
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


 Chapter 424 - Giving a Chance

  However, it was a pity.

  Cultivating the Earth Spirit Body Protection Technique was best practiced underground.

  After all, this technique required a very short period of time to absorb a huge amount of the heavy spiritual qi contained in the land underneath one's feet in order to protect oneself.

  The faster the speed of absorbing this spiritual qi, the faster the time for the Earth Spirit Body Protecting Technique to take effect would also be faster.

  The greater the amount of spiritual qi absorbed, the stronger the defensive ability of the Earth Spirit Body Protecting Technique.

  With He Song's current cultivation at the early Jindan stage, after casting the Earth Spirit Body Protecting Technique, a barrier that could withstand the attacks of an early Jindan cultivator should be formed in an instant in order to be effective.

  Moreover, it was also necessary to rapidly thicken this barrier as much as it could in the very short time that followed.

  In this way, only then would he be able to perfectly protect himself in the midst of the ever-changing fight.

  Since He Song was in the sky all the way back to the Yi Yang Sect from the Golden Snake Sect.

  During this month's time, He Song hadn't thought about practicing this spell.

  It was so.

  Although he had gained three major opportunities from this outing, He Song had not used any of them yet today.

  After taking stock of what he had gained from his trip to the Golden Snake Sect, He Song quickly began to plan out what he was going to do next.

  First of all, it was to re-deploy the Jindan Defense Formation, and after deploying the Jindan Defense Formation, he was able to comprehend its wonders within the formation.

  By the time He Song had completely understood the mysteries of the Jindan Defense Formation and was able to reproduce another Jindan Defense Formation, he would be able to have two Jindan Defense Formations that could be used at any time.

  He would then be able to have two Jindan formations that could be placed beside him at any time.

  With such two Jindan formations in hand.

  No matter where He Song went in the future, his security would increase greatly.

  In addition to this.

  He is going to find an evil cultivator and use his life to test the authenticity of the Purple Mansion Forging Elemental Technique.

  If it is true, He Song can naturally switch to the Purple Mansion Forging Elemental Technique.

  If it is false, this technique will be treated as if it has never been obtained, and in the future, he will find another Jindan technique.

  Moreover, regardless of whether this conversion to Purple Mansion Forging Elemental Technique is successful or not, He Song decided to cultivate the Earth Spirit Body Protection Technique as soon as possible to the point of proficiency.

  Not for other reasons.

  It was simply because this Earth Spirit Body Protecting Technique was a Jindan Realm Body Protecting Technique.

  This kind of technique, for He Song's strength reinforcement, could be considered extremely huge.

  Nowadays, He Song.

  He Song now had a lower-grade artifact such as the Purple Electricity Spirit Snake Seal and a Jindan spell such as the Mountain Destroying Spell.

  The code only has the Star Meteor Bead to protect his body.

  Slightly thin.

  However, if the Earth Spirit Body Protecting Technique was added to a Jindan realm defense technique, He Song's shortcomings in defense would be wiped out in an instant, I'm afraid.

  When He Song cultivated the Earth Spirit Body Protecting Technique to the point of proficiency.

  Even without relying on formations, He Song would be able to be strong enough amongst the early Jindan cultivators.

  In this way, even if he faced a situation where he was unable to lay down a formation, He Song would not be easily defeated.

  With a certain amount of strength, he could still run if he couldn't fight or run.

  As long as the formation could be used, He Song's strength would naturally see another spike.

  At that time.

  After his own shortcomings were made up, it would not be too late to set out in search of the technique, or the other things needed for the Jindan Realm.

  After all, as an Elder, what He Song lacked was never time.

  After making a plan in his mind for what he was going to do next, He Song's mind moved, and the huge divine sense of the Jindan Realm immediately diffused out from where he was.

  The divine sense that was capable of extending for about 150 miles swept through the surroundings.

  He Song soon sensed that there were many Qi Practicing Stage cultivators within 150 miles from him.

  Some of these Qi Practicing Stage cultivators were speeding through the mountains and rivers, some were sitting quietly in a cave, and there were even some who were hiding in a place, ready to sneak up on people coming and going at all times.

  Seeing this situation, He Song's Divine Sense swept through, and immediately identified these cultivators.

  Those who were speeding through the mountains and rivers should be in a hurry, so there was no need to pay attention to them.

  Those who are sitting quietly in caves should be practicing, healing their wounds, or resting their eyes, so there is no need to pay attention to them.

  As for the kind of evil cultivators who are hiding in a place and are always ready to sneak up on people coming and going.

  In He Song's divine sense, the blood light around his body could be described as extremely dense.

  People like this who have blood light around their body and are also hidden in a place, looking sneaky, naturally can't be ordinary cultivators.

  With the experience that He Song had gained from what he had seen and heard during the Qi Practicing Stage, this kind of cultivator must be an evil cultivator without a doubt.

