
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
323 Chs


Chapter 422 - The Great Dao of the Golden Pillar


  It was truly strong!

  As he saw Meng Guan swing out his sword in front of him, he was able to chop up two golden-armored guards whose battle strength had reached the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment.

  He Song couldn't help but calculate his own battle power in his heart.

  If his own cultivation level was Foundation Establishment Great Perfection, would he be able to behead two golden-armored guards with his own hands like Meng Guan did?

  As such thoughts surged in his heart, He Song pondered a little in his mind, but inexplicably shook his head.

  After his cultivation stepped into the Foundation Establishment Great Circle, the next moment he directly began to break through the Jindan.

  He had never even tried the battle power of Foundation Establishment Great Perfection.

  How could he talk about comparing it to today's Meng Guanfang?


  If he were to be replaced by He Song in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, it wouldn't be difficult to decimate two Golden Armored Guards with his hands.

  After all, He Song at the late Foundation Establishment stage had already mastered the Heavenly Dipper Divine Thunder Formation.

  Once the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation came out.

  Not to mention two golden-armored guards, even if it was four or eight golden-armored guards, He Song would be able to easily suppress or even exterminate them.

  Thinking about it like this.

  The stunned look in He Song's eyes soon faded away.

  Two golden-armored guards are just two.

  Let's just chop them up.

  And just as He Song thought so in his heart.

  Within the Jindan Cave.

  As Meng Guan chopped out his sword and decapitated the two golden-armored guards alive, his aura also quickly fell from its peak.

  The blood-colored long knife in his hand disappeared in an instant, and the aura of the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection on his body also weakened a lot.

  It looked like, wielding this blood-colored long knife, although it was able to cut out a terrifying blood awn, its consumption should also be very huge.

  Even though Meng Guan's cultivation had already reached the Foundation Establishment Plateau, he still felt that his body had been emptied after wielding the blade.

  Although there was still some mana in his body, it had been consumed for the most part.

  "It's not a problem, let's go check out the treasures in the quiet room first."

  After waving out his sword and destroying the two golden-armored guards, although Meng Guan's mana had been consumed a lot, he hastily waved his hand to stop Wei Fan, who was just about to say something.

  Moreover, he directly pointed his finger towards the distant quiet room.

  Seeing Meng Guan do so, Wei Fan, who was originally about to help, also quickly nodded his head.

  Immediately after, he joined Meng Guan and headed towards the quiet room not far away.

  In the middle of the quiet room.

  In He Song's senses.

  After entering the quiet room, Meng Guan and Wei Fan first paid their respects towards the bones within the quiet room, and immediately afterward, only then did they begin to scavenge the things within the quiet room.

  Seeing this situation, He Song's heart was undeniable.

  According to He Song's habit, there was absolutely no way that he would pay his respects to the bones in the quiet room before scavenging.

  After all, one had come to dig up someone else's grave, so what was the use of worshipping again?

  If True Lord Xingyan really knew about this, how could he not hate them because of this worship?

  Naturally, to worship or not to worship, in He Song's mind there wasn't much significance, so it would be better to just skip it and just search for the treasures.

  However, regarding the behavior of Meng Guan and Wei Fan, He Song did not say anything.

  Just worship.

  It wasn't like he was worshipping himself anyway.

  With this thought, He Song used his divine sense to sense the movements within the quiet room, and soon also heard the sound of exclamations.

  "Brother Wei look, this . It can't be the Jindan condensed after stepping onto the Jindan Avenue, right?"

  "Old Meng quickly look, there are actually two Gold Condensation Pills in this storage bag!"


  Searching the quiet room, naturally, one could not avoid looking through the items in the quiet room, as well as exploring True Lord Xingyan's storage bag.

  Therefore, when the two of them saw the Jindan located under the bones of the corpse, as well as the two Gold Condensation Pills within the storage bag, the exclamations of astonishment from their mouths naturally rang out.

  However, after these two cries of alarm sounded almost simultaneously.

  However, silence quickly descended within the quiet room.

  Wei Fan had already opened the two jade bottles containing the Gold Condensation Dan, and two golden lights immediately shot out from the jade bottles, and the rich medicinal fragrance then filled the surroundings.

  Smelling the medicinal fragrance coming from the tip of his nose, no matter if it was Meng Guan or Wei Fan, a thought instantly flashed through his mind.

  Gold Condensation Pill!

  This was the real Gold Condensation Pill!

  In the end, Wei Fan, with his own strong will, hardened himself against the idea of wanting to continue smelling the flavor more and closed the two jade bottles.

  When the two golden lights were sealed within the jade bottles.

  When the rich medicinal fragrance at the tip of the nose began to gradually dissipate.

  The gazes of the two of them could not help but focus on the two jade bottles in Wei Fan's hands.

  On top of the jade bottles.

  The three big words "Gold Condensation Pill" appeared.

  It was the two Gold Condensation Dans that He Song had previously placed in True Lord Xingyan's storage bag.

  After a moment of silence.

