
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


 Chapter 373 - Eight Veins Immortal City (Added for Drifting Cup of Wind 888 ally)

  However, regardless of whether it was He Song, who had just landed in the Eight Veins Immortal City at this moment, or the other Foundation Establishment real people in the Eight Veins Immortal City, neither of them cared about the thoughts of these Qi Practicing Stage small cultivators.

  After falling straight into the Eight Veins Immortal City from mid-air, He Song swept his gaze and quickly raised his steps towards the Treasure Pavilion in the Eight Veins Immortal City.

  Eight Veins Immortal City.

  Gathering Treasure Pavilion.

  When He Song arrived at this place with the cultivation aura of late stage Foundation Establishment, the owner of the sub-pavilion here immediately sensed He Song's presence.

  Before He Song could enter the Treasure Pavilion.

  The owner of this place's Treasure Pavilion had already straightened his clothes and stood at the entrance of the Treasure Pavilion, looking at He Song with a smile on his face.

  Just as the people in the Treasure Pavilion were surprised at who their Pavilion Master was waiting for, He Song's figure also appeared at the entrance of the Treasure Pavilion.

  He Song's figure also stepped into the Treasure Pavilion at this moment.

  Soon, a figure appeared in front of He Song, and a voice sounded in He Song's ears.

  "My name is Xu Jie, I've met this fellow Daoist, please, fellow Daoist."

  Arriving beside He Song, Xu Jie didn't ask He Song what he was here for, nor did he care about the shocked gazes of the others around him, and after opening his mouth and saying a word, he hurriedly led He Song towards the interior of the Treasure Pavilion.

  Inside the Treasure Pavilion, when Xu Jie's voice rang out at the entrance, the crowd in the Treasure Pavilion also turned their shocked gazes to He Song at this moment.

  Being inside the Treasure Pavilion, covered by the houses, they naturally couldn't see the recluse that He Song had transformed into when he came, nor were they clear about He Song's identity.

  They also did not know that He Song had transformed into a recluse and landed in the Eight Veins Immortal City directly from afar.

  But as long as they saw Xu Jie's different attitude towards He Song.

  As well as the tone of voice that called him a friend of the Way, he was able to know.

  He Song, who was able to be personally received by Xu Jie and addressed as Dao Friend, was definitely not a generalized person.

  However, just as they were all looking at He Song with either shocked, puzzled, or surprised gazes, He Song had already followed Xu Jie.

  He Song, however, had already followed Xu Jie and headed towards the interior of the Treasure Pavilion.


  He Song and Xu Jie's silhouettes disappeared in the eyes of the people of Treasure Pavilion.

  It was only at this point that the people inside the Treasure Pavilion looked at each other and started to talk.

  Some people were guessing what kind of identity He Song had that he could attract the Pavilion Master to greet him personally.

  Some people are guessing that He Song's cultivation level must be Foundation, which can make the Pavilion Master call him a friend.

  Some people are guessing, He Song came here exactly what is your business, could it be that the Treasure Pavilion will have a big business again?

  The outside world has no connection with He Song.

  He Song also didn't care about the shock of those Qi Practicing Stage minor cultivators.

  The same was true for Xu Jie.

  After following Xu Jie into the interior of the Treasure Pavilion, in the precious living room dedicated to receiving Foundation Establishment real people, He Song and Xu Jie quickly sat down opposite each other.

  As the two of them sat down, Xu Jie, as the head of this place's sub-pavilion, naturally opened his mouth and exchanged pleasantries with He Song.

  Seeing that Xu Jie was not in the least bit anxious and did not ask about the purpose of his visit.

  He Song, who was already in no hurry, was even less anxious.

  He had been in seclusion for a long time, so it was just as well that he could chat with someone to relieve his boredom.

  After some pleasantries, both of them drank several cups of tea.

  It wasn't until now.

  It was only then that Xu Jie finally sank his teeth in and couldn't help but open his mouth to ask about He Song's intentions.

