
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


 Chapter 335 - Worth a Million Dollars

  Twisting his head and looking towards the Realist Luo Jing in front of him, He Song smiled at her, then he arched his hand and returned.

  "Indeed it has been a long time since I have seen you, after many years, I have only managed to break through to the late stage of Foundation Establishment, but Real Person Luo Jing is being ridiculously complimentary."

  As he spoke, a trace of melancholy flashed across He Song's face at the right time.

  It looked as if he was not satisfied with his own cultivation progress.

  In the eyes of others.

  He Song's cultivation had already stayed in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment for thirty-seven years.

  It was only after thirty-seven years that he finally broke through to the late Foundation Establishment stage.

  Although it was indeed three years less than an unusual cultivator's breakthrough time of forty years.

  But it was important to know.

  When He Song broke through to the middle stage of Foundation Establishment at the early stage of Foundation Establishment, he had only used a mere twenty years.

  At the time of breaking through the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, He Song's cultivation was much faster than that of an ordinary cultivator.

  However, when breaking through to the late Foundation Establishment stage, He Song's breakthrough time was only three years faster than that of an ordinary cultivator.

  Doing the math like this, it seemed that the difficulty for He Song to break through his cultivation level had been gradually slowing down.

  Under such circumstances, if he wanted to cultivate from the late Foundation Establishment stage to the Foundation Establishment Grand Circle, the time that He Song needed to spend was bound to be quite a lot.

  In this way, upon realizing that his cultivation progress was gradually slowing down, he was about to die out.

When He Song spoke of this matter, a look of despondency was bound to surface as well.  

This was a disguise that He Song had thought of when he was still in the Jindan cave.

  If his own cultivation progress was gradually slowing down, but his face was still full of joy, I was afraid that it would attract suspicion.

  Especially if it was a Jindan disciple such as Luo Jing Zhen Zhen, He Song wouldn't dare to have the slightest contempt.

  He Song did not dare to take it lightly.

  In the middle of speaking, He Song naturally put on a slight hint of camouflage.

  "Where, where, where, the name of Cang Song Zhen Zhen Zhen in this Heavenly Power Immortal City nowadays, is like a thunderclap, and is not a fallacious praise."

  "But I don't know, what is the important thing that the real person came here for? Is there anything I can do to help?"

  While guiding He Song towards the interior of the Treasure Pavilion, Luo Jing covered her mouth with a light smile and soon exchanged pleasantries with He Song.

  She and He Song had not seen each other for many years.

  Although the exchange of letters between the two of them had not stopped and was even somewhat frequent.

  But correspondence was correspondence, and meeting each other was meeting each other.

  Luo Jing Zhenzi subconsciously thought that He Song, who had suddenly appeared in Tianquan Immortal City, had something to do and had come to look for himself.

  However, just as Luo Jing opened her mouth to exchange pleasantries and speculated in her mind why He Song had come.

  He Song followed her footsteps while also speaking back.

  "There's nothing important, it's just that I recently broke through the late stage of Foundation Establishment in my cultivation, and on a whim, I wanted to come and have a good chat with fellow Daoist."

  "Of course, if I can learn some of the secrets of the Jindan Avenue from you, it would be great."

  When one's cultivation reached the late Foundation Establishment stage, no matter who it was, I'm afraid that they would all have a strong interest in the Jindan Realm.

  This was not just He Song who existed with such thoughts.

  Rather, it was a thought that would arise in the minds of all cultivators.

  Naturally, He Song would not forcefully hide his strong interest in the Jindan Realm today.

  Which Foundation Establishment real person did not want to ascend to the heavens in one step and become the Jindan True Lord who sat back and watched the wind and clouds?

  Just like the late Qi Practitioner cultivators, all of them looked at the Foundation Establishment real people with glowing eyes.

  Late Foundation Establishment real people will naturally look at Jindan True Monarchs with glowing eyes.

  This is human nature.

  It was a scene that would be experienced no matter which cultivator.

  Under such circumstances, it was only natural to look for a daoist friend who might know something about breaking through to the Jindan realm and ask the other party about the Jindan Avenue.

  Naturally, it became something that almost all cultivators would do.

  At this moment, He Song opened his mouth and spoke out the thoughts in his heart, and after Luo Jing Zhenren heard about it, she naturally wouldn't feel any discomfort.

  Even if it was her, as a Jindan disciple.

  When her cultivation was about to break through the Foundation Establishment realm, didn't she also pester her master, asking about the various things about breaking through the Foundation Establishment realm?

  Moreover, when she had successfully built her foundation and her cultivation had reached the early stage of Foundation Establishment, she had asked her master to know some matters about breaking through the Jindan realm.

  Curiosity was something that anyone would have.

  It was actually a very normal thing.

  It was so.

  After Luo Jing Zhenren heard He Song's words, a trace of a smile arose on her face along with it.

  He Song was able to inform himself of this matter without avoidance and chose himself as his way of understanding the Jindan Realm.

  In her opinion, it was something that would only happen if He Song had begun to treat her as a friend.

  Between friends.

  Spying on each other for information.

  Or to be informed from each other's mouths about something they didn't know.

  Even helping each other out and things like that, naturally it was more than normal.

  She already had the idea of making good friends with He Song, and for this reason, she had always wanted to have a good relationship with He Song.

  Now that many years had passed, after so many years of exchanges, she saw that He Song had finally begun to treat her as a friend to get along with.

  Naturally, at this moment, Luo Jing Zhenren's heart was very pleased.

  "Jindan Avenue? Fellow Daoist is the right person to ask, my daughter had once learned something about the Jindan Avenue from her master's mouth when she had just broken through the Foundation Establishment."   

