
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
323 Chs


Chapter 431: Purpose Reached

  "This True Lord Willow Wind is familiar with this, and almost all of the things required by a Jindan True Lord have been prepared in some way."

  "Although the number of precious things is relatively small, the usual uses of a Jindan True Lord are almost all wrapped up in them."

  "It seems that he is a thoughtful one."

  Divine sense swept through the various items within the storage bag, and a trace of surprise then flashed across Luo Jing Zhenren's face.

  Years of experience of practicing with her own Jindan Master told her that these items taken by Realist Liu Feng were basically things normally used by Jindan True Lords.

  Although there were not many precious things among them, they were included, just in slightly smaller quantities.

  If the number of precious things is a little more, which then put a large number of spirit stones, as well as a variety of miscellaneous items.

  I'm afraid that even if this storage bag is given to a Jindan True Lord, that Jindan True Lord will think that this is which Jindan True Lord's storage bag.

  After sighing under his breath.

  Luo Jing real person will hand over the storage bag to He Song's hand.

  And at the same time signaled He Song to check the contents.

  After receiving the storage bag handed over by Luo Jing, He Song's divine sense probed out.

  He Song's divine sense probed out.

  He Song instantly reflected all the items inside the bag into his mind.

  The spirit pills required by a Jindan True Lord for cultivation.

  The heavenly treasures used by Jindan True Monarchs for cultivation.

  All kinds of precious spirits used by Jindan True Monarchs in their daily lives.

  Jindan True Lord's daily use.

  As a large number of things appeared in front of He Song, He Song also had a lot of understanding about all the things inside the storage bag in a split second.

  Because in the storage bag, Real Liu Feng had also specially prepared a jade slip.

  On top of the jade slip, Real Liu Feng explained all the various things in the storage bag, allowing He Song to instantly understand the value of these things, as well as their uses and so on.

  With this, He Song was naturally no longer unfamiliar with the many treasures in the storage bag.

  At the same time, due to the existence of this jade slip, He Song's heart for Liu Feng's perception of the real person, but also a little better.

  This person's style of behavior was indeed good.

  However, at the same time, He Song's brows were also slightly wrinkled.

  Although all the things inside this storage bag were indeed used by Jindan True Lords, He Song even saw many Jindan spiritual objects that he had never seen before.

  However, there were also some precious things whose attributes did not match with He Song's current Jindan attributes.

  The quantity of some of the precious things also seemed to be extremely small.

  If they were to be used for their future consumption, I'm afraid that they would not be able to avoid some trouble in the future.

  For example, the pills that Jindan realm cultivators took when practicing, the earth system spirit pills that He Song needed were in small quantities.

  Compared to the Golden Dan Spiritual Tea that He Song has been longing for, the quantity in his storage bag is also very small.

  Compared to the various heavenly materials and earthly treasures that He Song wanted to use to increase his cultivation speed, the quantity was also very difficult for He Song to cultivate to his heart's content.

  For example

  Looking at the various items in the storage bag in front of him, He Song frowned slightly.

  However, when his gaze caught sight of the Luo Jing real person in front of him, He Song's eyes lit up again.

  If the person he was trading with at the moment was still Realist Liu Feng, then if He Song had made many more requests after getting the storage bag, Realist Liu Feng was afraid that he would still be skeptical of He Song's purpose.

  He even suspected if He Song was hiding his cultivation.

  After all, if these things were not true Jindan True Lords, not many other people were afraid that they would spend a huge amount of money to purchase them.

  However, the person who was trading with He Song had already changed to Luo Jing, who had been acquainted with He Song decades ago and had always had the intention of befriending him.

  Luo Jing is aware of He Song's cultivation progress.

  Luo Jing knew that He Song's cultivation had broken through the late Foundation Establishment stage and had broken through the Foundation Establishment Grand Circle.

  According to the speed of He Song's cultivation breakthrough, as well as He Song's description of traveling around in search of opportunities.

  Luo Jing real person must not believe that He Song's cultivation had broken through to the realm of Jindan.

  After all.

  He Song was a small Foundation Establishment who had come out of the Jindan forces.

  How could he possibly find such treasures as the Jindan and the Jindan secret method in the short span of a few decades?

  Even if you are lucky enough to find them.

  After relying on these two treasures to set foot on the Jindan Avenue, like He Song, without any predecessor to teach the foundation cultivator, only rely on a gold condensation Dan, I am afraid that it is difficult to set foot on the realm of Jindan.

  Because of this, the more familiar and aware of the difficulty of breaking through the Jindan, the less they would doubt whether He Song's cultivation had already broken through to the Jindan realm.

