
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


 Chapter 438 - Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop

  Even if these things had long been useless to himself.

  However, Luo Jing Zhen Zhen did not know that today's He Song had already successfully formed the dan, and was an actual Jindan True Lord.

  According to Luo Jing's thoughts, at this time, He Song was still just a Foundation Establishment Cultivator.

  However, he had a close friend who was a Jindan True Monarch.

  The probability of breaking through to the Jindan realm in the future was just quite a bit greater than other Foundation Establishment cultivators.

  Now these Jindan secrets from her mouth should be extremely helpful to He Song.

  Under such circumstances, Luo Jing still chose to tell He Song all the Jindan secrets that his master had told him.

  He Song was ashamed of himself for being so magnanimous.

  At the same time, it naturally caused He Song to have more admiration for Luo Jing.

  "Many thanks to fellow Daoist for clearing up the confusion, I have been taught."

  "With Fellow Daoist's words, in the future, when I attempt to break through the Jindan, my certainty of success in congealing the dan will also be greatly increased."

  "Many thanks, fellow Daoist."

  After Luo Jing Zhen Zhen had said all the insights of the entire process of condensing the dan, He Song also immediately got up to say thank you.

  If He Song really hadn't broken through to the Jindan realm yet, I'm afraid that Luo Jing's words would be able to increase the probability of He Song breaking through to the Jindan realm by at least 10%.

  Even if He Song no longer needed such a favor, he could not be slowed down by it.

  This was also the reason why He Song immediately got up to thank him.

  In front of He Song.

  He Song had just said all about the process of condensing pills, and then he saw He Song get up to say thank you.

  A smile flickered on Luo Jing's face at this moment.

  "There's no harm in it, please sit down quickly, fellow Daoist."

  "I've been friends with fellow Daoist for decades, and to be able to allow you to go further on the Immortal Path, I naturally won't have second thoughts."

  "Even though this matter was told by Master, Master did not say that it could not be told to others, so it does not prevent it from being told to you, Fellow Daoist."

  "Even if Master Teacher learns of it afterward, he won't have any bad impression of either Little Daughter or Fellow Daoist."

  "In that case, fellow Daoist yet there is no need to worry about the future."

  "It's just that once we say goodbye today, you and I may not see each other again for many years."

  "At this time of parting, I naturally want to help you as much as possible."

  "Perhaps when you step into the Jindan realm in the future, you and I will still be able to see each other again."

  "But I don't know when you and I will meet again."

  After waving her hand and signaling He Song to sit down, Luo Jing's words gradually revealed her intelligence as a Jindan disciple.

  She did not hypocritically hide her purpose.

  Instead, she directly informed He Song of her purpose, so that He Song would clearly remember her friendship.

  And in the follow-up, she also did not forget to send blessings to He Song, stating that if He Song stepped into the realm of Jindan in the future, I am afraid that the two of them would still be able to see each other again.

  In this way, it is blessing He Song, hoping that he will be able to step into the Jindan realm.

  However, there was also a hidden meaning in these words.

  If He Song fails to reach the Jindan realm in the future, then even if her investment fails, she will not come to He Song to recover.

  In this way, it can also be regarded as benevolence and righteousness, on the occasion of the departure, He Song gave a big gift.

  And do not ask for return.

  As for the last emotion.

  Then it was really purely just emotion.

  Just as before in the Tianquan Immortal City parting that, after this parting, but also really have no way to know exactly how long it will be able to see each other again.

  Perhaps, in this huge Immortal Cultivation World, this parting was forever.

  Luo Jing was well aware of this, so naturally her heart was filled with emotion.

  And in front of her.

  After hearing Luo Jing Zhenzi say this and quickly understanding the meaning of her words, He Song's eyes flashed with a light.

  Nowadays, He Song's cultivation had already reached the early Jindan stage, but the cultivation revealed in the outside world was the Foundation Establishment Great Circle realm.

  He was only hiding his cultivation.

  Although Luo Jing Zhen Zhen was so helpful, although it was able to touch He Song's heart.

  But when it came to help, there wasn't much.

  Therefore, although He Song had memorized Luo Jing's friendship in his heart, he was not touched by the sudden help.

  He only noted down this friendship in his heart and quickly buried it in his heart and mind.

  Following that, it quickly shook its head as well.

  "Fellow Daoist is wrong, today's farewell is not necessarily today."

  "Previously, I heard that fellow Daoist wanted to return to Yunzhou, I wonder when you are planning to depart?"

  "I happen to have something, need to go to the place where the thick earth sect is located, if you do not mind, you and I can be companions."

  "When we arrive in Yunzhou, you and I will separate in one of the places."

  "In that case, it can't really be said that it's goodbye today."

  Gazing towards Luo Jing, He Song slowly spoke.