  "If you do not mind, you can listen to it."

  "Perhaps, it will also be able to allow fellow Daoist to take less detours."

  Sweeping his gaze towards He Song, Luo Jing Zhenren spoke, not forgetting to gesture for He Song to casually take a seat.

  However, in the process of the two of them talking, they had already brought He Song to the depths of the Treasure Gathering Pavilion.

  The two of them stopped in a luxuriously decorated living room.

  Their eyes swept towards the luxuriously decorated living room in front of them.

  He Song nodded his head, considered to have answered Luo Jing's words.

  After taking his seat.

  A trace of anticipation flashed through his heart.

  As a Jindan disciple, the information Luo Jing Zhenzi received from a Jindan True Lord would definitely not be false.

  If he was able to learn some hidden secrets from her that he did not know before, He Song's trip would be considered not false.

  However, He Song didn't forget the purpose of his visit.

  He had come here to look for Luo Jing, and to inquire about the Jindan Avenue was just a side trip.

  The matter of inquiring about the formula for the Gold Condensation Pill was the real thing.

  After all, He Song didn't really know nothing.

  He had already read True Lord Silvermoon's memories, and naturally knew quite a bit about the Jindan Avenue.

  It was just that True Lord Silvermoon's memories were occasionally lost, and there might be omissions in some details.

  Therefore, while He Song was inquiring about the Jindan formula.

  He also wanted to inquire about what had been omitted from those lost memories here at True Lord Luo Jing.

  If he was able to complete his memories, so that he truly understood the Jindan Dao, He Song was afraid that when he tried to condense the Jindan in the future, he would be able to make it a breeze.

  Since Realist Luo Jing was a Jindan disciple, she should be able to answer her own question.

  "After a Foundation Establishment Realist reaches the late Foundation Establishment stage of cultivation, he will basically leave the power he is in to venture elsewhere in search of opportunities."

  "This is something that you should know very well, the Soul Breaker Real Person left a long time ago, and the Chengfu Real Person also left today, where they went, you should know."

  "But, wanting to step onto the Golden Dan Dao after reaching the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection in cultivation, one needs two important things."

  "The Condensed Golden Dan, and the Golden Dan Secret Method."

  "These two things are very difficult to obtain."

  "But in comparison, the Golden Pill Secret Method is easy to obtain, it is found in the Thick Earth Sect, and it is also occasionally found in the various Immortal States."

  "The Gold Condensation Pill is hard to find, I'm afraid that the Thick Earth Sect would need to save up for hundreds of years to be able to purchase one, and take out years of accumulated reserves to be able to purchase a second one."

  "However, the Thick Earth Sect now has two major Jindan True Lords alive, so I'm sure that they won't have the intention of acquiring a Gold Condensation Pill in the last few hundred years."

  "If Fellow Daoist wants to acquire the Gold Condensation Pill, I'm afraid it won't be possible in the Thick Earth Sect."

  Luo Jingzhen mouthed, his gaze looking towards He Song, but he sighed vaguely.

  For a Jindan power like the Thick Earth Sect, the Gold Condensation Pill was the root of its renewal.

  If there is no Jindan True Lord at a certain period of time, I am afraid that the entire Thick Earth Sect might be destroyed.

  Therefore, in the case that the clan still has Jindan alive, and is two Jindan True Monarchs alive, is definitely not going to use the resources of the clan, to exchange for the Condensed Gold Dan.

  Not to mention the fact that they would take out the reserves they had accumulated over the years to purchase the Gold Condensation Pill.

  This was something that was absolutely impossible.

  If a Foundation Establishment Real Person from a Jindan power like He Song wanted to acquire the Gold Condensation Pill, the biggest chance was to fight for it within the clan.

  Once one competed for it, one would be able to immediately obtain a Gold Condensation Pill.


  The Thick Earth Sect now had two Gold Pills in one sect, and in these next few hundred years, I'm afraid that there would not be any Gold Condensation Pills to compete for.

  Moreover, what she didn't know was.

  The three He Songs were scattered cultivator base builders, and their status in the Thick Earth Sect was far less than those sect elites.

  Even if the Thick Earth Sect did acquire a Gold Condensation Pill, the three of them wouldn't have any chance of competing for it.

  This was an internal rule that had been set long ago.

  It was just that Realist Luo Jing didn't know about it.

  And that was precisely why, after hearing Realist Luo Jing's words, He Song slightly shook his head.

  "I do not expect to be able to obtain the Gold Condensation Pill in the Thick Earth Sect."

  "There have long been rules within the Thick Earth Sect that a casual cultivator Foundation Establishment such as myself is unable to participate in the competition for the Condensed Gold Pill."

  "However, I am a bit curious about this Gold Condensation Pill, what exactly is so marvelous about it that the price can be so high."

  "A Golden Pill clan, raising the entire clan's strength, would need hundreds of years to acquire one."

  "Is this price not also a bit too outrageous?"

  "Can it be that the elixir used to refine the Gold Condensation Pill is a rarity in the world?"

  Without hiding the internal rules of the Thick Earth Sect, He Song chose to speak directly to Realist Luo Jing.

  Such rules of the Thick Earth Sect should not be an exception according to his thoughts.

  I'm afraid that almost all Jindan forces would have such rules.

  It was just that some kept it secret, and more didn't take it very seriously.

  This matter, said also said, after all, is not a hidden secret, just a rule.

  In addition to this, He Song also began to steer the topic towards the Gold Condensation Dan, wanting to learn more about the Gold Condensation Dan from Luo Jingzhen's mouth.

  (End of chapter)