
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


Chapter 402 - Golden Pill Inner Core

  However, this rounded golden dan that was transformed from the Gold Condensation Dan was not a golden dan that the True Lord of the Golden Dan had cultivated on his own.

  It was merely a false golden dan that was transformed from a gold condensation dan and resembled a golden dan.

  It wasn't that He Song had successfully condensed the Golden Dan after swallowing a Gold Condensation Dan.

  The Golden Pill in his dantian was only a resemblance.

  It wasn't a real Golden Pill.

  The matter had come to this point, but He Song also knew that.

  Next, he only needed to pour his own mana into the Jindan, and his own mana would naturally absorb the medicinal power of the Jindan and be transformed into the strong and incomparable inner core of the Jindan.

  The more mana that was transformed into the inner core of the Jindan, the less likely the Jindan prototype that was formed would fall apart.

  If the Golden Dan prototype formed was perfect.

  If he were to break through the Jindan realm, he might only need one Jindan Condensation Dan.

  Although he already knew in his heart that this matter would not go as smoothly as he had expected.

  However, He Song still moved his mind and quickly invoked his own mana, and poured a large amount of mana into the Gold Condensation Dan in his dantian.

  As the mana continued to pour into the Gold Condensation Dan, the rich medicinal power contained in the Gold Condensation Dan also began to be rapidly absorbed by the mana that He Song had poured into it.

  As time passed, the mana contained in the Congealed Gold Pill increased rapidly, and the medicinal power in the Congealed Gold Pill gradually weakened.

  After a certain balance was reached between the two.

  He Song's movements of pouring mana into the Gold Condensation Pill also gradually began to stop.

  It wasn't that he didn't want to continue pouring mana into the Gold Condensation Pill.

  It was simply because the medicinal power in the Gold Condensation Pill had already weakened rapidly and was unable to carry any more mana.

  Instead of continuing to pour mana into the Gold Condensation Pill, it would be better to stop pouring mana into the Gold Condensation Pill after the two had reached some sort of equilibrium.

  In this way, there would be no need to worry about the balance between the two being broken, thus causing other consequences.

  In this state of equilibrium between the mana and the medicinal power, the speed at which the mana absorbed the medicinal power, as well as the speed at which it was transformed into the inner core of the Jindan, would also increase.

  In the subsequent formation of the Golden Dan prototype, it would also be able to allow the Golden Dan prototype to maintain itself in He Song's dantian for a longer period of time, and not crumble quickly.

  In this way, it would naturally allow He Song to have more time to manipulate the Golden Dan prototype to absorb the mana in the dantian.

  And refine this mana into the Golden Dan fledgling.

  By the time all the mana in He Song's body was absorbed by the Jindan prototype, his entire body's mana would converge into a real Jindan.

  Naturally, the Jindan has been finalized.

  At that time, He Song's identity would change from a Foundation Establishment Real Person to a Jindan True Lord.

  His status, as well as his strength, would increase by more than half a point.

  After stopping the infusion of mana into the Jindan, He Song's mind moved, and he immediately activated a secret method recorded in the Great Peripatetic Vomiting Technique.

  This secret technique could speed up the speed of the absorption of the medicinal power of the Gold Condensation Pill by the mana.

  The secret methods recorded in the Great Peripatetic Exhalation Technique were all secret methods that were helpful for the Condensation Jindan.

  This was also the significance of the existence of the Jindan secret method.

  The various other secret methods recorded in the Great Peripatetic Exhalation Technique were all for the purpose of Jindan condensation, and there would not be any useless methods.


  When He Song had activated this secret method, the mana that was already in the Congealed Gold Dan and was rapidly absorbing the medicinal power of the Congealed Gold Dan at the moment.

  It was as if they had been given a boost, and their absorption of the medicinal power in the Gold Condensation Pill became even faster.

  The speed at which the mana was transformed into the inner core of the Gold Condensation Dan also accelerated violently at this moment.

  As time passed.

  In He Song's senses, the medicinal power of the Congealed Gold Dan located in his dantian began to be consumed crazily.

  And inside the Congealing Gold Dan, the mana that had been transformed into the inner core of the Gold Dan also began to rapidly increase, making He Song feel that his own breath was rapidly growing.   

  At this moment, although He Song had not yet stepped into the Jindan Realm, in his dantian, within the Congealed Gold Dan, there was already a little bit of Jindan inner core.

  This Jindan inner core was transformed into mana and possessed a certain amount of Jindan power.

  If the inner core of the Jindan increased in size over time, after forming the Jindan prototype, or even becoming a real Jindan.

  He Song would naturally be able to possess true Jindan power as well.

  Naturally, when the mana in his body was gradually transformed into the inner core of the Jindan, He Song would definitely be able to notice the growth of his own aura as well.

  Today's He Song.

  Although his cultivation was still at the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection.

  However, he already possessed a certain amount of Jindan power.

  When the inner core of the Jindan in his dantian gradually grew, He Song's aura would also become closer to that of a true Jindan True Lord.

  This growth of his own aura.

  This is the process of entering the Jindan Realm from the Foundation Establishment Realm.

  It is also the Jindan Avenue that all cultivators want to explore.

  After completing the Jindan Avenue, one can naturally achieve the Jindan Realm.

  And He Song.

  When the mana in his body was gradually transformed into the inner core of the Jindan, he formally stepped onto the Jindan Avenue.

  I don't know how much time has passed.

  He Song, who had been paying attention to the fluctuation of his own breath, as well as the consumption of Jindan in his dantian, finally noticed an abnormality at a certain moment.

  At this moment, the breath that had been growing in He Song's body stagnated at this moment.

  At this moment, the medicinal power of the Gold Condensation Pill in He Song's dantian had also completely dissipated.

  At this moment, the original Congealed Gold Pill had completely disappeared from the place where the Congealed Gold Pill was located in He Song's dantian.

  And in the place where the Condensed Gold Dan was originally located, a core of the Gold Dan that was smaller than the Condensed Gold Dan, but whose essence was extremely similar to that of the Gold Dan, was revealed.

  This inner core of the Jindan was the solid mana formed by the mana that He Song had poured into the Jindan, after absorbing all the medicinal power of the Jindan.

  At this time, although the Jindan inner core already possessed a certain amount of Jindan power, it was also able to make He Song's breath grow.

  However, it could not exist in He Song's dantian for a long period of time because it had not formed the Golden Dan prototype.

  Maybe it was one hour.

  Perhaps two hours.

  Without being able to be replenished by other forces.

  This Golden Dan inner core would be forced to transform into mana again under the erosion of the surrounding mana and flow into He Song's dantian.

  If this was the case, He Song's dan condensation would naturally be declared a failure.

  If He Song's maneuvering succeeded in forming the Jindan prototype in one hour, or two hours, the Jindan prototype would be formed.

  At the moment when the golden elixir was formed.

  He Song could already be called a Jindan True Lord.

  According to True Lord Silvermoon's memories, once the Jindan prototype was formed, then it would be able to quickly absorb all the mana in the dantian and quickly expand into a true Jindan.

  As for how to transform the inner core of the Jindan into a Jindan prototype.

  This was something that He Song was naturally prepared for.

  A movement in his heart.

  The huge divine sense located in He Song's Mud Palace Pill violently began to move at this moment.

  (End of chapter)