  Since it is an evil cultivator.

  Since it was an evil cultivator, it would be punishable by everyone.

  Even if they were to be captured and tested by He Song to see if the Purple Mansion Forging Elemental Technique was wrong, He Song would not have any psychological pressure.

  In the case of an ordinary loose cultivator, He Song probably wouldn't have harmed someone's life for no reason until he had messed with him.

  But if it was an evil cultivator.

  Naturally, it was a different story.

  After the divine sense sensed the existence of evil cultivators in the outside world, He Song's body did not move.

  However, his divine sense was swarming out at this moment, and he soon captured the evil cultivator he found into his hidden cave with his powerful divine sense.

  That evil cultivator was caught by He Song with his divine sense, and was already horrified in the middle of the road.

  After entering He Song's hidden cave.

  After entering the hidden cave, he quickly saw He Song sitting in the cave.

  Originally, the evil cultivator who had already been horrified by this sudden turn of events had no color in his face, but at this moment, his liver and guts were already cracking, and only fear was left in his heart.

  Such a situation, due to his eyes, but see in front of the person sitting in front of the hand is now playing with a delicate jade slip.

  In the Immortal Cultivation world.

  There is a common sense.

  Seeing a senior in the middle of nowhere does not necessarily mean that there will be a chance to descend into the world.

  What was more likely, was that death was imminent.

  Especially if the other party clearly doesn't recognize you and has a jade slip, jade vase, pouch, or something like that in their hands.


  Perhaps for you, it has become a luxury.

  Such a legend, He Song had occasionally heard of it before.

  However, due to his own caution, He Song basically didn't leave the place where the Immortal Place Immortal City was located.

  Therefore, he didn't care too much, after all, he didn't often wander around in the middle of nowhere.

  However, he didn't expect that at this moment, the legendary senior highlander had become himself.

  Thinking of this, He Song's hand playing with the jade slip gave a slight beat.

  Jade slip, jade bottle, small bag

  The jade slip can be understood as a way to test the authenticity of the technique.

  The jade bottle can also be understood as a way to test the medicinal properties of pills.

  As for the pouch, He Song pondered over it, but didn't have a clue as to what it was talking about.

  And now, the delicate jade slip that He Song was playing with in his hand, in the eyes of that evil cultivator, it was the existence that was like a life-suppressing talisman.   

  In this way, He Song looked at the terror in the eyes of the evil cultivator in front of him, and understood why he was terrified.

  I am afraid that this person has also heard of this legend.

  Playing with the jade slip in his hand, He Song gazed at the evil cultivator in front of him.

  "This seat has recently obtained a new wonderful method, if it is cultivated, it is the YuanYing Ancestor, can also be done."

  "However, this wonderful method is not known to be true or false."

  "Therefore, that's why I suddenly summoned Little Friend here, I hope Little Friend won't be offended."

  "If Little Friend can help this seat test out the authenticity of this technique, even if Little Friend writes it all down when trying it out, this seat will not say anything more."

  "This YuanYing Myriad Technique will depend on how much Little Friend can memorize."

  Saying that.

  He Song gazed at the evil cultivator in front of him.

  However, he saw a hint of greed gradually ignite in his eyes.

  Even the previous color of fear in his eyes was suppressed.

  Seeing this situation, He Song no longer hesitated.

  With a casual wave of his hand, a mana was immediately struck into the body of the evil cultivator in front of him by He Song.

  The next moment.

  The mana that He Song had driven into his body, then under He Song's manipulation, began to follow the operation of the Purple Mansion Forging Elemental Technique, and quickly and gradually operated in the evil cultivator's body.

  Soon, the Qi Practicing Stage's route had already been explored by He Song, and there were no mistakes or omissions in it.

  Moreover, when the Violet Mansion Forging Elemental Technique was running in the evil cultivator's body, his cultivation speed was incredibly fast, much faster than the Thick Earth Technique that He Song had cultivated during the Qi Practicing Stage.

  According to He Song's estimation, if he had cultivated the Purple Mansion Forging Elemental Technique from the beginning, he was afraid that he would be able to reach the Great Perfection of Qi Practicing at the age of about fifty-two.

  He Song had been practicing the Thick Earth Skill, and it was only at the age of fifty-six that he successfully cultivated himself to the Great Perfection of Qi Practicing.

  Calculating this, if He Song had cultivated the Purple Mansion Forging Elemental Technique from the first level of Qi cultivation, it would have been nearly four years faster than the Thick Earth Technique.

  The speed of cultivation was much faster than the Thick Earth Skill at the same time.

  He Song also realized that the Purple Mansion Forging Elemental Technique seemed to have a slight strengthening effect on the dantian.

  Specifically, it slightly enlarged one's dantian, allowing the dantian to hold more spiritual energy and even mana.

  This was probably the origin of the name of the Purple Mansion Forging Elemental Technique.

  And also after He Song had tested out these things.

