
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


 Chapter 436: Five Years Later

  Sweeping his eyes over the vivid scenes on the stone wall in front of him, He Song's face soon flashed with a trace of satisfaction.

  These traces on the stone wall, many of which were not personally experienced by He Song, but even if it was hearsay, at the moment revealed in his own cave, but also has a unique flavor.

  At least, that immortal cultivator's temperament, instantly surged to the heart.

  At a glance, one could tell that the owner of this place was very knowledgeable and familiar with things in the Immortal Cultivation world.

  However, such scenes were nothing more than a thought in He Song's mind.

  Under the premise that his own strength could not protect the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree, He Song would definitely not bring anyone to his cave.

  Once the Mixed Gold Fruit Tree at the center of the cave is discovered, I am afraid that He Song will be greeted by endless pursuit.

  This is a treasure that even a Yuanying upper sect needs to covet.

  He Song is a small Jindan True Lord, but how can not protect.

  In that case, how could He Song bring others into his cave?

  You have to know, even if the cultivator brought into the cave by He Song is silent about it.

  But in the Immortal Cultivation world, there are soul searching techniques.

  If that person is captured by a YuanYing ancestor and searched his soul. I'm afraid that He Song would need to face the greedy face of a Yuanying Ancestor in a matter of moments.

  Thinking of that scene, He Song couldn't help but shake his head repeatedly, and in his heart, the matter of bringing other cultivators to his cave as guests was also thrown into the air.

  He Song's eyes swept over the cave that had basically finished construction at the moment.

  He Song's heart flashed through the ideas.

  In the end.

  He left the cave directly and rushed to the Blue Moon Immortal City, which was not far from where his cave was located.

  Blue Moon Immortal City.

  When He Song revealed his Foundation Establishment Cultivation Cultivation, he dragged a long golden recluse light from the distance towards this place.

  The originally calm Blue Moon Immortal City quickly boiled over.

  Countless cultivators in the Immortal City felt He Song's aura.

  When they saw the long golden recluse, they couldn't help but look in the direction of He Song and let out a gasp with the people around them.

  Within Blue Moon Immortal City.

  When they detected He Song's aura and saw the golden recluse light coming from afar, the Blue Moon Immortal City's guardian, as well as the other Foundation Establishment Real Persons within the Immortal City, also looked in He Song's direction at this moment.

  An unfamiliar Foundation Establishment Real Person had suddenly arrived at Blue Moon Immortal City.

  Although it wasn't a shocking event, it was enough to cause the other Foundation Establishment Real Persons within the Immortal City to be wary.

  However, since this place was the sphere of influence of the Yiyang Sect, this Blue Moon Immortal City, from time to time, there would be late Foundation Establishment or even Foundation Establishment Great Perfection cultivators passing through.

  Therefore, nothing happened.


  No one is clear, a Foundation Establishment Great Perfection cultivator, why would such a fanfare from afar straight to the Blue Moon Immortal City.

  Could it be that he came to seek revenge?

  Or, was it wanting to reside here and establish his authority in advance?

  As He Song's figure continued to approach Blue Moon Immortal City, the Foundation Establishment True People in the Immortal City also quickly flashed through their minds.

  Such speculations did not come to a halt until the golden light transformed by He Song fell into the Blue Moon Immortal City and headed to the Blue Moon Immortal City's Treasure Pavilion.

  Blue Moon Immortal City.

  Gathering Treasure Pavilion Branch Pavilion.

  He Song appeared here with a cultivation level of Foundation Establishment Great Circle, and naturally, he quickly attracted the owner of this branch pavilion.

  However, He Song did not purchase anything else in the Blue Moon Immortal City's Treasure Pavilion Branch Pavilion, but only bought a residence in the Immortal City.

  Other than that, there is nothing else.

  This residence is the purpose of He Song's visit.

  Although he has already built his own Jindan cave, but He Song still needs to have a place to stay in case of emergencies.

  After all.

  In case someone really came to seek out He Song in the future, and He Song didn't have a place to entertain the other party, it would be unattractive indeed.

  Moreover, having such a residence can also make He Song's identity reasonable.

  Nowadays, He Song's apparent cultivation level is the Foundation Establishment Great Circle.

  Such a cultivation level, although in the entire Biyue Immortal State, it was actually nothing.

  However, if it was in Blue Moon Immortal City, it was already considered a prominent figure.

  He Song, who resided in the vicinity of Blue Moon Immortal City, how could he not have his own residence within Blue Moon Immortal City?

  And it was precisely because of this thought.

  He Song came from far away with great fanfare, entered the Blue Moon Immortal City, and purchased a huge mansion within the Treasure Pavilion as his own revealed cave.