  This matter was also something that He Song suddenly remembered.

  He himself had previously thought of making a trip to the Thick Earth Sect as soon as possible to bring Lin Cong's descendants away from the Thick Earth Sect, so that they would not meet with misfortune.

  Now, Realist Luo Jing happened to be leaving the Bi Yue Immortal State as well, so why not leave together, and also be able to make Realist Luo Jing's journey a little safer.

  It should be known that Yunzhou was located at the northern border of the Yi Yang Sect, and now there was a great war between the righteous and the devil, in which there were many Jindan cultivators, and there were even more Foundation Establishment real people.

  In the event that Luo Jing Zhen Zhen encountered danger on the road, if he accompanied her, he would be able to save him a lot of trouble.

  After all, a Foundation Establishment Great Perfection cultivator might be able to be messed with by many people, especially some small groups of Foundation Establishment with more than three people.

  However, if two Foundation Establishment Great Perfection cultivators traveled together, very few people would dare to make a move.

  The deterrent effect of two Foundation Establishment Great Circle cultivators was much greater than that of a solo Foundation Establishment Great Circle cultivator.

  Moreover, He Song's own cultivation level was still at the early Jindan stage.

  In this way, there was naturally no need to worry about encountering any danger.

  Under the premise of knowing that they would basically not encounter any dangers while traveling together.

  Luo Jing also told himself many Jindan secrets, He Song thought about it, and then made such an intention.

  Just together to catch the road, and do not need to expose their own cultivation.

  At the same time can also return some, so double kill, and not the slightest harm to their own things, naturally is also able to do.

  With such thoughts, He Song looked at Luo Jing in front of him.

  He then saw a trace of surprise flash across Luo Jing's face.

  "Fellow Daoist has something that requires you to return to the Thick Earth Sect?"

  "I wonder how long you will stay within the Thick Earth Sect? If it's a long time, you can come to the Cloud Prefecture State Capital to seek me out in your spare time, and I'll be sure to treat you well."

  "As for when to leave this place, my little lady will be able to do so at any time."   

  "If you don't mind, I would like to travel with you as a companion, so that I can also be safer."

  As Luo Jing's words came out, He Song immediately nodded his head.

  As for Luo Jing, after seeing He Song's nod, she immediately smiled happily.

  Originally, she had thought that once she said goodbye today, it would be difficult for her and He Song to see each other again.

  However, she didn't expect that He Song actually had important matters that required him to rush back to the Thick Earth Sect from this place.

  Although the Thick Earth Sect and the Yunzhou State Capital were far apart, it would be a smooth ride from the Biyue Immortal State to these two places.

  The two of them only needed to part ways at a suitable place, so that they could each go to their respective destinations.

  In this way, this four words of companionship were naturally not false.

  As time passed.

  After the family banquet ended, He Song and Luo Jing quickly left the Biyue Prefecture state capital and traveled all the way towards the Yun Prefecture in the north.

  They traveled all the way from the Biyue Prefecture state capital to the Yun Prefecture territory.

  And then in the cloud state territory all the way to the north, the two of them traveled all the way, but also very quickly.

  Luo Jing has a very high grade magic weapon flying boat given by his master, although it is not as good as the lower grade spiritual weapon flying boat on He Song, but the speed is also quite fast.

  The two of them did not spend too long on catching up, but in just half a month's time, the extremely high grade magic weapon flying boat that the two of them were riding on, had already stopped outside an immortal city.

  Along the way, due to the two Foundation Establishment Great Perfection cultivators traveling together, naturally did not encounter any crisis.

  Coupled with the extraordinary speed of the extremely high-grade magic weapon flying boat in Luo Jing's hands, there were no other Foundation Establishment cultivators who came to stop the two of them.

  Can be said.

  This traveling together did not have any danger.

  It was just that He Song and Luo Jing had an extra half month of time together.

  In this way, it appeared that He Song had hitched a ride with Luo Jing.

  Outside an unknown immortal city.

  When He Song stepped down from Realist Luo Jing's top-grade magic artifact flying boat, Realist Luo Jing's voice also quickly came out from within the flying boat.

  "Fellow Daoist, take your time, so my daughter will take the first step to rush back to the Yunzhou state capital."

  "If you, Fellow Daoist, want to stay in the Thick Earth Sect for some more time this time, you can come to the Cloud Prefecture State Capital to find me, or Senior Sister, and we will definitely not slow down your fellow Daoist."


  As Realizer Luo Jing's voice fell, He Song nodded towards her with it.


  After saying that, He Song's figure moved, and his entire body instantly transformed into an aquamarine colored recluse, continuing towards the north.

  As for Luo Jing, who was located within the flying boat.

  After seeing He Song turn into a recluse and go far away, he soon maneuvered his flying boat towards the Yunzhou state capital.