  That evil cultivator also seemed to have noticed the changes in his body, and the color of greed in his eyes suddenly increased.

  In response, He Song thought a little, and soon began to try to run the Foundation Establishment Realm route in the body of the evil cultivator in front of him.

  However, the Foundation Establishment realm's line of action was indeed too much for a small cultivator whose cultivation level was only at the eighth level of Qi cultivation.

  As He Song maneuvered the mana to start operating within his body.

  The incomparably dense spiritual qi was quickly absorbed by the evil cultivator in front of He Song and turned into spiritual energy in his body.

  The majestic spiritual qi continued to pour in.

  After He Song had completely tested the Foundation Establishment Realm's line of action and confirmed that there was no problem with it.

  The meridians in his body, however, had also been damaged a bit by the spiritual qi that had violently surged into them.

  However, since He Song had already used his divine sense to completely bind his entire body, even though the meridians in his body were constantly being destroyed, the evil cultivator in front of He Song was still unable to make any sound.

  However, when He Song finished all this, when the corner of his eye swept over the evil cultivator in front of him, he saw that the color of greed in the bottom of the other party's eyes had not weakened at all.

  On the contrary, the color of greed in his eyes even became more and more intense.

  Even the immense pain of having his meridians torn apart did not make him frown.

  Seeing this situation.

  He Song was slightly surprised in his heart.

  However, after thinking about his identity as an evil cultivator, his heart was quickly relieved.

  Evil cultivators are people who will do anything for cultivation resources.

  Now see that he can get a can reach the realm of yuan ying's subtle technique, the greed in his heart can even override the fear in his heart.

  In the bottom of the heart of this evil cultivator in front of him, at this moment, he has already taken this matter as his own chance.

  What is the need to worry about one's own life when meeting a senior in the wild?

  That was all bullshit.

  Today, he had really encountered one!

  Moreover, this senior had also given him a subtle technique that could reach the YuanYing realm.

  Such a chance, if he were to say it, I'm afraid that he would be able to attract the envious gazes of many people.

  As for the danger?

  Isn't it dangerous to be an evil cultivator?

  Simply by taking on some danger, one can obtain a subtle technique that can reach the realm of YuanYing.

  I'm afraid that this deal would be up for grabs by anyone who came along!

  Not to mention, the cultivation speed of this technique was much faster than the technique he had practiced before.

  With this technique, he would be able to save a great deal of time for searching for opportunities.

  In that case, how could that evil cultivator not be moved and greedy in his heart?

  Looking at the color of greed in the eyes of the evil cultivator, He Song pondered a little, and soon began to test the route of the Jindan realm in his body.

  Jindan realm line of action, compared to the line of action of the Foundation Establishment realm, the load brought to the evil cultivator can be much too strong.

  While He Song was testing whether the Jindan realm's route was correct in his body, a majestic aura began to flow from the surrounding area.

  Pounds of majestic spiritual qi began to rapidly pour into the evil cultivator's body from the surroundings, and was very quickly converted into his own spiritual energy by the Purple Mansion Forging Yuan Technique.


  The spiritual qi pouring into his body from the outside world was simply too much.

  So much so that with the strength of his meridians at the seventh level of qi cultivation, he was completely unable to withstand the influx of so much spiritual qi.

  And although the speed of the Purple Mansion Forging Elemental Technique transforming spiritual qi into spiritual qi was very fast, it also required a certain amount of time.

  It was not as if that majestic spiritual qi could be converted into its own spiritual energy immediately after it was absorbed in.

  Thus, when the amount of spiritual qi in his body increased rapidly, his meridians were overwhelmed.

  A large number of broken meridians, or even broken meridians, also appeared.

  In this regard, although He Song saw it in his eyes, he did not care about anything.

  Until He Song had run his own mana through his body for a week with the Jindan realm's line of maneuver.

  He successfully tested out that there was no problem with the Jindan Realm's route.

  After realizing that his test of the Purple Mansion Forging Elemental Technique had been completed, He Song also quickly withdrew his own magic power.

  However, just as He Song withdrew his own magic power.

  His eyes flickered slightly.

  But he realized that the evil cultivator in front of him had already died.

  However, even if he had already died, the greed in the eyes of that evil cultivator was still strong.

  I'm afraid that until the moment of his death, he was thinking that he had struck lucky this time.

  Seeing this situation, He Song slightly shook his head, and soon threw out a huge fireball with his hand, burning the evil cultivator into ashes.

  Then he collected his ashes into his storage bag, saving them for later use.

  Only after doing all this did He Song let out a sigh of relief, and in his mind, he began to recall the route of the Purple Mansion Forging Elemental Technique.

  Now, it was also time to switch techniques, replacing the original Thick Earth Technique, whose cultivation speed was not good, with the Purple Mansion Forging Elemental Technique, whose cultivation speed was much faster!

  (End of Chapter)