
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


Chapter 361 - Su Qian Sends a Letter

  Within the Golden Dan Grand Formation.

  He Song quickly began his seclusion.

  This time in seclusion, He Song also had many things he needed to do.

  The first thing was to cultivate the secret techniques.

  The Great Peripatetic Vomiting Technique, nowadays, He Song had not practiced it yet.

  Although nowadays, for He Song, this Jindan secret method could not be used for the time being.

  But He Song didn't care too much about it, and practicing some of it earlier would also make him more familiar with this Jindan secret method.

  When he really wants to enter the Jindan Avenue, he should be able to be more confident if he is more familiar with this secret method.

  In addition to the Great Peripatetic Vomiting Technique, He Song also wanted to pick some of the other spells from True Lord Silvermoon's memories to learn.

  The second thing was cultivation.

  The growth of his own magic power was something He Song would never forget.

  With the passage of time, as the mana in He Song's body continued to grow, He Song's strength would naturally see some growth.

  Although for He Song, who was now protected by the Jindan Grand Formation and escorted by four golden-armored guards, the percentage of his own strength seemed to have been much less.

  But even so, He Song had always cared about the increase in his own strength.

  Formations, puppets, these were all external objects.

In the event that one day the formations and puppets all failed, then He Song's own strength would become the key.  

In such a situation, He Song naturally wouldn't give up any opportunity to improve his own strength.

  The third thing was to create formation disks and flags that could set up Jindan grand formations.

  Previously, He Song had already bought back the materials to build the formation disk and formation flag, and now these materials were all still placed inside He Song's storage bag.

  For this retreat, He Song planned to build these materials into formation disks and formation flags that could set up Jindan grand formations.

  If they were really built, He Song would also have a Jindan Grand Formation to protect him when he walked outside in the future, which would be many times more secure than before.

  Although formations were only external objects, external objects were also part of strength.

  Having the ability to be able to set up a Jindan Grand Formation, He Song could naturally rely on the power of the Jindan Grand Formation to help him suppress his enemies.

  Other than that, there were still some bits and pieces of things that He Song needed to do.

  And for that reason.

  After starting his seclusion, He Song's days were also very fulfilling.


  As he left the Jindan Grand Formation this time, in addition to opening up a large number of medicinal gardens, he also sent Su Qian some life-preserving items along the way.

  Su Qian, under the gratitude, why Song also seemed to be a little more diligent when collecting various news.

  For example, today.

  When He Song finished the day's cultivation, and was about to start comprehending the Great Perpetual Vomiting Technique, the Luo Smoke Formation was suddenly touched.

  He Song, who suddenly realized something strange, naturally stopped his hand.

  The Luo Smoke Formation was touched, but the Jindan Grand Formation did not react.

  Without thinking about it, He Song knew that Su Qian's sound transmission paper crane had arrived.

  Since He Song left the Jindan Formation last time and sent Su Qian some life-preserving items on the way, Su Qian would occasionally send letters to He Song at other times besides sending letters to He Song every month.

  It wasn't because she missed He Song and wanted to catch up with him.

  There was a high possibility that something important had happened near Eight Veins Immortal City that made Su Qian feel the need to inform He Song as soon as possible.

  In this way, she would have sent a message to He Song at some other time, informing him of the important thing that had just happened.

  He Song, who was aware of this, naturally reacted quickly after noticing that the Luo Smoke Formation had been touched.

  He explored his divine sense.   

  With his divine sense wrapped around it, he pulled the sound transmission paper crane in the Luo Smoke Formation into the cave.

  Then, he released a trace of his own breath and spread out the sound transmission paper crane.

  He Song's eyes then looked at the paper in front of him.

  "Qian'er pays her respects to senior."

  "Long live senior."

  "Recently, a strange thing happened in Eight Veins Immortal City."

  "In the Ten Thousand Elephants Immortal Place, which is not far from the Flying Cloud Immortal Place, a thick fog suddenly gushed out, enveloping the entire place."

  "Regardless of whether it was the Immortal Place's town guard real person or the Qi Practicing Stage cultivators in the Immortal Place, none of them came out of it."

  "There were cultivators who entered it, wanting to find out what was going on, but all of them never returned."

  "However, there were rumors that some Foundation Establishment real people came from afar in the form of a road of recluse light, and went straight into the Ten Thousand Elephants Immortal Workshop."

  "I don't know what exactly happened in this Ten Thousand Elephant Immortal Workshop."

  "Subsequently if there is any news coming in, Qian'er will definitely be the first to inform senior."

  "Su Qian."

  As his eyes swept over the lines of writing on the paper, He Song's face was calm.

  However, in his heart, the idea that he had previously wanted to go to the Ten Thousand Elephant Immortal Workshop to have a look around flashed through his mind.

  Back then, he had killed an evil cultivator near the Ten Thousand Elephant Immortal Workshop with the Soul Search Technique, and had known about the existence of the Ten Thousand Elephant Immortal Workshop from that evil cultivator's words before he died, as well as from his memories.

  The Ten Thousand Elephant Immortal Workshop was like an Immortal Workshop that came out of nowhere.

  It was a new Immortal Workshop that was built decades ago after the Eight Veins Immortal City already had three Immortal Workshops.

  When he was killing that evil cultivator, He Song was puzzled.

  Why would the town guard of Eight Veins Immortal City want to build a new Immortal Workshop there?

  But now that he thought about it, there must be something strange there.

  It was good that he didn't go to investigate at that time, otherwise, he might have been caught in the vortex, and thus not be able to get out.

  Putting the paper in his hand into his storage bag, while He Song was grateful in his heart, he also had a hint of curiosity about what happened in the Wanxiang Immortal Workshop.

  Judging from Su Qian's message, the things that happened in the Wanxiang Immortal Workshop this time should not be small.

  The reclining light that fell into the Wanxiang Immortal Workshop.

  The thick fog that enveloped the entire Wanxiang Immortal Place.

  The scene where the cultivator entered and was never heard from again.

  All of them made He Song's mind flash through a series of guesses.

  However, since He Song was now in the sphere of influence of the Thick Earth Sect, although it was not particularly far from the Ten Thousand Elephant Immortal Workshop, it was still some distance away.

  Therefore, in the absence of accurate information and without personally going to investigate, He Song couldn't guess what had actually happened in the place where the Ten Thousand Elephant Immortal Workshop was located.

  And what kind of secrets are hidden in the newly built Wanxiang Immortal Workshop without any signs, He Song still doesn't know.

  It is also good that Su Qian's Flying Cloud Immortal Workshop is not far away from Wanxiang Immortal Workshop, and the two Immortal Workshops are only 1,000 miles apart, so He Song will naturally be able to learn about any news soon.

  In this way, also let He Song's mind settled down, ready to wait for Su Qian's news.


  Su Qian has a life preserving talisman given by herself, plus her injuries have also healed one or two, there is no risk of being killed in a surprise attack.

  Since this was the case, she would inevitably deliver the news for herself when it came.

  With such a close source of information, He Song naturally didn't need to worry that he wouldn't be able to wait for the follow-up news from the Wanxiang Immortal Workshop.

  It was just that he didn't know what was happening in this Ten Thousand Elephant Immortal Workshop.

  (End of chapter)