  "I wonder if you came to my Treasure Pavilion this time, but do you want to buy something? Or do you want to sell something?"

  "Fellow Daoist don't worry, I've known you since we first met, and I will definitely not let you suffer."

  Although the two is the first time to meet, before the pleasantries but also to the point, but Xu Jie after all, as this place Court master, speak between the two also quickly close the relationship.   

  However, with Xu Jie's words, He Song face, although not moving, but the heart has been on Xu Jie this person has a trace of vigilance.

  One must know that He Song was acquainted with a number of Gathering Treasures Pavilion Sub-Pavilion Masters.

  Moreover, he was even more familiar with Luo Jing, the sub-pavilion master.

  He was also somewhat familiar with some of the tactics of the Treasure Pavilion.

  Hearing Xu Jie say this, He Song knew that this person's heart must not be like what he said, and would not let himself suffer.

  If you really want to be able to kill yourself, this Xu Jie will definitely not be ambiguous.

  However, he knew that he did not want to leave.

  He Song did not want to leave.

  Anyway, the spirit pills he sold were all five-system spirit pills that were used to enhance his cultivation.

  Even if this Xu Jie presses the price, he won't be able to press it too much.

  Besides, the price of the five-system elixir is almost transparent, the demand is huge, if Xu Jie presses the price too hard, he can directly go to other places to sell.

  There are hundreds of immortal cities in this Yang sect, there is no need to hang on to a tree.

  With this thought, after He Song casually said that he was here to sell spirit pills, he quickly took out a bottle of earth spirit pills from his own storage bag.


  In Xu Jie's slightly disappointed eyes.

  He took out another bottle of Earth Spirit Pills.

  In Xu Jie's slightly puzzled gaze.

  He took out another bottle of Earth Spirit Pill.

  Then, in Xu Jie's slightly stunned gaze.

  He took out another bottle of Earth Spirit Pill.

  As time passed, bottles of Earth Spirit Pills were taken out of He Song's storage bag and placed on the table in front of him.

  And on the opposite side of He Song.

  Xu Jie, who had originally seen He Song only take out a bottle of Earth Spirit Pills, had a slightly disappointed look in his eyes, but did not show it.

  After seeing the number of Earth Spirit Pills in front of him rapidly increase to a dozen bottles, or even dozens of bottles, the gaze under his eyes, as well as the expression on his face also changed drastically.

  When the number of Earth Spirit Pills taken out by He Song was counted in single digits, there was a slight disappointment in Xu Jie's light.

  When the number of earth spirit pills taken out by He Song came to double digits, a sincere smile appeared on Xu Jie's face.

  When the number of earth spirit pills taken out by He Song began to be counted in ten digits, Xu Jie's gaze towards He Song was already full of eagerness, and the smile on his face was even more intense and almost overflowing.

  When He Song had just taken out the first bottle of Earth Spirit Pills, Xu Jie realized that He Song had just taken out the first bottle of Earth Spirit Pills.

  Xu Jie realized that the bottle of Earth Spirit Pill that He Song took out was a middle-grade spirit pill, and the price was much higher than a lower-grade spirit pill.

  However, a bottle of medium grade spirit pills was only four thousand spirit stones.

  Although this price of four thousand spirit stones was quite a bit higher compared to the price of one thousand spirit stones for a lower grade spirit pill.

  However, if He Song's cultivation and status were taken into account, the price of four thousand spirit stones did not seem as high.

  This was also the reason why Xu Jie's eyes initially flashed with disappointment.

  He Song's cultivation was at the late Foundation Establishment stage.

  A cultivator at the late Foundation Establishment stage had come to the Treasure Pavilion specifically to sell a bottle of Medium Grade Earth Spirit Pill worth 4,000 spirit stones?

  However, just as Xu Jie was thinking this in his mind, He Song took out a second bottle of Medium Grade Earth Spirit Pill from his storage bag.

  Before he could ponder, He Song took out a third, fourth, and fifth dozen bottles of Medium Grade Earth Spirit Pills from his storage bag!

  (End of chapter)