
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


 Chapter 399 - Preparing for a Breakthrough

  "As for your little life, this seat won't get it back."

  Coming to Yu'er's side, He Song said as he threw out a piece of formation foundation on top of Yu'er's turtle shell.

  The formation base used to set up the Misty Trail Formation, after coming into contact with Jade's tortoise shell, immediately fitted tightly with the tortoise shell and firmly adhered to the tortoise shell.

  As nine formation bases appeared on top of Jade's turtle shell, the nine formation bases gradually shone with light under He Song's hand-pressing technique.

  When the Misty Trail Formation was manipulated by He Song, it quickly enveloped Jade's body, as well as the range of more than ten meters around Jade, and Jade's figure quickly disappeared in a mist.

  Seeing such a scene, He Song nodded slightly, quite satisfied with his masterpiece.

  With regards to the Misty Tracer Formation, He Song was still very familiar with it.

  This was the second formation he had mastered.

  The Misty Tracer Formation had contributed a lot to his farming plan.

  Now that he had once again laid down this formation, he did not expect that it was merely to help Yu'er hide her form.

  The joy he felt when he first set up the Misty Tracer Formation flashed in his mind, He Song shook his head and cast away the strange thoughts in his mind.

  Just as He Song set up the Misty Tracer Formation on top of Jade's turtle shell and manipulated the mist to completely hide Jade's figure, he shook his head and put away the strange thoughts in his mind.

  After hearing He Song's words, Jade shrank her neck and then shook her head, signaling that she would not leave the formation.

  At this, He Song did not care too much.

  During these seven years after he returned to the cave, since Jade Child had already built her foundation, He Song's teaching of it did not stop.

  It was just that.

  Although Jade had already established its foundation, the horizontal bone in its throat had not been refined, yet it was unable to spit out human words.

  However, all demonic beasts, no matter whether they are demonic beasts that have not been subdued or spirit beasts that have been subdued by a cultivator, all have horizontal bones in their throats.

  Only after refining the horizontal bone, can they be able to spit out human words like a human.

  And if the horizontal bone was not removed, naturally it was impossible to spit out human speech.

  Even divine sense voice transmission could not be done.

  Therefore, during these seven years, although He Song had taught Jade Child from time to time so that it would have an understanding of the Immortal Cultivation World, he had not heard it speak a single word.

  Generally speaking, Jade Child would only nod and shake its head or stretch out its paw to gesture something after facing He Song's commands or hearing He Song's inquiries.

  As for speaking, it wanted to speak, but unfortunately, its heart was not strong enough.

  It could only wait until its cultivation progressed in the future and refined the horizontal bone between its throat before it could speak.

  After clarifying the pros and cons with Jade, and Jade also understood the dangers, He Song then stood on top of Jade's broad back armor and commanded it to leave the cave.

  Jade has now broken through the Foundation Establishment Realm, and is able to rise up in the air and fly freely.

  However, its flying speed is relatively slow, compared to He Song who traveled as a recluse, but it is much slower.

  However, since it was his first time traveling with a spirit beast, He Song didn't care too much about the speed.

  As long as he didn't need to fly himself, nothing else mattered.

  Because Jade's body was huge, it was already the size of a house, so Jade's back armor was also very wide, and it was even able to stand on dozens, or even hundreds of people.

  With such a wide back armor, He Song, who was its owner, naturally stood on it.

  Standing on top of Yu'er's back armor, He Song's eyes looked around, but his heart also flashed a trace of a different feeling.

  He himself had cultivated all the way up until now, and he was already more than a hundred years old.


  He was also someone who had a mount.

  And it was still a Foundation Establishment mount.   

  If others were to know about it, I'm afraid that it would be very coveted.

  Even though Yu'er's cultivation had just broken through Foundation Establishment, it was still a Foundation Establishment battle power.

  If another Foundation Establishment family had Jade on their side, with Jade's lifespan, I'm afraid it would allow that Foundation Establishment family to continue for many years.

  Which Foundation Establishment real person wouldn't be greedy for such a booster?

  As He Song's heart moved, Jade instantly sensed something, and her body, which was originally lying between the valleys, also rose up in the air at this moment.

  Passing through the Jindan Formation, she flew all the way into the sky, traveling between the clouds.

  He Song and Yu'er were surrounded by thick fog, and went all the way towards Yu'er's original birthplace.

  Although the cave there had long been bulldozed by He Song, for He Song, restoring a cave was just a trivial matter.


  When Jade carried He Song and landed beside a torrential river, He Song quickly began to set up a formation.

  This time, Yu'er would stay here for a long time, and after a little thought, He Song also laid down a total of four formations.

  Small Spirit Gathering Formation.

  Seven Killings Heavenly Fire Formation.

  Fixed Sea Morning Glory Formation.

  Luo Smoke Formation.

  In addition to the Jindan Formation, which He Song did not lay down due to too much consumption, the four Foundation Establishment Formations were all laid down by He Song for the protection of Yu'er's safety.

  At the same time, He Song also maneuvered these four formations to encompass a hill where the cave was located, as well as the river next to it.

  In the beginning, Yu'er could be the one He Song picked up by the river.

  Now that his cultivation has stepped into the Foundation Establishment Realm, that monstrous river, He Song naturally won't let it just be seen from afar.

  After laying down the array, and rebuilding the original cave as well as the spiritual fields and medicinal gardens, He Song then lifted the Misty Tracer Array on Jade's body, letting Jade's figure emerge again.

  After that, he left behind a spirit puppet and set it to feed Yu'er a Foundation Establishment Realm Hundred Beasts Dan every day before saying goodbye to Yu'er and leaving this place.

  Leaving the cave that had just been rebuilt by himself.

  He Song traveled all the way and soon returned to the cave mansion located near the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop.

  After returning to the cave mansion.

  He Song released four golden-armored guards and had them guard outside the quiet room to ensure that he was not disturbed.

  He also threw his sound transmission note outside the quiet room to ensure that he wouldn't be interrupted by the sound transmission when he was breaking through the Jindan.

  Then he replenished a large amount of spirit stones for the Jindan Grand Formation, so that it could maintain its operation for at least twenty years on the premise that He Song did not come out to replenish the spirit stones.

  After doing all these, He Song pondered carefully and determined that there were no more external factors that could disturb his breakthrough to Jindan, before he stepped into the quiet room with satisfaction.

  Within the quiet room.

  He Song sat in meditation and continuously began to adjust his state.

  I don't know how long it took.

  He Song, who was sitting in the quiet room and constantly adjusting his state, finally felt that his state of mind was already as calm as water, with no waves.

  Soon also began to operate their own gongfu, began to gradually call up their own mana.

  Nowadays, even though He Song's cultivation had reached the Foundation Establishment Grand Circle, what he practiced was still the Thick Earth Sect's "Thick Earth Technique".

  This gong method fit He Song very well, which was also the reason why He Song had cultivated for more than a hundred years, but had never changed his gong method.

  (End of chapter)