
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
323 Chs


Chapter 389 - Great Harvest

  Even if it is prosperous, like this house in front of you, it can be vaporized in a moment.

  However, it can also turn into a bubble in a moment.

  Just like the Foundation Establishment family in front of us.

  After the death of the Foundation Establishment real person within the clan.

  Although a moment will not happen.

  But when time passes, when people from the outside world know that the Foundation Establishment real person within the family has already passed away.

  Disaster would occur as a result.

  The things in the treasury of the four major Foundation Establishment families.

  Instead of falling into the hands of those loose cultivators, it would be better for them to take them.

  After all.

  He had beheaded the Foundation Establishment Real Persons of the four great families.

  The trophies in their family treasuries were naturally their own.

  After alerting himself, He Song explored his divine sense and soon sensed in the Gale Realist's family.

  Soon, He Song found a young girl with an ordinary face in one of the houses.

  This girl did not have a spiritual root and could not cultivate to become stronger.

  Nor was it any kind of beautiful color, there was no way to use her looks to gain a foothold.

  Sending her thousands of miles or even tens of thousands of miles away overnight, the chances of her surviving in an unfamiliar place were very small.

  Even if she survived, I'm afraid she would marry some small landlord or tenant farmer in the mundane world.

  This kind of small landlord or tenant farmer's family would have been in a precarious situation.

  The chances of leaving behind descendants are greatly reduced.

  As such, the chances of their descendants coming to seek revenge in the future would naturally be few and far between.

  He Song's mind flashed with thoughts.

  With that, he gently waved his hand.


  The young girl in a house fainted.

  And He Song, at the moment of her fainting, carried her in his hand.

  Carrying a young girl in his hand, although her appearance was mediocre, she would surely attract attention.

  Therefore, He Song simply hid his figure all the way and left the Eight Veins Immortal City silently.

  After leaving Eight Veins Immortal City.

  Standing on top of a barren mountain, He Song looked at the Eight Veins Immortal City in the back, and the thoughts in his heart began to surge at this moment.

  Previously, he had thought about whether or not he wanted to ransack the treasure vaults of the four great families before going to ransack the Treasure Pavilion.

  After all.

  In the Treasure Pavilion, there must be a lot of treasures, and the profit that He Song could obtain would definitely be huge.

  But after thinking about it, He Song eventually gave up this tempting idea.

  Treasure Pavilion a whole sub-cabinet stored in the things, the value should not be low, at least there must be a few million spirit stones.

  Although most of the things stored in the sub-cabinet were things used by Qi Practicing Stage cultivators, there were also quite a few things that could be used by the Foundation Establishment Realm.

  Moreover, although the sub-pavilion would send the previous year's profit to the main pavilion every year, now that it was already the middle of the year, the sub-pavilion here must have sold quite a few things, and the spirit stone inventory must be quite a lot.

  But unfortunately, He Song learned from that Xu Jie's memories that the things in the Treasure Pavilion were not something that could be used just by grabbing them.

  There was naturally no problem with things purchased through normal channels.

  But if it is robbed . Treasure Pavilion in those things left in the means, but never very people can detect.

  If someone really robbed the Treasure Pavilion's things, the Treasure Pavilion would even be able to track down where those things were by virtue of their means.

  At that time, it would definitely send out cultivators to hunt down that person without end.

  Unless all the things snatched from his hands were discarded, this pursuit would never stop.

  But, robbing it all and then discarding it.   

  Wouldn't it be a waste of effort?

  After thinking about this, He Song's thoughts about going to loot the Treasure Pavilion naturally faded.

  At the same time, he secretly said in his heart.

  "If I was the one who personally took action and beheaded that Xu Jie before, that tracking secret technique would have inevitably fallen on my body."

  "Then, since I've already offended the Gathering Treasure Pavilion, it wouldn't be too much of a problem to continue offending a little deeper and ransack another Gathering Treasure Pavilion branch."

  "After all, lice don't itch, debts don't worry, if you want to offend, simply offend to death."

  "The big deal is that the hands of the pills a sale, and then directly to the Jindan array in a hide, not to Jindan does not come out."

  "In this way, when I come out, I will naturally have stepped into the realm of the Golden Dan."

  "At that time, I, Cang Song True Lord, will behead a small Foundation Establishment of your Treasure Pavilion, what are you going to do in your Treasure Pavilion?"

  "Unfortunately, that Xu Jie died at the hands of True Lord Gale."

  "Xu Jie is dead."

  "And it wasn't even at my hands, it was Gale Realist who killed him."

  "As for Gale Realist, he died in my hands again."

  "Speaking of which, I'm still considered to have avenged Xu Jie, being the benefactor of Xu Jie, the Gathering Treasure Pavilion Branch Pavilion Master."

  "Since I didn't carry the charge of brutally killing the Gathering Treasure Pavilion Branch Pavilion Master, and I wasn't haunted by the tracking mark from the time of his death, why would I need to mess with such a behemoth."

  "This Eight Veins Immortal City where the Gathering Treasure Pavilion Branch Pavilion is located, it's better not to go."

  Standing on top of the barren mountain, He Song looked at the Eight Veins Immortal City in the distance, and thoughts continued to emerge in his heart.

  In the end, however, there was no intention of returning to the Eight Veins Immortal City and ransacking the Treasure Gathering Pavilion.


  Xu Jie, the chief evil, had died.

  The rest of the four accomplices led by Gale Realist had also died.

  He Song naturally had no need to continue staying here.

  Looking at the still unconscious young girl in his hand, He Song's body moved and immediately headed towards the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation that he had laid down.

  Soon, He Song put away the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation.

  Then he carried the young girl in his hand and headed towards the far side.


  In a mundane city that was tens of thousands of miles away from the Eight Veins Immortal City.

  He Song left behind a plain-looking spirit rootless young girl.

  He also left a Spirit Detection Secret Art on her body.

  Spirit-detecting secret technique.

  It is a Foundation Establishment technique that specializes in tracking.

  If it was not detected by a Foundation Establishment real person and washed away with mana, or if it was lifted by He Song himself.

  The tracking mark condensed by the Spirit Detecting Secret Technique would remain attached to the girl's body until she died.

  In this way, even if He Song left this place, he would still be able to sense whether the girl was alive or dead with the Spirit Detecting Secret Technique.

  In the future, in case of a whim, he would be able to trace her all the way to her location.

  In that case, even if she really survived, He Song would be able to rush to her place at any time to take her life.

  This tracking mark was left behind.

  He Song left this tracking mark as a precautionary measure.

  After leaving the girl behind, He Song set off again.

  After moving away from the Eight Veins Immortal City, He Song quickly began to sell the large amount of spirit pills he was carrying in other Immortal Cities.

  As a large number of spirit pills were sold, the number of spirit stones that He Song was carrying increased rapidly.

  At the same time, while selling a large number of spirit pills.

  He Song also didn't forget the things he got from the treasury of the four great families, as well as the things inside the storage bags of the five Foundation Establishment real people who died in the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation.

  Together with the magic artifacts they used and so on, all of them were also sold out in bits and pieces.

  (End of chapter)