  In this way, no matter if someone came looking for He Song, or if there were other changes, He Song would be able to have a set of words to say, and not be detected as wrong.

  In short.

  Coming to this Blue Moon Immortal City and buying a huge mansion.

  It was just a way for He Song to hide his identity.

  Since entering the Blue Moon Immortal City and purchasing a huge mansion, He Song quickly followed the plan he had in mind and sent someone to communicate with the other Foundation Establishment True People in the Blue Moon Immortal City.

  According to He Song's own words.

  He was staying here temporarily, and was afraid that in a few years, he would still leave this place and return to his place of origin.

  This also explains why He Song did not establish a family here to compete with other Foundation Establishment families for resources.

  Instead, he just purchased a mansion and went into quiet seclusion here.

  In this way.

  The other Foundation Establishment real people in Blue Moon Immortal City all knew that He Song had come here, but when they were staying temporarily, He Song's presence naturally wouldn't cause them to be wary.

  A Foundation Establishment True Lord who was going to leave sooner or later would not have too many encounters with them, I'm afraid.

  On the premise that He Song would not establish a Foundation Establishment Clan here to compete with them for resources, they would not turn on He Song either.

  They would only treat He Song as a mascot.

  And that was exactly how it was.

  After doing this, He Song could then cultivate here without any worries and would not be disturbed by any other inexplicable things.

  After he had stabilized himself in the Blue Moon Immortal City and was not scorned by the other Foundation Establishment Real People in the Immortal City.

  He Song quickly began his next actions again.


  He Song had long recorded the detailed map of the Yi Yang Sect in his mind.

  Within the Biyue state capital, He Song had also bought detailed information about the Biyue state from Luo Jing real person.

  In this way, He Song's understanding of the Yi Yang Sect, as well as the Biyue State, could be considered very thorough.

  The Biyue Immortal State had thirty-two immortal cities under its jurisdiction.

  Its jurisdiction is extremely wide, and within the immortal state, apart from the state capital, there are also three other Jindan forces.

  These three Jindan forces, whose headmasters are all Jindan True Monarchs, dominate the Biyue Immortal State, each occupying several Immortal Cities.

  The rest of the Immortal Cities were all under the jurisdiction of the Biyue State Government.

  Around these Immortal Cities, there were no mountain gates of Jindan forces present, nor were there any other places that required large amounts of consumed spiritual qi.   

  For He Song, such a place was the best place for him to use to open a medicinal garden.

  He only needed to avoid the mountain gates of the three Jindan forces and create a medicinal garden around those immortal cities that did not have Jindan forces around them, then he would be able to obtain a constant supply of spiritual stones in the future.

  After staying in the Blue Moon Immortal City for some days to ensure that no one would have bad thoughts about the residence he had just bought, He Song quickly and quietly left.

  He Song quickly and quietly left Blue Moon Immortal City.

  However, within his mansion in the city, He Song still made the illusion that he was in seclusion as a way to fool others.

  After leaving Blue Moon Immortal City, He Song soon began to open up spiritual fields and medicinal gardens in the territory of Biyue Immortal State with reference to the detailed map of the Yi Yang Sect and his own familiarity with Biyue Immortal State.

  A medicinal garden was opened up by He Song, and each of them was planted with five lineage spirit ginseng.

  A spiritual field was also opened up by He Song, and each of them was planted with the Golden Pill Spiritual Rice White Jade Pearl, as well as the kind of Spiritual Rice that was obtained from True Lord Xingyan's cave.

  Nowadays, He Song doesn't know the advantages and disadvantages of these two kinds of spiritual rice, so he can only plant some of each and wait until ten years later to compare them.


  After opening up enough spiritual fields and dozens of medicinal gardens within the Biyue Immortal State, He Song secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

  Although it would still take some time for the land of these spiritual fields and medicinal gardens to be transformed into spiritual fields by a large amount of spiritual qi.

  But after time continued to pass.

  By the time ten years had passed, these spiritual fields and medicinal gardens would also bring He Song a very lucrative income.

  At that time, He Song would be able to harvest spiritual medicines and spiritual rice once every ten years and obtain a large amount of spiritual stone income.

  It must be.

  At that time, he himself would no longer lack such mundane things as spirit stones.

  However, now that the lower grade spirit stones could not satisfy He Song's needs, He Song pondered in his heart that he was afraid that he would have to use the middle grade spirit stones as his daily expenses in the future.

  After all, He Song's cultivation has already reached the Jindan realm.

  At the Jindan realm, he was afraid that a single purchase would cost tens or even millions of lower-grade spirit stones.

  Such a large amount of spirit stones would be very troublesome to settle, not to mention taking up a large amount of storage bag space.

  If all the lower-grade Spirit Stones that he obtained in the future were replaced with middle-grade Spirit Stones, it would be more convenient.