  Meng Guan's voice sounded quietly.

  "Two Condensed Gold Pills, one for the two of us is enough."

  "Just . Fellow Daoist's Gold Condensation Dan, I'm afraid it won't be as good."

  In the quiet room, Meng Guan and Wei Fan looked at each other speechlessly, and the color of excitement under their eyes also faded slightly at this moment.

  With this cry of Dao Friend, both Meng Guan and Wei Fan knew who they were talking about.

  From the Qi Practicing Stage, the two of them had always addressed He Song as Dao Friend.

  This was requested by He Song himself.

  This Dao Friend referred to He Song alone, not anyone else.

  But, in the eyes of the duo, things were such a coincidence.

  The two of them came together to search for the chance.

  The chance was found.

  However, they had only found the chance for the two of them.

  In front of them, these two Gold Condensation Dan, the two of them could naturally share one of them directly.

  Only, if there is one more Gold Condensation Pill.

  Wouldn't it be possible to bring one for He Song as well?

  In their hearts, both of them flashed such thoughts.

  Unfortunately, when Wei Fan took out the two jade bottles containing the Gold Condensation Pills within True Lord Xingyan's storage bag and placed them in front of the two of them.

  The reality in front of them, however, caused a trace of inexplicable emotions in both of their hearts.

  "There is no harm in it, but if one of you and I succeeds in stepping into the Jindan realm with the Gold Condensation Dan, the chances of obtaining the Gold Condensation Dan in the future will also be much greater."

  "With that cautious character of Dao Friend, as well as the status of a talisman master, I'm afraid that at this moment, he has already prepared a Life Extension Pill for himself."

  "With the Life Extension Pill to stall for time, in the future, whether it's searching for the Gold Condensation Pill or helping fellow Daoist find a few more Life Extension Pills, it'll be much simpler."

  "When the time comes..."

  After a long moment of silence, Wei Fan finally spoke, deciding on the ownership of these two Gold Condensation Pills, as well as his subsequent plans.

  And beside him.   

  Meng Guan could only nod his head after a little bit of contemplation, and then sighed.

  "This search for opportunity was originally a matter between the two of us, even if we had notified Fellow Daoist beforehand, so that Fellow Daoist could come along as well."

  "I'm afraid that with his caution, it is also unlikely that he would come all the way here."

  "In this case, this chance is naturally attributed to you and me."

  "For the sake of today's plan, it can only be so, when we rely on these two Gold Condensation Dan and set foot in the Jindan realm, then we can make plans."

  "Waiting until we step into the Golden Dan realm, then searching for another Gold Condensation Pill will definitely be much simpler than today as well."

  After agreeing with what Wei Fan had said, and also adding some explanations on top of what Wei Fan had said, Meng Guan said, and his gaze went to the Gold Condensation Dan in Wei Fan's hand.

  Seeing this situation, Wei Fan did not hesitate and quickly handed Meng Guan one of the jade bottles in his hand.

  As for Meng Guan beside Wei Fan, after seeing the jade bottle in front of him, he also held it in his hands with great importance.

  Within the Jindan Cave.

  Within the quiet room.

  Next to the bones of True Lord Xingyan.

  Wei Fan and Meng Guan were each holding a jade bottle in both hands, and the look on their faces turned into a rich color of joy.

  Golden Pill.

  The Gold Condensation Pill, one of the necessary items for stepping onto the Jindan Avenue, had actually allowed the two of them to obtain two of them.

  This is really... Truly.

  Meng Guan and Wei Fan glanced at each other, and the two of them were almost unable to use words to express the anticipation and excitement in their hearts today.

  To know.

  Meng Guan had only stepped out of the Thick Earth Sect and entered the Yiyang Sect when he obtained a copy of the Golden Dan secret method from the Eight Veins Immortal City.

  With this Golden Pill secret method, coupled with the Gold Condensation Pill in the duo's hands today.

  Now, the cultivation of the duo had also reached the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection Realm.

  In this way, it was like everything was ready, even the east wind had come.

  "Brother Wei, I have already informed you of the Secret Method of the Golden Pill, and this Secret Method of the Golden Pill is now only practiced by Daoist friends yet, but there's no harm in that."

  "Wait until the two of us step onto the Jindan Avenue and try to condense the Jindan, regardless of whether we succeed or fail, when we meet fellow Daoist again, then it won't be too late to inform you of this method."

  "Now that everything is ready, you and I should still close our doors as soon as possible and try to condense the Golden Dan."

  "This place is remote, and there is even a Jindan Grand Formation sheltering it, so how about we shut down here and try to condense the Jindan?"

  Putting the Gold Condensation Dan in his hand into his storage pouch, Meng Guan quickly had an intention after a little thought.

  In this regard, Wei Fan, who had the same idea in his heart, naturally nodded his head repeatedly.

  The two of them had been grinding the Jindan Formation for more than five years before it finally dissipated.

  Now, the two of them wanted to find a safe place as soon as possible, and closed to try to break through the Jindan realm, this place has a large formation guarding, naturally it is the best choice.

