
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


  Chapter 396: Seven Years Later

  After feeling that his own mana could no longer continue to grow and that his own cultivation of mana had reached the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection Realm.

  He Song also opened his eyes at this moment.

  His eyes looked towards the quiet room in front of him.

  He Song casually counted with his fingers, and then he spoke quietly.

  "In the blink of an eye, it's been another seven long years of seclusion."

  "Now, from the time when I managed to break through to the late stage of Foundation Establishment, a full forty-two years have even passed."

  "Forty-two years, from the late stage of Foundation Establishment to the Great Circle of Foundation Establishment, such a speed is not too slow."

  "Just... Next, it is the time to open the furnace to refine the Gold Condensation Pill in order to try and set foot on the Jindan Avenue."

  "The Great Dao of Golden Dan."

  "It's just around the corner!"

  According to He Song's original conception, after cultivating his mana to the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection, he definitely wouldn't stay in the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection state for too long.

  Since he already had the Secret Method of Golden Pill in his hands, he also had the various elixirs for refining the Gold Condensation Pill.

  Then when one's cultivation had successfully reached the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection, why would one need to stay in this realm?

  Today's He Song.

  There were still more than three million spirit stones in his hand, enough for him to spend thirty years in seclusion.

  The Golden Pill secret method had also long been mastered and skillful, and could be performed at any time.

  Refinement of gold condensation Dan Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit, as well as a variety of auxiliary drugs, but also early has been prepared, just waiting for their own use.

  With everything ready, all we need is the east wind.

  Once He Song's cultivation was successfully repaired to the Foundation Establishment Grand Circle, then the east wind had come.

  The next thing would naturally follow He Song's previous vision, arranging one by one.

  After sensing the perfected mana in his body, He Song lifted his steps and left the quiet room.

  A moment later.

  He Song went deep inside the cave and arrived at the place where the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree grew.

  The place where the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree grew was still the same as when He Song came here before, without much change.

  However, when He Song came here again and looked towards the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree, where the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit that had not yet matured was located.

  The scene in front of him caused a slight color of joy to flash across He Song's face.

  On the huge Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree, the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit originally had a silvery-white skin, with stars of golden light shining on it.

  Now, the color of its fruit skin had completely turned golden, seemingly becoming a fruit made of pure gold.

  Such a change was naturally caused by the maturity of the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit.

  Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit, not ripe when the body is silver-white, on the golden light dots.

  After maturity, the body was golden in color, and there was no more silver light.

  After the description of the immature Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit flashed through his mind, as well as the description of the ripe one, He Song looked towards the ripe Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit, and a bright light flashed in the bottom of his eyes.

  "Not bad, previously I felt that the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit will mature in these years, I didn't expect that my cultivation had just been perfected, so on a whim I came over to take a look, and the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit has indeed matured."

  "This is very good, with two Mixed Gold Spirit Fruits, even if the refining of the Gold Condensation Pill fails once, there is still another one, so that the Gold Condensation Pill can be refined again."

  "In that case, one can also obtain at least two, at most three Condensed Gold Pills."

  "If both refinements are successful, then at least four, at most six Gold Condensation Pills will arrive."

  "In this way, even if several are used up when embarking on the Jindan Avenue, I'm afraid that there will still be some left if I'm more lucky."

  "At that time..."

  His eyes moved slightly as he looked into the distance, and He Song closed his mouth thoughtfully.

  Now that he had not yet set foot on the Golden Dan, it was unwise to think of a place for the remaining Condensed Golden Dan so early on.   

  At such a critical moment when one is about to step into the Jindan realm, the first thing that comes first can only be oneself.

  If it was because he couldn't bear to take more Gold Condensation Pills that he couldn't break through to the Jindan Realm, I'm afraid that the loss would outweigh the gain at that time.

  Under such circumstances, He Song quickly pressed down the original thoughts in his heart.

  Immediately afterward, another conviction emerged in his heart.

  This time, one must break through the Jindan!

  Even if one had to take all of the Gold Condensation Pills, one must do so.

  As for the other things, after one's Jindan, one would naturally be able to have a solution.

  A certain thought flashed through his mind, He Song's heart was certain, then he probed his divine sense and plucked the already ripe Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit from the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree.

  After removing the ripe Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit and placing it into the jade box to seal it, He Song was about to leave.

  He Song was about to leave when his mind moved, but he stumbled upon a small fruit on the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree.

  The small fruit seemed to have just grown out, but was only the size of a thumb.

  Its shape was extremely similar to the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit.

  Its skin was silver-white with dots of golden light.

  Looking at its appearance, He Song immediately realized that the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree had already begun to nurture the next Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit.

  He thought that after a hundred years, this Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit would be as mature as the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit that he had picked today.

  After sweeping his eyes over the tiny Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit, He Song looked around and realized that there was nothing that he needed to move, before lifting his steps and leaving the place where the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree was located.

  Walking out from the depths of the cave, He Song's footsteps were light and quick, and he soon arrived at the alchemy room located at the periphery of the cave.

  Inside the alchemy room.

  He Song swept his eyes over the various alchemy tools that were neatly placed around him, and then he sat down on a futon and began to meditate.

  A few days later.

  Only after He Song felt that his own breath had completely calmed down and would not have any negative impact on the alchemy, did he let out a long breath.

  Opening his eyes, He Song casually tapped his storage bag.

  Instantly, a dozen or so jade boxes that had been encapsulated long ago appeared in front of He Song.

  Among them, a golden-colored Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit was listed.

  The rest were all auxiliary medicines for refining the Gold Condensation Pill.

  Placing the jade box aside, He Song reached out and beckoned, and a spiritual fire immediately ignited under the Sizzling Sun Furnace, and a scorching aura immediately began to permeate the alchemy room.

  Sizzling Sun Furnace, is the Silver Moon True Lord left behind the extremely high quality magic weapon alchemy furnace.

  He Song had been using this furnace for decades, and naturally, there was no need to mention the familiarity of this furnace.

  Moreover, since He Song didn't have any spiritual dan formula for Jindan realm cultivators, He Song didn't bother to replace it with a better spiritual artifact alchemy furnace.

  After years and years of use, He Song was more than familiar with the Scorching Sun Furnace.

  Now that he was using the Hot Sun Furnace to refine the Gold Condensation Pill, he was even more comfortable with it.

  When the Sizzling Sun Furnace quickly entered the refining state under the burning of the spirit fire, He Song's mind moved and a jade box appeared in his hand.

  The jade box opened.

  The precious and incomparable Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit was thrown into the Sizzling Sun Furnace by He Song in the blink of an eye.

  As the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit was put in, the original fiery red color in the Sizzling Sun Furnace also became golden at this moment.

  It was as if it had been plated with a golden shell, appearing particularly dazzling.

  (End of chapter)