  "What Fellow Daoist said is very true."

  "However, I have also interacted with a Jindan True Lord and have been informed of quite a few secret things about the Jindan Realm from him."

  "Although these things are good, there are still some flaws."

  "If we can replace the pills in here with earth-based spirit pills, and increase the number of these heavenly materials and treasures, as well as all kinds of precious things, then it would be even better."

  "Fellow Daoist don't worry, I have traveled around in the clouds all these years, and I do have quite a bit of family money."

  "Such an idea is not a whim, it was born only after careful consideration."

  "I also hope that you can help me out, and change it for me according to my needs."

  "Many thanks."

  Arching his hand towards the Luo Jing Realist in front of him, He Song handed over the storage bag in his hand again after explaining what he needed with her.

  The items in the storage bag were really a bit less for He Song.

  However, according to He Song's understanding of Luo Jing's reality, Luo Jing's reality would not have any doubts after hearing what he said.

  In this way, the matter did not go out of He Song's way.

  Things were not out of He Song's expectation.

  After hearing He Song's words and receiving the storage bag that He Song handed over, Luo Jing only pondered a little before nodding his head.

  However, Realist Luo Jing was not personally going to help He Song switch.

  Instead, he summoned a person.

  After instructing him to replace the items in his storage bag and add some more according to He Song's idea.

  Luo Jing was sitting with He Song in the living room, sipping tea.

  This kind of small matter.

  As the Deputy Pavilion Master of the Treasure Pavilion here, Luo Jing was a real person.

  With a simple word from her, someone would help out.

  It was not her turn to help He Song personally.

  And also in the gap between switching the items in the storage bag.

  He Song and Luo Jing were quickly exchanging pleasantries in the precious living room.

  Some pleasantries were exchanged.

  The relationship between the two of them gradually began to become closer as time passed.

  Previously, Luo Jing Zhenren had always wanted to befriend He Song.

  And because of this, the relationship between the two had once been very close.

  The relationship between the two was once very good.

  When He Song left Tianquan Immortal City, Luo Jing personally hosted a banquet to send off He Song.

  This can be seen at the time how the relationship between the two.


  When decades of time passed in the blink of an eye.

  When the two met again in his hometown, although they had not contacted each other for a long time, the relationship between them naturally warmed up when they looked at each other.

  After some pleasantries, there was no longer the gap between He Song and Luo Jing that he hadn't seen for decades.   

  On the contrary, after some pleasantries, the relationship between the two seemed to have returned to that of the closest relationship in the past.

  Even, He Song had a vague feeling that Luo Jing still wanted to continue to befriend himself.

  However, He Song, who didn't know whether it was an illusion or not, could only suppress the matter and continue to talk freely with Luo Jing.

  After a few words of conversation.


  The internal items had been completely replaced according to He Song's needs, and the storage bag was also sent up.

  Along with it.

  There was also a bill.

  As well as a jade slip containing detailed information about the Bi Yue Immortal State.

  The bill is the value of the various items in the storage bag, which is a bill that requires He Song to spend nearly two million spirit stones.

  As for the jade slip containing detailed information about Biyue Immortal State, what is recorded in it is naturally the detailed information about Biyue Immortal State.

  Although Liu Feng had already made it clear to He Song that the Treasure Pavilion did not sell such things.

  However, now that he had met Luo Jing, He Song naturally spoke about this matter again while exchanging pleasantries with him.

  For Luo Jing, this matter was a small matter.

  Something that Realist Liu Feng didn't dare to do.

  However, Luo Jing didn't care.

  As the Vice Pavilion Master of the Treasure Gathering Pavilion here, she didn't have too many scruples even if she did so.

  What's more, she and He Song had known each other for a long time, and the relationship between the two of them was quite good.

  In such a situation.

  Knowing that He Song had acquired this information for the sake of understanding this place and not for any other purpose, she naturally had no concerns.

  Naturally, there were no more concerns.

  "Fellow Daoist had previously said that he needed detailed information about the Biyue Immortal State, so my daughter instructed them to send it along for you."

  "In addition to that, for this bill, my daughter is able to waive 30% for you, Daoist."

  "This is the maximum that my daughter can waive nowadays."

  "Together with the value of this jade slip, you can give a total of one and a half million lower-grade spirit stones."

  Pushing the jade slip in front of her, as well as the storage bag as much as she could to He Song, Realist Luo Jing looked at He Song with a pair of beautiful eyes without blinking.

  According to her understanding of other Foundation Establishment real people.

  Not to mention one and a half million lower-grade spirit stones.

  Even if it was one hundred and fifty thousand lower grade spirit stones, there weren't many Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators who could directly take them out.

