but completely unrelated.

  In this case, I only need to send the people of the Lin family to, and instructed, let the people of the Lin family to live in a remote place.

  He should be able to keep the people of the Lin family from being caught up in the struggles of the mundane court.

  In this way, the safety of the Lin family people is guaranteed, and one does not need to be too troublesome to find a place for them to stay.

  It could be called killing two birds with one stone.

  Thoughts flashed through his mind, He Song quickly came to a decision after pondering for a moment.

  Since Su Qian had already opened her mouth.

  Then, as she wished, let's bring Lin Cong's descendants to be resettled around the Flying Cloud Immortal Workshop.

  Anyway, resettling them anywhere was still resettling them, and the area around the Flying Cloud Immortal Workshop was the sphere of influence of the Yiyang Sect, so there was still no problem with security for the time being.

  After all, this place is also the sphere of influence of the Yuan Ying Sect.

  However, if the Yi Yang Sect and the God Locking Sect really fought in the future, I'm afraid that one would have to make another trip to this place.

  But by that time, one's strength should have increased again.

  After becoming stronger, even if he came back here again, it should be safer than today.

  With such thoughts, He Song quickly maneuvered the white jade boat and began to head towards the Flying Cloud Immortal Workshop.