
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


 Chapter 362 - The Change of Ten Thousand Elephants

  Putting the paper in his hand into his storage bag, He Song closed his eyes once again and soon began to comprehend the Great Peripatetic Vomiting Technique.

  The Great Peripatetic Vomiting Technique.

  It was a Jindan secret technique.

  It was a necessary thing that could assist He Song along the way when he embarked on the Jindan Avenue.

  Although He Song's cultivation level today was only in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, and had not reached the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment.

  However, by saving for a rainy day and realizing the Great Peripatetic Vomiting Technique in advance, he would naturally be able to make himself more familiar with it.

  Moreover, a thought flashed through He Song's mind.

  If he could obtain another Jindan secret technique in the future, would he be able to use two Jindan secret techniques to step into the Jindan realm?

  Although from True Lord Silvermoon's memories, even the disciples of the YuanYing Upper Sect would basically only use one Jindan secret method when breaking through to the Jindan realm.

  However, He Song was also a bit curious in his heart, if he could really obtain another other Jindan secret method and use two Jindan secret methods to step into the Jindan realm.

  Then when he stepped into the Jindan realm, would there be any hidden benefits?

  For example, one's own strength was stronger, for example, one's own battle power was stronger, and so on and so forth.

  Of course.

  This possibility was very, very small.

  After all, there should be quite a few Jindan secret techniques among the Yuan Ying Upper Sect.

Instead, the disciples of the YuanYing Upper Sect all just used a single Jindan secret technique to break through the Jindan realm.  

Surely, He Song's idea should have been verified by someone a long time ago.

  And had come to a conclusion.

  After thinking of this, He Song's thoughts about going in search of a second Jindan secret technique faded.

  However, the study of the Great Peripatetic Vomiting Technique did not stop.

  Time passed in a flash.

  In the blink of an eye, several months had passed.

  On a certain day.

  He Song, who was practicing, suddenly received another transmission from Su Qian.

  He casually took the transmission paper crane and then released a trace of his own breath.

  He Song spread out the paper in his hand, and with that, his gaze swept over the paper in front of him.

  "Qian'er pays her respects to senior."

  "Long live senior."

  "A few days ago, a sudden roar came from the middle of the Wanxiang Immortal Place, and the entire earth trembled."

  "Qian'er was thousands of miles away in the Flying Cloud Immortal Place, and she even felt the slightest tremor."

  "At that time, Qian'er felt that something big should have happened in the Wanxiang Immortal Place."

  "Today, the news finally came."

  "On that day, where the Ten Thousand Elephant Immortal Workshop was located, there had been flames that rose up to the sky, coloring half of the sky red, and those booming noises came with those flames."

  "According to the descriptions of some cultivators who were close at the time, I'm afraid that this abnormality in the Ten Thousand Elephant Immortal Workshop was caused by this."

  "However, no one knows yet exactly how those flames, as well as the booming sounds were emitted, and what exactly happened in the Ten Thousand Elephant Immortal Place."

  "The guardian truthful people of the Eight Veins Immortal City don't seem to care about the abnormality of the Ten Thousand Elements Immortal Workshop, and haven't taken any action."

  "Subsequently if any more news comes in, Qian'er will definitely inform senior at the first opportunity."

  "Su Qian."

  Looking at Su Qian's beautiful handwriting on the paper, He Song put the paper into his storage bag with a calm expression.

  This was the second time Su Qian had sent a letter to inform He Song about the matter of the Wanxiang Immortal Workshop.

  He Song also had a better understanding of what happened in the Wanxiang Immortal Workshop.

  This Wanxiang Immortal Workshop.

  Listening to Su Qian, it seems that something big did happen.   

  However, due to Su Qian's cultivation not reaching Foundation Establishment, she did not go to the Wanxiang Immortal Workshop to investigate, so the news she received was very limited.

  In this case, even though it was already the second time that a letter was sent to He Song about what happened in this Wanxiang Immortal Workshop, it still didn't give any definite news.

  Moreover, according to Su Qian.

  It seemed that the town guards of the Eight Veins Immortal City did not care too much about what happened in the Ten Thousand Elephant Immortal Workshop either.

  Perhaps, it was aware of it, but did not have the ability to care.

  Or perhaps, it was aware of it, but didn't dare to care for various reasons.

  He Song didn't know what those town guards of the Eight Veins Immortal City actually thought.

  Obviously, the Wanxiang Immortal Workshop was built by them, but when something happened, they all started to act like ostriches.

  Could it be that.

  What happened in the Ten Thousand Elephant Immortal Workshop had long been expected by them?

  With suspicion, He Song put away the paper in his hand and did not respond to Su Qian, instead he continued to start cultivating.

  Several months of cultivation had allowed He Song to make many refinements in both his cultivation and his study of spells.

  He Song who was addicted to it.

  To be able to put down his cultivation and dedicate time to read the news that Su Qian and the others had passed on to him was already very good.

  Naturally, after reading these messages from the outside world, He Song would soon continue his cultivation and would not waste too much time on these matters.

  And just as He Song continued to cultivate, gradually raising his cultivation level.

  As time passed.

  He Song soon also learned what had happened in the place where the Wanxiang Immortal Workshop was located.

  In Su Qian's repeated messages, He Song's understanding of what happened in the Ten Thousand Elephant Immortal Workshop continued to deepen.

  After a period of time of organization, the pulse of the matter was naturally presented in front of He Song.

  It turned out that the reason why the Ten Thousand Elephants Immortal Workshop was established.

  The reason why the Ten Thousand Elephants Immortal Workshop was established was because a few decades ago, someone discovered a mineral vein not far from where the Ten Thousand Elephants Immortal Workshop is located today.

  The place where this vein is located is quite hidden, and the precious spirit ore in the vein is quite valuable.

  If it was completely excavated, I'm afraid that it would be able to gain at least millions of spirit stones.

  And because of this.

  Under the money move people's hearts.

  The cultivator who stumbled upon the mineral vein here quickly began to dig up the area.

  However, when he brought the precious spirit ore he had dug up to the Eight Veins Immortal City and prepared to sell it, the Chamber of Commerce he found happened to be controlled by a few town guards of the Eight Veins Immortal City.

  Naturally, the precious spirit ore in his hands was known to the town guards of Eight Veins Immortal City.

  This person was only a casual cultivator, so how could he be a match for the Eight Veins Immortal City's town guard real people?

  In the blink of an eye, this newly discovered mineral vein changed hands.


  The Eight Veins Immortal City's town guards began to send people to quietly mine the spirit ore.

  However, there was no impermeable wall in the world.

  When the news was revealed, the ownership of the spirit mines here quickly changed hands again and became the assets of a certain Jindan True Lord in the Cloud State.

  In the state capital of Yunzhou, there was a Jindan True Monarch in charge.

  Even if it was a Jindan True Monarch, when faced with a spirit mine that was worth millions of spirit stones, he would definitely be moved.

  After all, as a Late Jindan True Monarch, Silver Moon True Monarch had no more than ten million spirit stones in his possession.

  A spirit mine worth millions would be a large amount of income for an early Jindan, or mid Jindan, or even late Jindan True Lord.

  (End of chapter)