  After moving away from Luo Jing Zhenzi and flying all the way north for a few hundred miles.

  He Song pondered a little, and eventually chose to take out his lower-grade spirit weapon flying boat, and rode it all the way towards the place where the Thick Earth Sect was located.

  Previously, the reason why He Song didn't take out his inferior spirit weapon flying boat in front of Luo Jing Zhen Zhen was because he needed to hide his cultivation.

  If he had taken out his lower grade Spiritual Armament Flying Boat and carried Luo Jingzhen all the way forward, Luo Jingzhen would have been curious about He Song's lower grade Spiritual Armament Flying Boat.

  A lower-grade Spiritual Weapon Flying Boat might not even be available to an ordinary Jindan True Lord.

  He Song, a small Foundation Establishment Round cultivator, where did he get it from?

  It was not easy to explain such a thing.

  He Song simply didn't take it out, instead, he entered Luo Jing's extremely high grade magic weapon flying boat, and let Luo Jing maneuver the flying boat forward.

  In this way, even though the speed of the extremely high-grade magic weapon flying boat was much different from that of the lower-grade spirit weapon flying boat, and the time taken to catch up was much longer, it was better than not exposing He Song's own cultivation.

  However, after moving away from Luo Jing, He Song was able to take out his lower-grade spirit weapon flying boat and head towards the Thick Earth Sect at the fastest speed possible.

  However, even though He Song had already cultivated the Hidden God Technique to the point of proficiency, he would still only be able to maneuver his lower-grade Spiritual Weapon Flying Boat within the sphere of influence of the Yi Yang Sect.

  If it was in the sphere of influence of the Thick Earth Sect, as well as the surrounding Jindan sects, He Song would not take it out in any way.

  Within the sphere of influence of the Yi Yang Sect, the Jindan True Lords basically stayed in their own permanent places and would not run around.

  However, there are too many Jindan True Monarchs in the war between the devil and the devil, so it is not unlikely that he will come across a guy who is greedy for a lower-grade spiritual weapon flying boat.

  Although the Hidden God Technique was able to make it impossible for other Jindan True Lords to detect He Song's presence.

  However, it was not foolproof.

  Being too high-profile would still expose himself.

  Naturally, after leaving the sphere of influence of the Yi Yang Sect and entering the sphere of influence of those Jindan sects, He Song would definitely hide himself properly as well.

  In this way, He Song maneuvered his inferior spirit weapon flying boat all the way forward.

  It wasn't until several days later.

  Only then did he finally leave Yunzhou and pass through the Qiong Hua Sect, which was located in the south of the Thick Earth Sect, and entered the sphere of influence of the Thick Earth Sect.

  Today's He Song.

  He Song had long since ceased to be the same person who had maneuvered a lower-grade Spiritual Armament flying boat, flying all the way at breakneck speeds.

  The moment He Song left Yunzhou and entered the Qionghua Sect's sphere of influence, he had already taken out the flying boat that he commonly used when he was in the Foundation Establishment Realm and came in the direction of the Thick Earth Sect.

  When He Song was at the Foundation Establishment Realm, the flying boat he commonly used was a lower-grade magic weapon flying boat.

  It was gifted by the Head True Monarch of the Thick Earth Sect, True Monarch Fa Xuan, when He Song joined the Thick Earth Sect.

  Its name was White Jade Boat.

  As a lower-grade magic weapon flying boat, the flying speed of the White Jade Boat was worlds apart compared to the lower-grade spiritual weapon flying boat in He Song's hands today.

  It was even much slower when compared to Realist Luo Jing's very high grade magic weapon flying boat.

  With He Song's revealed cultivation of Foundation Establishment Great Perfection, maneuvering the white jade boat forward, its speed, in He Song's opinion, was nevertheless very slow.

  This was also the reason why He Song needed to spend such a long time on catching up.

  At the beginning, He Song was all about cultivation and did not have many opportunities to go out of town, so naturally, he did not have the heart to replace the flying boat.

  Now that he had a lower-grade spirit weapon flying boat, it was even more unlikely that he would go and replace it.

  After entering the sphere of influence of the Thick Earth Sect.

  He Song quickly maneuvered the white jade boat all the way forward towards where the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop was located.

  This time, it didn't take He Song much longer.

  In front of He Song's eyes, the familiar yet unfamiliar scene of the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop had already appeared.

  Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop.

  It was still the same Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop from before.

  When He Song broke through the Jindan realm in True Lord Silvermoon's cave a hundred miles away from Bamboo Mountain Immortal Place, there was an upheaval in Bamboo Mountain Immortal Place.

  It was still caused by He Song.

  After that, He Song had quickly left this place and went to settle down temporarily near the Flying Cloud Immortal Place of the Yi Yang Sect.

  (End of Chapter)