
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
323 Chs


 Chapter 346: Out of Time


  One's cultivation had reached the late stage of Foundation Establishment and was beginning to move towards the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment.

  Yet, he realized in a trance.

  He had only slightly broken through a small realm, but he had seen that the young girl-like Su Qian at the beginning had already completed almost half of the path in her life.

  If Su Qian was unable to step into the Foundation Establishment Realm this time, her lifespan would be fixed at one hundred and twenty years old.

  Now that she was about to turn sixty, she had indeed completed almost half of her life's journey.

  As for Su Qian's cultivation, she had also cultivated from the first level of Qi Practicing to the Great Perfection of Qi Practicing.

  Now, she was even about to launch an attack on the Foundation Establishment Realm.

  And all of this happened within the time that she had only broken through a small realm.

  Until this moment.

  He Song finally realized.

  The gap between a Foundation Establishment Real Person and a Qi Practicing Cultivator, just how big it was.

  A Foundation Establishment Realist could take in the first half of a Qi Practitioner cultivator's life in just the time it took to break through one small realm.

  By breaking through two minor realms, one might be able to see the complete life of a Qi Practicing Stage cultivator.

  From the early stage of Foundation Establishment to the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment, one might be able to see the complete life of a Late Qi Practicing Stage cultivator.

To know.  

After breaking through to the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection, the vast majority of Foundation Establishment real people would still be able to live for at least a few decades, or even a hundred years.

  Calculating in this way, the lifespan of a Qi Practicing Stage cultivator was actually very short in the eyes of a Foundation Establishment Realist.

  This was especially true for cultivators in the early stage of qi cultivation, or the middle stage of qi cultivation.

  In terms of longevity, they only had a lifespan of eighty or one hundred years, and only late stage Qi Practitioner cultivators were able to reach one hundred and twenty years.

  Furthermore, due to the weak strength of early Qi Practitioner, and mid Qi Practitioner cultivators, they were also the category that was most likely to die young.

  And precisely because of this, could they guarantee that they would be able to live peacefully all the time?

  In the Immortal Cultivation World, grudges and vendettas were commonplace.

  He Song's smooth cultivation like this was not all luck.

  Rather, it was the result of strength, plus caution, and luck.

  If other cultivators didn't have He Song's prudence, luck, and strength, I'm afraid that the crises they encountered in the Qi Practicing Stage could make them die several times.

  In such a situation, perhaps a Foundation Establishment real person had just had an impression of a Qi Practicing Stage cultivator.

  However, by the time he remembered this person again, he would most likely realize that the other person had already died.

  In that case, there would naturally be the impression that their lives were short.

  What flashed through He Song's mind at the moment.

  It was also the same sentiment about the short lives of Qi Practicing Stage cultivators.

  He had only slightly broken through a small realm, while Su Qian over there had already traveled halfway through her life.

  This gap, when compared, immediately gave He Song a feeling of a world apart in his heart.

  It turned out that while he was silently cultivating himself.

  The outside world was also passing by all the time.

  There were many, many Qi Practicing Stage cultivators who were similar to his former self, who were climbing and struggling in the outside world.

  Perhaps, when he was in the Qi Practicing Stage, there were also Foundation Establishment Real People whose gazes had swept over him, emitting the same sentiments, right?

  Putting the paper in his hand into his storage bag.

  He Song let out a slight sigh.

  Then he quickly took out another blank paper from his own storage bag.

  With the surge of mana.

  Lines of writing also emerged on the paper.

  In addition to the response given to Su Qian, there was also a Foundation Building Insight.

  The Foundation Establishment Insight was not considered a precious thing to He Song.   

  This kind of thing, for any Foundation Establishment Real Person, would have that one copy, or even several copies.

  For other Foundation Establishment real people, the value was close to nothing.

  However, for Qi Practicing Stage cultivators, the Foundation Establishment Insights were able to give them a higher chance of establishing a foundation.

  Once they succeeded, they would make a lot of money.

  Therefore, there were many Qi Practicing Stage cultivators who had the means to buy them.

  When He Song was the guardian of Tianquan Immortal Town, there were people who came to his door, and He Song had sold many copies.

  He Song had sold many copies. Each copy of the Foundation Establishment Tips was worth tens of thousands of Spirit Stones.

  For Qi Practicing Stage cultivators, these spirit stones were quite a lot.

  But for He Song, the cost of such a foundation building manual was incredibly low, almost equivalent to nothing.

  Instead, what Su Qian had done for herself was a solid decades.

  Although the follow-up He Song has made up for the previous owed spirit stone, so Su Qian these decades is not working for nothing.

  But this friendship, as well as this persistence, but also let He Song saw Su Qian body flash point.

  Su Qian this person.

  She is also a tough-minded one, and her perseverance has not diminished over the years.

  If she is able to successfully break through the Foundation Establishment.

  Having promised He Song a good repayment, she would naturally keep her word.

  Therefore, giving a copy of the Foundation Establishment Insights would give her one more point of Foundation Establishment.

  Perhaps, He Song would then be able to use something as costless as the Foundation Establishment Insights to exchange for the gratitude and repayment of a Foundation Establishment Real Person.

  The gratitude and repayment of a Foundation Establishment Realist was always worth more than tens of thousands of spirit stones, right?

  Of course.

  If Su Qian failed to build her foundation, He Song wouldn't care too much.

  After all, this foundation building tips does not require He Song to spend any cost, just consider it as a small return to Su Qian.

  He Song wrote down the reply to Su Qian, as well as a copy of the foundation building tips.

  He Song's finger tips spat out mana.

  A sound transmission paper crane immediately shot up into the sky.

  When the sound transmission paper crane was far away, He Song also placed his eyes on the Jindan Grand Formation that enveloped the entire valley at this moment.

  Long before He Song came to this place, he had instructed Su Qian, stating that there was no need to send him a monthly voice transmission for the time being.

  The reason for this.

  It was because at that time, he was outside the Jindan Grand Formation, comprehending the formation.

  If there is a sound transmission paper crane flying, I am afraid that it will immediately expose itself.

  At first, he did not know whether there was a Jindan True Lord in the Jindan Formation, He Song did not dare to use his own life safety as a bargaining chip.

  Because of this, He Song had specially instructed Su Qian to temporarily stop the monthly sound transmission.

  During that period of time, He Song could only receive transmissions from the sound transmission notes, and Su Qian's sound transmission paper cranes never fell.

  And this situation has continued to this day because He Song temporarily forgot about Su Qian.

  Until today, Su Qian suddenly released a sound transmission paper crane and touched the formation of this place, which reminded He Song of her existence.


  For this kind of sound transmission paper crane touching formation thing, He Song also need to make certain changes.

  Otherwise, in case someone saw a sound transmission paper crane fluttering above the valley from afar, I'm afraid that something fishy was going on in the valley, and it would immediately spread all around.

  In order to prevent such a thing from happening, after pondering, He Song quickly laid down a Luo Smoke Array on the periphery of the Jindan Grand Formation.

  With the Luo Smoke Formation shrouding the area, when Su Qian's voice transmission paper crane came to this place again, the kind of situation that had happened previously would not happen again.

  (End of chapter)