
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


 Chapter 344 - Everything is Ready

  It was thought that even if Realist Luo Jing knew that someone here was purchasing these things, there was absolutely no way that he would be able to connect this matter with He Song.

  Since this was the case, He Song would naturally be able to avoid this unnecessary trouble.

  It would not be possible to involve this matter in his own body.

  Inside the White Heron Immortal City's Treasure Pavilion.

  After hearing what He Song needed, the Pavilion Master who stood at He Song's side wore a difficult expression.

  The things that came out of He Song's mouth were not ordinary things.

  It was either an extremely precious weapon refining material or an extremely precious alchemy material.

  Moreover, the rarity of all of these things was directly proportional to their preciousness.

  In short.

  Within the White Heron Immortal City Gathering Treasure Pavilion sub-pavilion that he was in, he could not take out so many precious things.

  Even, if it wasn't for the fact that He Song's cultivation had already reached the Foundation Establishment Realm, he would have even thought that He Song was just here to have fun.

  These things were just too precious, and without the cultivation of the Foundation Establishment Realm, he was afraid that he wouldn't even be able to see them.

  This was also the reason why He Song had revealed his cultivation at the early stage of Foundation Establishment.

  If the cultivation level was too low.

  Although he could hide his identity better, he was afraid that he would not be able to see some really good things.

Just like the Sub-Pavilion Pavilion Master in front of He Song nowadays.  

If he hadn't seen that He Song's cultivation had reached the Foundation Establishment Realm, he was afraid that he wouldn't even look at him.

  "This fellow Daoist, these things are just too precious, although I have a few of them here, there are still some that I can't take out for the time being."

  "If fellow Daoist doesn't mind, I can transfer these things from one of the other branch pavilions as soon as possible."

  "I wonder if you can wait a bit?"

  "It will probably only take one month to transfer them all."

  "If that's not possible, then I'll have to trouble you to personally go to the other sub-cabinets to purchase them on your own."

  Looking towards He Song, the local pavilion master wore a difficult expression.

  He Song was not surprised to see this.

  These things were indeed precious.

  If a random Immortal City's Treasure Pavilion branch could buy all of them, then I'm afraid the preciousness of these things would have to be put into question.

  He Song also recognized the words of the Pavilion Master here.

  He had exchanged a lot of information with Luo Jing, and naturally knew that this kind of transferring goods from other places was very common in all the sub-pavilions.

  And the time for transferring goods was about a month or so.

  Regarding this pavilion master's statement, He Song actually had a plan in mind.

  However, in order not to arouse suspicion, He Song still pretended that he did not know about this matter before and frowned for a moment.

  A few moments later.

  Only then did He Song nod slightly.

  "Alright then, then I will come back in a month's time, so I will trouble you, Fellow Daoist, with this matter."

  Arching his hand towards the pavilion master in front of him, He Song opened his mouth and said.

  After saying that, he gave some spirit stones as a deposit, and himself said goodbye and left.

  After bidding farewell to the Pavilion Master of the Treasure Gathering Pavilion here.

  He Song waited for a month in the White Heron Immortal City.

  Since at this time, He Song had four golden-armored guards whose combat strength had reached the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection in his storage bag.

  Even if all the Foundation Establishment real people in White Heron Immortal City attacked together, He Song would still be able to surround and kill them.

  With his own safety absolutely worry-free, in this month, He Song was quite relaxed and cozy in the White Heron Immortal City.

  However, just in case, He Song still took the time to go to a valley dozens of miles away from White Heron Immortal City.

  In the valley, he set up a Luo Smoke Formation, a Seven Killings Heavenly Flame Formation, and a Sea Fixing Morning Glory Formation.

  Only after doing all this did He Song once again return to the White Heron Immortal City to continue enjoying himself.

  And so on.   

  Until a month later.

  He Song, who had been enjoying himself for a month in the White Heron Immortal City, only then did he once again make his entrance to the White Heron Immortal City's Gathering Treasure Pavilion.

  Inside the Treasure Gathering Pavilion.

  The owner of this place's branch pavilion had already been waiting here.

  When He Song came here, he also took out the items that He Song had previously asked for in due time.

  Several auxiliary medicines for refining the Gold Condensation Pill.

  The refining materials used to refine the Golden Dan Formation Disk and Flag.

  When all these things appeared in front of He Song, a smile flashed across his face.

  With these things, he could directly return to the Jindan Grand Formation and remain in seclusion until his cultivation broke through to the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection.

  Or even. Jindan realm!

  A few auxiliary medicines for refining the Gold Condensation Pill.

  As well as the materials for refining the Golden Dan Formation Disk and Flag.

  Each is very precious.

  Especially the materials for refining the Golden Dan Grand Formation Disk and Flag could be used for refining spirit weapons.

  He Song, who had read the memories of True Lord Silvermoon, naturally knew the preciousness of spiritual weapons.

  Therefore, when he learned that the total price of these items was as high as thousands of medium grade spirit stones, He Song did not feel too surprised.

  Thousands of medium grade spirit stones.

  Calculated down, it was hundreds of thousands of lower grade spirit stones.

  Such an expensive price, yet it was only used to purchase some alchemy, as well as weapon refining materials.

  In the eyes of other Foundation Establishment Real People, these things were simply expensive to the extreme.

  But to He Song.

  As long as one was able to refine the array disk and array flag for the Jindan Grand Formation.

  As long as the auxiliary medicines for refining the Gold Condensation Pill could be purchased completely.

  Paying these spirit stones was all worth it.

  With the ability to set up a Jindan Grand Formation anywhere at will, with the ability to refine the Gold Condensation Pill at any time.

  For He Song, it could mean much more than these hundreds of thousands of lower grade spirit stones.

  However, although the offer was thousands of medium grade spirit stones, when He Song gave the spirit stones, he used lower grade spirit stones.

  After paying a total of six hundred and thirty thousand lower-grade spirit stones, or six thousand three hundred middle-grade spirit stones, He Song collected all these materials in front of him into his storage bag.

  In this way, the money and goods were cleared, and the transaction was over.

  He Song immediately got up and excused himself.

  Just in case, He Song continued to act as he did in the past, and after leaving the Treasure Pavilion, he quickly returned to the inn where he was staying.

  Then he changed his face again in the inn and quietly left White Heron Immortal City.

  Although He Song did not need to worry about the attack of a Foundation Establishment Realist nowadays, it was better to do more than less.

  Rather than being treated as a big fat sheep.

  He Song preferred to let others ignore him.

  Only then would he be able to become safer.

  But even so.

  After He Song left White Heron Immortal City, he stayed in the valley dozens of miles away from White Heron Immortal City for several days before leaving with it.

  While leaving, He Song retrieved the three formations that had been set up earlier in the valley.

  At the same time, there was a secret praise in his heart.

  The Gathering Treasure Pavilion was still relatively reputable when it came to doing business.

  At least, after reaching this deal of hundreds of thousands of lower-grade spirit stones, that Branch Pavilion Master of White Heron Immortal City did not make any excessive moves.

  Even if it was just a small matter such as sending someone to follow He Song, it didn't even appear.

  (End of chapter)