  Thinking of this, He Song's divine sense probed into his own storage bag.

  Looking at the only hundreds of thousands of Lower Grade Spirit Stones left within the storage bag, his brows gradually furrowed.

  "It seems that after cultivating this Hidden God Technique to the point of proficiency and sending off Realist Luo Jing, it's time to go earn some spirit stones."

  "As a Jindan True Lord, I only have a few hundred thousand spirit stones in my hands, which is only enough to maintain the Heavenly Dipper Divine Thunder Formation for a few years."

  "By the time True Lord Luo Jing leaves a few years later, it's still unknown how many spirit stones will be left in his possession."

  "And to obtain a large amount of spirit stones, one would again need to wait until at least ten years later."

  "Spirit stones."

  Retracting his divine sense, He Song sighed in his heart, but his gaze looked furtively into the distance.


  He Song had already opened up the medicinal garden and spirit field and returned to his Jindan cave.

  However, He Song, who had just returned to his cave mansion, had not yet had the time to cultivate before his thoughts were evoked by the amount of spirit stones in his storage bag, which had already begun to be stretched to the limit.

  After a sigh, He Song withdrew his gaze and then quickly immersed himself in cultivation.


  Time was long.

  Years passed by.

  In the blink of an eye.

  Five years passed by quietly.

  One day.

  He Song was practicing the Hidden God Technique in the quiet room of his cave, but he saw that He Song's body breath was suddenly high and low, a moment of conspicuousness, and a moment of noiselessness.

  However, most of the time, it remained silent.

  Even if a Jindan True Lord's divine sense swept through, I was afraid that it would be difficult to detect He Song's existence.

  At this moment, the Hidden God Art that He Song was practicing had also reached its final stage.

  At a certain moment, He Song, who was originally trying to maintain his state to ensure that his aura would not be detected by others, suddenly shuddered.

  "Hidden God Art, it's done!"

  Feeling that his control over the Concealed Divine Art was already like an arm's reach, a hint of joy flashed across He Song's face.

  Successfully cultivating the Concealed Divine Art to the point of proficiency was of great significance to He Song.

  With the Concealment Art in his body, He Song no longer needed to worry about being detected by other Jindan True Lords when he went out in the future.

  Even if he traveled far away, even to the hinterland of the Yi Yang Sect, with the Hidden God Art in his body, He Song would be able to make other Jindan True Lords unaware of him.

  In such a situation, He Song's security could be said to have risen by more than one notch.

  Nowadays, even if He Song were to settle down in one of the immortal states, I'm afraid that no Jindan True Lord would be able to detect He Song's cultivation.

  Even the existence of He Song could not be detected.

  In this way, even if He Song traveled to the place where the war between the righteous and the demons was located, he would not run the risk of being detected by other Jindan True Lords.

  Of course.

  If he bumped into a YuanYing Ancestor, it would naturally be a different story.


  Thinking that even if he went to the place where the war between the righteous and the demons was taking place, he would not be detected by other Jindan True Lords.

  Yet another thought flashed through He Song's mind.

  Perhaps, it was also time for himself to make another trip to the Thick Earth Sect.

  After all, counting the time, now that several decades had passed, it must be that the place where Lin Cong's descendants were located had also flourished, right?

  Lin Cong had sent himself such a great opportunity before he died.

  And the next place where the Thick Earth Sect is located, I'm afraid that it will become the main battlefield of the war between the righteous and the devils.

  The descendants of the Lin family living in it, I'm afraid that their lives will be in danger.

  Now that He Song already had the ability, he naturally wanted to take advantage of the fact that the war between the Righteous and the Demons hadn't yet brought too much change to Lin Cong's descendants to go there and take a look.

  Subsequently, even if it was to help the descendants of the Lin family leave the Thick Earth Sect, He Song wouldn't have any second thoughts about it.

  Around the same time, it was just a matter of leaving the Thick Earth Sect with a group of mortals.

  There was no need for He Song to bother too much.

  To do so.

  It was also considered to be doing something for Lin Cong, slightly giving back to Lin Cong's kindness of pointing out the location of True Lord Silvermoon's cave for himself before he died.

  Such thoughts flashed through his mind, but He Song did not directly rush to the Thick Earth Sect.

  This recent period of time was exactly a few years after Luo Jing's previous agreement with him.

  If Realist Luo Jing sent a transmission, he would still need to go and bid Realist Luo Jing farewell.

  It was unwise to leave at this time.

  Anyway, now that the battlefield of the war between the righteous and the demons had not yet come to the sphere of influence of the Thick Earth Sect, going to the place where Lin Cong's descendants were located was not an urgent matter.

  (End of Chapter)