  Although He Song had previously said that he was now quite wealthy.

  Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to come over and purchase these things that could only be used by Jindan realm cultivators.

  However, out of curiosity, Luo Jing still wanted to see how much He Song was worth nowadays, and whether He Song would be heartbroken if he spent a million and a half lower-grade spirit stones at a time.

  When his eyes looked at He Song.

  But see He Song after sniffing, has picked up a side of the freight storage bag, and seems to be in to put spirit stone after.

  A pair of beautiful eyes also flashed with a trace of surprise.

  He Song picked up the cargo storage bag and placed the spirit stones in it before placing the cargo storage bag back on the table.

  At the same time, he picked up the storage bag on the table that contained the items purchased by He Song.

  Luo Jing's gaze also quickly locked onto the cargo storage bag on the table.

  This freight storage bag.

  It was from the Treasure Gathering Pavilion.

  Due to the large amount of spirit stones involved in the transaction, the Treasure Pavilion would take out a cargo storage bag with a huge capacity and place it next to the goods every time they traded with a Foundation Establishment Realist.

  Guests did not need to bring their own storage bags for holding spirit stones, they only needed to put them into this cargo storage bag.


  He Song had already put the spirit stones into the cargo storage bag in front of him.

  And had begun to check the items in the other storage bag.

  At this moment, Luo Jing, who was trading with He Song, naturally also needed to check how many spirit stones had been put into this cargo storage bag by He Song.

  With Luo Jing's divine sense, he explored.

  Inside the cargo storage bag.

  A full one and a half million lower-grade spirit stones were immediately probed by Luo Jing to find out the exact amount.

  And also after probing out the exact number of spirit stones within the storage bag.

  Luo Jing, who originally had a hint of surprise in her beautiful eyes, her gaze also landed on He Song's body at this moment.

  "Previously, what you said, saying that you have gained a lot in these decades, I didn't believe it, but it seems that I have to believe it now."

  "A wave of the hand, is one and a half million lower grade spirit stones out, you do so, really envious of others."

  "It's a good thing that the place where you are now is in the main pavilion of the Treasure Pavilion."

  "The one you met is also a small woman, otherwise if you were somewhere else and met someone other than a small woman, I'm afraid that you would be in trouble again."

  Looking towards He Song, the color of surprise in Luo Jing's eyes gradually faded.

  However, the evaluation of He Song in her heart was once again raised by her.

  To be able to casually take out one and a half million lower grade spirit stones.

  Such a stroke was not something that an ordinary Foundation Establishment Great Circle cultivator would be able to do.

  To know.

  When He Song had gone to the Cloud State Capital to purchase a secret method like the Violet Sky Jing Zen Technique, he had only spent 150,000 lower-grade spirit stones.

  Now, the amount of spirit stones that He Song had casually taken out, I was afraid that it would be able to make many Foundation Establishment True Lords' hearts greedy.

  One and a half million lower-grade spirit stones.

  Such a huge amount of spirit stones was already enough to make them desperate enough to strike out at Foundation Establishment Great Perfection cultivators.

  This was also the reason why she had said that if she were somewhere else and met someone else, she was afraid that He Song would be in trouble again.

  At the same time, Realist Luo Jing's desire to befriend He Song had also increased a little.

  Being able to have so many spirit stones in his possession.

  It meant that He Song must have gained a lot in these decades.

  Although He Song clearly stated that these would not be of much help to him in stepping into Jindan, but who knew what was going on behind the scenes?

  He Song was able to save such a huge amount of spirit stones, would he continue to have a burst of luck in the following years, obtaining the Gold Condensation Dan, as well as the Secret Method of the Golden Dan, and in the end, even stepping into the realm of the Golden Dan?

  This was something that no one could say.

  And it was precisely because of seeing this clearly that he felt that He Song might have a chance to get into the Golden Dan realm in the future.

  Thinking that He Song might have a chance to step into the realm of Golden Dan in the future, Luo Jing Zhenren's desire to make good friends with He Song would continue to increase.

  In case.

  What if He Song really stepped into the Jindan realm in the future.

  Today, her friendship was simply a blood profit.

  Even if He Song was subsequently unlucky and failed to successfully break through to the Foundation Establishment realm, she would not lose money.

  In this way, Luo Jing real person naturally would not let go of this opportunity to befriend He Song.

  And He Song.

  After hearing Luo Jing's words, she did not say anything, but only smiled and shook her head, and at the same time, she probed out her divine sense and began to read the detailed information about the state capital of Biyue Prefecture in the jade slip in front of her.

  (End of Chapter)