
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
323 Chs


  Chapter 390 - Cave Mansion Alteration

  The prices of these things weren't too high, but they weren't low either.

  After all, they were the multi-year stocks of four Foundation Establishment Families, as well as the entire belongings of five Foundation Establishment Real People.

  After selling all the spirit pills he had on him, as well as these things, the spirit stones on He Song's body also had a huge increase with it.

  The amount of spirit stones on He Song's body had also changed from hundreds of thousands of spirit stones when he left the cave to go out.

  It had turned into more than three million today, close to four million spirit stones.

  With so many spirit stones, the sale of spirit pills accounted for most of it, and the rest of the spirit stones were all obtained from the matter of the Eight Veins Immortal City.

  It was worth mentioning.

  Whether He Song was selling spirit pills, selling stolen goods, or harvesting spirit medicines, it was smooth sailing.

  Even though he still purposely placed a Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation outside of the Immortal City before going to each Immortal City to sell pills, he never encountered any crises.

  However, he had never encountered any crises.

  Nor did he encounter any obstacles or others chasing after him.

  Even after that, He Song also went to the various Immortal City's Treasure Pavilions to sell elixirs.

  However, those Gathering Treasure Pavilion sub-pavilion masters did not make as much of a fuss as Xu Jie did.

  In this regard, He Song's mind also quickly understood.

  The vast majority of the Gathering Treasures Pavilion's sub-pavilion masters had been in the Gathering Treasures Pavilion since childhood, and had been trained by their masters from a young age.

  Their mentality, vision, and strong connections are naturally not comparable to those casual cultivators.

  Therefore, when trading with them, they basically didn't need to worry about security.

  Can let them all for the heart of the thing, He Song take is to take out, but sell certainly will not sell.

  Nor would he show it to anyone.

  For example, the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree in his cave.

  This kind of secret, He Song can only rot in the heart, it is impossible to reveal half a word to outsiders.

  Of course.

  The Treasure Pavilion is not necessarily safe.

  Encountering a halfway house like Xu Jie, that is naturally a different story.

  However, like Xu Jie, the number of casual cultivators who had the chance to find a token and join the Treasure Pavilion was actually very few.

  He Song's previous encounter was just catching up.

  If he hadn't gone to the Eight Veins Immortal City and exposed his wealth in front of Xu Jie, I'm afraid he wouldn't have encountered this kind of thing.

  Carrying nearly four million spirit stones.

  He Song finally returned once again to the neighborhood of the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop after leaving the cave for several months.

  However, just as He Song entered the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation set up outside the cave.

  The scene in front of him was what caused the complexion on He Song's face to instantly change drastically.

  Almost only in the blink of an eye, He Song's hand strangled and cast a spell, instantly taking control of the Heavenly Dipper Divine Thunder Formation that had been set up outside of his cave.

  At the same time, four golden-armored guards whose combat strength had reached the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection also instantly appeared around He Song at this moment, firmly protecting him.

  At the same time, the shield formed after the Vajra Shield was activated also wrapped He Song's entire person within it.

  A life-preserving talisman also appeared in He Song's hand, and as long as he moved his mind, he could immediately activate it.

  In this short moment, He Song used almost all of his defensive abilities.

  After doing all of this and realizing that he hadn't been attacked, He Song's gaze turned towards the front.

  Only then did He Song's gaze look towards the front.

  Just now.

  When He Song had just stepped into the Heavenly Dipper Divine Thunder Formation, his gaze had only swept casually.

  However, he suddenly realized that there was an extra large object in the Heavenly Dipper Divine Thunder Formation.   

  Knowing that He Song had been in seclusion here for decades, he had long memorized the appearance of the cave in this place in his mind.

  Even without opening his eyes, he was able to rely on his own memories to live here.

  However, in such a situation, He Song subconsciously swept his eyes and realized that there was suddenly a large object in the valley that he had never found before.

  The sudden appearance of such a large object in the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation was also the reason why He Song was so wary.

  But very quickly.

  When He Song had protected himself tightly and had once again turned his gaze towards the foreign object.

  The scene in front of him caused He Song's face to be slightly stunned.

  In the middle of the valley.

  The plants that were planted by He Song had long since become tilted to the side.

  The spiritual rice also seemed to have been blown by a gale and fell down in a large area.

  And in the place where Jade was originally located, Jade, which was the size of a round table, had disappeared.

  In its place, a huge turtle-type spirit beast that was the size of a house was currently lying quietly in the middle of the valley.

  After carefully scanning the surroundings and determining that the huge thing he had seen with a sweep of his gaze was the huge turtle-type spirit beast in front of him, He Song's eyes were shocked and alert.

  The shock and vigilance in He Song's eyes quickly dissipated.

  He was able to sense the gusts of affection coming from the huge turtle-type spirit beast in the valley.

  He could also clearly sense that with just a single movement of his mind, the huge tortoise-type spirit beast in the valley would directly die.

  In addition to this huge turtle type spirit beast, its body whether it is the turtle shell or exposed scale armor are white as jade, the original round table size of the jade has also disappeared.

  In this way, He Song's heart naturally reacted.

  This huge turtle-type spirit beast in front of him, I am afraid that it is Jade.


  He Song never thought.

  He had only left the cave for a few months, but Yu'er, whose original cultivation was still at the Great Perfection of Qi Practicing, had suddenly broken through her cultivation and successfully stepped into the Foundation Establishment Realm.

  Such a huge change in cultivation, but before that there was no sign at all, simply let He Song feel unimaginable.

  This was also the reason why He Song was unprepared, and immediately protected himself once he entered the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation and realized that there was suddenly an extra large object within the formation.

  After all, before that, He Song had never thought that the original round-table sized Yu'er would suddenly become as big as a house after he had left for a few months.

  When something that shouldn't exist appeared in the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation, He Song's first thought was to protect himself.

  Only when he was absolutely safe would he turn his gaze to that thing to recognize if it was harmful to him.

  However, when He Song clearly sensed Yu'er's aura, and perceived a gust of affection.

  In addition to realizing that he could manipulate Yu'er's life and death at any time, He Song naturally breathed a sigh of relief.

  Divine sense probed out.

  He scanned the entire valley, as well as the cave in the depths of the valley.

  After finding no abnormalities except for the larger Jade Child, He Song then turned his body around.

  Only then did He Song lift the defense around his body.

  After lifting the defense, He Song's body moved, and immediately arrived in front of Jade Child, who was already huge in size.

  Jade Child had already built its foundation.

  Although He Song didn't know exactly how it had built its foundation.

  However, this didn't hinder the fact that after it had built its foundation, He Song had an additional Foundation Establishment combatant under his hand.

  (End of chapter)