
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
323 Chs


  Chapter 385 - The Might of Divine Thunder

  In his heart, He Song did not intervene after thinking about it after making some guesses about the reason why the Gale Realist made his move at this moment.

  Anyway, these two people were in their own Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation.

  They definitely couldn't run away.

  Waiting for them to win or lose.

  One could then step in to take care of the mess.

  Moreover, in case Xu Jie's death would leave some kind of hidden tracking mark on the person who had beheaded him.

  That would naturally be borne by the Gale Master, and would have nothing to do with himself as a spectator.

  With this thought in mind, He Song's eyes looked towards the two people who were in the middle of a fierce battle, and he had no thoughts of intervening.

  Instead, he retreated, moving further and further away from the two who were fighting.

  Inside the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation.

  The fierce battle between Gale Realist and Xu Jie had come to an end when these thoughts emerged in He Song's mind.

  One cultivator was at the Foundation Establishment Grand Circle.

  One was in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment.

  There was no doubt about whether they would win or lose.

  Xu Jie didn't even have any chance to fight back, but was already destroyed by Gale's attack after attack.

  Under He Song's gaze.

  Gale Realist did not even inform the other party why he had attacked Xu Jie.

  He chopped off Xu Jie's head in the midst of his puzzled gaze, filled with consternation and resentment.

  And after chopping off his head, with a wave of the bushel fan in his hand, he burned Xu Jie's corpse, along with his head, cleanly.

  After doing all of this, without even bothering to check the storage bag on Xu Jie's body, Real Gale arched his hand deeply in one direction.

  "Many thanks, senior."

  With this cry of thanks, Gale Realist stood proudly in the Heavenly Dipper Divine Thunder Formation with it, seemingly waiting for something.

  Seeing this, He Song's eyes narrowed slightly.

  However, he quickly realized what Gale Master was waiting for.

  After decapitating Xu Jie, this pig teammate.

  As a Foundation Establishment Real Person.

  Gale Realist did not want to cut himself.

  Instead, he wanted to appreciate the might of divine Thunder.

  In this way, it would be considered dying in the midst of a fierce battle rather than going to death in a wimpy manner.

  After such thoughts flashed through his mind, a trace of appreciation quickly appeared in He Song's gaze towards Gale Realist.

  This person, on the contrary, had the arrogance of a few Foundation Establishment real people.


  He encountered himself.

  As He Song's mind moved.

  Within the pitch-black vortex that had long appeared in the air above the head of the Gale Realist, a bowl-thick divine thunderbolt immediately fell.

  Almost only in the blink of an eye.

  The bowl-thick divine thunder appeared above Real Gale's head.

  As the divine thunder fell, Gale Realist seemed to have sensed something as well.

  The extremely high-grade magic weapon that had already been sacrificed by him and was prepared to be used to ward off the divine thunder was also quickly toppled towards the place where the divine thunder was at this moment.

  Even after realizing that He Song had already made a move against himself, Gale Realist didn't forget to exert his full power and use the bushel fan in his own hand to fiercely slap it against the divine thunder.


  Even so.

  When the Divine Thunder came into contact with the Extreme Grade Defensive Artifact he was manipulating, that Extreme Grade Defensive Artifact, which had been diligently cultivated by him, was thrown away in an instant.

  Immediately afterward, the all-out strike that he had sent against the divine thunder by swinging the bushel fan with all his might was also lightly penetrated by the divine thunder, not bringing any slowdown to the divine thunder.

  And when the divine thunder penetrated these two layers of defense, Gale Master's life naturally came to an end.   

  When the Divine Thunder fell, Gale's proud body also turned into flying ash like the three Foundation Establishment Real People who had turned into flying ash before, and dissipated into the Jindan Grand Formation.

  However, when the divine thunder fell and Gale was turned into flying ash.

  A wisp of green smoke also came out from his body and quickly dissipated.

  Seeing this, He Song's heart jumped.

  A creepy feeling immediately rose within.

  "This thing."

  A thought flashed through his mind, and He Song looked towards the place where the Gale Force Man had died, and there was a faint guess in his heart as well.

  Could it be that this green smoke was a vision that would only be produced when some kind of secret technique dissipated?

  However, what kind of secret method is able to emit green smoke when it dissipates?

  Many speculations flashed through his mind.

  But in the end, He Song still did not make any reliable inferences due to the severe lack of current information.

  When the smoke dissipated, He Song pondered to no avail.

  His gaze, then, also looked towards the Eight Veins Immortal City in the distance.

  After exterminating these five people.

  Next, he would be able to head to the Eight Veins Immortal City himself.

  He hadn't forgotten that in the Eight Veins Immortal City, there were still the treasure troves of the four major Foundation Establishment Families waiting for him to go and scavenge.

  This time, He Song had beheaded five Foundation Establishment families.

  In addition to Xu Jie, who was the owner of the Treasure Pavilion Sub-Pavilion here, which was a special situation, the other four Foundation Establishment real people, behind them, could all have Foundation Establishment families in existence.

  I am afraid that only He Song can know how many things are hidden in the treasure vaults of these four Foundation Establishment families.

  He had beheaded the Foundation Establishment Real Persons of these four Foundation Establishment Families.

  How could He Song forget that he was going to take a look at the treasure vaults of these four Foundation Establishment Families?

  As the saying goes.

  Kill someone and touch their body.

  After killing someone, how could one not go and touch the corpse?

  Wouldn't that be a waste?

  However, before that.

  There was still one more thing that needed to be done.

  He Song's gaze went to the place where the five people were before.

  At this moment, due to the divine lightning strike, the other four people besides Xu Jie did not even have ashes left.

  Where the original four had been, there didn't seem to be anything left except for the four storage bags, and the extremely high quality magic weapons that were still on the four of them.

  The divine thunder that fell in the Jindan Grand Formation had erased almost all traces of the four people's existence.

  If He Song were to collect the ashes of Xu Jie here again.

  Even if someone arrived at this place and explored it carefully, I am afraid that it would be difficult to know what kind of things had happened here.

  However, even so, He Song was still somewhat interested in the empty space in front of him.

  When his cultivation had just broken through to the Foundation Establishment Realm, He Song couldn't wait to acquire a Foundation Establishment Technique.

  Soul Searching Technique.

  This Soul Search Technique did not actually require a hand on the enemy's forehead in order to perform it.

  Just as He Song had previously performed the Soul Search Technique on True Lord Silvermoon's Jindan in the Jindan Cave, he could also rely on the fact that he had died in the Jindan Cave.

  He could also rely on the storage bags, or artifacts, of the five people who had died here to forcefully perform the Soul Search Technique.

  However, when he did not put his hand on the enemy's forehead, but only relied on the enemy's objects in his lifetime, and performed the Soul Search Technique at the place where he died, he would be able to use the Soul Search Technique.

  Since the enemy had already died, the memory fragments were scattered, so the information that could be obtained would be a little less.

  When He Song performed the Soul Search Technique on the Silver Moon Monarch's Jindan, many of his memories were fragmented and incomplete.

  However, He Song didn't care about that.

  He couldn't just beat his enemy half to death like other people and then rush forward to perform the Soul Search Technique.

  (End of chapter)