  In such a situation, the two of them also agreed at once, and soon began to replenish the spirit stones of the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation left behind by He Song.

  It was the same as He Song's previous guess.

  Meng Guan and Wei Fan, after obtaining the Gold Condensation Pill, immediately prepared to set foot on the Great Dao of Gold Dan with it.

  And because of this, the choice of the two of them to restart this place's Jindan Grand Formation and shut down within the formation was not out of He Song's expectation.


  After Meng Guan and Wei Fan replenished the Heavenly Dipper Divine Thunder Formation spirit stones they had left behind.

  The unmanipulated Heavenly Dipper Divine Thunder Formation soon hid the place where it was located, and He Song's divine sense was unable to probe into the formation.

  He Song's desire to continue checking on the duo's progress was cut short.

  However, since the matter had already come to this, He Song also did not have the idea of forcing open the formation to enter and check.

  Far away.

  After realizing that the Big Dipper Thunder Formation had completely hidden Meng Guan and Wei Fan's place, He Song also opened his eyes at this moment.

  Looking towards the place where the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation was located, He Song raised his steps to leave, but after thinking about it, he still slightly arched his hand towards the place where Meng Guan and Wei Fan were located.

  "My two old friends, I hope that the next time I see you again, you and the other two will have both entered the Golden Dan."

  Leaving behind a sentence, He Song then disappeared into the ground, heading towards the distance.

  Since Meng Guan and Wei Fan had already begun their seclusion, preparing to set foot on the Jindan Avenue.

  Then he, He Song, naturally arrived at the time to go back.

  He Song had not forgotten.

  In the hidden cave near the Flying Cloud Immortal Workshop, there was still Yu'er waiting for him.

  After evading the ground for dozens of miles, far away from where Meng Guan and Wei Fan were, He Song called out his lower-grade spirit weapon flying boat.

  Immediately after, under He Song's maneuvering, the flying boat soon began to move forward at an extremely fast speed.

  All the way to the north.

  Flying rapidly towards the location of the Yi Yang Sect.

  And just as He Song flew all the way north, rapidly flying towards the direction of the One Sun Sect.

  In the middle of the flight.

  He Song received a transmission from Meng Guan.

  On a certain day.

  He Song was maneuvering his lower-grade spirit weapon flying boat, traveling along, his eyes scanning the various sceneries that were rapidly receding around him.

  However, he didn't expect that all of a sudden, he felt a strange movement in his transmission note.

  By the time He Song opened the transmission note and took out a thin piece of paper from it, the writing on it was also quickly presented in front of He Song.

  "I haven't contacted you in five years, I wonder where you are now and whether your cultivation has progressed?"

  "Five years ago, I had informed you that Brother Wei and I had found a great opportunity within the Golden Snake Sect, I wonder if you remember?"

  "Now, five years have passed in the blink of an eye, and I and Brother Wei have also managed to break the formation beyond the chance and obtain the treasures therein."

  "I'm not going to hide it from you, this is a true Jindan cave, and this time, the treasures that Brother Wei and I obtained, apart from many precious things, there are also two Gold Condensation Dan."

  "The Gold Condensation Dan, as well as the Secret Method of the Golden Dan, are all indispensable items for stepping onto the Golden Dan Avenue."

  "And previously, as early as in the Eight Veins Immortal City, I had already obtained the Golden Pill secret method from that Li family."

  "In that case, the conditions for stepping onto the Golden Dan Avenue have naturally been fulfilled."

  "Unfortunately, there are only two Golden Pill Condensation Pills in this Golden Pill Cave Mansion, if there were three, I would definitely let you have a taste of this Golden Pill Condensation Pill."

  "However, on the occasion of obtaining these two Gold Condensation Pills, I have a word with Brother Wei."

  "If someone is lucky enough to break through to the Jindan realm, we will definitely seek out a Gold Condensation Pill for you, so that you can also have the opportunity to step into the Jindan realm."

  "As for these two Gold Condensation Pills nowadays, due to the fact that Fellow Daoist is not here, naturally there is only one for Brother Wei and I."

  "Now, Brother Wei and I have already opened the Jindan Grand Formation outside of the Jindan Cave, and are preparing to attempt to break through to the Jindan Realm here."

  "If I or Brother Wei are fortunate enough to step into the Golden Dan realm, we will definitely not forget what we said today."

  "I also hope that fellow Daoist will treasure this place, and don't be reluctant to part with that measly spirit stone."

  "When Brother Wei and I leave the gate, we will definitely let you have the opportunity to step into the Jindan realm as well."

  "Remember to remember."

  "Meng Guan."

  Looking at the sincere words on the paper in his hand, He Song looked back to where Meng Guan and Wei Fan were, and a warm current flashed through his heart.

  If Meng Guan and Wei Fan could say this, it was not in vain for him to come all the way from the Yi Yang Sect to this place to deliver a Gold Condensation Pill for each of them.

  (End of Chapter)