
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


 Chapter 351 - Hidden Cave

  And it was precisely because of this.

  After He Song left the Jindan Grand Formation this time, he didn't rush to catch up like before.

  Instead, he appeared to be somewhat leisurely.

  Standing on the white jade boat, He Song was dressed in a white robe, facing the wind.

  Under the breeze, his long hair and white robe fluttered in the wind, an immortal's weather.

  Behind him, two golden-armored guards stood indifferently, like two statues, without looking askance.

  As the white jade boat traveled rapidly, He Song's silhouette also followed the white jade boat, constantly heading towards the distance.

  And below, the gazes of countless mortal cultivators also looked over, envious of He Song's lofty Foundation Establishment true heart.

  White jade boat.

  It was gifted to He Song by True Lord Fa Xuan when He Song stepped into the Foundation Establishment Realm.

  Now, He Song's cultivation was still at the Foundation Establishment Realm, and this White Jade Boat was naturally still able to be used.

  Although today's He Song had already obtained True Lord Silvermoon's lower-grade Spiritual Weapon Flying Boat, the lower-grade Spiritual Weapon Flying Boat consumed far too many Spirit Stones.

  Only in the case of necessity would He Song sacrifice it to use as a base card.

  Normally, He Song would naturally not spend huge amounts of spirit stones, but only for the purpose of catching up.

  The spirit stones consumed by the white jade boat could be much less than that lower grade spirit weapon flying boat.

Moreover, its speed was not slow, not much slower than He Song's display of recluse light.  

Without being in a hurry, He Song naturally wouldn't spend a huge amount of money but only to save a little bit of rushing time.

  All the way to the west.

  He Song's figure soon left the Thick Earth Sect's sphere of influence and arrived within the Pure Yin Sect's sphere of influence.

  After arriving in the Pure Yin Sect's sphere of influence, He Song continued to maneuver the spirit boat forward.

  However, at this moment, He Song's figure and appearance, and even his own aura, had changed quite a bit from before.

  Now, although He Song's cultivation level was still at the late stage of Foundation Establishment, his appearance, as well as his breath, was completely different from before.

  After changing his appearance and breath, He Song had almost become another person.

  Even if he wore this appearance and looted other places, I am afraid that no one would know his real identity.

  In this way, even if he really encounters something out there and has to take action, He Song doesn't need to worry about his identity being exposed, thus leading to trouble.

  After all, my Thick Earth Sect's Cang Song Realist has been practicing in seclusion in his cave.

  What does what happens outside have to do with me, Cang Song?

  After changing his appearance, cultivation, and breath, He Song cast the Seven Fragrance Tracking Technique.

  He Song performed the Seven Fragrance Tracking Technique and began to track down the hidden cave that he had once opened up in the Pure Yin Sect.

  This time, he left the Jindan cave.

  The most important thing for He Song was to open up a medicinal garden within the sphere of influence of the major Jindan sects.

  Only by opening up the medicinal gardens will He Song be able to continuously obtain enough spirit stones from these medicinal gardens for his own cultivation as well as to maintain the Jindan Grand Formation.

  Therefore, the place where the medicine garden is located must also be remote.

  Opened in the lively place, I am afraid that in a few years will be found abnormal.

  At that time, the formation was broken, the spirit medicine was swept away, I am afraid that the loss is not worth it.

  Since this is the case, after having opened up a hidden cave in the sphere of influence of various large sects, He Song's first idea was to make it a hidden cave.

  He Song's first idea was naturally to open up the medicinal garden around those hidden caves.

  In this way, it would save He Song the trouble of searching for a hidden place, but also be able to open up the hidden cave and the medicinal garden together.

  In the future, if he really had to run away, he would only need to go to a hidden cave at random, and there would be a medicinal garden around the cave.   

  The existence of a medicinal garden around the hidden cave will naturally allow He Song to have a constant stream of income.

  He would not be trapped in the hidden cave.

  He wouldn't have to sit in the hidden cave and eat nothing.

  Nor would he be unable to make any profit in the hidden cave.

  In this way, opening up a medicinal garden around the previously opened hidden cave would save He Song a lot of trouble, and would also be able to have some benefits.

  Calculating in this way, it could be considered a two-for-one endeavor.

  Utilizing the Seven Fragrance Tracking Technique, He Song soon sensed the location of the hidden cave that he had opened in the Pure Yin Sect's sphere of influence decades ago.

  After sensing the location of the tracking mark, He Song also maneuvered the spirit boat towards the location of the hidden cave.

  All the way forward.

  He Song was getting closer and closer to his hidden cave, and his sense of the tracking mark was also getting stronger and stronger.

  Until a certain moment.

  He Song, who was standing on top of the spirit boat, suddenly looked at a certain spot in the rolling mountains below.

  "Found it."

  After sweeping his gaze across a certain direction in the sky, He Song's face moved, and after giving a cry in his heart, he immediately maneuvered the spirit boat towards the place where the mark was located.

  The hidden cave that He Song had opened up in the place where the Pure Yin Sect was located was in a rocky mountain.

  Thousands of meters down the rocky mountain was where He Song's hidden cave was located.

  After several decades, He Song came to that rocky mountain again.

  When He Song came to that rocky mountain again and found the entrance of his hidden cave.

  Looking at the entrance of the cave in front of him, which had almost merged with the surrounding environment, He Song's heart also flashed a trace of satisfaction.

  Decades had passed, and the traces that he had left behind had almost disappeared.

  If not observed carefully, the entrance of the hidden cave here is simply as if it is naturally formed, without any flaws.

  In this regard, He Song didn't have the idea of opening the entrance of the hidden cave and entering it to take a look.

  After carefully observing the surroundings and realizing that no one had come here in these decades, He Song nodded his head in satisfaction.

  He then left the place where the hidden cave was located.

  Since he had already found the hidden cave.

  Then, the next step was to look for a suitable place around it to open up a medicinal garden.

  Ten medicinal gardens, not too big, not too small, moreover, they must be close together.

  Otherwise, each of the ten pill gardens would need to lay down four formations, and together, wouldn't they need to lay down forty Foundation Establishment Formations?

  With such a huge number of formations, even with He Song's current wealth, I'm afraid it wouldn't be much of a burden.

  Not to mention the need to refine array disks and flags when laying down the formations, these things, all of them need to spend spirit stones to buy.

  Before He Song left the Jindan Grand Formation, although he had made some preparations, he hadn't prepared so many materials for refining formation disks and flags.

  After some careful searching.

  He Song finally found the place he was looking for in a valley not far from the hidden cave.

  Within the valley, there was green grass, and a stream flowed out from the high mountains and from the mouth of the valley.

  The place that He Song had found for opening a medicinal garden was on both sides of the stream, in the flat part of the valley.

  Besides that, the slopes of the valley were also capable of opening up a medicinal garden.

  (End of chapter)