
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


 Chapter 333 - Great Enhancement

  And it was also because of such a rich spiritual qi that made He Song's cultivation speed even faster compared to before.

  Now after five years of cultivation, the mana in He Song's body had grown much more than before.

  The more mana there was, the more powerful it was to cast spells or manipulate magic weapons.

  Greater power meant that He Song's battle power had likewise been strengthened.

  In this way.

  Not only did He Song's cultivation increase, his battle power was also enhanced to a certain extent.

  During these five years, He Song was quite rewarded.

  In addition to the increase in cultivation and combat strength, He Song also had a deep understanding of the Golden Dan Formation that had been shrouding the valley during these five years.

  He Song had already studied the Jindan Formation for three years before entering the Jindan Cave.

  Afterwards, the Jindan Formation was about to dissipate, and he was unable to comprehend the formation at the time of its disorganization, so he waited outside the formation for two years.

  Two years later, the formation was completely dispersed.

  He Song entered within the Jindan Formation and gained a great chance.

  Afterwards, He Song had closed his cave for cultivation, practicing the formation every day.

  Until now, the previous three years, plus the five years that had just passed, He Song had been studying the Jindan Grand Formation for eight years.

  Eight years was not particularly long, but it was not short either.

After these eight years of study, He Song's understanding of this Jindan Grand Formation was naturally deeper.  

Although the speed of comprehending the formation was slow due to the need to penetrate the formation on his own, He Song had benefited greatly from the process of comprehending the Jindan Grand Formation.

  After this incident of comprehending the Jindan Grand Formation on his own, if in the future He Song encountered other formations that he needed to comprehend on his own.

  The speed of his enlightenment would undergo a qualitative change.

  It could be said that although he had been comprehending for eight years, he still hadn't realized the Jindan Grand Formation in front of him.

  However, He Song was not too concerned in his heart.

  The process of comprehending the Jindan Grand Formation on his own was an extremely valuable asset that he was able to acquire during this period.

  Especially when it was known that there was a place where such a thing as a teleportation formation existed.

  This kind of thing that could enhance one's understanding of the Dao of Formation was something that He Song could not wait to have more of.

  Perhaps it was because of the qualitative leap in his understanding of the Dao of Formation that he would be able to be quicker in his realization of the Teleportation Formation.

  And even, because of this process, he was able to have a faster rate of enlightenment on the Teleportation Formation.

  And once one had mastered the teleportation array.

  There were naturally many more places that one could operate than at present.

  Having a teleportation array, whether it was for a long time of rushing, or for one's own safety, it was a huge supplement.

  In terms of catching up on the road.

  He Song had yet to hear of the existence of a teleportation array in the Immortal Cultivation World though.

  Even the state capital of Yunzhou, which he had previously visited, did not have a teleportation array in existence.

  But since there were formations like teleportation arrays in this world, then other places were bound to possess something like teleportation arrays.

  The fact that he had not been able to realize it now was most likely because his cultivation level was too low to be able to come into contact with such divine wonders.

  If you wait for your cultivation to reach Jindan, or even Yuanying, I am afraid that the mystery of the teleportation array will be unveiled in front of He Song.

  Wait until you know that there are teleportation arrays in other places in the future.

  One could naturally lay down a teleportation array in one's own cave and set up a one-way teleportation to directly teleport to another place.

  In this way, I'm afraid that one would be able to save a great deal of time in rushing.


  If we are talking about one's own safety.

  After possessing a teleportation array, He Song's own safety would also usher in a huge and incomparable reinforcement.

  It was similar to catching the road.

  As long as He Song had laid down a teleportation array in his cave, then he could escape from the place where danger was coming at any time through the teleportation array in his cave.

  Moreover, due to the existence of puppets in the Immortal Cultivation World.

  He Song was also able to leave a puppet outside the teleportation array before he teleported away.

  After he was teleported to another place and left the teleportation array, he would let the puppet destroy the teleportation array in his cave.

  In this way, there was no need to worry that someone would utilize the teleportation array that he had laid down to hunt him down.

  In such a situation, He Song's personal safety of life would naturally be greatly enhanced.

  However, there wasn't much point in thinking so much nowadays.

  Although the teleportation array existed, it was too far away from where He Song was now.

  I'm afraid it would take months to get there.

  Moreover, today's He Song was so focused on breaking through the Jindan Realm that he didn't even think about paying attention to other things.

  He Song was in possession of the Golden Dan secret method.

  As well as the main medicine for refining the Gold Condensation Pill.

  Although his cultivation level was now only at the late Foundation Establishment stage, he was only one step away from the Jindan Realm.

  As long as He Song's cultivation successfully broke through to the Foundation Establishment Great Circle.

  Then, he would be able to find a Gold Condensation Pill formula.

  He Song would then be able to immediately set foot on the Jindan Avenue in order to break through to the Jindan Realm.

  Once He Song's cultivation successfully broke through the Jindan realm, he would naturally have a higher status and stronger strength.

  He would be able to continue practicing in this crisis-ridden Immortal Cultivation World.


  Even if He Song was already bent on breaking through the Jindan Realm now.

  However, some of the things that had been planned previously had to be done by him personally.


  It was already the thirty-seventh year since He Song had broken through the middle stage of Foundation Establishment in the eyes of outsiders.   

  Thirty-seven years after breaking through the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, he had not yet broken through to the late stage of Foundation Establishment until now.

  If it was another three years, when it was forty years later.

  If He Song did not succeed in breaking through to the late stage of Foundation Establishment in the eyes of others again, I was afraid that he would welcome some strange gazes.

  Generally speaking.

  A mid Foundation Establishment cultivator, counting from the breakthrough to mid Foundation Establishment, the time to break through to late Foundation Establishment was mostly around forty years.

  If it was higher than this number of years, it would naturally attract the attention of others.

  One would have to wonder if they were blocked by a bottleneck and their cultivation would be difficult to break through.

  A Foundation Establishment Cultivator who had difficulty even breaking through to the late Foundation Establishment stage would have a status amongst Foundation Establishment Cultivators that was not even comparable to some Foundation Establishment Realities who had just broken through to the Foundation Establishment realm.

  After all, that person's cultivation could only stand still, while a Foundation Establishment Realist who had just broken through to the Foundation Establishment Realm was able to catch up all the way.

  After their cultivation surpassed that person, their status would naturally be higher than that person.

  It was in order.

  To not be treated as someone who had difficulty advancing their cultivation by an inch.

  Drawing strange gazes from others.

  He Song had to take the time to make a trip back to Tian Quan Immortal City recently.

  For one thing.

  Shining a light on his late stage Foundation Establishment cultivation, so that he would not be looked down upon.

  It would also keep itself from receiving too much attention.


  It was also time to go back and seek out Luo Jing Zhen Zhen to inquire about the matter of the Gold Condensation Dan Dan formula.

  On the surface, his cultivation had broken through to the late Foundation Establishment stage, so asking about the Gold Condensation Pill, and the Gold Condensation Pill formula would not attract suspicion.


  As early as seven years ago, He Song had promised Wei Fan and Realist Xuanhe that he would personally go to see them off before they left Tianquan Immortal City.

  Now, Wei Fan's message had also arrived, but it made He Song slightly surprised.

  A full seven years had passed since Wei Fan's summons.

  Seven years was slightly longer than the five years that He Song had expected before.

  It was not known if there had been any changes in Tian Quan Immortal City that had left the duo in it for another two years.

  Collecting Wei Fan's message.

  He Song's gaze swept over the familiar yet unfamiliar quiet room in front of him, then he got up and left the quiet room in a big stride.

  During these five years.

  In addition to practicing daily and comprehending the Jindan Grand Formation, He Song also practiced daily on the Jindan Grand Formation, which was obtained from the Silver Silver Formation.

  He also practiced secret techniques obtained from True Lord Silvermoon's memories every day.

  For example, a secret technique of spirit detection that was obtained from a certain Jindan cave.

  For example, a Jindan secret technique that came from a certain Jindan cave.

  For example, a technique of transformation that came from a certain Jindan Cave.

  Although due to the fact that there were simply too many things to be practiced.

  After these five years of cultivation, only the Spirit Detecting Secret Technique had been fully skilled.

  The Jindan Secret Technique and that Illusion Transformation Technique were still in the process of being practiced.

  But He Song didn't care too much.

  He still had plenty of time.

  If he wanted to break through from the late Foundation Establishment stage to the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment, he was afraid that it would take at least a few more decades.

  This much time was enough for him to prepare everything properly and step into the Foundation Establishment Great Circle at the right time.

  In addition to practicing these secret methods, He Song was also continuously studying the Dao of Dan, the Dao of Runes, and even the Dao of Weapons.

  In the Dao of Dan, He Song was constantly refining Foundation Establishment Spirit Pills and studying Foundation Establishment Pill Formulas, with the aim of allowing his alchemy to reach the point of being able to refine Gold Condensation Pills as soon as possible.

  The Gold Condensation Pill was only a Foundation Establishment Spirit Pill, and as a Master Alchemist, He Song was able to refine it.

  However, if he wanted to ensure the success rate, He Song had to continuously improve himself to make his alchemy more skillful.

  Only in this way, when refining the Gold Condensation Dan, he would be able to be foolproof and ensure that the elixir that would allow him to refine the Gold Condensation Dan would not go to waste.

  In this way, He Song naturally couldn't slack off in the Dan Dao.

  Not only can he not slacken off, he also needs to refine spirit pills from time to time to maintain his touch.

  Only then could he not drop the ball at critical moments.

  And the talisman path.

  Since he didn't need the talisman path after stepping onto the Jindan Avenue, He Song only practiced occasionally and didn't put too much effort into it.

  Therefore, the breakthroughs in the Rune Dao were relatively few.

  As for the Dao of Weapons.

  Because of the Silver Moon True Lord's realization about the Dao of Weaponry, He Song naturally had a hint of interest in the Dao of Weaponry.

  In the past, he didn't go into the Dao of Weapons because at that time, he felt that this was something that only needed to be purchased.

  There was no need to spend a great deal of effort to specialize in the Dao of Weapons and refine artifacts for himself.

  However, after reading True Lord Silvermoon's memories, he had changed his mind about this idea.

  In True Lord Silvermoon's memories.

  When True Lord Silvermoon maneuvered his magical and spiritual weapons against the enemy, the magical and spiritual weapons in his hands were always the most suitable for him.

  In such a situation, once the war started, the magic weapon and spirit weapon in the hands of True Lord Silvermoon naturally played the greatest role.

  (End of chapter)